Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live on another planet? Well science is just starting to maybe make your dreams come true. However, there is a debate about whether or not we should colonize mars. In my opinion I believe we should, the advantages of colonizing a new planet could be unimaginable. In this Mars essay example I will give you the three main advantages of moving to mars is the relief of the problem of...
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591 Words
Throughout the centuries, there has always been a religion. The belief that there is a God that exists beyond ourselves has profound roots in society, a blessing or curse that humans have face for centuries. Even though from people’s perspective, religion is a dangerous way for manipulative people to lead weaker folks, religion is a true promoter of morality rather than individuals’ rational self-interest. Religion helps guide the lost and provide them with morals, as well as giving people a...
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615 Words
Definition A hard-working attitude is a lot of good standards an individual uses in their activity. Individuals who have a solid hard working attitude exemplify certain rules that direct their work conduct, driving them to deliver top-notch work reliably and the yield propels them to remain on track. Summary In its least difficult definition, an arrangement of good standards is called morals. They influence how individuals lead their lives, forever is a whole stream of basic leadership and morals are...
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577 Words
Jack groaned as his dad rushed him to basketball practice. He did not enjoy playing basketball and was constantly forced to go to practice by his parents. Competitive sports were just not fun anymore, and coaches were often unfair to his team. Before we get into detail about why he disliked basketball, let's get into the facts and reasoning. First of all, sports can be materially unfair to various children. Kids could be neglected because most coaches want their team...
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582 Words
My life for the first forty years has been a series of well-learned negative feelings and attitudes. These have been so ingrained into my total personality that so many trips to intensive in-patient and psychotherapy totaling over a year of my life thus far. Oh, and countless trips to the hospital for medical detox, one trip to a boy’s home and countless out-patient sessions did no more than to sink me further into severe states of depression and anxiety because...
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576 Words
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The experimentation and research in space explorations require huge amount of investments and the money for government funded projects come from the taxpayers. Thus, it is important to look at the advantages and the disadvantages to ensure that this is the right use of the taxpayer’s money. One of the advantages that has been already mentioned in the dissertation is that it aids in job creation. People should keep in mind that a big part of the money invested in...
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594 Words
Is it possible to have an impact that changed laws and outlooks in many other countries? Martin Luther King Jr. was a powerful peace leader. Martin Luther King Jr. impacted the Civil Rights Movement in the following ways: he helped end segregation, he helped blacks get to vote, and changed the attitudes towards blacks forever. Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta Ga (Neal). He was the youngest of three children. He was born into...
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622 Words
The idea of tinkering with the genes becoming a part of future generations has always existed as a muse in science fiction. Now, we have the technology and choice to change the course that thousands of years of biological evolution have taken us on. And it comes in the form of a pair of molecular scissors called ‘CRISPR’. With this tool we could edit our own DNA to cure genetic diseases and afflictions. But that time has not quite arrived....
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585 Words
Biotechnology is a continuously evolving science that is affecting mankind’s day to day life. The extraordinary revolution in biotechnology has created new possibilities for curing diseases and manipulating our genetic heritage (Shahin Akhondzadeh, 2014). This essay aims to discuss the dependence of biotechnology and the ethical and social issues raised from it. Malaria, a parasite infection of red blood cells that still kills 2000 people per a day ( Nicholas J White, 2014). Aided by technological advances scientist are investigating...
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595 Words
Preamble This piece was inspired by my personal experience during my summer volunteer job and research done online. Just like Bruce Chatwin’s The Songlines, it explores the continuity of indigenous culture in our modern society, by recognizing traditional indigenous beliefs about hunting in terms of modern science and art. I also imitated his style of writing by including factual evidence and quotations from experts. I wanted to show connections between modern ideas and aboriginal values in a disjointed manner just...
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610 Words
Refugee and the character Ha from Thanhha Lai Inside Out And Back Again of how they turn inside out and back again. Before Ha flees her home she never got bullied, people didn’t throw rocks at her window. Ha’s life has turned inside out. Refugee face discrimination in a new home, frustration learning a new culture and doubting one's ability, loss of confidence. Refugee lives turn inside out by having to struggle learning new languages and culture. They also have...
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577 Words
Religion is a defining factor of every community. Members In a particular community believe their lives and activities are guided by a supreme being. They belief that the Supreme Being is capable of controlling their undertakings, lives as well as their moral behavior. Religion has been a major factor in ensuring the society is in harmony. However, the differences occur when a particular group has a different belief from another. For instance, religious beliefs of Judaism, Zoroastrianism and Atenism are...
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576 Words
KINESTHETICS Architecture can be defined as the choreographic arrangement of space in relation to the moving body (Sama, 2011). Sama also stated that this “choregraphy” can be classified or understood in two ways: ergonomically and performatively. Performance choreography concentrates on the kinesthetic experience of the human body in space. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Kinesthetic is connected or related with the ability to know where the parts of your body are and how they are moving. APPLICABLE WHEN Designing a...
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583 Words
Stakeholders may be described as individuals who have a specialist in a few ways to impact a project or a plan. Individuals or small groups with the capacity to respond, arrange and alter the key feature of the project. There are numerous stakeholders in construction projects whose structure is frequently huge and includes: The owners, Project Managers, Project architects and engineers, Local and legal Authorities, Employees, Sub-contractors, Insurance companies and Banks (Hillman, A.J. and Keim, G.D., 2001). There are two...
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608 Words
'You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you are the guy who'll decide where to go.' ~ Dr. Seuss. The dictionary naturally defines confidence as “freedom of doubt and belief in yourself and your abilities”. To me, confidence is not something anyone can teach you that. It’s about what you see when you look in...
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579 Words
Australia is the largest funder of residential care for children in South East Asia (Knaus, 2018). In 2017, Australia became the first country to declare orphanage trafficking a form of modern slavery (Australian Government, 2017). As a result of an Inquiry into whether Australia should have a Modern Slavery Act, the ‘Hidden in Plain Sight Report’ detailed extensive evidence submitted by Australian and international non-government organisations and experts on Australia’s contribution via funding and voluntourism to the over-institutionalisation of children...
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579 Words
In this carefully demonstrated article, Marci Nathai-Balkissoon, analysis the impact of the taught module on university students’ safety attitudes. The author has experience being occupational safety and health profession. The author in this article 'defines person’s mental state pertaining to safety, which is cumulatively shaped from inputs such as experiences, observations and learning about safety, and which influences how that individual perceives safety, behaves, and makes decisions in safety-related situations in work and other spheres of life' (Marcia 94). Through...
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600 Words
If you are looking to get back into shape or simply looking to improve your fitness levels, female boxing may be a surprisingly good alternative for you. While once considered to be too aggressive for most women, female boxing has surged in popularity with celebrities like Khloe Kardashian and Adriana Lima being strong public advocates for it. The increasing popularity of boxing with women has blossomed as more women become aware that improved fitness is not the only benefit associated...
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602 Words
Some don’t consider it as a virtue but indeed it’s a virtue. Laziness is seen as the one responsible for the lack of success but lesser known that it is connected to efficiency. A lazy person may not be hard working but he can workout difficult things in a much simpler way. We tend to spend weeks, days and months to achieve our target but the same thing could be done in half of the time and we don’t opt...
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586 Words
As one of the most popular recreational activity, fishing has always been the first choice of many people for a relaxed, enjoyable time. In recent years, people have been trying new ways to make fishing more interesting. Now we have stand-up paddle fishing and kayak fishing. Stand-up paddle boarding gained its popularity in recent years and along with it comes SUP fishing. But is it any better than the more conventional kayak fishing? Let’s find out. Costs When trying to...
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593 Words
Unlike tennis, the shuttlecock and racket of badminton is lighter so the players don't get tired easily as when they play other sports. Despite the fact that badminton is not an endurance sport, it requires the understanding of how to control their speed and strength when using different techniques to defend yourself and attack the opponent. Here are some of the most common techniques in badminton. Smash Smash is the most powerful shot in badminton. Because of the pace and...
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593 Words
Abortion rights have been the talk for decades, jeopardizing women's rights and freedoms for religious beliefs. Many choose to believe that a woman must carry out a pregnancy term, but enforcing religion-based opinions should not remain an option. A woman's body is hers, and the decision of wanting an abortion is her choice, and religiously based laws refuse her of those rights. Some governors, like Governor Kay Ivey who signed into law the most restrictive abortion laws in the nation,...
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593 Words
Second describe topic is congratulatory money present. Congratulatory money means heartfelt gifts for weddings, births and other celebrations. It was originally used as a taken of gratitude and tip given to those who helped us during the celebration, which is a milestone in our lives. Now it is a custom for guests attending a wedding reception to wrap money in a gift bag to celebrate their marriage (Wedding Park Magazine, 2018). There are two manners about congratulatory money. Price First...
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606 Words
Is proving God’s existence possible? There are many ways that God’s existence can be proven. One that is referred to the most is how the universe was created. Some say it was a big bang, but who created the big bang? God’s existence makes sense when considering the origin of the universe, the meaning of life without God, the fact that without god we live with no hope, and in terms of the historical facts concerning life. Why does God’s...
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581 Words
Sexual assault is becoming a common issue among society unfortunately it could happen to literally anyone anywhere at any time , however the real question is can any forms of sexual assault or abuse be prevented by knowledge about the topic at a young age ? Presentations about sexual assault could help a teen speak up if they have been sexually assaulted in the past or even if it is happening in their present life . In an article i...
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621 Words
Self respect Self-Respect refers to loving oneself and behaving with honour and dignity. It reflects respect for Oneself. An individual who has self-respect would treat himself with honour. Furthermore, lacking Self-Respect is a matter of disgrace. An individual who does not respect himself, should certainly not expect respect from others. This is because nobody likes to treat such an individual with respect. Self-Respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. In relationships, it is important to respect your partner. Similarly,...
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580 Words
Being a farmer means that you will have the responsibility of completing many tasks. On larger farms, workers can be expected to know how to operate machinery such as tractors, how to tend to livestock, basic maintenance and repair work to fences, vehicles, gates etc. Farmers need to know how to plant, fertilize and harvest crops, as well as how to affectively market their produce. On small farms, the workers are generally the owners of the farm and do all...
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611 Words
Extracellular Vesicles (EV’s) are unique therapeutic biological molecules exhibiting numerous applications such as natural nanocarriers for drug delivery systems, stem cell-based tissue regeneration, immunogenic response regulators, etc. Their endogenous presence in all living organisms renders them the properties of low toxicity, high stability, and biocompatibility; making them excellent candidates for utilization in the biomedical and healthcare sectors. The major limitations hampering the realization of commercial-scale manufacturing of EV’s are low production yield and a high degree of heterogeneity in product...
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600 Words
Slavery is a concept that has existed in various forms in all societies since the beginning of human history. Although it has been banned from the past to the present with various legal and administrative arrangements and theological approaches, slavery has in fact never disappeared. On the contrary, the concept of the concept of slavery, which is based on the relationship of ownership, has been gradually expanded over time and has been articulated by processes such as human trafficking, forced...
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603 Words
Orthodox Jews are considered the most traditional members of the Jewish community. They live their lives by the Torah, which are the first 5 books of the Jewish Bible. Orthodox Judaism has made a point not to change its observances and has kept close practices such as daily worship, dietary laws, traditional prayers and ceremonies, regular study of the Torah, and separation of men and women in the synagogue. It also preaches strict observance of the Sabbath and religious festivals...
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605 Words