700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How Religion Harms Society

Religion is a topic which everybody seems an opinion on. The desire to unravel fundamental truths has kept the topic relevant and brought about numerous discussion which never fail to provoke people. There has even been book written and documentaries made. Richard Dawkins’ “The God delusion” is one of many controversial documentaries that has gotten a rise out of people. The documentary goes into depth about religion and explores the determination of religious groups in terms of what they want...
2 Pages 693 Words

The True Religion Of Mankind

“I love you when you bow in your mosque, kneel in your temple, pray in your church. For you and I are sons of one religion, and it is the spirit”. Khalil Gibran India is the home of religion. We find Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Islam, Christainity, Hinduism, Zoroastrinism etc. in India. The teachings of religion have been envisaged in holy books of religion like Gita, Quran, Bible, Zend Avesta etc. and the essence of all the religion is humanity, brotherhood,...
2 Pages 706 Words

Religion: More Than One Perspective

There are different ways to look at and give information about a religion since it has been a very important part of human affairs for a very long time. Religion plays a very important role in people’s daily lives; even if you’re not religious you are still indirectly affected by it. Religion influences so many different things like how we organize communities, social norms, some have even gone to war over religion. One of the ways you can look at...
1 Page 689 Words

Science And Technologies In Agriculture

Technologies and IoT have the potential to transform agriculture in many aspects. Namely, there are five ways IoT can improve agriculture: Data, tons of data, collected by smart agriculture sensors, e.g. weather conditions, soil quality, crop's growth progress or cattle health. GMOS are the use of technology when there is a specific plant or animal, genetically modified for the user’s needs. Genetically modified foods are usually made with more ingredients and more size. Examples of GMOS are corn, soy, canola...
1 Page 681 Words

The Misconceptions Of Primary Science

In this assignment I will discuss the misconceptions of primary science that have developed over the years. I will include my own knowledge and what I have witnessed myself during my time on placement. I will research and identify how we could help the children overcome the misconceptions. The primary school is a very small sized infant school. The age group starts from 4-11. The school has a total of 150 students. They have limited number of students in each...
2 Pages 715 Words

A Debate At Its Finest: Space Exploration

Space. A topic that often comes up in government discussions and is ALL over the news. The debate that has been recently going around in meetings and get-togethers, is if we should spend valuable resources on space exploration. So I ask you. Should the U.S. Government spend the taxpayer’s money, and hardworking people’s time on Space Exploration? The answer is yes. The United States of America should spend hard cash on space exploration because the contraptions and tools created out...
1 Page 686 Words

The Main Force Behind Unifying Nations And Creating National Identity

Rosalia Baena and Christa Byker`s article “Dialects of nostalgia: Downton Abbey and English identity” mentions a quote by Janelle L. Wilson. She says, “when nostalgia is produced and experienced collectively, it can promote a sense of ‘we’, thus serving the purpose of forging national identity” (Wilson, p. 31). Not only does this quote help strengthen the article`s authors` point, it also is relevant to history and the world today.The article analyses Julian Fellowes` drama series Downton Abbey and why the...
2 Pages 712 Words

Factors Influencing GTM Outcomes

Introduction The landscape of medical treatments often intersects with complex biological and clinical factors that significantly affect outcomes. This is particularly true in the realm of Gene Therapy Modalities (GTM), where the intricacies of genetic manipulation intertwine with human biology. GTM offers monumental potential in treating genetic disorders, yet the success of these therapies is contingent upon a myriad of factors. Understanding these determinants is essential for improving therapeutic efficacy and patient outcomes. This essay explores the clinical and biological...
2 Pages 720 Words

Social Class, Language And Dialect

Language is something that has already existed a long time ago because it is a way or method that is used for people to communicate with others whether it is spoken or written. Every person in this world uses language differently affected by many factors such as social class that is one of the factors that affect how people use language because of the purpose and the status that they have. People's social class is also affected by other factors...
2 Pages 721 Words

The Language Used In Children’s TV Program Then And Now

Since a long time ago, most of the people all round the world would own a minimum of one television as it is one of the basic essentials which functions as a source of reports and informations about the things happening nationally and worldwide. One of the most common uses for the television is for the entertainment provided from movies, reality shows, cartoons etc. Children’s TV programme has always been famous among young children and students as they would watch...
2 Pages 697 Words

The Meaning Of Kindness

Kindness is one short word but associated with many positive traits. Being generous, helpful, hospitable, considerate, polite, compassionate, thoughtful, and having affection are associated with kindness. All of us learned this virtue in different places like in school, in church, and inside our home. Many people teach us how to be kind and how to do something good to other people but still, it is our choice if we want to show kindness to them. Kindness should always come from...
2 Pages 712 Words

Difference Between Joy Vs Happiness

When people have conversation in the English language, it is not uncommon to see them use joy and happiness interchangeably. While this mistake has become commonplace, we must not never to fail to point out that there is a difference between happiness and joy. You are probably going through this guide because you are guilty of such a communication error. Well, it would help if you learned the disparity between knowledge is power. So, in the next couple of minutes,...
1 Page 686 Words

Difference Between Humanities Vs Social Science

According to science, the earliest sign of human existence can be traced to as far back as over five million years ago. Since then, there has been immense development, an increase in numbers, and a lot of division which gave rise to different communities as we know then today. Time has also helped with the understanding of the best ways these communities can relate with one another for mutual benefits. The existence of man and how he relates with others...
1 Page 684 Words

Quantum Mechanics: The Solution To DNA Mutation

Quantum mechanics is a dimension of science that describes the behavior of energy, waves, subatomic particles and the uncertainty principle mathematically. It was founded by a group of scientists in the 1920’s to uncover more about the physical properties of nature. One of the founders, Erwin Schrödinger, published a book titled ‘What is Life?’ in 1944 where he claimed that there is a radical difference in the random motion of atoms at the molecular level between living things and nonliving...
2 Pages 716 Words

A Comparison Of English Language Used In Texting And Formal Writing

Throughout the years, the methods of communication have evolved very quickly. There are two of the methods will be compared in this research paper, which are texting and formal writing. Texting is communicating that involves creating and sending short messages between two or more mobile devices. While formal writing is a message from one person to another that is strictly kept professional in nature and directly address the issues concerned. It is believed that there is a big difference in...
2 Pages 709 Words

Is The Play Romeo And Juliet Still Relevant To Modern Society?

Why is Romeo and Juliet So Popular? Romeo and Juliet shows the hurry of falling into love and to experience that feeling. Shakespeare uses foreshadowing in Romeo and Juliet to make it relevant to our modern day Audience. The themes that are in the play are themes that many people enjoy. Romeo and Juliet is still a great play and have impacted dramatically on the contemporary audiences. In Romeo and Juliet there are many themes, themes that truly bring out...
1 Page 689 Words

Is There Life After Death Essay?

At some point in our lives, we all realise that one day we will die. But is death really the end? The concept of afterlife, or some form of existence after death, has been around for millennia. According to Catholic teachings, after we die, our soul separates from our bodies and is judged by God. Depending on the outcome of the judgement, our souls go to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory. This belief is centred around Jesus’s resurrection and God’s plan...
2 Pages 702 Words

Good Vs Evil Example

Good people do bad things. It is just a fact of life. This does not make them evil – or does it? In The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, good versus evil is seen in today’s society. Dr. Jekyll, who represents good, is in a constant battle with evil. Although there are many charming qualities in his personality, Dr. Jekyll is still easily tempted by his bad side. The theme, good vs evil,...
2 Pages 720 Words

Categorical Imperative In Life

Immanuel Kant is one of the many philosophers that have contributed in the field of philosophy. Much more, his ideologies and philosophies in life draw me closer to reality due to realization of things that truly matter. His Categorical Imperative made me philosophize things over and over until I reached to the point of introspection – a time well spent for myself continually seeking for truth and wisdom. A Categorical Imperative is a rule of action which is unconditional orabsolute...
2 Pages 704 Words

The Peculiarities Of Chromatography Usage

Chromatography is used to distinguish various components from product mixtures. All types of chromatography have a stationary phase (a solid or a solid-based liquid) and a mobile phase (a liquid or a gas). The mobile phase moves through the stationary phase. Distribution of analyte takes place through columns has stationary phase fixed into its internal surface area. The coloumn is intended to permit two procedures to happen that will create the separation. Right off the bat, because of various forces...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Hypocrisy Within The Golden Trim In The Scarlet Letter

Hawthorne had a revolving theme of the Puritans being intolerable and cruel. His particular views on the Puritans in the book 'The Scarlet Letter' shifts from harsh criticism, sympathy, and admiration. He had a more rooted connection with his puritan ancestors and underlined their strengths and weaknesses. While reprimanding Puritan ruling as a whole, he shows understanding for people like Hester, who fail victim to it. He also acknowledged the hardworking men that built their town up. The letter A...
1 Page 678 Words

Business Information And Administration

The walls of the organizations work environment, in addition to the entire layout and interior, says a lot about the organizations vision and mission. Everything from employee engagement, financial stability and work theory can be expressed effectively by the means of investing in correct décor and layout in the workplace. Productivity is the soul of an organization, for employees to enhance their productivity, it is all dependant on the structure of the workplace which also includes the flow of communication...
2 Pages 703 Words

Seven Deadly Sins In Paradise Lost

In Paradise Lost, John Milton attempts to fill in the theological and literary gaps in the Bible. One way that Milton does this is by expanding on the idea of the seven deadly sins; the sins include pride, wrath, sloth, greed, envy, gluttony, and lust. In the epic poem, a certain devil represents a specific sin. Satan, for example, displays the sin that leads to most other sins: pride. When he is under God, he grows jealous and feels he...
2 Pages 705 Words

Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) VS Pharmacist

When, I was in high school, I had a writing assignment titled, “where do you see yourself in 10 years?” I never thought of my future career, or what I could become. It wasn’t until I started medical assistant classes in high school that I knew I wanted to do something in the healthcare field. 6 years later, I went to school to become a pharmacy technician. Once I was introduced to medicine, I knew that I wanted to help...
2 Pages 718 Words

Anger As The Blocks For Logic

I was born into a family of six, with myself being the middle child. Anyone who has ever grown with siblings throughout their young life knows anger. Anger runs rampant in us all and having siblings tends to bring that out in us. However, how does one determine the difference between someone being angry and someone who has a problem with anger? A difficult question but one I have had the luxury of witnessing first hand throughout my life. Joshua,...
2 Pages 714 Words

Role Of Computers In Linguistics

As we all know that computers have a marked influence on linguistics.In the near future computers would be providing more help to linguists. Computational linguistics studies how computers are related to linguistics and also deals with techniques of computers that assist us in interpretation of language. To facilitate linguists to explore and interpret natural language with the help of computers. M To grasp/comprehend (by comparing with computers) more about how people understand the natural language. Use of computers in Linguistics...
1 Page 693 Words

The Concept Of Soul In Human's Life

Often, I have heard people dialogue about their other side. When I was younger, thinking in my small, un-nurtured mind, I only considered the physical aspect of a person’s other side. From my childhood to the present, I have matured and have a better understanding of what one ponders as his or her other side. As a practicing Christian, I have been taught that I have a soul. “Soul is defined as the hidden or “spiritual” side of a person”...
2 Pages 691 Words

National Identity: Insights and Significance

Introduction National identity, a complex and multifaceted concept, plays a crucial role in shaping the socio-political and cultural landscapes of nations. It serves as a unifying force that binds individuals within a country, fostering a sense of belonging and shared values. Defined as the distinctive characteristics and qualities that define a nation, national identity is influenced by historical, cultural, and social factors. According to Smith (1991), national identity is "a sense of a nation as a cohesive whole, represented by...
1 Page 687 Words

The Reasons Why Indians Prefer Working Abroad

When I was in college many of my batch mates wished that after college, they want to get a job abroad and settle over there. Many of them got a job in countries like Australia, Canada, USA, New Zealand, and many other places. They didn’t only get a job but also are settled over there and doing well. Now, when I look back at those days, I wonder why they were so eager to go abroad and settle over there?...
2 Pages 707 Words

The Effects Of Leading Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle, is the most important thing which everyone should follow. A healthy lifestyle not only means to eat fruits and vegetables, but it is much more than that, namely, keep away from smoking, exercise, reduce sugars, stay away from alcohol and sleep adequately. Furthermore, Nies, Groot and Staveren (2003) noted in their research that “the unhealthy lifestyle habits smoking, having a low‐quality diet, and being physically inactive were singly related to an increased mortality risk” (p.427-434). Moreover,...
1 Page 687 Words
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