The novel ‘The Longest Memory’ written by Fred D’Aguiar and Tom Wright’s play ‘Black Diggers’ explore the racist domination of our past societies. When faced with difficult circumstances, people can either make the easy choice: to ignore it and carry on, or to face the problem head on and put the safety and well-being of others first, despite jeopardizing their own. In the oppressive and unjust worlds displayed in the respective texts, it takes a lot of courage and bravery...
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689 Words
Bullying has been an epidemic for all ages. Several television shows and movies recently have been centered around bullying, for example, ‘13 Reasons Why’, ‘A Girl Like Her’, ‘Cyberbully’, and even ‘Mean Girls’. These movies and TV shows were produced to openly speak up about bullying and the harm that it causes to some people. Bullying is on the rise in majority of schools across the world. Parents, teachers, and other staff members are often not aware of all of...
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707 Words
Are human beings in control of their fate? The story of Oedipus shows that it is not. Oedipus did try to escape his fate a lot of times, but couldn’t because no matter how much you try to run from your fate, you just cannot escape it anyway, what is meant to be, will always find a way to you. He tried his best to run from the prophecy. First by deciding not to return to Corinth, the city where...
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718 Words
Peace has two concepts: world peace (the lack of war and absence of conflict), and inner peace (the lack of conflict with oneself and one’s community). To Christians both of these aspects of peace are important. They draw from the teachings of the Bible and interpretations of it by the Church to respond to the call of their sacred text to live in peace: using Jesus, the ‘Prince of Peace’, through the New Testament, as a guide to promote inner...
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712 Words
American author, F. Scott Fitzgerald in his novel ‘The Great Gatsby’ incites glorified feelings that lead the reader to believe the character Daisy Buchanan is a kind of ideal perfection, although she does not possess nor deserve that position. He supports this claim by showing the audience both Gatsby’s and Nick’s perceptions of Daisy. Fitzgerald’s reasoning for this is to charm the audience to Daisy in order to build hope for her and Gatsby’s relationship. He provokes a curious mindset...
2 Pages
709 Words
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“People are more willing to give when they see generosity as part of who they are” – Dr. Summer Allen. Helping others is something inherent within each person, which gives anyone the desire to always strive to do good and spread it. Volunteering work, supportive actions or words, and even unplanned acts can do the biggest changes. It can also reflect positively on others’ lives. Moreover, all these initiatives, whether it is too small or big, still can boost the...
2 Pages
689 Words
Chemistry, to me, is not merely a subject; it is this whole world of interactions at the subatomic level that ultimately leads us on the path to truth. It is intellectual curiosity that leads to countless questions being asked that, in turn, fuel discoveries in chemistry. I find learning about discoveries such as Liquid crystal displays and penicillin insightful as they have shaped our modern world. My interest in organic chemistry, especially optical isomerism, grew after reading “The Disappearing Spoon”...
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688 Words
I was born in Redding, California. After my parents divorced, my mom moved my sister and me to a small town. Growing up, my sister regularly spoke for both of us. While this played a significant role regarding my shyness, I was invariably a happy kid. After the move, I developed a tight-knit friend group, consisting of 3 girls and me. Life was good, and we were content, aside from the occasional drama. However, as the years passed, things started...
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689 Words
In this essay I am going to explain and analyze the benefits and drawbacks of returning to education as an adult. I propose that there are more positives than negatives. Starting with the negatives, listed in order of significance: stress time, social differences in thinking (due to age, maturity, etc.), and finances. The positives (also listed in order of significance) include: more life experience, employment outlook and skin in the game. Beginning with the dilemma of stress and juggling responsibilities....
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689 Words
Tea in not cultivated everywhere in the world. It is restricted to specific regions of the world due to the specific requirements of climate. Major of the producers of tea are in Asia are China, India, Sri Lanka, and African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda, Malawi, Uganda and Tanzania. The regions where tea is grown are generally located in the tropical regions where rain is more and get a proper environment to grow. Furthermore, many countries like Argentina and Brazil...
2 Pages
717 Words
As I tumble through the air, time seemed to slow since i landed here. I have fallen hard many times before, but even before I hit the ground, I can tell this fall is different. The biggest reason to study abroad is the opportunity to see the world, and in today’s world, recruiters value graduates with international experience and education. Studying abroad helps you to learn new languages, appreciate other cultures, overcome challenges of living in another country and gain...
2 Pages
716 Words
Have you ever looked back and wondered what led you to this exact moment in time? How your life might have turned out differently if not for that single, life-altering, ‘how did I get here’ experience? This transformation can take on a variety of forms, appearing to some as changes in career paths or maybe even in the guise of a developing personal relationship. For me, it happened when I was just a kid, ignorant of the world and all...
2 Pages
696 Words
‘Cathedral’ is a beautiful and elegant story by Raymond Carver. Despite the simple and gruff prose, the story discusses the complex nature of alienation. It is a story of a man becoming something he was not at the beginning of the narrative. This is also a self-analysis of Carver about the meaning of his own life. Carver was born poor and considered himself to be unrefined and simple. He grew up feeling estranged from the world around him. This is...
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678 Words
The Vikings were a group of people that came from the Scandinavian countries of Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. They travelled, traded and explored western Europe from the 8th through to the 11th century. They were known for being fearless warriors, daring explorers and smart traders. But they were also known by some to be blood thirsty raiders who pillaged and killed innocent people from one country to another. This isn’t necessarily an accurate impression of them, and research conducted shows...
2 Pages
688 Words
America, known as the constitution or federation, is ultimately led by President Donald J. Trump, and as stated by the Constitution of the United States, “All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives” (Baltzell, 2007). Though the American government was designed to keep individuals of a higher power from acquiring excessive amounts of power, many believe the current president of the United States...
2 Pages
692 Words
As known, the narrative clarity rules dominated the cinema industry since 1910. One of the most important rules is the 180-degree rule, which is used to illustrate the relation between the characters or a character and an object. It says that the camera should remain on the same side of an imaginary axis (the axis of action) to keep the spectators oriented. After deciding on which side of the axis you will place the camera, you should keep the positions...
2 Pages
697 Words
Acceleration is when the rate at which velocity changes over time. Acceleration is a vector, it results in the changes of its speed, direction, or both. A human body can withstand any constant speed, but if we speed up or slow down too quickly, we would pass out. Speeding ups acceleration is positive and slowing down the acceleration is negative. If the velocity changes by the equivalent quantity of time, the acceleration is constant. Acceleration is measured within terms of...
2 Pages
708 Words
This paper is devoted to a critical analysis of the movie ‘Sherlock Holmes’ and its main character. The movie was directed by Guy Ritchie in 2009. Robert Downey Jr. is the main character or as Sherlock Holmes, and David Jude Law as Dr. Watson. This movie was honored with numerous awards, such as the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy, the Empire Awards for the Best Thriller Movie and nominated for two Academy Awards. The...
2 Pages
711 Words
Introduction Environmental scanning plays a crucial role in the real estate industry by providing valuable insights into market trends, identifying potential risks and opportunities, and promoting sustainable practices. In this essay, we will explore the concept of environmental scanning in real estate and its significance in analyzing the dynamic and ever-changing market landscape. We will delve into the process of environmental scanning, its key components, and how it enables real estate professionals to make informed decisions for sustainable development and...
2 Pages
704 Words
Introduction "12 Years a Slave" by Solomon Northup and "Frederick Douglass: An American Slave" by Frederick Douglass are two seminal autobiographical works that provide powerful accounts of the brutality and dehumanization of slavery in America. While both narratives offer firsthand perspectives on the horrors of enslavement, they differ in terms of their personal experiences, writing styles, and perspectives on the institution of slavery. In this comparative essay, we will explore the similarities and differences between these two influential works, shedding...
2 Pages
715 Words
Introduction The Gettysburg Address, delivered by President Abraham Lincoln on November 19, 1863, stands as one of the most iconic speeches in American history. In this essay, we will conduct a rhetorical analysis of the Gettysburg Address, exploring its persuasive power, rhetorical devices, and its enduring impact on the collective memory of the nation. By examining the artistry and effectiveness of Lincoln's words, we gain insight into the profound influence of rhetoric in shaping public opinion and inspiring a nation...
1 Page
683 Words
As a child from a struggling family in the western part of Africa, and a first-generation high school graduate, it has always been a challenge to get a good education. Engaging on petty jobs to raise money for college as a teenager, getting married to an active duty military (US Army) man and eventually having to move overseas which is so far away from home; being a mother of three kids, dealing with deployment and having to raise kids basically...
2 Pages
705 Words
In 1980 the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve (ANWR) in northern Alaska in order to create a safe place for animals and plants where they would be able to thrive without human interactions. However, if we were to drill on this land we would not only be destroying the environment even more than it already is. This land is a “vital birthing ground for polar bears, grizzlies, Arctic wolves, caribou, and the endangered shaggy musk ox, a mammoth-like survivor of the...
2 Pages
687 Words
Nursing is such a diverse, challenging, and worthwhile career that I really feel it is the right course for me. It is a vocation for people who are practical, conscientious, and reliable, and who find it easy quickly to establish good, trusting relationships with new people. I have these skills and a genuine desire to help people when they need it most. The role of the nurse is changing in the NHS, with more opportunities for nurses to take greater...
2 Pages
687 Words
Leadership is the ability to inspire, motivate, communicate, and guide others along the path to success. A leader must have an understanding of who they are, what they are capable of, and what they know. Being the first-born first-generation American in my family, a lot has been put on my shoulders. As the eldest of 4, I had to make sure that I never faltered when it came to my goals and ambitions. I had to do my best In...
2 Pages
704 Words
My mom picked up her cell phone and suddenly started crying. We were having dinner at a local restaurant to celebrate her birthday. My aunt called to tell us that our interview with the U.S. Embassy was moved to next month. I could not believe it, after all these years, it was finally happening. With a family divided itself by immigration, we were also set aside in society because of our ideology. Little did I know this would be what...
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695 Words
Last summer was the most memorable summer of all time. I always have some plans for every summer, that is, watching TV, going to camps, and trying a new diet every week. But last summer I decided to change my routine. I wanted to learn something new, so decided to apply for an internship. The idea of an internship was new to me because I rarely see people of my age willing to work especially during the summers. I started...
2 Pages
701 Words
World War I(WWI) was a global war that originated in Europe that lasted from July 28, 1914, to November 11, 1918. During WWI, soldiers communicated with their loved ones back home by writing letters to ease the pain of separation. Below is a creative letter from a soldier describing what life was like in the trenches and the aspects of the war. Dear Mother, I would like to thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. I miss you very...
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685 Words
When people talk about their life, what do you think about? Do you ever think about how fortunate you are? Why do your parents teach you certain life lessons? Well, every family teaches their children different lessons, and it is called the laws of life. It’s the way someone chooses to live their life. They have values that they use to set some goals to accomplish throughout their lifetime. The most important values in my life are education, confidence, and...
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703 Words
Loys le Roy is aware that the time he is living in is one of historical change. The Renaissance was a time that embraced the innovative growth of the Latin language and literature, beginning with the revival of learning based on classical sources, as well as letters being discovered and being used again. Le Roy offers a summary of some of the phenomenal characteristics of the Renaissance. He states several times that the efforts of multiple scholars and philosophers have...
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681 Words