4500 Word Essay Examples

48 samples in this category

Writing a 4500-word essay can be daunting for any student unfamiliar with such extended academic assignments. With one double-spaced page typically consisting of 300 words, this essay would require a minimum of 15 pages. The sheer word count alone may seem overwhelming to many students.

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Social Issues

Child Labor Essay

Introduction As we embark on this academic exploration, it is crucial to establish the context and scope of our discussion. This essay will delve into the multifaceted and complex issue of child labor in the United States. While often associated with developing nations, the realities of child slavery are surprisingly closer to home than many might anticipate. The term "child labor" refers to the exploitation of children through any type of job that robs them of their childhood, prevents them...
12 Pages 4313 Words

Critical Essay on Justification and Adequacy of Williamson’s Claim

Introduction This essay is set to question the adequacy of Williamson’s claim that evidence equals knowledge hence the E=K Principle. According to Williamson, when you have evidence of a given fact, you have knowledge; and that knowledge is a mental state. The aim of this essay is to that argue there should be a reliable criterion for a knowledge claim, which Williamson did not give, hence we will hold that evidence does not equate to knowledge. Given the reality that...
10 Pages 4379 Words

My Project ‘Fusion’ Devoted to My Maternal Grandfather

The Twentieth Century has been one of the most eventful periods of Jewish History. Write a researched essay on the life of ONE member of your family showing how that person’s experiences relate to the overall history of the period. “Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” Plato I have chosen to write, compose and dedicate my Hans Kimmel project to my maternal grandfather, Stanley Marks. Now 84...
10 Pages 4334 Words

How Influential Is Rap Music on Teens in the English Speaking World

Introduction: In this dissertation, I will be discussing the question ‘how influential is rap music on teens in the English-speaking world?’ There are multiple answers to this question and I will be exploring them in detail. In modern-day society rap music is considered to be extremely influential especially to an audience of younger age although its impact is considered to be very controversial, some say rap is very harmful to an audience that is easily influenced however, others would disagree...
10 Pages 4456 Words

How Have You Grown as a Writer: Essay

Abstract In this essay, I will be looking at four particular stages of my reading habits prior to adulthood and questioning how they might have affected my reading and writing practice without my realizing it. By doing this I hope to re-examine my early literary journey under the lens of Literary Criticism. In particular, I will be focussing on Marxist and Feminist critical theory when considering the first times I read and enjoyed certain works of creative writing more than...
10 Pages 4372 Words

Essay on Gothic Villain

The literary term Gothic incorporates a number of sub-genres under it. Gothic Film forms one of the significant genres. Heidi Kaye in Gothic Film writes “ Gothic, as a genre born in darkness, has a natural affinity with the cinema’1. A film as a visual medium serves as a great spectacle for the audience to depict an atmosphere of suspense and mystery and tantalize the audience. However, Gothic films also include various sub-genres. Terror fiction largely speaks of thrillers as...
9 Pages 4327 Words

Essay on 'Inside Out': Critical Analysis

A. Introduction 1. Background In natural communication, paralanguage takes an important part as an essential supplement to spoken language communication. When we used words, it creates language but how to deliver words so that meaning becomes clear? According to Trager (1958), human utterance fully consists of a voice set (Pennycook, 2006). The same verbal message can convey different meanings when we speak indifferently. So, we have to see that our voice is matter. Voice carries intentional and unintentional emotional messages....
10 Pages 4391 Words

Pros and Cons of Foreign Aid

Abstract Purpose: This paper seeks to examine the impact of foreign aid on poverty reduction in developing countries. It reviews the positive and negative impacts of aid in lessening poverty in evolving countries and the critical success factors that could serve as a blueprint for developing nations to adopt. Methodology: The paper employs a critical review of extant scholarship, where empirical evidence on the positive and negative effects of foreign aid carried out from various countries was provided to support...
10 Pages 4398 Words

Pragmatic Hate Speech Detection in Social Media

A Pragmatic Supervised learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media 1G.Priyadharshini, 2Dr.M.Balamurugan 1Research Scholar, 2Professor and Head 1School of Computer Science, Engineering and Applications 1Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli, India _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Abstract: In recent decades, information technology has been undergoing a huge evolution, with an expressive adoption of online social networks and social media platforms. Such progress revolutionized the way communication takes place by enabling a rapid, easy and almost costless digital interaction between its users. Although its numerous advantages,...
9 Pages 4402 Words

Prisons: Solitary Confinement in the United States and Austria

Prisons exist around the world and every prison is different in each country. Individuals that defy the law will be subject to different punishments and every country implements different forms of punishment. In Austria, fines and incarceration are two punishments for offenders who break the law. Offenders who have a poor financial status have difficulty paying their fines, so they will be incarcerated for a certain amount of time (BruckmĂŒller & Graft, n.d.). However, 2008 was a turning point because...
10 Pages 4542 Words

Effects of Physical Exercise on Muscle Wasting in Cancer Patients

Introduction: Cachexia, meaning bad condition in Greek (4), is defined as “ a loss of lean tissue mass, involving a weight loss greater than 5% of body weight in 12 months or less in the presence of chronic illness”, like cancer (2,4,15,17,18,19,20,22,30,31). To be classified in a state of cachexia, 3 of the 5 criteria must be met along with a 5% weight loss in 12 months. Those criteria include; fatigue, the decline in muscle strength, low serum albumin levels,...
10 Pages 4465 Words

College Essay about Music

Abstract The experiment was taking an in-depth look at how the sound, the tempo, and the pace of music can affect a student’s concentration, study habits, and performance. The goals of the study were to determine if, in fact, music has an effect on comprehension and accuracy. Students participated in this research study that consisted of ten study problems, and five-word problems. Each testing phase consisted of fast music and slow music, and then there was a phase of silence...
10 Pages 4457 Words

Confirmation Bias and Overconfidence Bias: Analytical Essay

Introduction We have come a long way in terms of analyzing the financial markets. The evolution of theories pertaining to the markets dates back to the 17th century where the famous tulip mania term was coined when a bubble in an economy was first identified. And now in the 21st century, we analyze financial markets through the lens of advanced behavioral finance theories. Going back to the 1970s, the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH) was at the height of its dominance...
10 Pages 4476 Words

What Is Art Essay

Good and Bad Art from Tolstoy’s and Danto’s Perspective Abstract Although people realized that there is a problem in defining what is art a long time ago, this question is still controversial until now. Tons of artists and philosophers claim their own standards for categorizing good art from bad art. Lots of people relate art to beauty and pleasure, but there are some philosophers who hold different ideas like Tolstoy and Danto. They emphasize more on the additional quality that...
9 Pages 4278 Words

Innovation Dynamics in Sony: Analytical Essay

Introduction Innovation is considered as the most primarily bandied about terms in the modern era of global business. The newly devised products and services of an innovative organization offer various numbers of innovative and creative features, traits, and consumer touchpoints in amalgamation. The purpose of the assignment is to explain the innovation strategies and innovation dynamics with reference to the organization “Sony”. Every individual industry progresses via stages of steadiness and calmness when innovation is regarding what can be improved...
9 Pages 4289 Words

Ryanair Case Study: Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning

This analysis examines Ryanair's implementation of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP) strategies in the European aviation market. As Europe's leading low-cost carrier, Ryanair has successfully used its STP structure to capture significant market share while maintaining cost leadership. The study assesses both the strengths and challenges of Ryanair's approach, with a particular focus on the balance between cost-effectiveness and service quality. Key findings show that while Ryanair's strategy has delivered significant growth, improving employee satisfaction and customer service are critical...
6 Pages 4253 Words

Effects of the No-Drop Policy: Analysis of Victims of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence affects thousands of families, and most cases are not reported. People who are exposed to domestic violence live in an environment full of fear and captivity, which stops them from reporting their abusers. Victims tend to not report their victimization because they do not want to be exposed or judged by society. Victims of domestic violence are exposed to different types of abuse, included but not limited to physical, verbal, psychological, emotional, financial, and/or sexual abuse. Because domestic...
10 Pages 4583 Words

Acid Mine Drainage: Origins and Assessment of Methods

An Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is water that drains out from coal deposit mining areas and has a lower pH which has been occasioned by the presence of sulphuric acid. In other words, an Acid Mine Drainage is usually acidic although not all mine drainages are acidic. This acidity is due to the high concentration of sulphuric acid. Rainwater is the origin of the sulfur-rich water which usually finds its way through the rock fractures which have been left behind...
10 Pages 4452 Words

Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation Essay

The Emancipation Proclamation and Thirteenth Amendment brought about by the Civil War were important milestones in the long process of ending legal slavery in the United States. This essay describes the development of those documents through various drafts by Lincoln and others and shows both the evolution of Abraham Lincoln’s thinking and his efforts to operate within the constitutional boundaries of the presidency. Almost from the beginning of his administration, abolitionists and radical Republicans pressured Abraham Lincoln to issue an...
9 Pages 4294 Words

Link Between Inflation and Unemployment

Today, as thirty and forty years ago, economists debate how much unemployment is voluntary, how much involuntary, how much is a phenomenon of equilibrium, how much a symptom of disequilibrium; how much is compatible with competition, how much is to be blamed on monopolies, labor unions, and restrictive legislation, how much unemployment characterizes ‘full’ employment. A concept of full employment more congenial to economic theory is labor market equilibrium, a volume of employment which is simultaneously the amount employers want...
10 Pages 4520 Words

O.J. Simpson Murder Case as One of the Most Controversial Court Cases

Over the course of American history, there have been many controversial court cases that have split the general population. Cases such as ‘Brown vs. Board of Education’, ‘Plessy vs. Ferguson’, or non-supreme court cases such as ‘The Scottsboro Boys’. However, none of these cases had a celebrity as the one on trial or the available media coverage due to the era. Because this lack of availability and notoriety to the public, those cases do not come up often in normal...
9 Pages 4289 Words

Review of Howard Zinn's 'A People's History of the United States'

Howard Zinn was an American historian, a playwright and an active social activist. He attended college on the G.I. Bill, earning a B.A. at New York University; and went on to earn a master’s degree and a doctorate at Columbia University. Zinn later on became chairman of the history department in 1956 at Spelman College. Before completing his academic endeavors, Zinn joined the Army Air Corps in 1943, which would make him a bombardier. Embodying his socialist views, Zinn opposed...
10 Pages 4485 Words

History and Evolution of Goa: Analysis of Portuguese Colonial Rule

History and evolution of Goa. Origin and early inhabitants Legends from Puranas and Vedas say that Goa was created from the sea and it was received by Lord Parashurama, sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu. The name Goa or Gomantaka is believed to be derived from Govarashtra, one of the seven divisions of Parashurama Kshetra (land comprising Kerala, Tulanga, Gorashtra, Konkana, Kavalata, Varalata and Barbara, which Lord Parashurama is said to be reclaimed from sea. The Sarasvat Brahmins who came for...
9 Pages 4385 Words

Swift’s Alleged Misogyny in ‘Gulliver’s Travels’

Loaded with exceeding evident detestation of the female body and follies, Jonathan Swift’s most works serve largely to contributing towards tarnishing the Dean’s reputation as a misogynist male writer. However, before passing such a crude judgement upon the Dean, it is crucial to take into account some of his other writings; including those that he did not perhaps intend to publish throw accurate amount of light upon his latent reformative intention of the overwhelming vices of women in general. The...
10 Pages 4349 Words

Ideal Digital Marketing Strategy: Analytical Essay

Part A Introduction The purpose of this essay is to explain what leadership challenges Wirkkala may face while keeping the company united in its development goals. Wirkkala was started by four university friends after they completed their graduation. The company was doing well in the starting periods, but after some years company started to face some issues regarding leadership and management. In this essay I will discuss about the crisis Wirkkala is facing and will critically evaluate and discuss the...
10 Pages 4413 Words

Cognitive Dissonance in Human-Computer Interaction

Introduction In this current era, interaction between humans and computers has increased. Humans are surrounded by computers, so the question arises that how well humans and computers are mixing with together? Are they like oil and water which is a difficult match or they are like peanut butter and jelly which is a satisfying match indeed? Imagine that while you are interacting with a banking ATM machine you become confused and inadvertently transfer a big amount to someone else’s account....
10 Pages 4730 Words

The Story of OJ Simpson and His Infamous Trial of the Century

No trial in history has been as heavily covered, as widely followed or as intensely analyzed as The People vs. Orenthal James Simpson.” - Marcia Clark, lead prosecutor in the OJ Simpson murder trial. Introduction Twenty-three years ago, on October 3rd, 1994 OJ Simpson was found not-guilty of the gruesome double murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and waiter, Ron Goldman. Every court session of the trial was broadcasted on television which both captivated and divided the world. The...
10 Pages 4549 Words

Understanding Anxiety: A Comprehensive Look at the Disorder

Just because an illness cannot be seen, does not mean it does not exist. While a physical illness often manifests itself in ways that are clearly visible such as coughing, sneezing or vomiting, the same cannot always be said for mental illnesses. People with mental illness can often put up a front, so much so that it is difficult to know that someone is battling an illness. According to Edlin & Golanty (2019), mental illness is “alternations in thinking, emotions,...
9 Pages 4258 Words

AR and VR in Marketing and Advertising Industry

ABOUT THE INDUSTRY The purpose of the marketing industry is to communicate companies’ offerings to consumers, clients, and the general public. Marketing professionals bridge the gap between companies and their customers. The American Marketing Association defines marketing as “the activity, institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Marketing companies employ consultants who advise businesses on ways to improve their marketing tactics, with the goal of understanding...
10 Pages 4462 Words

Analysis of Censorship of Weibo

Introduction For Internet companies with huge information, information review plays a very important role. The information review work is the guarantee of the quality of the entire website and the lifeline of the website. For example, Sina, Sohu, facebook, Alibaba, twitter, etc., which generate massive amounts of information every day, as well as various large-scale forums and blogs, need professional information auditors to handle professionally. The auditing system and standards are different. For each company, we mainly analyze the comparison...
10 Pages 4314 Words
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