4000 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Essay on Business and Business Environment of Starbucks

Task 1 P1: Explain different types and purposes of organizations; public, private and voluntary sectors and legal structures. P2: Explain the size and scope of a range of different types of organizations I’m Ashman an assistant business analyst junior working for a large multinational company in Malaysia called Starbucks. Firstly I will provide an overview of the different types of organizations that is known in the business theory as well as an explanation of the rapid growth of international businesses....
9 Pages 4221 Words

Bram Stoker Dracula Compatibility between the Films and Book

Dracula, a novel by Bram Stroker, is currently still known for being one of the most successful novels in literary history. No other novels have been subjected to the popularity of transforming into a movie as much as Dracula (1897). The book Dracula has been made into various film productions that remain to serve justice to the author of the original work. Because of the expense, it takes to create a film, it creates difficult for a novel to be...
9 Pages 4103 Words

Relationship Between Grandparents and Grandchildren: Essay

10 Lines On Grandparents For Kids Unconditional Love: Grandparents shower us with unconditional love, always ready with open arms and warm hearts. They create a loving environment where we feel safe. Wisdom and Knowledge: Grandparents are like walking encyclopedias, filled with stories and wisdom gathered over a lifetime. The Importance of Family History: Grandparents help us understand our roots. They link to our past and keep family traditions alive. Role Models: Grandparents often serve as role models. Their life stories...
9 Pages 4048 Words

Water Quality Dynamics of the Irwell Catchment

“Water is essential for life and for all human activities but also for preserving the environment and its resources” (Benedini & Tsakiris, 2013). In many countries around the world water scarcity is a growing issue, with factors such as urbanisation, population increase, intensification of agriculture, and climate change putting increasing stress upon existing supply’s of fresh water. For much of human history, the focus of water management has been heavily upon issues regarding water quantity rather than water quality. It...
9 Pages 4079 Words

Diwali Essays: Eco-Friendly Traditions

Introduction to the Diwali Essay Collection Diwali signifies the victory of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance and is celebrated with great pomp and fervor across the globe. Our collection of essays on Diwali is designed to shed light on this grand celebration that holds a special place in the hearts and lives of millions. Each essay is an in-depth exploration of various facets of the festival, including its historical, cultural, and religious significance, as well as the rituals...
8 Pages 3755 Words

My Life Essay

Essay on Life in English for Children and Students Life is a beautiful journey filled with countless experiences, emotions, and opportunities. It is a precious gift that should be cherished and celebrated. Writing an essay on life provides children and students with an opportunity to explore the various aspects of this incredible phenomenon. When writing an essay on life, it is important to begin with an engaging introduction that captures the reader's attention. You can start by defining life and...
7 Pages 3868 Words

Analysis of American Government in "A People's History of the US"

Howard Zinn was a historian, author, professor, playwright and activist.[footnoteRef:1] He first gained his Bachelor's degree in New York University and then proceeded to study in Columbia University to earn his Masters and Doctor's degree in history. At 39 years old, he was offered to teach and be the chair of the History Department at Spelman College at Atlanta. Being close with his students influenced and then led him to be active in civil rights movement. [1: “Howardzinn.org.” howardzinn.org. https://www.howardzinn.org/about/biography/...
8 Pages 3774 Words

Taiwan Health Care Financing Analysis

An Overview of Health Care Financing in Taiwan Taiwan is a small island in the eastern part of Asia (midway between the Japan and the Philippines) that is constantly under political debate and diplomatic isolation. Taiwan has been independent since the 1950s, yet China has claimed sovereignty over Taiwan and insists nations cannot have official relations with both countries (Adams, 2010). Taiwan is not formally recognized by the United Nations (UN) and World Health Organization (WHO) which has brought concerns...
8 Pages 3850 Words

Aggression in The Military Pre and Post Deployment: Analytical Essay

Abstract There is no doubt that every human being has expressed some form of aggression even once in their lifetime. Often times we are able to correct our actions and learn from our mistakes to ensure that our spur-of-the-moment display of anger never occurs again. Some individuals, however, seem to express anger and aggression in the simplest situations. There are others who somehow appear to lack control of how extreme they can retaliate to someone or something that offends or...
9 Pages 4062 Words

Counseling Approach in Family Therapy: Analytical Essay

Family Counseling Approach Research Paper Abstract This research intends to identify leading figures, historical and current events, assumptions, development of the theory, concepts, and techniques related to Structural Theory. It will describe how integrating biblical scriptures and the writer’s own faith and family counseling approach to help the family that is in need. In the writing, the intent is to demonstrate the knowledge, concepts, and family approach to this theory and how it relates to other leading theories that are...
8 Pages 3790 Words

Plato's Ideal State: Education & Communism Theory in The Republic

Chapter one: Introduction “Human behavior flows from three main sources: desire, emotion, and knowledge.” - Plato Plato (427–347 B.C.E.) is, by any reckoning, one of the most dazzling writers in the Western literary tradition and one of the most penetrating, wide-ranging, and influential authors in the history of philosophy. An Athenian citizen of high status, he displays in his works his absorption in the political events and intellectual movements of his time, but the questions he raises are so profound...
9 Pages 3964 Words

Detection of Inappropriate Comments Using NLP and Sentiment Analysis

Abstract The world became interactive and socially active nowadays because of the increase in different types of content-sharing applications. These content-sharing applications are social media platforms that provide various features so that users can effectively interact and share their thoughts and ideology. One such platform is a discussion forum that promises the anonymous posting of users' views and complaints. As the growth In the craze of the forum, they are being targeted by spammers for their work. Though these platforms...
9 Pages 3874 Words

Comparing Piaget and Vygotsky's Theories: Critical Analysis

Child Study The aim of this paper is to analyze the behavior exhibited by a child using two psychological theories: Piaget’s cognitive development theory and Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory. Analyzing and understanding the theories on childhood development, directly shows how different aspects could impact and how theories could draw on a child’s early development (Boyd & Bee, 2015). Furthermore, the skills required and the importance to conduct an objective observation will be described. Lastly, I will reflect on my practice and...
9 Pages 3998 Words

Power in Bourdieu, Foucault, Derrida

Introduction The reflexive game of cultural production invites lawyers and the common hero to use tactics to influence and disrupt the competition to control meaning which underpins the force of law. Legal professionals and ordinary people can interrupt the reflexive structure of the game which perpetuates patterns of cultural production and inequality but only to the extent that they can interpret texts and perform subversive acts to intervene in the production of meaning. This essay explores the regulation of unlawful...
9 Pages 3985 Words

Analysis of Christina Rossetti’s Goblin Market and Its Themes

Women’s Bodies’ Transactions in the Home and the Marketplace from the 1860s to the 1890s This paper critically discusses women’s gradual entrance in the public sphere by considering their bodies’ transactions in the home and the marketplace from the 1860s until the 1890s. This will be done through a detailed analysis of the particular historical and political contexts, along with considering the different genres, of the following three primary texts: Christina Rossetti’s fairy tale poem Goblin Market (1862), Frances Power...
9 Pages 4090 Words

Wilde's View of Victorian Ideology in Dorian Gray

Introduction and Background Information on the Era Background In what ways is Victorian ideology imposed upon in The Pictures’ of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde? As an era construed by the rule of Monarch, Victoria over England from the mid-1800s in the romantic ages to the early 1900s, the Victorian period was a interval of considerable progress. However, many societal echelons within the era caused countless problems for its people. Rigorous rules and guidelines were set on behalf of authoritative...
9 Pages 3976 Words

Trojan War: Critical Analysis of the Ancient Conflict in Iliad

The Iliad During ancient times, kings used battles to extend their kingdoms. The stories told of ancient battles mention kings and heroes as the central pillars of conquest in a battle of kingdoms. Indeed, this explains why cities of old were high-walled. The Trojan War is an ancient battle featuring the Trojans and Achaeans (Greek forces). As it was customary in every battle, soldiers of the winning army took spoils, including gold and animals. During the Trojan War, the Achaeans...
9 Pages 3926 Words

Bone Disease Prediction: Analytical Essay

1. Introduction 1.1 Applications Data Mining is implementing in wide variety of areas. There are many commercial data mining systems available in the world today. It is used in Loan payment prediction and customer credit policy analysis as far as financial data analysis is considered. In retail industry analysis of effectiveness of sales, campaigns is done with data mining. It plays an important role in providing the visualization tools in telecommunication data analysis. Biological data mining is a very important...
9 Pages 4016 Words

Enhancing Thinking Skills in Disabled Children

Abstract Development of higher order thinking skills in inclusive classroom through Socratic method Developing higher-order thinking skills in any classroom is crucial to the success of the students in that classroom. Students need to learn these skills at an early age to be academically and professionally successful in the future. In an inclusion classroom, these skills are even more important for the academic future of every general and special education student. The brains of the children with disabilities, do not...
9 Pages 3893 Words

Bullying in Schools Essay

Fighting The Good Fight I. Introduction Witnesses of a 2013 shooting at Sparks Middle School in Nevada recall the 12-year-old shooter telling a group of students, 'You guys ruined my life, so I'm going to ruin yours” (Lurie). This student had been bullied for years, neglected by his peers, and finally had enough. Unfortunately, this is the consequence of the massive increase in school bullying over the past several years. Students feel lost, unloved, and at times worthless because of...
9 Pages 4016 Words

Freud’s Ego Essay

Psychodynamic Theory Origin and development The perspectives in social work that we can call psychodynamic, all have an origin that leads back to Sigmund Freud (1856–1939). Freud was an educated physician and worked for many years as a researcher within the area of neurology before he developed a theory about: The personality’s construction Children’s development Mental illness and treatment These three parts of the theory make up a whole. In the following, we want to present the fundamental classical psychodynamic...
8 Pages 3754 Words

Video Games Don't Cause Violence Essay

Introduction: Misconceptions About Video Games and Violence There have been many things to come from the 20th century and one of the most notable ones was video games. Video games are a form of digital media used for entertainment. One of the most common tropes in video games is violence. Violence is usually looked down upon in our society minus a few exceptions like video games. This explains why some people are against video games. Those people believe that video...
9 Pages 4016 Words

Malik Taylor: Case Study of First-degree Robbery

Nature and Stage of the Proceedings Malik Taylor was tried and convicted of first-degree robbery in the Delaware Superior Court. The defense filed a motion for judgment of acquittal at the close of all evidence; the motion was denied. The defense now appeals arguing (1) that the trial court erred in denying the motion for judgment of acquittal, as there was insufficient evidence to link the defendant to the robbery, and (2) that the trial court erred in denying the...
8 Pages 3779 Words

Rethinking Social Protection for the Informal Sector: Analytical Essay

Background Ever since India’s “tryst with destiny” in 1947, it has been the aim of Indian policymakers to promote equitable economic development in the country. This strategy of ‘inclusive growth’ aims to balance economic growth with the reduction in the acceleration of inequality and poverty. Yet, many in India grapple with deprivation and vulnerabilities. According to International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) World Social Protection Report, 2017- 19, India spends only 2.7% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on total social protection...
9 Pages 4057 Words

Roles of Police and Social Workers in Child Protection

Abstract The protection of children is a value shared by all cultures and communities around the globe. In almost all societies, responsibility for raising children well and preparing them for adulthood goes beyond the parents and is shared, to some degree, by the community at large. The community’s investment in the well-being of its children is reflected in cultural mores and social norms, and in legal frameworks that permit intervention in individual families when children are abused or neglected. Exploring...
9 Pages 4162 Words

Trust Antecedents in Social Commerce: An Analytical Essay

Abstract Purpose – The development of social media has given rise to a new e-commerce paradigm called social commerce. Social commerce is a social interactions and user contributions to facilitate the online buying and selling of various products and services. Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of social commerce in Malaysia, but this growth has involved a number of transaction-related issues. In particular, consumers’ trust has become a crucial factor in the success of social commerce firms, requiring these...
8 Pages 3850 Words

IBM Sales Centre Visit: My Experience

Introduction The means by which companies sell their solutions to clients is constantly changing due to advancements in technology and means by which clients search for products and services. In this academic essay, I will detail my experience of visiting a sales centre in the technological powerhouse of IBM, and how they are embracing the digital age in connecting and selling to their customers. 1. Reasons you chose this Company The world we live in today is becoming more connected...
8 Pages 3859 Words

Nestle Maggi Crisis: Critical Analysis

Abstract Whenever we think about Nestle, we think about a story about organizational success. Since its inception in 1866, the company has seen rapid growth, profit, and earned reputations all around the world. Even its company in India is doing exceptionally well. Since 1959 Nestle has been operating in India. It is selling noodles to a rice/wheat-eating country. Sells chocolates to people who are famous for their sweets. Sells powder milk to a country obsessed with fresh milk. Unfortunately, the...
8 Pages 3766 Words

UK Sales Strategy for Yuesai's Ganoderma Lucidum: Pricing Analysis

1.0. Introduction Internationalization present great opportunities for international companies to exploit new international market opportunities with a goal of higher customer reach to increase sales revenues, profitability and overall growth of the companies. Yue-Sai Cosmetics has changed the face of China through its recognition as a completely owned foreign cosmetic company in 1990. The company starting from zero in 1990 in the cosmetic segment has made efforts and improvements that have seen it become a favourite brand enjoying a brand...
9 Pages 4155 Words

Analytical Essay on Brand Management of Red Bull

Industry Overview: Red Bull is a premium brand of energy drinks with a niche market sector, however, it falls under beverages industry.It is an industry that consist of a wide range including packed water, milk, tea, coffee, soft drinks, alcoholic drinks etc. Red Bull comes under the umbrella of Non-alcoholic carbonated drinks. The market of energy drink is very small in this industry need category it serves is SEC A and B+ but this is where the company sees a...
8 Pages 3859 Words
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