700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Central Idea Of A Rose For Emily

As life begins to shift or change, people tend to hold on to things or traditions because they are not ready for a change that happens around them. In the story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, the main character Miss Emily shows many signs of her not moving on with modern life and the shift of things around her. She holds on to people, her lifestyle and does not accept the change, while her neighbors feel sorry and...
1 Page 691 Words

Human Behavior at Workplace

According to Arthur Brief, (2002) Organizations in which people work have an effect on their emotions, perceptions, feelings, and actions both at work and outside of work. Likewise, people’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior of individuals influence the organizations in which they operate. Organizational behavior is a field of inquiry that focuses on both forms of impact: work organizations on people and the impact people have on the organization. Human behavior can be obtained either by learning them throughout your life...
1 Page 684 Words

The Effects of Social Media on Communication

The enourmous growth in the use of the Internet over the last decade has led to radical changes to the way that people consume and share information. This growth whose effects we mainly see through social media functions as an undeniable factor in the way people communicate.People use the advcancements of technology at an increasing rate to share information through social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and so on and the growth in these platforms’ usage over the...
2 Pages 702 Words

Difference Between Intelligence VS Smart

If you know anything about brain training, then you will understand that it is a concept that is part of human existence. This concept can be expressed in one’s ability to retain information, focus on something, remember information, and so on. However, the rate at which a person’s brain functions may be different from another, which has been proven by science to be a result of influence and biological makeup. In this post, we would be taking a look at...
1 Page 696 Words

Impact of Cellphones Branding on Consumer Buying Behavior

Abstract Branding is one of the most significant factor in consumer buying behavior. The paper consist about how branding impact on consumer buying behavior. Now a days cellphone industry in its boom stage there are many brands available for mobile phones & each brand has its own competitive advantage the paper also focus on which factors considered while purchasing particular brand. From last 18-19 years there was tremendous change in cell phone industry earlier use cell phones was only restricted...
2 Pages 717 Words

Difference between Ethics VS Morals

As a normal human being, we all are a result of our environment (and biology, of course). The way we perceive things as either right or wrong, how we act in certain situations, and how we treat others can be traced to the influence of our surroundings. In ethics vs morals comparison, one can see how both of these words describe the context above. One can also see how they are different from one another. To throw more light on...
1 Page 698 Words

Eating Disorders in China

According to statistical summaries provided by Our World in Data, mental health illnesses have experienced a worldwide surge in the recent few decades—not only did the total number of suffering people increases by about 45% globally, the areas of infliction have also crawled out from developed countries to those less developed (Ritchie). It is never an overstatement that mental health issues are indeed the modern epidemic that no single person is inherently immune with. While illnesses like major depression disorder,...
2 Pages 694 Words

The Impact of Technology on Society in Brave New World

In Brave new world by Aldous Huxley, the theme is they use technology to control society. In this novel, it shows how people can lose humanity if they use too much technology. The author shows us the world where everything is controlled by technology. This world looks perfect no wars, no problem, no crisis nothing. But what they don’t have is happiness, they don’t have any emotions or feelings. In their society before a baby is born everything is checked....
2 Pages 717 Words

The Role Of Family And Government In Fahrenheit 451

We often liked to say that family is one of the world’s greatest mystery. The fusion of time and energy of two separate human beings formed together to create a unified entity in which joy and happiness mixed with pain and sadness, efforts, and will powers incarnating an enigmatic ritual. Regardless of these conflicting factors that could easily distort our minds and confuse us, we are always enthusiastic in our quest to find a suitable companion. In the dystopian novel...
1 Page 678 Words

Themes and Ideas of Robert Frost´s Mending Wall

As a narrative poem, Robert Frost´s ¨Mending Wall¨ serves to explore the nature of human relationships, territorial boundaries, individualistic thoughts, and identity. Frost presents the reader with a situation of two men coming together with the goal of restoring a simple stone wall that divides their properties. What comes out from the poem is not simply an engaging story or even an overview of the characters and their experiences, but a search for understanding different approaches to life and challenging...
1 Page 687 Words

Media's Role in Crime Coverage: Impacts and Implications

Introduction In contemporary society, media plays a pivotal role in shaping public perception of crime. As the primary source of information for many, media outlets significantly influence how crime is viewed and understood by the general populace. Crime reporting not only reflects societal concerns but also drives public discourse, impacting policy and opinion. The manner in which media covers crime has profound implications, from determining societal reactions to influencing criminal justice policies. While media can inform and educate, it can...
2 Pages 725 Words

The Concepts Of Emotions In The Giver And The Last Dog

The Giver and The Last Dog are two great examples of middle school literature, so they are naturally similar in many areas. The Giver, written by Lois Lowry, touches on the subjects of emotions and memories, and The Last Dog, written by Katherine Paterson, explores the concepts of truth and emotions. A strength of The Giver is the word choice; Lois Lowry makes the reader feel like he/she is there with Jonas. However, sometimes the descriptive words can make the...
1 Page 687 Words

The Importance of Support to People with Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a mental ailment which is marked by hallucinations, delusions, and related health issues. In most cases, it makes its foray during the early adult phase or late adolescent stage of the life of the patient. It could last for the entire duration of life and afflicts about one percent of the entire population. The male patients usually reflect the signals and symptoms of this ailment at an age younger than females do. At times, this affliction may take...
2 Pages 713 Words

Business Policy And Strategic Management

Business policy and Strategic management are guidelines defining how the scope within which decisions can be taken by the subordinates in an organisation while the latter is the course of action through which an organisation relates itself with environment so as to achieve its goals (Anjankumar). They are a set of decisions and actions resulting in the formulation and implementation of strategies designed to achieve a firm’s objectives. In the case involving DSS Consulting, on being promoted to the position...
2 Pages 723 Words

Brave New World: Economic and Societal Influences

Brave New World, a pinnacle in English Literature that critiques the many and all fine points of globalization and its issues between 1900 and the date of publication in 1932. The early 1900s were home to the many changes that are still prevalent in today’s lifestyles. The Great Depression and the push away from the gold standard to revolutionize modern economies and revitalize capitalism which can be seen in the written works of Huxley. Other identities are pertinent; feminism, postmodernist...
2 Pages 710 Words

Holden's Moral and Psychological Development in Catcher in the Rye

Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is written in a first person narrative told by a teenager, Holden Caulfield. Holden reflects on the experiences he had over the course of a few days. The story begins at Pencey Prep, where he is kicked out and the rest takes place in New York. The essential question of this novel is, by looking at Holden’s development as a character through these experiences, is Catcher in the Rye a bildungsroman? First, a...
2 Pages 715 Words

Gender Discrimination: Causes And Effects

Everyone is responsible to eliminate gender stereotypes because it affects everyone at some point in their life no matter your age. You ultimately decide are you act you have the power to challenge gender stereotypes and prove gender stereotype is wrong. We need to work together to solve this problem because it’s not going to solve itself. These changes can be implemented by the older generation not following gender stereotype is anymore and teaching the younger generation that they can...
2 Pages 715 Words

Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet

On April 3rd, 1964 Malcolm X, a household name during the civil rights movement, delivered his speech in Cleveland, Ohio in order to discuss one important issue: the American values of democracy and freedom are not inclusive to African-American citizens. In his speech, Malcolm wanted to persuade fellow African-Americans to become more engaged politically and be more vocal. In the speech “The Ballot or the Bullet,” Malcolm X uses a variety of rhetorical devices such as pathos, the usage of...
2 Pages 723 Words

The Issues on Body Image

Nowadays people think of their “life meaning” as how they use their image; specifically their body image. People are highly dependent on how they look and treat people in accordance to how their appearance. Most people no matter the age face problems regarding their size and weight. Nobody should compare themselves or anyone else to others as everyone is different. Body image should not affect how others are treated nor should it affect their future. More often than one might...
2 Pages 718 Words

Uncle Tom’s Cabin: Slavery, Racism and God

Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written in 1852 by Harriet Beecher Stowe. It was her first book which quickly became the bestseller of 19th century. In the first year more than 300,000 copies were sold but by the mid 1900’s the book was out of printing and returned back in 1960s for Civil Rights changes. The term “Uncle Tom” became an insult meaning a black man who subserves to white people. The book is about sufferings of an old African-American man...
1 Page 707 Words

Ethics and Health Management

My personal healthcare management philosophy is underpinned by my personal values and ethics. I am a registered nurse and I follow the Code of Conduct (2018) and The Code of Ethics for Nurses in Australia (2018). I am committed to uphold the fundamental rights of people receiving healthcare and to provide and promote quality care for all patients. I help all patients access quality healthcare. I try to provide nursing care with respect and kindness for myself, my work teammates...
2 Pages 714 Words

Assessing the Potential Threat of Artificial Intelligence to Humanity

From washing machines to Siri, we live surrounded by technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer science fiction. According to Techopedia, AI is “an area of computer science that emphasizes the creation of intelligent machines that work and react like humans”. Not every technology is artificial intelligence but every artificial intelligence is technology. Although this seems as a breathtaking idea for developing futuristic technologies it can eventually backlash against humanity, which is understood by the Merriam-Webster dictionary, as the the...
2 Pages 689 Words

Can Modern Feminism Start The Discrimination Of Men?

When men argue that modern feminism has brought about their discimination , I empathize with them because i know that if I wore their shoes, I'd probably sing the same song. The average African man is raised in a beautiful world of privilege (Relax guys! Its okay to admit this every once in a while). Because the African society is still very much patriarchal which is evident in cultural norms like a wife taking her husband's name, male child preference...
2 Pages 700 Words

The Reasons of Obesity in the Modern World

In the 21st century, we can see lots of change in the human body as it evolves mentally as well as physically. Our body is the most important asset of our life so we should keep our body clean and fit because the main problems or diseases we are facing these days are related to our body. The most common problem faced by Generation Z is Obesity means the accumulation fat of the human body which is beyond the limit...
2 Pages 691 Words

The Deeper Understanding of William Shakespeare

During the Elizabethan era, men and women had distinct and varying roles that disempowered the female gender. This is challenged in William Shakespeare’s Elizabethan theatrical performance ‘A Midsummer Night's Dream’. During this context, a woman was required to be obedient to the male figures in her life, specifically her husband and father. Contrastingly, men were expected to be strong-willed and successful, however, men and women needed to be guided towards these social rules and customs to be accepted in Elizabethan...
2 Pages 706 Words

Attack On Racism In Mark Twain’s Novel The Adventure Of Huckleberry Finn

Revealing conscience that hooks readers throughout the story, Huckleberry Finn regretfully remarks, “Human beings can be awful cruel to one another,” as he witnesses the tar and feathering of the conmen which made his journey so much harder. The story’s focus on a runaway boy and a fugitive slave’s travels on the Mississippi River delivers the crucial meaning of freedom. Mark Twain’s novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, should be celebrated as a powerful attack on racism as it condemns...
1 Page 689 Words

Artificial Intelligence VS Emotional Intelligence

From the expansive world of technological reality delivering Artificial Intelligence (AI) to the truth of fading humanity killing Emotional Intelligence (EI), we need to respond to the ways in which the millennial’s world is shape-shifting, and what lies ahead. Formal education is not enhancing the learner’s ability to live a good life, have peace with oneself and others, and become a worthy member of society. Linking education with commercial objectives, we are only educating the left side of the head...
2 Pages 703 Words

The Significance Of Feelings, Emotions, And Passions in The Giver

In most cases, feelings, emotions, and passions don’t seem to have a proper role in the truth that logic aims to achieve. Various logical fallacies stem from them, making such human experiences a nuisance to the pursuit of objective truths. We lose sight of the actual argument and topic because of argumentum ad hominem, and misericordiam, baculum and appeal to desire are all fallacies that are inappropriate methods of supporting a claim. Each one of these fallacies abuses a human’s...
2 Pages 725 Words

The Features Of Literary Techniques In Oedipus Rex

In this play, it all starts in a really creepy setting as if it is trying to tell a story in the beginning, but having some type of suspicion throughout the beginning. There is tons of fog that sets what the play is symbolizing in that moment and having some interesting music. This play tells about a tragic story of a child who was abandoned in a field by his parents in order to escape attempting to kill his father...
2 Pages 697 Words

Illusions in A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Hamlet

The works of William Shakespeare evince great fascination and entertainment for the overarching themes orchestrated by the plot and characters. The theme of illusion versus reality is employed in many Shakespearean plays, allowing for the saturation of dramatic irony. In this way, the audience becomes increasingly aware of the feelings, motives, and behaviours of each character and their situation as the plot advances. This enhances the play as it can evoke humour, suspense, or empathy. Throughout Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s...
2 Pages 722 Words
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