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Social Issues

Vietnam War Pro and Cons: Analytical Essay

Over 58,000 U.S. soldiers were wounded or killed in the Vietnam War. This statistic was a tragic event that occurred in the 1960s. Even though the Vietnam War was a huge downfall in the ’60s, there were some positive events that occurred such as the Civil Rights Movement. The Civil Rights Movement gave African Americans a better future in America. The exploration of space was also a high point of this era. Many people’s lives were changed in the ’60s...
1 Page 581 Words

Northern & Southern Colonies: Compare & Contrast

The diversity of the United States traces back to its beginning when the northern and southern colonies were established. Northern states were established by travelers who needed religious opportunity, while southern settlements were established to grant homesteaders open doors for land possession established northern states. Their differences in political, social, and financial issues have shaped our nation into what we are today. In any case, such contrasts caused struggle and an absence of understanding that in the long run prompted...
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Life after Bullying: Narrative Essay

Bullying is one of the stages in life that most children will sadly go through. Every school should raise money for bullying awareness in schools and develop awareness programs that can help prevent children from the mental, emotional, and physical effects of bullying. Bullying affected so many children's lives some people believe that bullying is a good thing and is a part of life. Other people believe that bullying can have a negative effect on children’s life. There are other...
1 Page 592 Words

Letter to My Freshman Self: Narrative Essay

Hey there! I’m Kshirin and welcome to the PHS community! We’re honored to be hosting your high school career here! As a transfer student, I know firsthand that the beginning of Freshman year can bring jitters to many. If you’re like me like I was on my first day, freaking out over everything from teachers to friends, I’m here to tell you that you don’t need to, and one of the best ways you can forget about these nerves is...
1 Page 625 Words

Informative Speech on Trees

Have you ever thought about what life would be like without trees? Try and imagine this desolate world. There would be no more paper, and yucky air, and everyone would have to resort to technological use. That is if humans are still here. I’m here to talk to you about deforestation in Australia and its cause and impact. Forests and trees help in many ways such as providing a habitat for many different species of animals, reducing greenhouse emissions, and...
1 Page 589 Words

Informative Essay on Object Recognition and Semantic Performance

The ability to recognize an object facilitates an individual’s capacity to describe its appearance, uses, and functions, allowing effective interaction with the environment (Eysenck & Keane, 2015). In this paper, object recognition refers to the ability to determine whether a line drawing represents something that is real. Recognizing a familiar object requires visual features to be processed and match knowledge stored in long-term memory (Tree & Playfoot, 2015). However, the knowledge required for object recognition has been debated in the...
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Informative Essay on Cotton Gin and Civil War

The invention of Eli Whitney’s Cotton Gin yielded a “Cotton Boom,” and therefore the value and demand for slave labor increased dramatically. Prior to the invention of the gin, slavery, in its entirety, faced decline and what some hopeful northerners believed was its eradication. As a result of the end of the Tobacco Boom, Virginia, the state which held the most slaves at that time, was left with hundreds more than it had worked for. After lengthy debate, whether for...
1 Page 588 Words

Informative Essay on Aristotle Golden Mean

Considerations on Golden mean According to Aristotle, the golden mean forms the guiding principle of balance between two extreme dispositions. It involves the aspect of choice and balance and is essential in virtues. The golden mean is a model for making an ethical decision in a given context. Indeed, it is neither an arithmetic meaning nor about moderation. It of important for people since it enhances their critical thinking capacity in ethical situations for the sake of harmony in both...
1 Page 606 Words

Impact of Colonialism in Latin America: Critical Essay

Colonial legacies can be found within Latin American political regimes like the Spaniards and Portuguese through the Allende and the Castro regime. The legacies have established social structure and unequal land holdings predominantly placing the affluent above mixed, indigenous, and Africans. Furthermore, colonial legacies are useful when examining Latin America as it compares colonialism to the long-term effects of colonialism implemented in different eras. It also focuses on the long-term effects it had on Indigenous, mixed, and Africans, which highlights...
1 Page 584 Words

How Did the Renaissance Change Man's View of Man: Critical Essay

Medieval knowledge was limited, however, the Renaissance marked a rebirth of learning. It was a time of significant inquiry and change, particularly in the areas of anatomy and art, where artists developed techniques and anatomists challenged old theories. Through a shift from religious symbolism in the Middle Ages to secular realistic scenes in the Renaissance, with a focus on proportion, art changed dramatically (Augustyn, 2009) (Nelson, n.d.). Medieval art was primarily focused on the message conveyed rather than appearance. This...
1 Page 576 Words

How Did John Locke Inspire Thomas Jefferson: Informative Essay

A political ideology is a set of ethical principles, beliefs, doctrines, traditions, or symbols held by a social movement, institution, class, or a sizeable amount of people that explains how society should function and provides a political and cultural blueprint for a particular social order. In this paper, I will be focusing on four different types of political ideologies. Those four political ideologies are Liberalism, Conservatism, Marxism, and Neo-Conservatism. Beginning with Liberalism, the way I drew my drawing is to...
1 Page 581 Words

Soccer Life Lessons: Narrative Essay

I received the ball and looked up just in time to see that the keeper was way out of place, and I thought to myself, “This is the best chance I’m ever going to get.” So I pivoted on my left foot and watched as my other foot sliced through the air, striking the ball with all the force I could muster, and stopped once the ball had left my foot. There was nothing else left to do but watch...
1 Page 590 Words

Life Sentences for Juveniles: Pros and Cons Essay

Are you the same person you were at 14 years old? Or do you think you grew perhaps a bit wiser or smarter from life experiences? Society has always been treating minors differently than adults. For instance, they aren't allowed to buy cigarettes, or alcohol or can't rent an apartment, as we acknowledge that they aren't mature enough to make certain decisions. Yet, we give these juvenile offenders the same treatment as a fully-grown adults by depriving them permanently of...
1 Page 583 Words

Pet Peeves Speech

It sounds contradictory to talk about the problem of being beautiful, but the subject is necessary to talk about because beauty is not, in fact, problem-free, I feel as if many beautiful women are afraid to talk about this because they might come off conceded. But being beautiful isn't always easy, yes beauty does come with some rewards but not all the time. There is a range of ailments that come with the beauty that is not talked about enough....
1 Page 588 Words

Personal Narrative on Our Moving to a New Place

When I was my family and I just moved to our new house in Caddo. We were all really excited because our old house was kind of old and gross. Our new house had land, unlike our old house which had a tiny backyard. My dad decided to get us a four-wheeler. He really just got it for me to ride around with friends but my sister argued with me and said that it should be hers. She thought that...
1 Page 610 Words

My Personal Life: Narrative Essay

I am privileged. Profoundly, unequivocally privileged, because I was loved from the beginning. And not only loved but I was also supported. Both of my parents were born in Southern India in extremely conservative families. My grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, second cousins and even the dog next door were all exceedingly religious, traditional, sexist, and absolutely cliche-ridden. Now, science may declare that parents pass down most of their traits to their children, but my parents are living proof that...
1 Page 612 Words

Examples of Friendship in 'Of Mice and Men': Critical Essay

Having a sense of safety allows a physical, mental, and emotional shield that protects us from the harshness constantly surrounding us. Safety is reflected in the environment and its inhabitants. People often play a role in the feeling and comfort of a place. Some create peace and harmony, others chaos. A lack of people and closeness in one’s life can manifest uneasiness and uncertainty. John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men follows two ranch hands during the Great Depression, a time...
1 Page 612 Words

Life's lessons: Must be lived to understand

High school is widely known to be a time during our adolescence when we gain a mass collection of life experiences and knowledge. Hardships and prosperity throughout my high school career have created the path to where I am today, and the lessons I’ve taken from these years are bound to prove useful for the rest of my life. Identical to all newly enrolled freshmen, I was engulfed with feelings of anxiety, stress, and hope upon my start of high...
1 Page 615 Words

Childhood to Adulthood: Critical Essay on 'To Kill a Mockingbird'

In To Kill a Mockingbird, children live in a creative world full of mysteries, but nothing can hurt them. Scout and Jem spent a lot of time making up stories about their lonely neighbor Bu Radley, and they were ecstatic before finding the safety and comfort of their father Atticus. However, as the novel unfolds, compared with the real dangers Jim and Scott encounter in the adult world, the imaginary threat posed by Bu Radley appears pale and weak. The...
1 Page 581 Words

Words That Describe Abraham Lincoln: Narrative Essay

Have you ever heard the phrase, “Actions speak louder than words”? This phrase from Abraham Lincoln can often be directed to movies, trailers, plays, and any other kind of visual media. Powerful words and images are often conveyed in visual media to depict a bigger message that the director, producer, or author is trying to say. Producers, playwrights, and authors all have a common goal of sparking a strong emotion in the audience. In the movie trailer, Lincoln, directed by...
1 Page 603 Words

Critical Essay on Global Health

Three prominent global health issues Understanding the basic steps of how global issues impacts the world as a whole requires a collective effort from every individual. There are many global health issues on the up-rise; this is a summary of three prominent ones such as environmental, economic, and agriculture factors that negatively influence our economy today. Environmental factors: studies by McMichael, A. J., Friel, S., Nyong, A., & Corvalan, C. (2008), have shown there has been a significant amount of...
1 Page 578 Words

Critical Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of European Colonialism

Wolfgang Reinhard defines colonialism as 'differential development' concerning historical ideas (Reinhard et al. 1967). According to Gregory Knapp, South America became the first continent to be encountered by Europeans in the 14th century during Columbus' third voyage in 1498. This event marked the end of the pre-Columbian period and signified the beginning of colonial rule which lasted until independence (Knapp 1991) There are several practical applications of European colonialism and imperialism. It includes the following; establishment of trade systems, development...
1 Page 583 Words

Credo Essay on Being a Chief Financial Officer

Personal Vision Statement: My vision is to develop long-term self-interest, make rational decisions, maintain social ethics in society, and observe all the rules and regulations that govern my actions. This vision statement implies that I want to be a leader whose actions are guided by moral reasons. A leader who maintains ethical obligations concerning what society considers to be ethical and also observes all the rules and regulations that govern the areas of operations concerning me. This will make me...
1 Page 597 Words

Compare and Contrast Essay on Similarities between Nazism and Fascism

Nazism and fascism are two one-of-a-kind doctrines that are regularly used interchangeably with every other. most people no longer comprehend that there are some prominent points of variations between the very origins of each. fascism acquired it is limelight between 1919 and 1945. it used be at some stage in the rule of Mussolini in Italy. fascism is a form of nationalism that is based absolutely on the authoritarian or totalitarian gadget of government. this system was recommended by using...
1 Page 624 Words

Call to Action: Persuasive Essay

Call to Action – Maternity Leave Legally mandated paid leave provides economic reimbursement when an employee is temporarily away from work after having a baby. Companies can implement benefits free-willed or government can legally mandate it. Most workers qualify for up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave through the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), but there is no federal paid leave program or legal mandate that goes along with FMLA to offset the lack of pay. Some government...
1 Page 617 Words

Burying Grandma: College Essay

Death, Burial, and Mourning Funerals are a rite of passage that has constantly delivered with a family of initiatory thoughts which are sadness, grief, disappointment, and fear. They have constantly affected every person involved, which includes the deceased. Death has constantly been a dreaded tournament and in the Batswana culture, it is now not solely simply a family depend but also entails the complete community. In this essay, I am going to examine and contrast the three phases of the...
1 Page 586 Words

Benjamin Banneker Letter to Thomas Jefferson: Rhetorical Analysis

In 1791, Benjamin Banneker, a man who was a farmer, mathematician, astronomer, and the son of former slaves, wrote a letter to Thomas Jefferson. In his letter, Banneker points out the contradictions between the rights which the Declaration of Independence promised and the continued existence of slavery. To effectively get his point across, Banneker uses several rhetorical strategies, such as pathos, and logos, and also attempts to connect with Jefferson on a personal level, while maintaining a calm, and polite...
1 Page 606 Words

Analysis of Literary Devices in 'A Rose for Emily': Critical Essay

'A Rose for Emily ' is a Southern gothic short story written by William Faulkner which revolves around the protagonist Emily Grierson. This short story was published on April 30, 1930. In this short story, Faulkner used some literary devices such as stream of consciousness, flashback, foreshadowing, symbolism, ambiguity, and allegory. This report will be focusing on how Faulkner used these literary devices in this short story. Faulkner is famous for including stream of consciousness in his literary works. This...
1 Page 581 Words

Critical Essay: Code of Hammurabi and Women's Rights

Hammurabi was the king of Babylon who instilled a set of laws consistent with the principle of “an eye for an eye.” Hammurabi’s law code gave a sense of fairness but enforced different rules for different people. The code identified three classes among the people starting with the highest and strongest being those who are royal, priests, and land-owning free men and women. The individuals in this class were referred to solely as a man within the text. The second...
1 Page 622 Words

Critical Essay on What Is the Purpose of Government

How does Locke describe the “state of nature” and what is his recommendation regarding the social contract? What is the primary purpose of government according to Locke? According to Locke, the “state of nature” is a far more pleasant place to be than Hobbes’. He also gives Laws of Nature, “that mankind is to be preserved as much as possible.'' This comes from the idea that we are God’s property and should not then harm one another. We must obey...
1 Page 615 Words
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