650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Importance of Goals and Values in Our Lives

As a grown-up child, setting goals and values are one of the key opponents to a successful future. Having a strong belief in life can impact oneself and their social statuses. Every human being makes a lot of decision throughout their life. These decisions are the reflection of their beliefs and value towards a specific object. Not only are values great but having goals in life grants long-term and short-terms desires. Values such as religion, family, friends, education, and hope...
1 Page 633 Words

Why Students Should Eat Breakfast Every Day

People need energy to do activities. The energy can be obtained from carbohydrate, fat, and protein that contained in food. Breakfast is one of the important actions so the body gets enough energy intake to do activities. However, research shows that more than 27% of students aged 12 to 19 skip breakfast, even though it has a big impact on their health and school success. I am going to present 3 reasons why students should eat breakfast every day. First,...
1 Page 634 Words

Jefferson's Hypocrisy and Declaration's Promises

The statement ‘All men are created equal’ only began to ring true hundreds of years after 1776. The promises of the Declaration of Independence fell short of what was guaranteed at the time and 'all men' were merely hypothetical. The words of Thomas Jefferson and his actions greatly contradict themselves, making him a hypocrite. In this free country, African Americans, women, and other marginalized groups were denied liberties they were supposed to have. The Declaration of Independence was a self-indulgent...
1 Page 639 Words

Effectiveness and Importance of the Dog-Human Relationship

Are dogs really a man’s best friend and important? In many ways, dogs are important. This is because many dogs positively influence people with diseases or with a disorder. Relationships between dogs and humans are important because dogs can help people with Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and autism spectrum disorder. To begin with, many studies have proven that dogs impact people with Alzheimer’s by decreasing their amount of agitation and stress. Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disorder that ruins or slows...
1 Page 656 Words

Economic Impact of Globalization in India

The term ‘globalization’ refers to the free and flexible movement of products and services across borders. The process follows an integrated and well-managed manner. It opens a gateway to be a part of the global economy and trade. The globalization directly impacts on the economy of the country as it attracts foreign direct investment by opening global trade opportunities. Furthermore, if one looks into the impact of globalization on the Indian economy, it is quite visible that it helped in...
1 Page 671 Words

Eli and Oscar's Development in 'Night' and 'Schindler's List'

Still today many books are still very important to many surroundings, they have tons of abilities and can hold a spot in your head forever. This book called ‘Night’ is definitely important especially to the writer Elie Wiesel. He was a huge survivor of a horrendous and frightening real-life event that took place in 1941 and 1945 known as the Holocaust or Shoah. The Holocaust took place in the broader context of World War II where Germany invaded Poland. It...
1 Page 644 Words

Benefits of GMOs: Persuasive Speech

Have you ever known that GMOs is safe for human’s life? GMOs is considered to be safe and dangerous by some people. There was a debate in 2018 that showed about genetically modified food, which is created for preventing from pests, infecting from virus ad contaminating from some insecticide chemical. There are some advantages and disadvantages of GMOs. For the disadvantages, Hirshberg, Van, and Brody have disagreed that using too much GMOs on food might lead to cancer, resist medicine’s...
1 Page 675 Words

Steps Taken to Fulfill My Dream of Becoming a Pharmacist

Adversity, determination, ambition, and drive, just a few words that describe me. Though I may not excel in many things, these are words that I’m proud to be described as. Throughout my life failure has been a common theme, however, with failure comes learning and with learning comes growth. At a young age a love for pharmacy was instilled into me. The past few years have been challenging, but also exciting as I’ve continued to learn and grow, always coming...
1 Page 664 Words

Should Pitbulls Be Allowed as Pets? Essay

Imagine banning one type of person based on the fault of others. This is what we did to Pitbull Terriers in 1991. This ban has cost many innocent and harmless dogs their lives. Pitbulls get labelled as an aggressive dog breed, but with good ownership and proper care can be one of the most gentle and affectionate companions. Pitbulls aren’t born to fight but get trained to do so for human entertainment, these dogs are also made to look threatening...
1 Page 642 Words

Romeo and Juliet's Death-Marked Love

Mercutio curses both the Capulets and the Montagues with the phrase “a plague on both your houses”, as he realizes he is dying; this repeated curse foreshadows Romeo and Juliet's tragic fate. Mercutio's speech is composed in a prosaic form that is spontaneous and unpredictable in comparison to the rest of the play, which is poetic and deliberate. This style of writing could reflect Mercutio's mental chaos when he realizes he is dying, which is a drastic contrast to the...
1 Page 667 Words

Rice Importation in the Philippines

In the Philippines you can’t call a ‘meal’ without rice. Most Filipinos eat three meals a day. Breakfast, lunch and dinner with the presence of rice. But what would happen if the country did not provide its citizens with enough rice to eat? As the population of the Philippines is increasing, the amount of rice grown by local farmers is becoming insufficient for the total population of our country. According to the Department of Trade and Industry, the Philippines is...
1 Page 659 Words

Review of Professor Kenneth Hamilton's Concert

When it comes to Professor Kenneth Hamilton, who is his own right has an established reputation as a concert pianist, I came to his concert with the expectation of a mesmerizing listening experience. This themed and ambitious program, consisting of a homage to Liszt, came across well as favorites of the performer. Hamilton made this clear from the outset. The Steinway in the concert hall was also exploited to its full effect, with the colorful pedaling and rhythmic polish shining...
1 Page 668 Words

Reflections on Why 'Casablanca' Seemed Doomed from the Start

On the morality level, the cult film ‘Casablanca’ seemed like it was doomed from the beginning. A bar, Rick’s Cafe American, was the main setting, where alcohol, people willing to do anything and everything to obtain exit visas, a murder, corrupted officials and a forbidden romance have been the key elements. Casablanca is like a purgatory where these sins must be traded in order to escape the city. Clearly, these elements were major issues when it came to the Production...
1 Page 671 Words

My Growing Up with a Single Parent

Most people don’t know I was raised by a single parent, - a single father. Growing up without a mother I didn’t realize the impact on me until I got older and was able to looked at how I had to teach myself everything I know about how to be a woman. My dad tried his best to help, but let’s be real there’s only so much a man can relate to adolescent periods. Having a mother there to initiate...
1 Page 632 Words

It's My Life and My Mental Illness

Imagine if our society blamed people for being raped and claimed that it was their own life choices that had led them to such a horrific experience. Now, envision putting that shame, on someone who is fighting for their life, someone who is experiencing depression or anxiety. This happens every day, not just to rape victims, but also to the victims of mental illness. I think about this constantly as it's everywhere I look. People keep getting blamed for having...
1 Page 656 Words

Illegal Animal Trade and Black-Market

Exotic animals are sold far and wide, bound for individuals' basements and lawns. The expression 'intriguing' doesn't have a set definition; however, it generally alludes to a wild animals or ones that are more unordinary than your standard pooch or feline. The blasting business in fascinating pets is known as the extraordinary pet exchange. A portion of this exchange is legitimate, however ordinarily animals are caught from the wild illicitly to gracefully interest for intriguing pets. The unlawful deals of...
1 Page 649 Words

How Does Elie Wiesel Change Throughout the Book 'Night'?

The Holocaust itself was a genocide on a scale never before seen, with as many as twelve million people killed in Nazi death camps—six million of them Jews. Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel, wrote a memoir called ‘Night’, which gives us a look on what he faced, what he went through, and what life was like being held against his will by the Nazi’s. In the beginning of Elie Wiesel’s book ‘Night’, he was very naive and oblivious to what was...
1 Page 661 Words

Creating Long-Term Career Success in Data Analytics

Data analytics has been one of the hottest jobs for a while now, and according to IBM, the demand will further increase by around 30% in the next two years. Such proliferation of skilled professionals is due to the increase in the use cases of analytics across several business activities. Thus, data analytics professionals need to continuously keep track of the latest trends in the analytics landscape and up-skill for delivering values. Consequently, to thrive in their profession, data analytics...
1 Page 649 Words

Hidden in Elie Wiesel’s 'Night'

Throughout the presence of space and time, various incidents occur in which society gains experience from. Through those experiences things like articles and novels are made. ‘Night’ is a reiterated version of author Elie Wiesel’s experience during the Holocaust. He speaks about the ghetto he lived in, the suffering he endured, and the pain of it all. It raises the question how silence and indifference can perpetuate violence. In the novel Wiesel illustrate the idea of how the world’s actions...
1 Page 646 Words

Genomic Breeding and Evolution of Rice

Rice is a type of edible grain which is currently the staple food for over 3.5 billion people. It has been an important food for humans for centuries and has been cultivated as early as 7000 BCE. After the domestication of rice, rice crops were bred to be stouter, straighter, to have increased yield and to grow grains which hung on the plants instead of falling to the ground. It is estimated that by 2050 the number of people relying...
1 Page 668 Words

Essay on Why High School Students Should Not Drink Alcohol

When I was a sophomore, I got invited to go to a party with my friends during our Christmas break. We were all having a good time until an older male came and offered us a drink, and because we didn’t know what it was, we accepted it. As I took my first sip from the cup, I felt the bitter taste of the liquid flowing down my throat, causing me to throw up. I did some research the following...
1 Page 648 Words

Effects of Alcohol Use Among the Youth

Alcohol use has grown significantly among the youth ranging from adolescence through to young adulthood. The legal age for drinking alcohol in many global policies is between 18 and 21 years, and this is a period considered as the youth. Underage drinking is illegal and restricted in nearly all countries. However, it is still an epidemic and may go as low as 12 years (Osgood et al., 2013). Alcohol, in its many kinds and form, has become a big commercial...
1 Page 633 Words

Demonstrating Urban African American Experience in Spike Lee's Films

Spike Lee films are in essence about the experiences of African Americans in urban communities. Spike Lee is an American director, writer, producer, and actor. He grew up in Brooklyn, New York which probably explains why a large majority of his films take place there. He often dives into racial tensions and exposes the day-to-day realities of different cultures, showing the raw violence and hatred that many people are too isolated to see. His films tackle subjects such as racism,...
1 Page 657 Words

Character Analysis of Emma Bovary (‘Madame Bovary’ by Gustave Flaubert)

Flaubert, again nails the way of shaping the character, so as Emma the perfectly rounded character in the history of modern novels. Though, ‘Madame Bovary’ over figures the male chauvinism, it holds a subtle way of portraying characters in a different perception. Gustave Flaubert, as Simone de Beauvoir, draws the feminist ideology in disciplines of biology, psychoanalysis and historical materialism so, as Flaubert had also shaped Emma with the touch of those disciplines. Flaubert infuses the feminist ideology with the...
1 Page 635 Words

Beauty Pageants Should Be Banned

Every woman should convince herself that the real beauty is the beauty of the soul and the beauty of personality. Nowadays because of contest like beauty pageants, nobody values that. It is now all about the physical beauty, how the body looks, how your hair and face look. Although many of the women who choose to participate in the beauty pageant will defend the values of the pageant, it is definitely sending the wrong message to women, especially young girls...
1 Page 641 Words

Analysis of Jacques Tati’s Movie 'Playtime'

Jacques Tati’s ‘Playtime’ (1967) is an almost wordless comedy movie showing confusion in an age of high technology. It takes place in a world of modern architecture, a world of glass and steel, endless corridors, elevators, modern work offices, air conditioners, mass produced-furniture and everything else. It is a representation of what life would be like if we lived like robots, with everything in order and no identity. It shows how humans would wander around cities with no identity and...
1 Page 641 Words

Alcohol Vs Marijuana: Which Is Healthier and Safer

The debate of whether alcohol or weed is worse for your body is nothing new to be debated on. Everyone has their own opinion on which is healthier but only one thing can truly prove who is right and who’s wrong, facts. Statistics have proven in the past few years that marijuana is much safer for your health. Even with all these facts, however, some people still hold on to their opinion like it is all they have. In this...
1 Page 659 Words

Advantages and Disadvantages of Video Games

Video games years ago changed the way people have fun with the creation of home consoles that brought entertainment to families' televisions. Traditional board games or outdoor activities were no longer the only option for children and adults alike to combat boredom, now they could also enjoy hours of fun on television. With the growing popularity of video games, the market that covered at first expanded to more places to reach most of the world in a business that currently...
1 Page 627 Words

Achieving Personal Peace in Islam

Personal peace in Islam is known as the greater Jihad, this should be an individual submitting to God, Allah. This is expressed in relationships with the individual’s family and society and obedience to Islamic law and peaceful relationships with society as a whole. The belief of God in Islam leads to the knowledge of God, this knowledge leads to the love of God which ultimately enables Muslims to happiness and inner peace. In Islam, peace is only possible when the...
1 Page 663 Words

Passion for Engineering

The aspect I admire most about engineering is its problem-solving approach which combines physics and mathematics to face problems of increasing complexity. Engineering is both used to solve human problems as well as satisfy human curiosity. A great example is NASA's rover Opportunity, which survived almost 15 years longer than expected against all odds. We can attribute opportunity's success to the excellent engineering work done which enabled the rover to withstand the harsh conditions on Mars. For instance, its wheels...
1 Page 632 Words
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