650 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Say No to Animal Eating

Eating animal meat – it all includes sea and land animals - is bad as it raises concern in three major aspects: the animal welfare, health consideration, and the environmental impact of meat production. “Eating animal is like eating a friend”. For Leo Tolstoy, one of the greatest author of all time, a human can be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite....
1 Page 670 Words

Analysis of War and Protest Poetry

Imagine if the person you had followed your whole life was dying. That they never saw the victory they were fighting for finally won. O captain o captain by Walt Whitman was written in the last year of the American civil war; 1865, with the poem being one big metaphor. The repetition of “o captain o captain,” emphasises the melancholy, despaired tone, that their leader has died. The grief and death “you’ve fallen cold and dead” compared to the celebration...
1 Page 635 Words

Waiting for the Rain Essay

Waiting for the Rain was inspired by the unjust policy of apartheid in South Africa. During the unfair treatment a young boy endured, he had to decide if the value of friendship can overcome extreme tensions risen by a unfavorable system. It all began on a farm on the South African veld. Tengo was a black boy who laborer on the farm of Frikkie's uncle. As a child, he was blinded from the unfairness and hardships, and found thorough bliss...
1 Page 656 Words

The Lesson I Learned from The Tornado

When I was a child my mother and father always told me to grateful for the people in my life and the things I have because you never know when it can be taken away from you. I will never forget that humbling experience that taught me the importance of family and how precious life itself truly is. Every day is a new day no matter the situation I learned to never give up on myself. It was such a...
1 Page 639 Words

Methods Used to Reduce Heat Loss

Cavity wall insulation is method used to reduce heat loss through the walls filling the air space with material that inhibits heat transfer. Cavity walls are constructed in houses. It is an outside wall and an inside wall with a space between the two walls which is air. This is known to be an effective way preventing of the wall inside house from becoming damp however the air gap can transfer heat by convection making the house colder. Heat loss...
1 Page 675 Words

Homo Sapiens and Early Human Migration

Homo sapiens is part of a group called hominids, which were the earliest humanlike creatures. Based on archaeological and anthropological evidence, we think that hominids diverged from other primates somewhere between 2.5 and 4 million years ago in eastern and southern Africa. Though there was a degree of diversity among the hominid family, they all shared the trait of bipedalism, or the ability to walk upright on two legs. Scientists have several theories about why early hominids evolved. One, the...
1 Page 661 Words

Essay About Sandy Hurricane

Introduction A natural disaster is defined by the UN as: “the consequences of events triggered by natural hazards that overwhelm local response capacity and seriously affect the social and economic development of a region” (Elizabeth F,2006). Natural disasters, for example, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornados, and windstorms, affect many people in the world yearly. It is essential that the impacts of these natural disasters are assessed and preventive measures taken to reduce their impacts. Natural Disasters Natural disasters, technological catastrophes, and...
1 Page 659 Words

The Leadership Style and Characteristics of George Washington

Leadership is described as being a person who has the ability to have people follow them. There are many characteristics for being a leader or holding a leadership role. In order to be a good leader one must be able to be trusted. They must also be a person who is a visionary and knows when to be & not to be tough. You would need to be organized and be able to organize other people. You also need to...
1 Page 665 Words

The Uncanny'. Review of a Book

I love exploring elements of the uncanny in gothic literature. It is directly linked with the transgressive nature of such writing. This has been epitomised in many novels and short stories of the nineteenth century. The Gothic and uncanny reinforce each other; they stand side by side in the dark shadows of such writing. To show this I’m going to give the example of two of my favourite gothic novels: Dracula and The Strange Case of Doctor Jekyll and Mr...
1 Page 653 Words

The Biography of Julius Caesar

When he was sixteen, his father died and Caesar became the head of the family. Deciding that being in the priesthood would bring the most benefit to the family, he managed to have himself nominated as the new High Priest of Jupiter. When the Roman ruler, Sulla, declared himself dictator, he began a systematic purge of his enemies and particularly of those who held to the Popular ideology. Caesar was targeted and fled Rome but his sentence was lifted through...
1 Page 635 Words

Legacy of The Hellenistic Age: The Statue of Sleeping Eros

Throughout history art has been essential in understanding and interpreting ancient cultures. Greek art has had many different dynamics throughout history, most notably The Hellenistic Age. The various depictions of the god Eros during the Hellenistic Age, gives a glimpse of new sought values and ideals in Greek culture. Hellenistic art consists of distinctive features and characteristics, which set it apart from other art periods in Greek history. The sleeping statue of Eros is believed to be created during the...
1 Page 649 Words

Negative Impact of Computers on the Environment and Human Health

We all know that computers are a very important part of our modern life, but they do have a negative impact on the environment and human health, and in this article, I will try to explain these negative phenomena. First of all, attention should be focused on the negative impact of computers on the environment. The first negative is about the chemicals from the electronic components inside your computer. When you throw away your computer parts, they end up in...
1 Page 653 Words

James Madison's Significant Contribution to Federalism

James Madison remains mysterious on federalism despite immense efforts by other analysts, commentators, and biographers on the same (Hamilton et al. 2017). He is hailed widely to be the father of the constitution of Philadelphia. There was a change in his views towards federalism in the long run of his political career. In this regard, he had to state clearly the relationship exhibited between the national and state government with their spheres of authority, respectively. Furthermore, he clearly illustrated his...
1 Page 661 Words

Rewards & Compensation: Motivating Employees & Improving Performance

Rewards and compensation play a vital role in motivating employees and improving performance in organization. A cautiously designed reward and compensation system can significantly increase the performance of employees resulting in organization's effectiveness and productivity. With the changing scene in the world of work today, a multifaceted reward and compensation system is required to meet the demands of the employees. According to Watson (2003) a reward is usually something valuable, such as money. Rewards serve in various ways in organizations....
1 Page 647 Words

Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage

Minimum wage is the compensation payable to laborers as fixed by law. Should the minimum wage be raised? I have mixed emotions regarding this topic. If minimum wage is raised, it would hurt most organizations, there would be fewer open positions. I think if the minimum wage were raised from $7.25 it would probably hurt public and private entities. Especially during the pandemic, most companies are not flourishing. Raising the wages would mean bigger paychecks and those small businesses may...
1 Page 657 Words

Growing Importance of IoT in Modern Society

The Internet of Things or IoT is the networking of physical devices, vehicles, buildings, and other objects embedded in electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity that enable the collection and exchange of data. It is used to make our lives more enjoyable and our business more efficient and cheaper. The use of IoT today is overly widespread. IoT is among the busiest technologies that could reshape the way businesses do business. IoT has successfully disrupted our daily lives in recent...
1 Page 654 Words

Joining the NHS as a Great Opportunity for Personal Growth

The National Honors Society was established to recognize outstanding high school students. It allows you to strengthen your abilities and grow as a person through school and community activities. Having said that, I am extremely honored to be nominated for this organization. The National Honors Society is said to represent four pillars; character, leadership, service, and scholarship. Over the course of the years that I have attended both Glen Este and West Clermont High School, I have displayed several examples...
1 Page 672 Words

Kaepernick's Expression: Realizing Freedom of Speech

I have chosen ‘American and Their Flag’ as my research topic. This topic was inspired by the actions of Colin Kapernick’s remaining seated for the national anthem. The topic conveys different symbols of patriotism. I researched this topic by utilizing Cornell Law School U.S. Code 301 as a resource. This code states that the law does not require anyone to stand. Upon reading the articles, it is my opinion that Colin Kapernick’s actions of kneeling during the national anthem was...
1 Page 665 Words

Proud of My Indian Roots

Being the youngest child of immigrant parents has impacted my views on the world in many ways. Growing up, my parents would tell my sisters and me stories about what it was like to live in India, as well as the cultural shock they received when they arrived in America in 1996. My dad would recall a time when he would walk the family cow in the streets. To this day, I still don’t know if he was serious or...
1 Page 640 Words

Diversity of Cultural Roots as a Personal Advantage

As a student who is considered to have a mixed culture, I used to find myself in a circumstance where I had to identify myself as one culture or another. Growing up it was a mouth full when I explained what my ethnicity was to friends and coworkers. It was a struggle for me to figure out what and who I really am after I supposedly spoke about what I am. It made me stop in my tracks and profoundly...
1 Page 647 Words

Choosing a Career Based on Money or Passion: An Essay

Money is undeniably vital in life. You can’t pay your bills and nourish your family on just love and passion, and this a cruel truth. When we are talking around career development, we are talking about people who are prepared to win less in arrange to contribute in their expertise improvement and network, which in turn helps them to gain much more afterwards. Further, I am of the belief that happiness derived from money is frequently short lived. The day...
1 Page 663 Words

Anti-Americanism Vs Pro-American Attitudes

Home of the brave land of the free and home to many different beliefs and opinions. One example of America's diverse belief system is the topic of Anti Americanism vs Pro-American Attitudes. I am writing about this topic because it's a big problem across the world today and so many people have different ideas and sides on this matter. Two articles that go in depth and give real life examples of Pro/Anti Americanism would be ‘The Children Will Keep Coming’...
1 Page 665 Words

Settling in Virginia as a Chance to Improve the Colonists' Way of Life

Out of the 13 original colonies, the Virginia Colony might just be the one that offered the most opportunities for settlers/colonist wanting to leave their homeland. These colonists have many different motives for leaving everything behind, but some had no choice as their economy was getting worse. Other settlers such as Pilgrims and Puritans wanted to be able to practice religious beliefs freely. Thankfully Virginia offered these needs and so much more, with its unique geographical feature’s colonist were able...
1 Page 647 Words

A Comparative Analysis of the American and British Bills of Rights

Natural rights are allowed to all people that can't be denied or confined by any authority or person. Regular rights are usually supposed to be granted to individuals by 'Natural law.' In creating the laws, Jefferson followed the system of the English Declaration of rights, after the 'Glorious Revolution', 1689. Most researchers today conclude that Jefferson was inspired to write the Declaration of Independence from the works of John Locke. Locke composed that all people are equal as they are...
1 Page 650 Words

Black Lives Matter's Importance for Fighting Racial Profiling

It is likely that you have heard or read the phrase ‘black lives matter’. Everyone observes it differently. Some people who are not African-American might want to say, ‘all lives matter’. Some read the phrase and realize that there are problems with how society views African-Americans. The United States has a problem with labeling people based on their skin tone and young African-American men are carrying more weight on their shoulders because of societies racism than ever before. Racial profiling...
1 Page 648 Words

Religion and Wisdom of Huckleberry Finn

Religion is a very controversial subject, in this particular case it is presented in a satirical way under the words of Mark Twain. In ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, Twain portrays religion as superficial, hypocrite and superstitious theme that goes along diverse parts of the text. Criticizes the conventional religion comparing it with the true religion of one of the main characters, Huck Finn. As far as I could see in the text the great majority, but not all the...
1 Page 631 Words

“So It Goes” as a Main Motif of Kurt Vonnegut's ‘Slaughterhouse Five’

The finest example of satirical literature and science fiction, was written 1969 by Kurt Vonnegut ‘Slaughterhouse Five’. The book becomes Vonnegut’s way to release traumatic experiences during World War II and protest against it. He subtitles the book ‘The Children’s Crusade: A Duty-Dance with Death’, to demonstrate many of the soldiers inexperience and little knowledge of the war, and the reality of it. However, Vonnegut does not relate his experience in World War II as a biography. He decides to...
1 Page 626 Words

Personal Identification with Transcendentalism

To me, transcendentalism explores the pursuit of endless happiness and adventure. After observing the actions and beliefs of the infamous Chris McCandless, I can connect through our shared urge and fantasy of traveling isolated in the innocent, tranquil wilderness. After years of elongated education to please society, McCandless felt as if his true path to success was exploring the great outdoors, rather than acquiring a surplus of capital and acceptance from others. McCandless’ freedom and contentedness as described in the...
1 Page 655 Words

From Habit to Tradition

There is a lot of multiculturalism in the world. Each ethnic group has its own history and culture. Being so, there is also a big diversity of habits and traditions. Habit and tradition share a common characteristic: both involve repetitive actions that a person feels compelled to take, whether it's a conscious decision or not. But there's also a decided difference between the two. For instance, you may eat every day the same breakfast but you probably wouldn't call it...
1 Page 655 Words

Life Without Cell Phones: An Essay

Cell phones are everywhere these days. We see people of all ages — from toddlers in strollers to their grandparents — using cell phones, particularly the ubiquitous smartphone. We use cell phones to indulge in leisure activities and to work. It certainly seems to me that most people nowadays cannot, or dare not, imagine life without a cell phone. Among those who can afford it, the smartphone has become a status symbol, and for those who are concerned about projecting...
1 Page 626 Words
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