Introduction Lego, a globally recognized brand, has transcended its humble beginnings in a Danish carpentry workshop to become a dominant force in the toy industry. The company's business identity is characterized by its commitment to creativity, innovation, and quality, which has enabled it to capture the imagination of children and adults alike. As Lego continues to expand its global footprint, its business strategy has evolved to include digital platforms, licensing agreements, and educational initiatives. This essay aims to analyze Lego's...
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713 Words
Learning challenges faced by students in higher education is seen as a significant issue according to Chan Yuen Fook. The study indicates that undergraduates, postgraduates and instructors take a qualitative approach to gather information on the challenges faced in university. This paper summarizes the key challenges that students come across during their studies. Interviews, questionnaires and document analysis used to try to understand the key challenges faced. These challenges consisted of cognitive challenge, becoming an active learner, coping with reading...
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721 Words
The prominent areas, where impact of cell phones is obvious include business, education, health, and social life. Mobile technology has drastically changed the cultural norms and individual behaviors. The impacts are both on the positive side and also on the negative side. Today, cell phone reception has improved greatly due to the use of satellites and wireless services. As cell phones improved and became simple to use, the importance of cell phones increased accordingly. Cell phones are the perfect way...
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684 Words
Plate tectonics is a scientific theory describing the large-scale movement of seven large plates and the movements of smaller plates of the Earth's lithosphere. Alfred Wegener, a geologist in the 19-20th century, discovered the theory of plate tectonics in 1915, when he also proposed the theory of continental drift and Pangea. The country of Iceland sits on two plate boundaries (Eurasian and North American) which are divergent. This means that the two plates were moving apart, then the space was...
2 Pages
683 Words
Pricing strategy decision plays one of the most crucial roles for media transmission. Before rolling out an improvement on valuing they need to consider how and where they are going to situating the business. They have to contemplate obvious objective clients. Pricing strategy decision is also affected by market segmentation. Demographic segmentation, geographic, psychographic and behavioural segmentation plays a vital role for taking pricing strategy decisions. The primary target market of Telstra is the working class and the youth and...
1 Page
692 Words
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Racial diversity refers to the variety of different races that differ from one another based on their characteristics and ethnicity. It is prevalent when a group of different races occupy the same space or area. For example, a racially diverse community contains citizens who are of different races and have different values. Currently, Papa New Guinea, Tanzania and Uganda are the most racially diverse countries in the world, and communities within those countries pride themselves on having a variety of...
2 Pages
688 Words
I believe that mobile phones are not in the best interests of a child and ruin his life. Phones do more harm than good causing sleep deprivation, low self-esteem and anxiety and they cause accidents. Mobile phones are like a time bomb waiting to destroy children’s lives and in some cases they already have. One of the major risks of mobile phones is the lack of sleep they cause in children. According to sleep expert Els van der Helm and...
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680 Words
Toys are a fun and necessary part of each child's development. Totally different materials like wood, clay, paper, and plastic are wont to create toys. Several things are designed to function toys, one amongst the foremost well-liked toys is Lego and additionally popular toys of all time and could be a house name everywhere the world. Around 300 million people all over the world play or have played with lego. The name Lego was introduced by putting together the first...
2 Pages
681 Words
The purpose of this report is to outline the changes and predicted changes in the volcanic regions of Australia. It will explore the theory of continental drift by Alfred Wagener and the more advanced and developed theory of plate tectonics and how it has affected the volcanic hotspots and also provides several predictions for the future of Australia’s volcanos. The main subject of the report will be the Glasshouse Mountain region, located in South-East Queensland directly above the Eastern Australia...
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686 Words
Physical education is one of the most important subjects that is taught in school as it teaches us how we can benefit from regular exercise, it teaches us how to control chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. Physical education develops the idea of fitness in learners. Not only does physical education lessons teach us about regular exercise, healthy food and health benefits, it also shows us what the consequences of poor diet patterns and inactivity is. One of the...
2 Pages
708 Words
The nineteenth century romantic movement promoted nature as an element of inspiration and ideological freedom. From William Wordsworth to Samuel Taylor Coleridge, to Lord Byron, to John Keats, the romantics envisioned a new form of poetic expression that deviated from older standards. Wordsworth and Coleridge, in particular, shared a desire to explore poetic expression that elevated both nature and the magical human insight. They were distinguished by their agreement in which Wordsworth accepted to write about nature that gave “the...
2 Pages
720 Words
Introduction As the global population ages, understanding the anatomical and physiological changes that accompany old age becomes increasingly crucial. Aging is an intricate biological process characterized by a progressive decline in physiological function and increased vulnerability to diseases. Anatomical modifications, such as changes in skin elasticity and bone density, occur alongside physiological alterations, including impaired organ function and slower metabolic processes. These changes are influenced by genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, and their implications for health and quality of life...
2 Pages
711 Words
Being the most accomplished American of his age, Benjamin Franklin has made a great contribution to many fields as education, and diplomacy. He wrote his autobiography since he was a normal child who later found fame and fortune, and hoped that his story will inspire others. Also, since he could not relive his life once more, he took this opportunity to relive it through memories and by recording them. His autobiography portrayed the story of a man from rags to...
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679 Words
As we are in the center of a presidential campaign where several politicians are debating the need for a huge health reform, it is important to talk about the current health care policy focusing so heavily on cost and relatively little on quality. Health insurance remains a big topic in American policy, with critical discussions about affordable care provision and the overall expense of health care. The purpose of health care coverage is to separate individuals from high cost pressures...
2 Pages
683 Words
Is the American Dream nothing but its once former glory? Many people perceive the idea of America in a number of ways. Those with a more prerogative background believe that American society is perfect as it is and everyone receives fair opportunities. It’s the foundation of US society, in which it conveys the promise of freedom and opportunity including success as extraneous. However, the American Dream seems to fall short in promises, as it’s more as a fallacy, with false...
2 Pages
704 Words
Today South Africa is still not a free and fair democracy as defined in our Constitution. There are huge divisions in society due largely to the past apartheid regime. This disparity manifests as economic inequality including income, employment and educational inequality. It also manifests as social and geographical inequality and the lack of basic services to certain residential and rural areas. Numerous laws have been created to address this disparity, yet we are still viewed as one of the most...
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703 Words
Over the past few weeks of this quarter, our Health and Drugs class has discussed a lot of information about drugs, drug properties, and the schedules in which they are classified by the Controlled Substance Act in 1970. Based off the information we have gone over in class and some extra research, it is apparent our drug schedule’s need to be revised and edited. In particular, two drugs (LSD and Marijuana) need to be revised, so they receive funding from...
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693 Words
In literature, symbols are used to represent or give meaning to a particular action or subject. Authors present symbols throughout their novel to conceal its true meaning, which allows the reader to interpret through literal translation. In ‘Sula’ by Toni Morrison, Sula carries a symbol (a birthmark) that is interpreted in three different ways throughout the novel that aide in her character development. The birthmark on her face is described as a rose, snake, and tadpole, representing three different symbols...
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696 Words
The brief history of physical education would start in just about 1820 when schools focused on gymnastics, hygiene training and care, and development of the human body. Physical education in college happened when college athletics received a major stimulus when a National Collegiate Athletic Association was created in the early twentieth centuries. Late in the twentieth century there was certainly a decline in the commitment to physical education because the growing offering of extra subjects and electives in schools means...
2 Pages
705 Words
Bulling is a social problem that leads to negative outcomes among the individuals involved. People with mental and physical disabilities are likely to be bullied more than normal students without any form of disability. The risk of bullying among the people under these groups is much higher. Individuals suffering from mental disabilities are likely to develop poorer mental health once bullied. It is probable that they will experience anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and other risks that are associated with bullying....
2 Pages
725 Words
This research project has analysed the application of Israeli practices towards non-Jews, mainly Palestinians, both within its domestic borders, and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Using the premise of international bodies such as the 1973 Apartheid Convention and the 2002 Rome Statute, a comparison has been drawn with the architect of apartheid, South Africa. Both states incorporated different mechanisms in their handling of the indigenous demographics. South Africa’s Apartheid was in essence a system of economic exploitation. Large corporations driven by...
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679 Words
When reading the two sources it is clear that the writers have contrasting perspectives and views on elephants and how they behave due to their diverse circumstances. George Orwell (in his ‘Shooting An Elephant’) is given the responsibility to go and find a peaceful tame elephant but has been followed by a sea of people who pressure him into shooting the innocent elephant. Abraham Bartlett (in ‘Jumbo: This Being the True Story of the Greatest Elephant in the World’) on...
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718 Words
Cry the Beloved Country is at the time of the Apartheid, in which the law discriminated against the Natives of South Africa separating them from the whites who lead successful lives. The main theme in this book is that Ignorance is something that a lot of people cant afford to have. Ignorance is shown throughout the book by the actions and reactions of Absolom and Gurtude. Absoloms Ignorance of Guns caused him to kill a man If he knew guns...
2 Pages
692 Words
To begin with, throughout my whole life, nothing stands out more than self realization, and an accomplishment. Let me paint you a picture, image me as a 14-year-old class clown. My grades were terrible, I didn’t care for school. I would guess on every test and fail without a care. Instead, of paying attention in class, I would crack jokes and laugh the whole period. When report cards came out I would be the happiest kid alive if I have...
2 Pages
724 Words
When looking at the American education system, the multitude of flaws in it can effortlessly be determined by examining the popular belief that “if you don’t go to college, you have no worth,” a concept brought to light by Joshua Katz in his Toxic Culture of Education TED talk. The American education system does not adequately provide students with the means for success. Students are bombarded with standardized tests by a system which runs on politics and business rather than...
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691 Words
Introduction Ayn Rand’s philosophy suggested that people should work hard to achieve a life of purpose and productiveness, but she also wrote that genuine self esteem is earned by pursuing happiness as a person’s primary goal. She also said that our purpose is not to take care of others, but it is to take care of our own happiness. Her philosophy could be understood as “don’t try to be your brother’s keeper or to force him to be yours” (
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679 Words
Introduction: Animal cell culture is the culturing of animal cells, i.e. maintenance and propagation, in a suitable nutrient media, in vitro. Cell culture refers to growing and cultivating the cells artificially. Generally, the artificial environment consists of the following things: A vessel with a medium containing all the essential nutrients, that is, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Growth factors Hormones Gases like CO2 and O2 pH buffer Osmotic pressure Optimum temperature These things also help to regulate the physio-chemical...
2 Pages
694 Words
Introduction I’ll start off with asking you a question, what would you do if there was no electricity? Nowadays we rely on electricity more than we realize it, our society is dependent upon using it in almost everything. I can’t imagine a world without it, could you? We have Benjamin Franklin to thank for this remarkable discovery. Biographical Information Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston but unfortunately, he passed away on April 17, 1790. He didn't...
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715 Words
The Industrial Revolution, which was the innovation in the manufacturing industry to increase production, profit, and labor demands in 1750 to 1900. For the rich, this meant more luxuries and better lives, but for the average person, who was generally middle-class to poor, the Industrial Revolution did not do as good to them. The documents provided showed two groups of thinking. The first group thinks that the benefits and safety regulations brought by the Industrial Revolution helped the working class...
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713 Words
Introduction Drunk driving remains a persistent public health issue that poses significant risks to individuals and communities worldwide. It is a major contributor to traffic accidents, injuries, and fatalities, necessitating a comprehensive analysis of its causes, impacts, and potential solutions. According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1.3 million people die annually as a result of road traffic crashes, with a substantial proportion linked to alcohol impairment. Drunk driving not only endangers the life of the driver but also affects...
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715 Words