Social media has become a ubiquitous part of our lives, and it can be used for numerous purposes, including communication, entertainment, news, and even education. The average person spends more than two hours a day connecting with people and staying in the loop with what's happening around them. However, while many people understand the value of having information at their fingertips, they may not know all the advantages that social media can offer. In this social media essay, we will...
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682 Words
Whether you are just starting a business, or have been operating one for years, understanding the basic concepts of business is essential. Knowing the key terms and ideas within the business world can help you make informed decisions and increase your chances of success. Here, we will discuss why understanding business concepts is so important and how it can help you succeed in the corporate world. Why Understanding Business Concepts is Essential Knowledge is Power The importance of having a...
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706 Words
The death penalty is one of the most controversial topics in the world. It has been a source of heated debate for centuries and continues to be a focus of discussion today. The debate is often between whether this form of punishment should be used. The two main arguments against the death penalty are that it is inhumane and that innocent people have been killed by mistake. This essay will examine both sides of the argument, exploring both why people...
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699 Words
Integrity is essential in our daily lives. It shapes our character, influences our actions, and guides our interactions with others. Living with integrity requires a commitment to honesty, authenticity, and ethical behavior, even in difficult situations. In this essay, I will explore the importance of integrity and its relevance to relationships, personal growth, and a sense of self-worth. I will also discuss the challenges of living with integrity and its role in creating an equitable society. My goal is to...
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712 Words
Identity is an essential and influential part of human life. It is made up of many components, such as culture, family, religion, gender, and personal experiences, which all shape a person's sense of self. One particularly meaningful element of identity is a person's name. A name carries much more significance than just being an identifier; it connects to heritage, history and one's character. In this essay, I will explore the power and significance of identity by focusing on my own...
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701 Words
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Critical thinking has become increasingly important today, as misinformation and conflicting perspectives abound. This skill is essential for making informed decisions and forming reasoned judgments. It involves questioning assumptions, identifying biases, and scrutinizing evidence to reach an educated conclusion. With our lives becoming faster-paced and more complex, having a critical mindset is crucial for dealing with the challenges we face each day. This essay will explore why critical thinking is so important and how it can be developed! Think critically...
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708 Words
Regarding forgiveness, research find that an individual with forgiveness ability can contribute to beneficial relational connections, achieve better cooperation, work fulfillment, individual resolve, innovative problem-solving, a feeling of adaptability when confronting changes, and productivity. For instance, there are frustrating things occur such as someone affronts me at work or the undesirable result comes out in the project as someone doing wrong. The strengths of forgiveness can let me learn to forgive those who I have held a grudge against for...
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676 Words
People with a compelling need for uniqueness uncovered that non-traditional consumer choices, like purchases of apparel on second-hand chains rather than conventional ones, were much more likely to demonstrate their individuality. The interest in collecting and wearing vintage because of its unique qualities, according to Palmer (2005), is increasing. Special product characteristics, such as unique textiles, a certain style, or hue, also enticed consumers to buy second-hand clothing. Studies on second-hand buying were related mainly to clothes and regarded motives...
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695 Words
For the past few years, entomophagy – the act of eating insects – has increased significantly. With the first pop-up ‘Pestaurant’ – pest-only restaurant – appearing in London it is only natural to wonder if insects will become a common food source in the Western diet (Fill, 2016: 662). All around the world the entomophagy culture is growing rapidly with many restaurants and shops sealing insect-based food, drinks and groceries. It is still a very controversial topic for a large...
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680 Words
Spider-Man's amazing rise from comics to film has changed a lot. He has grown up from being a short small scrawny boy in the comic, which was made in 1962, to a medium height muscular elderly teenager, which was made in 2019. In the comic, he is made up to be quite a shy individual who has very minimal friends and lives with his aunt and uncle, but later in the comic his uncle gets killed and he is out...
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724 Words
In my speech I intend to pay tribute to my son. After showing courage and bravery aboard the Essex, he deserves not only a pat on the back, but he deserves to feel the thanks from the survivors and feel their gratitude towards him. We all know him as the man who saved the crew of the Essex. The first mate who defied his captain to spare his men. These are acts of bravery, and these are what makes my...
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707 Words
In this essay I will try to reveal some of the intentions I think the directors Fernando Meirelles and Guillermo del Toro had, and I will write about what I, as a spectator, think they tried to convey in their films. Del Toro uses mise-en-scene in ‘Pans’ Labyrinth’ (2006) in the scene of the Pale Man’s lair and we see it through the appearance of the character. Del Toro presents the Pale Man as a scary and dangerous character. His...
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719 Words
In my life, I have many people who influence me especially in good influences and the most one who influenced me in my life is my parents. My parents have sacrificed a lot in my life to make me lives better. They are my biggest supports and push me to do my best. As I grew up, they taught me the moral and values that I still keep in high standard today learned that to receive respect. I have many...
2 Pages
711 Words
Oprah Winfrey is a media giant and philanthropist. Oprah Winfrey has made many contributions and gone through many trials; all of this has shaped her into the amazing woman she is today. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born of a single teenage mother in Kosciusko, Mississippi on January 29, 1954. Oprah’s mother was Vernita Lee and at the time supported Oprah using welfare. Vernita Lee died November 22, 2018 at the age of 83. Oprah was raised by her very strict...
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680 Words
Oprah is a great leader because she has been through so much and she never gave up. There are plenty of things I will mention that shows this, but one thing is what I believe made her strong from being a child is the fact she was sexually abused by her family when she was younger. Even though she went through this she didn’t let this make her she didn’t give up. Instead, she moved on and did amazing in...
2 Pages
717 Words
I am currently a gastroenterology and general medical registrar in the final 6 months of training. Working in these areas of medicine requires highly effective leadership skills, as the registrar is required to lead effective and cohesive teams, particularly in an on-call capacity. Through completion of the medical leadership module at Edge Hill University, I have gained a much greater understanding of my own leadership and personality traits. This in turn has highlighted just how they impact directly upon my...
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707 Words
Films can have a great impact on an individual’s way of thinking by helping to inspire and expand our basic knowledge of the world around us. The effects that films have on society are numerous and two-fold. Some even may have the power to completely change already established stereotypes, mindsets and prejudices. Both ‘The Help’ and ‘Rabbit Proof Fence’ explore struggles in relation to people of color, and their struggle for rights, freedoms and justice through various different techniques, methods...
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676 Words
With a net worth of $2.8 billion (according to Forbes), Oprah is one of the richest African Americans in the United States and the country’s first African American multibillionaire. Oprah Gail Winfrey is considered a role model to many because of her unfortunately tough childhood, remarkable charity work, her long-running syndicated television show, and the true relationships she has built with her fans. Oprah stands out among many people in her field because of her ability to help those people...
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725 Words
What is a leader and who is the leader? A leader is a person who is willing to lead a group in a different situation. Being a leader is not only for a person who is good at talking or communicating and have many skills, but this position can be for all of us. A leader is a person who always willing to help his group to achieve their goals. He is the one who has the compassion to help...
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714 Words
Getting children to eat fruits and vegetables is a challenge. Not only is it an obstacle in the United States, but it is challenging globally as well. A sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables are in fact essential for a child’s health. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that children eat 1-2 cups of fruit and 1-3 cups of vegetables daily depending on their age, gender, and level of activity. In New Zealand, “the proportion of children meeting...
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709 Words
Aldus Manutius creator of Aldine Press had many beautiful works. The book I am taking a page from to write about is ‘Hypnerotomachia Poliphili’. A book set in 1467 is categorized in the romance genre. This book has many groundbreaking and new for the time techniques that make it stand out from publications before the creation of the press machine and even after. The story has two characters that go by the name Poliphilo and Polia. The book starts a...
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692 Words
The embodiment of modernity through literature as well as artwork was extremely prevalent during this modern era. It represents the foundations of the way we live our lives today and shows the rapid shift in capitalism, innovation and overall ways of thinking. Modernity forged the nation forward for the better and reordered the way Americans lived their day to day lives. Moreover, artwork such as ‘Convergence’ by Jackson Pollock exemplifies an overall movement towards freedom and free-thinking which can be...
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704 Words
In Ancient Ages, civilizations used trade routes as a means to trade goods but actually, they traded more than goods. They also traded ideas, beliefs, and technology. One of the most essential trade routes through which these exchanges happened was Indian Ocean Trade. In the Indian Ocean Trade route, they traded goods such as Indian spices, Arabian aromatics, Chinese silk, and all other goods from different regions. They also exchanged nautical knowledge which led to the development of ships that...
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686 Words
Human rights are an ongoing universal issue. They are the so-called rights inherent to all human beings regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Throughout time, when Human rights have been withheld from individuals, powerful men and women have sought justice. For example, America’s racial tensions were...
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709 Words
When I think of nursing as a career, I cannot help but think that the laws, practices, and procedures all started with someone’s theories and thoughts. Obviously, people such as Florence Nightingale come to mind, however, there is one more person in particular that really stood out to me, Isabel Hampton Robb, an American nurse theorist, advocate for higher nursing education, and the founder of several nursing associations. Through her standards of teachings and writings, she paved the path for...
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724 Words
Nurses perform a vital role in medicine. Although their role does not carry the status of a doctor or consultant, nurses are at the center of clinics, and surgeries and are an important part of the team that runs wards and hospitals. To be a nurse requires commitment and dedication, qualities that I believe I have and that I am willing to improve during my training and beyond. There was one recent occasion in my life when I spent hours...
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693 Words
In 1692, mass hysteria broke out in Salem Massachusetts, it was referred to as the Salem Witch Trials. Witches were described as humans being related to the devil with special powers used to inflict punishment on others. This type of hysteria was seen before in different parts of the world; the earliest sign of Witchcraft and Witches was in Europe, during the 14 century. In the 1690’s the witch hunt began in Salem Village, and it progressed to Danvers, Topsfield,...
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711 Words
I believe this undergraduate degree will be challenging but also very interesting and rewarding. It will be a new way of learning for me about subjects that I am very passionate about. It will also be rewarding as I am certain this new way of learning will help me in my future career in helping the youth. My interest in youth crime started when watching an episode of Police Interceptors and wondering why a person so young is involved. This...
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702 Words
“The Seventh Man’s” Guilt How should the seventh man respond to losing somebody he was very close to? People respond to situations in many different ways. The choices you make determine whether or not you should feel guilty for your actions. There are two different types of guilt, subjective, and objective guilt. The seventh man is forced to deal with the guilt of losing his best friend K. When they were young boys they experienced a deadly typhoon. This situation...
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720 Words
Edgar Allan Poe is known as a major figure in literature and gothic poems and stories. He is one of the most consequential writers with a dark and miserable life. He was born on January 19, 1809, and most of his writing was reflected in his own reality of life. He was one of the first writers to try to make a professional living as an author. Edgar Allan Poe’s past life mirrors themes such as Loneliness and Grief, which...
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698 Words