While increasing demand is generally great news for an economy, a lagged supply chain can cause Inflation. In this blog post, we'll go through why this is a very real issue facing economic managers all around the world. Firstly, what is inflation? Inflation occurs when the demand for a product/service is greater than the current supply. When this occurs, the products value will naturally rise to meet the maximum amount consumers are willing to pay for the supply available. This...
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607 Words
The majority of the innovations across the human history have been constrained by the functions they performed. However, the smartphone exceeds these limitations. It has become more than just a gadget but also a companion. This essay will argue that the comprehensive adoption of smartphones by most people is a cause for concern. It will discuss the negative effects of excessive smartphone use on the body, such as its physical and psychological effects that outweighs its benefits. Firstly, the psychological...
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618 Words
On April 19, 1775, the first battle of the American Revolution began in Lexington, Massachusetts. However, the idea of getting their independence from the British had been in the minds of the colonists for a long time. They felt that the British were controlling and abusing them in an unfair way and that they deserved to be free and to govern themselves and grow as a free country. The colonists made a good choice by rebelling against the British because...
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621 Words
The principles of servant leadership predominately have the central interest in one’s personal growth in order to achieve their fullest potential and capability. Personal development is a vital part in a person's growth, maturity, success, prosperity and happiness which is what servant-leadership focuses on. The servant-leader aims to improve and maintain the well-being of people. A servant-leaders should obtain certain principles in order to be a prime example for others including, the ability to share leadership and responsibilities, selflessness and...
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605 Words
Aspirin is a widely used drug which helps reduce fevers as well as reduce pain. It was originally just salicylic acid, which can be found naturally in the bark of willow trees. It is one of the oldest natural medicines used to treat fevers, illnesses as well as reduce pain. However, it was harsh on the stomach taking the acid by itself, which is why chemists in the 19th century began experimenting to find a softer version which does the...
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576 Words
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Many people believe that they know how to detect deception. They rely on nonverbal cues or actions that often speak louder than words. Indeed, there are body language signals that can help determine if a person is telling the real story. It is often believed that you can tell if the person is honest or not by looking at his eyes. If he looks straight in the eye, he is presumed honest. However, there have been instances where nonverbal cues...
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600 Words
They served with back-breaking labor during both cold winters and hot summers. Hundreds died in explosions, landslides, injuries, and diseases. And even though they made significant contributions to the building of the Transcontinental Railroad, these 15,000 to 20,000 Chinese immigrants have largely been forgotten by history. Looking back, historians claim that the Chinese, who had started to arrive in the United States in large numbers during the California Gold Rush of 1848-1855, were thought too frail for the dangerous, strenuous...
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622 Words
BMW is a huge manufacturing organization known for its automobiles, motorcycles and financial services. As the case study shows, BMW’s market is doing well with its market share all around the world. It has a percentage of its market in America, North America, Germany and in the rest of Europe. With the help of the advertising agencies, BMW became more popular and the unit sales have been increasing for their products yearly. The main issue that BMW faced was that...
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581 Words
I am writing with the view to expressing my interest in exchange program in IT field at IUBH (University of Applied Sciences) University. As I have been involved in this area of study, both learning other countries’ experience in the field of IT (Information Technology) and making best use of it in my future career are very crucial for me. The exchange program which our university is offering is certainly what I have always wanted and it meets my all...
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583 Words
According to Milliken and Martins (1996) there are four types of effects of diversity on organization: affective, cognitive, symbolic and communicative. The affective effects relate to satisfaction, identification and involvement, perception of discrimination and social integration, role conflict and role ambiguity. In diverse organization all employees are working with people of a different gender or ethnicity, which can carry negative emotions. This effect can be explained by the phenomenon of ‘homophony’. It refers to the fact that people are attracted...
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612 Words
Contemporary Feminist Theory is a generalized, wide-ranging system of ideas about social life and human experience developed from a woman centered perspective. Working to describe and critically evaluate the world from the distinctive vantage points of women, Feminism investigates the various situations of women in everyday society. With a history of influencers including Jane Addams, Florence Kelley, Marianne Weber, Harriet Martineau, and Patricia Hill-Collins, women in history were labelled as activists rather than sociologists. Intending to discredit their education as...
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606 Words
Student loan debt is one of the biggest problems in the United States at the moment. There are 1.6 trillion dollars of debt in the country and 44 million are in debt. That's an average of $36,364 per person. College debt only started in the 80s and it grew very rapidly when President Ronald Reagan made cuts to social programs. Today, student loan debts are persistent because of lack of funding from the state governments. Student loan debt is a...
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586 Words
Although the human body is made up of many different tissues, they are all based on cells. Tens of thousands of chemicals in these cells are responsible for the growth, repair and health of the human body and the energy they need. Proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, etc., are needed for the body's growth, repair, and health. The body derives these from the food you eat. The body needs oxygen and oxygen to get the energy it needs to perform other...
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598 Words
Today almost half of the world's population is using the Internet, and that number is increasing every second. The public, governments, forces, businesses, airlines, industries, educational institutions, the media, there is no other sector in the world that does not rely on the Internet. What if the Internet of the world shuts down for a day? The answer to this question may surprise you. It's not inconceivable to happen. The Internet can be interrupted by cyber-attacks on a national or...
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589 Words
The compelling force behind my Air Force journey is just one out of the many narratives that discusses one’s humble beginnings, assignment and positions held, brief discussion of notable accomplishments, and values learned. My path to serving the Air Force began as a child who dreamt of becoming a military pilot. Growing up, my parents have always emphasized the importance of education as a ticket to a better life. So when I was a student, I was so determined to...
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606 Words
This work will look to explain what management and leadership is and how it works in an organization. It defines the term of manager and leader, it will present the differences between a manager and a leader, their role in an organization. The importance of management resides in the fact that it meets personal needs. Since ancient times people have watched to achieve their goals and increase their livelihood through cooperation. In the course of time, the organizations in which...
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621 Words
The Bank of England is the prestigious and incredibly old central bank for the United Kingdom. The country founded this model central bank in 1694 to promote the good of the individuals in the U.K. through maintaining both monetary as well as financial stability. The bank is often affectionately referred to as the ‘Old Lady’ of Threadneedle Street. The bank of England carries out the first part of its mission of maintaining monetary stability quite literally. Not only does it...
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614 Words
Amazon is a company that sells items globally online, for a decent price, for customers who are interested in buying products from their website. Amazon is a large business with over 250 and more employees, this means that the business is extremely popular. Amazon is a public limited company, this means they want to gain profit by being a public limited company. By being a public limited company amazon can offer shares to the general public. The benefits of Amazon...
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579 Words
In the 1800’s, despite the fact that Social Work did not exist as such, Jane Addams (born in 1860), was illustrated as a feminist and activist, she believed in her own instincts and learned from her past experiences when with working with individuals who had desperate and complex needs for high quality care due to their current situations. Because of this she was most recognised as the ‘Mother’ of Social Work. Jane was inspired to recreate Toynbee, the world's first...
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585 Words
Like most scholarship questions, I had to think long and hard about how to answer this question. In my belief, I should be considered for the Mother Clarice Baldwin Scholarship because I am a strong academic student, I am in good standing with my church, and school is more than just a waste of time for me. I finished my high school years as a second honors student with a GPA of 3.6. This was difficult for me because I...
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578 Words
My name is Susan Saranya Jacob and I am a 9th grader from the Plymouth- Canton Educational Park. I am interested in this program because I want the rigorous, academic challenges that come with it. I am currently enrolled in the International Bachelorette (IB) program at my high school, but I do not feel like the academy or my school has what it takes to prepare me for college. Growing up my family traveled all around the world. When I...
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591 Words
My name is Shaprie Miller. For starters I would like to say I am very thankful for getting this opportunity to be a candidate to receive this scholarship. This is a great opportunity for myself as well as my family, which means I would benefit from this greatly! People are not always given an opportunity such as this and again I am very thankful. I am a great candidate for this scholarship for various reasons. I would be the first...
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603 Words
Always Running Essay Many young kids when they are growing up they usually follow their family members' roots. For example when you grow into a gang-affiliated family you are most likely to become a gangster then a successful person. In the book “Always running” by Luis J Rodriguez, family was a big impact throughout the whole book. Family structure is the biggest thing in a young person’s life because it can either affect your future or help your future depending...
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602 Words
Scholarship opportunities are always designed to reward excellent academic performance and to support the advancement of studies. While the scholarships are offered for almost the same reason, different students have different reasons for applying for scholarships. The reasons are varied depending on factors such as background and professional requirements. While the Tetley and Lupton Scholarships application was the first I have ever had, I applied because I wanted a chance to develop my profession, to gain educational benefits offered by...
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622 Words
Both Louis XVI and Peter the Great were robust and influential leaders of their time. Louis XVI served as France’s last king between the years 1774 and 1992 in the era correspondent to the time of revolution in France. On the other hand, Peter the Great was a Russian emperor ruling between 1685 and 1725. As rulers, Louis and Peter were focused on achieving remarkable things, and as a result, the two had significant similarities in their goals, although their...
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577 Words
What makes a man a real man? Some might say that kayaking down a river rapids makes you a man. Others might say that supporting your family makes you a man. Which one is it? The rapids? The support? Both? In Man Mission, author Eytan Uliel explores this question and others. The story is told in first person. We never learn the narrator’s name. But he and his three best friends, Sam, Daniel, and Eric, take one week out of...
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593 Words
Is it true that having an obsession with money could lead to making radical decisions? In the play The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare, there is constant decision making on who or whom not to marry. In particular, Petruchio, one of the main characters in the play, is specific about who he marries due to his obsession with money. He says that he will only marry someone if they have lots of money, no matter how they look...
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603 Words
The point of our constitution: A discursive Essay The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa is a powerful but essential legal tool which was required to forge her people into the ‘Rainbow Nation’ that they are apart of today. It is through this tool that South Africa became the diverse, democratic and “ truly free” she is recognised as being today. The South African Bill of Rights is cited by many to be one of the most amazing forms...
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603 Words
This is a short fictional story about life on the planet Venus where it rains continuously day in day out. The sun disappeared five years ago, and the children are anticipating seeing the sun. The nine-year-old children do no really remember how the sun looked like because they were still too young. The scientists had predicted that the sun was going to come out after all those years but only for a brief moment. These children carry out a lot...
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614 Words
“Speed is the essence of war. Take advantage of the enemy’s unpreparedness, travel by unexpected routes and strike him where he has no precautions.” (Sun & Griffith,1964) In a war, speed is the key that leads us toward victory. Alibaba group effectively apply the speed strategy to their daily business operations. Alibaba invests in AI (artificial intelligence) technologies since few years ago to speed up some trivial process for example quality and quantity control, classification of goods and so on....
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578 Words