There have been several debates on who discovered America. Columbus Day is a national holiday celebrated every year in many countries for the anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s arrival and discovery in America in the year 1492. However, it is known that at least one of these two theories such as the Vikings and Native Americans landed in American before Columbus did. Native Americans are one of the many theorists who believed to be the first people to step foot in...
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544 Words
In the novel, All Quiet on the Western Fronts, by Erich Maria Remarque, Paul, a German soldier, is drafted into the war and witnesses many traumatic instances of war. Throughout the book, Remarque demonstrates the mental trauma and emotional stress involved in warfare that Paul experiences to convey the significant impact of war on the mental stability of soldiers. Remarque utilizes similes in his writing to express the stressful effects of war on the mental conditions of soldiers introduced in...
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535 Words
History reminds us of legends. One of the legends who have been smiling throughout history is the legendary boxer, Muhammad Ali. Muhammad Ali is perhaps one of the most popular names in boxing history. Many people may only remember that the deceased boxer was a strong opponent in a boxing match, and some even remember him only for his charity and social achievements. However, not many people know that the legendary boxer played a role in freeing the most important...
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535 Words
Many of the great themes of the modern economic and social realms can be interpreted by addressing the crucial role that the discovery of Columbus has played, and how it reshaped the entire global system. With the discovery of what was later known as the “New World”, the dynamics of different aspects of life, beginning with trade, diet, social classes, and coming to the political and military organizations; were no longer the same as before. In this paper, I will...
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539 Words
In the second half of the novel, the readers can see a desire in the main characters to possess and lay claim to Beloved upon her emergence from the river. This desire is not surprising to the readers since learn early on in the novel that Sethe has had and lost Beloved and that being a slave prevented individuals from being able to possess something and claim it as their own. So, being able to “possess” Beloved is integral to...
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526 Words
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Have you ever wanted to know what it was like to be able to vote? Well, some believe that the voting age should be changed, in particular, lowered to 16 years. As for me, I do not support this and believe that the voting age of 18 should remain, because we should be more mature to vote. Today, kids under the age of 18 continue to rely on their parents' choices because they don’t have time to research when they...
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552 Words
COVID-19 has made its name unforgettable, posing threats to human mortality all over the world. With the rapidly spreading virus attacking millions of individuals of all ages, shapes, and sizes, responsible individuals retreat to the ‘comfort’ of their homes to isolate themselves from others in an attempt to stop the spread. After countless hours, days, weeks, and now months of quarantine, a new attacker takes its stand at the plate. With all the news, publicity, and stories going around about...
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535 Words
Feudal systems were established in both medieval Europe, circa 500 BC to 1500 BC, and Japan, circa 1185 BC to 1868 BC. They were a time of insecurity, crusades, and disease. The two nations had similar hierarchies: headed by a king/emperor and surrounded by powerful barons/shoguns. It was hypothesized that feudal Japan was a safer place to live when compared to medieval Europe. This is because of better medicine, hygiene, and stricter laws. As stated in the hypothesis, medicine, and...
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530 Words
Delving into the history of mankind and the nations that existed and still exist, the question arises as to what constitutes a nation. In my opinion, language is one of the strongest factors that make a nation. The role of significance embraced by the aspect of language can be traced through the growth of this or that culture throughout history. A great example is Switzerland. Switzerland presents this idea through its variety of official languages across the country, represented through...
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535 Words
Communication is the process of exchanging information, thoughts, feelings, ideas, and emotions through writing, signal speech, and behavior. Communication does not only occur in humans but also in lower organisms, it is actually a key instrument for the survival of lower organisms, more human beings with larger requirements. Communication is therefore essential in human lives. There is much importance in communication, some of which will be explained in detail in the ensuing paragraphs. Firstly, proper communication enhances productivity. Productivity is...
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532 Words
Self-discipline: Build mental toughness, Increase focus, Stop procrastinating and Achieve your goals Self-discipline; is the real secret to success. If ever, there were a truly magical ingredient to achieve success, self-discipline would do it. Self-discipline, without doubt, leads to triumph. There's a notable adage that says 'What happens to us plays far less of a role in our happiness and success than our responses'. To develop and maintain the kind of mental toughness that requires success, you must keep your...
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532 Words
In the criminal justice system, there are a lot of different ways that people are treated based on the crime that they committed. If a person commits a mass murder while another person is arrested for forgery which one would get more attention? The mass murder would be the case that attracts more attention because they want to focus on why and who did this compared to a small forgery case. A guy by the name of Samuel Walker (Page...
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568 Words
When choosing the two discipline theorists and their models from this week’s readings, care was taken to ensure that they were from two different approaches in the belief that this would make them easier to contrast, discuss, and therefore, agree or disagree with. This proved not to be the case. Positive and negative aspects from both were relatively easy to identify, but separating the philosophies and levels, to choose just one model that best suited the teaching and discipline style...
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562 Words
“Fashion thrives on its reputation for being lawless and the most famous notions of irresponsibility have captured the media and gained public recognition.” Lucy Siegle, journalist, founder of Observer Ethical Awards, and TV presenter. The concept of ethical fashion, it’s not new, although it is a substantial topic of discussion in the industry at this moment in time as climate change and environmental awareness have become leading social and political issues. The fashion industry has a poor record of ethical...
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559 Words
Today I will be informing you about the negative effects air pollution has on our health, concerning my generation and future generations. In Australia, 3,056 premature deaths are caused due to air pollution, with the costs for these deaths ranging from around $11 billion to $24 billion per year. This number will only get worse as the current trends of air pollution are only rising, and it is up to us to reduce them. This is only the beginning of...
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542 Words
I want you all to take a look at these two pictures right here, while you do that I also want you to think about what you see. Now, I want you to do the same but with these two pictures instead. Now, what if I told you that all of these fruits have been undergoing centuries of selective gene editing and that these are what they naturally were? The truth is, the process that got us from those fruits...
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562 Words
Well, it is difficult for me to tell you about my future life. But this statement about my master's studies will better predict my motivation for this course. First, my interest in chemistry arose when I enrolled in Matric (SSC). In matric, Mathematics, chemistry, and physics were my major subjects and I accomplished this task with a grade of A (76%). After matriculation, I completed my 12 years of education (HSSC) with a grade of B (63%). During college, my...
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562 Words
During Year 7, I first heard about the Duke of Edinburgh scheme from a friend and have wanted to take part in it ever since. This is for many reasons, one of the main reasons being that the scheme is an opportunity to challenge myself and broaden my horizons. It will help me conquer my fears and gain confidence by inspiring me to explore new areas and putting me through tougher conditions. In the long run, this experience will prepare...
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528 Words
In this modern era, the world is seeing a huge development which led to the emergence of various inventions. For this reason, there is something people can not live without because it has become essential for each part of their activities. After a long day of work and responsibilities, people prefer to spend their free time doing what they like. For example, watching movies and listening to music are a significant part of each day. Also, family communication is the...
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527 Words
In the 1920’s, racial tensions were high. Langston Hughes grew up during this time and was not immune to discrimination. Hughes was half black and half white, resulting in an intense internal conflict. This is shown in the poem “Cross”, Hughes is struggling with his identity and is unsure where he falls when it comes to race. To feel like you don’t belong is a scary thing, for Hughes, it was his every day. “Cross” is written in first person...
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568 Words
The Holocaust was a extremely tragic event that occurred in history. Many of the tragic stories belonging to the jews throughout history were not told, and lost from generation to generation. Movies like Schindler's List or books such as Maus try to make sure stories like this will never be forgotten, and hopefully they won't. The movie Schindler's List was constructed in a unique way, in which various theatrical elements were used to create a unique and memorable film. For...
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529 Words
Langston Hughes’s poem Merry-Go-Round was published in 1942. During that time in the United States, many things were going on, to name a few, there was the race riot, the first published issue of the Negro Digest, the first African American to go to space, the United State Marine Corps allowing African American men for the first time (but in a segregated facility), the Congress of Racial Equality in Chicago was organized and started a sit-in at a restaurant in...
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557 Words
The Framers were very important people in our history. They were known as visionaries and because of them, they designed the constitution in which it addresses the specific challenges the nation went up against during their lifetime. The Constitution set the groundwork for establishing the principles of laws, rights, and actions that would help us build as a nation to the end of time. The Constitution has a lot of important ideas involving the nation and making sure it is...
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545 Words
Introduction to corporate social responsibility: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR means that corporations have a responsibility to take care of the consequences of their actions, including economic, social, and environmental impacts. This means that a company is looking after the indigenous people of the land that they are working on, taking care of the native animals or plants and other factors. CSR entitles that they are a positive driving force contributing to society, instead of a negative influence on society. Company...
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559 Words
Technology is changing the way we work, and even the work we do. Adaptability has always been a key ingredient to workplace success and even more so with increased automation, AI, and globalization. Companies that focus on growing and evolving will always have an edge in this competitive environment. Remember the days when you wind up the dial on a disposable camera before taking a picture? Does the commercial with the song “What a Wonderful World” sound familiar to you?...
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565 Words
The first reason is because when Mary arrived she was clueless as to what she was gonna find in Vietnam. She was a reminder, for the soldiers, of the comfort back home and the innocence they too had before the war. War can cause anyone to lose themselves and who they were because they are losing their innocence. For example, as Rat Kiley ends his story, of Mary Anne Bell abruptly 'What happened to her, Rat said, was what happened...
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567 Words
Throughout his incredible career, award-winning director Martin Scorsese has never disappointed with his thrilling, thought-provoking films. And this one does not. Hugo is all about a young, orphaned boy. His father passes and his uncle becomes his new caregiver. His Uncle Claude, although rude and almost depressing, teaches young Hugo how to work in clocks in a bustling railway station in Paris during the 1930s. If it wasn’t for Uncle Claude, he would probably be found and sent to an...
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567 Words
Women are housewives; men are the breadwinners. Even though these ideas are not relevant today, they existed during the time of the play “Antigone.” In ancient Greece, women were seen as property. Men were seen as the head of the house. The roles of men and women in Sophocles’ “Antigone” show examples of gender inequality. In Sophocles’ play, “Antigone,” Ismene perpetuates gender roles, and Antigone challenges them. First, Ismene perpetuates the gender stereotypes of the day. In the prologue, Ismene...
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540 Words
WWII Nazis exhibited extreme adversity and conflict against the Jewish people of Europe. Diaries written like Anne Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl and Bloeme Emden’s first-hand account in Hidden Like Anne Frank represent methods the Jews cope with the ongoing conflict against them. But while they more specifically represent the Jewish people of WWII, they also represent people universally when faced with adversity and conflict. When faced with extreme adversity, people bear with the conflict by forms of self-expression...
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541 Words
Dystopia- Sexism? Racism? Homophobia? These are present in all aspects of our lives, especially in Hollywood, it thrives on it. We do not all live in a perfect 'utopia' as we were told by the big-budget movies. In reality, over the years it has engulfed Hollywood through and through. Outrageous is what it is and needs to be abolished. My viewpoint is that the movies and television shows we watch as children contribute to shaping us into adults and how...
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564 Words