700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Poetic Techniques of Imagery Used in Modernist Poetry of T.S Eliot

In an effort to reestablish the tradition of the “intellectual poet” (“Metaphysical”), T. S. Eliot and the members of the imagist and early modernist schools employ a rather direct method: allusions to classic works of poetry. By incorporating references to texts that exemplify the “chaotic, irregular, fragmentary” (“Metaphysical”) style which mirrors one’s sensory experience of everyday life, Eliot adds both the historical context of the referenced work and the image conjured by the work itself to his own poetry. Pound,...
1 Page 677 Words

Impact and Reasons for Youth to Join Gangs in United States

Gangs are growing at an alarming number in the America you can even go to small towns in United States of America and find some form of gang activity. “Over the past decade, annual estimates of the number of gang members have averaged around 770,000 nationally. The most recent estimate of approximately 850,000 gang members represents an 8.6 percent increase over the previous year” ('Measuring the Extent of Gang Problems', 2019). So why do youth join gangs? To have a...
2 Pages 708 Words

Sea Trading Routes of Columbian Exchange: Early Western Economy Boost

Diffusion of technology facilitated changes in patterns of trade and travel by making it easier (and more effective) to move from place to place. For example, a traveling by caravel (a Spanish or Portuguese sailing ship of the 15th to 17th centuries) was fast, and it was also small, which aided in its fast travel. One example is Columbus’ Nina and the Pinta. The carrack, a sailing ship of 14th-15th centuries usually built with three masts, was cheap and easy...
2 Pages 719 Words

Self Concept in Practice: Counselling of Hearing Impaired Individuals

Hearing loss is a widespread condition, affecting approximately 432 million adults globally (World Health Organization, 2014). In general, having a hearing-impairment, whether it be mild or profound, makes communicating with the outside world difficult. A major focus of social work is to advocate for the rights of people at all levels (IFSW, 2014). When working with individuals with a hearing-impairment, it is imperative to establish a dialogue that invites information about the history and nature of the loss. Hearing-impairments range...
2 Pages 680 Words

Unintentional Tort or Negligence: Description of a Court Case in Canada

Summary Mr. Mustapha lawsuit against Culligan of Canada Ltd. was the case captured media attention in 2005. According to Mr. Mustapha, when his wife was opening a new bottle of water which they purchased from Culligan of Canada Ltd., she discovered a dead fly floating in it. After that, the couple claimed they had been vomited and Mr. Mustapha developed into an extreme psychiatric reaction characterized by server depression, anxiety and phobia. The mental illness caused him to lose revenue...
1 Page 691 Words

Food Safety and It´s Issues Nowadays: Bioterrorism and Tampering Risks

Food Safety is the proper handling, cooking, and preservation of food to protect people from foodborne illnesses. Preparing and cooking food properly is key to preventing foodborne illness and loss of income from missing work. Food Safety also contributes to health care, millions are spent each year form infections from food. Many people suffer from a lack of knowledge and proper food handling procedures. Tampering Food tampering is the deliberate contamination of food with the intent to cause harm. Tampering...
1 Page 682 Words

Empowering Rag Pickers through Recycling Incentives in India

Introduction In the tapestry of India's waste management sector, rag pickers occupy an indispensable yet underappreciated position. They form the backbone of the informal recycling industry, salvaging waste materials that would otherwise contribute to the burgeoning landfills. Despite their crucial role in promoting environmental sustainability and contributing to the circular economy, rag pickers often endure abysmal working conditions, minimal financial incentives, and lack of recognition. This essay explores the potential of structured recycling incentives as a transformative approach to empower...
2 Pages 719 Words

Modernism Vs Traditionalism

Modernity comes in as many variations as there are thinkers or journalists, yet all its definitions point, in one way or another, to the passage of time. (Bruno Latour, We Have Never Been Modern, 1994). For this project, I will be examining how modernism responds to modernity - specifically concerning visual material such as Picasso's Avant-garde art. In this essay I will argue that modernity is a necessary shift, and discuss the interlinking evolution of societal values, beginning with the...
1 Page 678 Words

Issues of Compulsory Voting: Analytical Essay

Why could this be a big issue? The decline of voting numbers in America, particularly in the youth ages 18-25, affects Americans in many long lasting ways. In 2016, just 43% of young adults between the ages of 18-29 voted, and in 2014 only 16% (Hartsoe, 2018). Young Americans in this age range hold a significant amount of the voting population. In 2016, Americans between the ages of 18-29 made up of almost half of the voting population (9 Reasons...
1 Page 696 Words

Interior Design Is My Passion

I have always desired to pursue a career in Interior Design due to my passion for art and home decorations. My interest has grown and developed over many years through visiting museums and watching programs based on designing homes. Museums and homes certainly differentiate in design - the archaic representation of museums, like the National Gallery Museum in London, exhibits a grand gesture within its structure. On the other hand, homes usually present comfort and serenity. I believe that learning...
1 Page 682 Words

Essay about the Color Blue

What does Blue Color Symbolize in Great Gatsby? Fitzgerald uses imagery patterns of the color white to explore the ideological perspective that those who live an idyllic life may be the most unhappy. White is often used as a symbol for cleanliness, perfectness, and purity, yet Fitzgerald subverts this, symbolizing that what appears pristine may hide dark pasts and that those who live an idyllic life may be the most unhappy. Daisy represents innocence and purity, just like the color...
2 Pages 705 Words

Creativity Crisis Essay

The Creativity Crisis: Should creativity be sacrificed? The Flynn Effect states that Intelligence is increasing worldwide. So, how has Creative Thinking changed over the last 40 years? Kyung Hee Kim set out to answer this with her article The Creativity Crisis: The Decrease in Creative Thinking Scores on the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. Threshold Theory The relationship between intelligence and creativity has been frequently described using the threshold theory. This theory states that an adequate level of intelligence is...
1 Page 679 Words

Comparative Essay on Wassily Kandinsky and Andy Warhol

The conceptual framework is a model designed to represent the four interactive, interrelated and interdependent agencies of the artwork – the world, artist, audience and artwork. Here, the concept of the ‘artist’ encompasses practitioners such as artists, craftspeople, designers and architects. The ‘world’ refers to how interests in the world are represented in art (e.g. art as a representation of experience, class, culture, time, ideology, age, and events of significance). It indicates both the world of the artist and the...
2 Pages 698 Words

A Rose for Emily Modernism

Modernism is an interesting genre of literature as it is presented not only through the themes and subjects of a text but also in the actual way in which it was written. Indeed, the focal point of any modernist work of fiction is a clash of the traditions and innovations, the subjectivity vs objectivity of reality, and the biases which deny the existence of the objective truth. But it is also a genre that goes against the tradition in its...
2 Pages 705 Words

The Neolithic Revolution and the Code of Hammurabi

Introduction The Neolithic Revolution and the Code of Hammurabi represent two pivotal moments in human history, each fundamentally altering the structure and functioning of societies. The Neolithic Revolution, dating back to around 10,000 BCE, marked the transition from nomadic hunter-gatherer communities to settled agricultural societies. This shift facilitated population growth, technological innovation, and the establishment of complex social structures. In contrast, the Code of Hammurabi, enacted in the 18th century BCE by the Babylonian king Hammurabi, was one of the...
2 Pages 704 Words

Reasons to Celebrate Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is an annual holiday in the United States and Canada but is also celebrated in other parts of the world. Thanksgiving is celebrated to honor the harvest and other blessings of the past year. It all started when a ship called the Mayflower left England, hoping to find another place to start their lives, where they could practice their religion. After a long, harsh trip the Pilgrims finally reached Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Throughout the first brutal winter, most...
2 Pages 684 Words

Orwell's "The Hanging": Reflecting Police Experience in Burma

The story engages the reader through Orwell's first-hand experience as a police officer in Burma, presenting complex ideas about humanity's indifference of death and 'what it means to destroy a healthy, conscious man.”. The story entails the execution of a Hindu prisoner by hanging through the point of view of a guard and the desensitization of the prison workers afterward. Orwell starts his work with imagery, showing how the guard internally feels about the execution, later using anaphora to represent...
2 Pages 691 Words

Essay on The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Critical Analysis

Overall structure The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain follows the physical journey of Huck, a runaway boy, and Jim, a runaway slave, up the Mississippi River as they each attempt to emancipate themselves. Thus, the literal journey the book describes is symbolic of each character’s psychological journey towards freedom: Huck towards social freedom, and Jim towards personal freedom. Beginning The exposition of the novel introduces Huck as a rebellious free-thinker who wishes to break free of stifling societal...
1 Page 697 Words

Essay on Architecture: Analysis of Stonehenge

An example of such a structure would be Stonehenge in Southern England. Its purpose however still remains a mystery. Excavations are being done to find out various possible functions of these structures. However, it is believed to have multiple purposes and is estimated to have been built over many years. Stonehenge is enclosed in a large circle with a diameter of approximately 320 feet defined by a ditch. The circle has an opening characterized by a street that was once...
2 Pages 720 Words

Critical Analysis on The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

Criticism Of the Novel Whereas A Farewell to Arms describes Hemingway hero’s sense of alienation with his illusion of becoming the saviour of mankind and his acute consciousness of death, the central concern of The Sun Also Rises is the hero’s subsequent struggle to get over the depression of his alienation and learn to live in a world that “kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially”[7 ]. Many critics have regarded the novel as...
1 Page 678 Words

Critical Analysis of the Identity of Black Boy

In the third chapter, the quest for identity in the Black Boy is examined. The work is the autobiography of Richard Wright’s own life in the South during his childhood and youth. It is a true document of race relations in America. Although an autobiography it is highly personalized, the author’s eyes and ears and emotions were vibrantly sensitive, so he missed as little of what went on around him as what went on inside him. In Black Boy which...
2 Pages 722 Words

Critical Analysis of the Characters in The Canterbury Tales

Creative response: You are producing the film version of The Canterbury Tales. Choose five characters and cast them with real-life actors (living or dead). Explain why the actor fits the role. Two or three sentences should suffice. As the director of the film production of the Canterbury Tales, I would begin to carefully look through my auditioning actors and their qualities to produce and direct a wonderful Canterbury Tales production. For my actor for the Reeve, I would cast Johnny...
2 Pages 725 Words

Comparative Analysis of the Characters of Blanche and Ethan

Desire in both texts are found in most characters in both texts, particularly in the characters of Blanche and Ethan. Their desires can be seen as immoral in our times and in the context of the times the texts were written. Blanche desires her appearance to be youthful and beautiful, whilst Ethan desires Mattie who has youth and beauty. Blancher does not want to be revealed in the light of truth, preferring to be in the mysterious shadows of her...
1 Page 698 Words

Analytical Essay on Culture Shock: Problems of New Environment

1. Background An issue that everybody, who has changed their environment, faced is culture shock. Unfortunately, this happens because most people choose to leave their home countries in favor of new possibilities, such as studying in a more prestigious University or working in a famous company, even people who have a vacation abroad can experience this problem. Therefore, this causes many challenges and it becomes difficult to overcome them when alone, especially as an international student. For this reason, it...
2 Pages 681 Words

Analysis of the Central Theme in Song of Solomon

One reasons bird fly is to migrate. They fly away from their natural habitat to escape the grueling cold only to return months later to where they came from. In Song of Solomon, flight is a central theme, especially for the main character, Milkman. Throughout the story, flight becomes a symbol and we see it follows the progression of Milkman from childhood to adulthood, in fact reading “flight” right after his birth in the beginning of the novel and seen...
2 Pages 701 Words

Analysis of Philosophical Ideas in The Stranger by Camus

Despite the fact that The Stranger is an anecdotal work, it contains a solid reverberation of the philosophical idea of silliness of Camus. In his compositions, Camus contends that there is no coherent reason or request in singular lives and human presence specifically. Also, on the grounds that it is hard for individuals to grasp this idea, they are constantly attempting to distinguish and build a sensible structure or importance in their lives. The expression 'craziness' depicts the worthless endeavor...
1 Page 681 Words

Why I Want to Be Confirmed: Essay

Why do I want to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation? I want to be confirmed so I can have the Holy Spirit and be closer to God. In order to be a true member of the Catholic church you need to be confirmed and I want to be a member of the church. The Holy Spirit will help me have holy thoughts and actions and love holy things. It will also strengthen me to stay holy all my life. It...
2 Pages 692 Words

Which Matters More Present or Future: Essay

Jim Rohn who was a famous American famous author and also a famous motivational speaker said that “happiness is not something you postpone for the future it’s something you design at present”. According to his views, he forwarded five keywords for living the life you desire; they are fundamentals, wealth, happiness, discipline, and success. It’s only when you understand what these keywords mean, that you can apply his principles to your life. Apart from this now we can see the...
2 Pages 709 Words

Strategic Approaches to Lottery Winnings

Introduction Winning the lottery is often seen as a life-altering event that can lead to immense wealth and opportunities. However, the sudden influx of money requires strategic planning and careful consideration to ensure long-term financial stability and personal fulfillment. The allure of newfound wealth can lead to impulsive decisions, yet history is replete with cautionary tales of lottery winners who squandered their fortunes. This essay explores the various strategies one might adopt upon winning the lottery, including prudent financial management,...
2 Pages 700 Words

Essay about Transportation

Land transportation has evolved throughout human history. It started with simple strides, taming wild horses, and the invention of the wheel. History puts it that the initial invention of man-made transportation occurred in Mesopotamia or Asia. This was the time when man invented the wheel at around 4000-3500 BC (Bardou, Jean-Pierre, et al, 1982). The combination of the horse and the wheel made the transportation system simple as it facilitated the exchange of crops. It eventually led to the mass...
2 Pages 684 Words
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