For most of fashion history, fashion has been seen as feminine and an interest for women and was for some point dismissed as unserious and inferior. Yet both femininity and masculinity are still defined and valued through appearance. Clear gender characteristics and strong opposing definitions of the sexes should belong in the past. The lines of segregation is blurrier than ever. Yet the discussion about how far men and women can push the freedom of self expression is still controversial....
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531 Words
The Crucible story lands in a village called Salem where people believe that the devil resonates there. People in Salem were prosecuted even when they were all probably innocent and their deaths were all due to false accusations to people’s ridiculous belief in superstition not questioning if there is a cause behind it. The people of Salem believed in the devil and witches should be hunted out. The Crucible faces a tough decision to protect their reputation some of the...
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556 Words
Anglo-Saxon poetry is centered on the heroic and elegiac traditions. In fact, one of the commonalities between the Anglos, Saxons, and Jutes (besides a shared language) was the belief that a true hero would possess specific traits. The epic Beowulf is a poem about a Geatish hero that travels to the land of the Danes to defeat the monster, Grendel, that has been terrorizing their land. Beowulf defeats Grendel and becomes king of the Geats for many years. Beowulf is...
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557 Words
Children provide their parents the existential role of participating in the continuity of the family, culture, and the community. Most societies especially in developing countries are structured to rely on children for the future care and maintenance of older family members (Hala, Adlah&Lynn 2014). The ability to have children is considered a socially assumed aspect of one’s biological composition. Hence, African couples who wish to expand their family do not anticipate encountering difficulties procreating (Laura,2018).In Africa, motherhood is used as...
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563 Words
Zora Neale Hurston was a writer who did not concern herself with the issues that surrounded her, the main one being the issue of race. It was her world and people were just living in it. She thought it was better to be colored that way she could stand out, she knew that she was someone special so why would she want to fit in with everyone else. Hurston made the statement, “…I feel like a brown bag of miscellany...
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532 Words
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The members of the Buendia family constantly find themselves feeling alone in the world, whether that solitude is physical or emotional depends on the person. For Colonel Aureliano, for a great portion of his life, his solitude was physical as he locked himself away from the world for the majority of his day to make his golden fishes (Marquez 263). This solitude is self-imposed and reflects how, after the fighting, he wants nothing more than to be left alone. For...
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542 Words
The outcome of scientific studies that involved animal is not eternally trustworthy. This is due to the reason that in the year 2004, there are 92 % of the medication that successfully gets through the preclinical trials include the use of nonhuman animals in experiment has come to nothing as the medication that had been created failed to appear into the market and are not always safe to be consume. To give you an idea, in the late 1950s and...
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542 Words
The experts in the wellbeing segment have a gigantic undertaking of ensuring the wellbeing information record is constantly protected. For instance, exchanges that exist between a specialist and a patient ought to be classified to a high degree and kept safely without getting to an outsider's hand, it is profoundly conceivable that the patient wants to get approaches a landline telephone as opposed to utilizing a cell phone. Shut relatives with similar family names are not permitted to speak to...
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572 Words
In both public and private schools, students are constantly being judged on what they wear or how they look. These types of judgments increase the amount of bullying. If schools were to make uniforms mandatory, the judgment would be eliminated and the bullying rate will more than likely decrease. We make inferences on the economic status and background of others. It’s no surprise that there are less fortunate people who can't afford as nice clothing as wealthy people can. Students...
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529 Words
Many people may say the truth about the same story, and their truths can vary depending on the narrator's credibility or how much of the truth is being told.. “Everyone holds a piece of the truth.” (Mahatma Gandhi) There are always two sides to a story and a result of that is different truths. Truth is molded by your perception and when you see things differently, that can cause your truth to be altered. The theme, truth, is revealed in...
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552 Words
Various forms of literature has been taught in schools for centuries. They are essential to the basic objective of any English class. Literature helps students to become more sophisticated readers, more flexible writers and to develop moral imagination, ethical values, and a sense of vocation. Literature has a diverse collection of classifications, such as poetry, prose, drama, non-fiction, and media. One of the most unique styles of literature is poetry. Poetry allows a student to express his or her feelings...
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556 Words
Have you ever wondered why private tutoring is considered more and more often for educating today's youth? I often hear mother’s/father’s telling me they feel compelled to homeschool their children, but my question is, what compels parents to consider private tutoring their young adolescents? Are public educational systems really that bad? Do children strive better in a homeschooling center, or is it just another fallacy? Well, here are some pros and cons of the homeschooling educational system. Let's start with...
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548 Words
In the fifties and sixties, doctors prescribed amphetamines to lose weight. The law put an end to that practice when the addictive nature of these drugs was proven. Today, Adderall prescribed for ADD / ADHD is sometimes used non-medically for its weight loss support properties. Adderall contains amphetamine and has the typical amphetamine effect of suppressing appetite. Some people resort to this 'Adderall diet' or 'fast diet' to lose weight, although no doctor will prescribe the medication for that purpose....
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563 Words
Science fiction, first emerging following the development of modern technology, seems to enjoy tremendous popularity among people nowadays. According to Lynch (2018), Science fiction was the genre most welcomed by subscribers in Netflix. Netflix also foresaw continuous demands for science fiction. For some people, science fiction is merely a way of entertainment, but it is more valuable than this. It also conveys messages to the present-day society, offers us a glimpse of the possible future and excites children’s imagination and...
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547 Words
Iceberg theory is an approach of writing practiced by numerous writers in which distinct parts of a story are concealed, some details that both the writer and the readers know naturally and intuitively. Ernest Hemingway gave the name to this method and felt that this approach of writing creates a stronger connection with the readers as the reader is perceptive and join the pieces that were looked over. According to him, the correct idea of the story must not show...
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535 Words
Most vulnerable members of society haven’t got the best quality of life and as a nation we do need to become more interested. This is when Social justice comes in. Social justice is a common interest of many throughout the globe. It intertwines with many different topics, such as food, justice and human rights. More interestingly, not many know or have realised that environmental sustainability is a large issue within social justice. However, the links between sustainability and social justice...
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546 Words
Alcohol is one of the most prevalent and rooted features of American life and has played an important role in the United States and other countries' history. As early as the production of Rum, during the colonial period, alcohol has been favored and highly profitable. During the colonial period alcohol was part of a triangle trade, with slaves, between New England, the West Coast of Africa, and the West Indies.This triangle trade would have lasting effects as many individuals during...
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540 Words
It's hard to imagine an office without them. 'Have you heard that ...?' 'Did you see what he said ...?' Such a simple phrase can be the introduction of a series of gossip often followed by an illusionist 'but do not tell anyone.' They are the classic gossip at work. There is no return to give. Gossiping can turn the most introverted fellow into a real conversation. There are different degrees of gossip, so to speak. It's one thing to...
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549 Words
Born a slave, 1817, the late Frederick Douglass, had a hard upbringing with his mother being a slave and having escape slavery in 1837. He rose to providence as an outspoken and wildly popular public speaker of the American Anti-slavery movement otherwise known as an “abolitionist”. The story of Frederick Douglas’s life is thwarted with adversity and disadvantage and the overcoming of these challenges, we can all take a lesson from Fredrik Douglass’s life whether it be to always be...
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564 Words
The restriction of self-expression, colour and language in ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ could be linked to Kathy’s interest in art and self-expression in her youthful years, which contradicts with her later loss of identity in ‘Never Let Me Go’. Ishiguro’s ‘Never Let Me Go’ is narrated by Kathy. H, a previous student at Hailsham, who’s now a “carer” who helps “donors” recuperate after they give away their organs. In the novel, Kathy has been a carer for almost twelve years at...
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568 Words
Picture a society that doesn’t believe in rape culture, they don’t joke about serious issues such as sexual assault, they don’t use misogynistic language and objectify a women’s body, they don’t glamorize the idea of sexual violence, they don’t disregard a women’s rights and their safety, they don’t refuse to acknowledge the harm caused by sexual violence and they don’t trivialize rape. I have a strong belief in fairness and justice for those victims of rape culture. Rape culture perpetuates...
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534 Words
“The Crucible,”(1953) is a play composed by Arthur Miller to allegorically comment on the behaviors seen in society at the time of his writing the play. Miller uses the word ‘crucible’ to depict a test of the most decisive kind or a severe trial however it is normally referred to as a vessel in which substances are heated to high temperatures, the impure elements being melted away to leave the pure elements behind. Influenced by Salem and McCarthyism, the playwright...
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534 Words
Uniforms in school have been around for a long time. Wearing certain clothing with the school colors such as polo, certain jeans or pants, shoes, the school's jacket, etc. There are schools that do not require to wear a uniform, meaning students can wear any type of clothing they feel comfortable with, but of course, there is a “dress code” this student must follow, such as no piercings, no mini skirts, no unnatural hair color and some more. Wearing uniforms...
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561 Words
Motivation is commonly comprehended as the drive or the craving to get things done. Now and then budgetary prizes rouse individuals and once in a while it is only an internal drive to have any kind of effect. Individuals are driven by such a significant number of things – by their enthusiasm, by the requirement for cash or budgetary security, and some of the time it is for acknowledgment. The wellsprings of motivation can fluctuate among people and not a...
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547 Words
Emily Dickinson is a very fine and obvious kind of poetess. She is straight forward Lady that believes in Death and all the consequences that bring life out of the misery and brings eternity to the people which is the real world. She emphasizes on fake nature of this existing world that no one is mortal and everything has to die or decay for some reason. She has true self belief that we are carrying our loads of sins, of...
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550 Words
In the dystopian novel, The Giver, Lois Lowry illustrates the boringness of conformity. She has positioned the readers to view the community as a calculated and controlled society. The concept of individualism is non-existent in the dystopian novel the Giver. Consequently, people do not have the ability to make their individual decisions and people are unable to think for themselves, blindly accepting and following all rules. As the plot progressed, it became obvious that the community was one of unnatural...
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567 Words
As a teen in high school, I can clearly explain the differences between teens during school and outside of school. I can clearly explain the differences of teens actions around different friend groups or even different classes. I feel like a lot of it has to deal with the amount of comfortability they are feeling. Mostly all teens can admit that we all act differently in different kinds of situations but where I mainly see it is at school. Human...
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528 Words
Introduction “But I have promises to keep/ and miles to go before I sleep.” This quote is said by Robert Frost, a famous American poet. He was saying this at the inauguration of John F. Kennedy. He wrote many poems throughout his lifetime. His first ever poem was published in a newspaper, and that spread the word out to people about his works. He also wouldn’t have gotten famous if Amy Lowell didn’t bring his poems to the U.S. Many...
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574 Words
Sometimes we find ourselves lost in our own head or even stressed from issues we face on a daily basis. We're constantly thinking and sometimes it can be pretty overwhelming. Quiet and Peace of the mind should be something that everyone should be able to achieve. That is where meditation comes in, and there are many reasons why one should meditate. There are also many benefits when it comes to meditating. For many individuals meditating might be something new and...
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536 Words
I believe that no one can survive life without true friends. Friendship is one of the greatest blessings anyone can have. Friends are the ones I go to when things get tough, and also the first people I go to when I have good news. They are the ones I have the most fun with, like going on spontaneous adventures or even just doing the simplest things. The definition of friendship is “A state of mutual trust and support”. Friends...
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531 Words