700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

How To Overcome Digestive System Disorders

People get all the nutrients and energy they need through food. A reasonable diet and adequate nutrition can improve the health of a generation, prevent a variety of diseases, prolong life and improve the physical fitness of the entire nation. Unreasonable diet, excessive or insufficient nutrition will bring different degrees of harm to health. Overeating can lead to obesity, diabetes, cholelithiasis, hyperlipidemia, high blood pressure and other diseases due to overnutrition, and even induce mesothelioma, such as breast cancer and...
2 Pages 697 Words

Symbolism and Imagery in A Long Way Gone

The armed conflicts of the world can affect a child’s life by causing a loss of innocence within the child. A Long Way Gone tells us the story of a child solider residing in Sierra Leone, who loses his innocence due to the civil war in Sierra Leone. Ishmael Beah shares how the wrongdoings of the world can affect a child’s life traumatically, and Beah does this through his use of symbolism and imagery. A prominent theme in A long...
2 Pages 693 Words

Process Of Using Critical Thinking In Philosophy

Critical thinking is an essential and invaluable aspect of philosophy. It is the ability for an individual to think in a rational, systematic and justifiable manner. Additionally, critical thinking is unprejudiced, unassuming and objective in consideration of philosophical discourse. For a philosopher to adequately answer any of life’s numerous questions, he or she must employ the use of critical thinking. The main reason for applying critical thinking is to ensure that the human moral experience is universally explained with little...
2 Pages 701 Words

Bellowing Out For Non-Discrimination In I, Too By Langston Hughes

Abstract Literature is a word that had reflected an interest in the world of reality as well as imagination. In the term subaltern describes the lower social classes and the other social groups displaced to the margins of a society in social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized or persecuted. In this poem, the speaker, who is probably Hughes himself, is proclaiming to the world that he, too, is an American. He, too,...
1 Page 705 Words

Defying Gender Stereotypes In The Film Billy Elliot

Stereotypes for men still seem to linger around in todays society, even though the gender equity movement has made a pretty impactful mark on how we view genders now, the stereotypes for men still seem to have its way with society today. A film that breaks these barriers is a 2000’s film entitles “Billy Elliot”. Starring Jamie bell and Trevor Fox the story of an 11-year-old Billy Elliot, a coal miner's son in Northern England, is forever changed one day...
2 Pages 723 Words

American Criminal Justice System Effects On Youth

In America's Criminal Justice System there are many faults, from racism, sexism or mistreatment of the incarcerated, there is one issue stands prominent to others. That is the terrifying violence that affects our youth. From very young ages, children are put into situations where they have to fight for their own lives because of the color of their skin or where they live. This deeply affects the future of our country and further generations after. Sadly, the criminal justice system...
1 Page 681 Words

Differing Perspectives In Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood

Oryx and Crake is a dystopian novel written by award-winning Canadian author Margaret Atwood, depicting the interaction of three characters in two altering storylines, set in two different time frames. Which was used to emulate the relationship between these characters to real-life by not only personifying their actions but also including parallels between their progressive struggles to ones readers would face in their everyday lives. Furthermore, this novel also reveals insight into how different people view the world through their...
2 Pages 704 Words

The Importance Of Memory In The Giver By Lois Lowry

The Giver, by Lois Lowry, is a sci-fi type novel about a society where everyone is assigned a specific job to do and no one is allowed to have feelings or memories of anything. Society is dictated by a few people in charge and the rest of the people just go about following the rules and instructions they are given. One of the main themes of the book is based on the importance of memory. The book is so interesting...
2 Pages 702 Words

The Importance of Sex Education Essay

Introduction Since the early days, sex education as a topic has brought up several heated debates in our society. There have been controversies in schools related to the morals behind sex education and how they need to be portrayed in the classroom. However, with the progressive changes in the society we have seen changes in the ways sex education is taught in schools over time. In the early 90’s, the main focus of sex education was inclined towards the concept...
2 Pages 718 Words

Reading Is Boring: Just A Misunderstanding

When hearing the word reading, teenagers whine and complain, viewing it as a drudgery no one likes. However, to bookworms it’s the exact opposite, joy is no more than the smell of books and the excitement it brings. American academic and past Havard president Charles William Elliot once said: “books are the quietest and most constant of friends”, taking you on an adventure. They are “the most accessible and wisest of counselors”, helping you to relax. Last but not least,...
1 Page 694 Words

Heroin: Epidemic In Society Especially With Young Adults

Heroin is an illegal, highly addictive drug made from morphine; a natural substance extracted from the seed pod of certain varieties of poppy plants. It is typically sold as a white or brownish powder that is cut with sugars, starch, and powdered milk. Pure heroin is a white powder with a bitter taste. It originates in South America and, to a lesser extent, from Southeast Asia, and dominates U.S. markets east of the Mississippi River (National Institute on Drug Abuse,...
1 Page 680 Words

Evaluation Of The Gun Control Argument

The feeling of having that extra bit of safety attached at the hip gives that little bit of extra confidence when out and about. The right to bear arms in the USA is guaranteed by the second amendment to the Constitution (MacDonald v. City of Chicago). This is one of the fundamental rights of a citizen. Right-to-carry laws in the United States allow a person to carry legal weapons hidden even in most public places. Different states have different policies,...
2 Pages 711 Words

Attachment's Role in Life Stages

Introduction Attachment theory, pioneered by John Bowlby and later expanded by Mary Ainsworth, underscores the critical role of early emotional bonds in human development. These early attachment experiences shape an individual's psychological landscape, influencing behavior and emotional health throughout life. During childhood, attachment security can determine an individual's ability to navigate social relationships, manage stress, and develop a sense of self-worth. In adulthood, these early experiences continue to manifest in romantic relationships, parenting styles, and even professional interactions. This essay...
2 Pages 695 Words

Literary devices in "Because I Could Not Stop For Death"

“Because I could not stop for death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality,” by Emily Dickinson. Born in Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson has become one of the greatest American poets. Her unique style of writing has become iconic in the poetry world. No one can quite capture her ability to write. However, out of the 1,775 poems she wrote only 7 were published before her death. Her sister, Lavinia, found all of her...
2 Pages 721 Words

Aristotle's Views On Happiness

Prior to my commencement of the PHL unit, my understanding of happiness revolved around my religious perspective and personal experiences. I believed that in order to maximise my happiness, I needed to improve my relationship with god. My religious beliefs led me to the conclusion that happiness is not achieved by easy exercise, obedience, or other formal or legal dynamics. My religious beliefs describe happiness as a state that is achieved through understanding balance and achieving enlightenment. Happiness came from...
2 Pages 715 Words

Unchecked ambition corrupts in Macbeth

Macbeth, once an honorable character, loyal to his kings and friends. Always praised by everyone around him because of his positive demeanour. However, as the play continues, Macbeth soon falls victim to the witches’ prediction and suffers from his fatal flaw which is the desire for power and position. Macbeth murders his King who sees Macbeth as a loyal soldier and even bestows the title Thane of Cawdor on him, but because of his striving ambition, he finds himself trapped...
2 Pages 702 Words

Critical Reflection On Isolation And Social Connectedness

Humans are naturally social and interactive beings who fundamentally need social contact. During a certain period of their lives, humans are faced with feelings of isolation due to the lack of social connectedness. The purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of isolation and to understand how the Man in Blue exhibits a clear understanding of this concept. This paper overviews an artist named Francis Bacon who paints his experiences with depression allowing others to envision his struggle...
1 Page 683 Words

Comprehensive SWOT Analysis of McDonald's in Australia

Introduction McDonald's, a global leader in the fast-food industry, holds a significant presence in Australia, where it is affectionately known as "Macca's." With over 1,000 outlets nationwide, the brand has become an integral part of Australian culture since its first store opened in 1971. The fast-food giant's Australian market strategy is a fascinating case of adaptation and innovation in a highly competitive environment. A SWOT analysis—examining McDonald's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats—offers insights into how the company has maintained its...
1 Page 678 Words

The Relationship Between Caption And Dialogue

People get a common miss understanding between captions and dialogues. There is a big difference between them. Choosing between the two can have a drastic impact on the understanding of the graphic novel by the public. Since it can change the perspective of the audience. While captions and dialogs are similar in appearance, they are designed for two purposes. Dialog includes a text when collaborating on that particular scene with other characters. Captions, on the other hand, not only add...
2 Pages 718 Words

The Effects Of Rousseau's Childhood On His Views On Sexuality

“‘I want to show my fellow-men a man in all the truth of nature; and this man is to be myself’” (Rousseau, p.5). In an attempt to reach his audience, Rousseau in Confessions did what most would not dare in an autobiography: reveal ‘everything’. Confessions does not follow the conventions of a traditional eighteenth-century autobiography. Rousseau’s self-portrait conveyed himself through raw emotions and distorted ways and actions rather than what society expected: a presentation of exemplary qualities. For a man...
2 Pages 698 Words

Social Inequality At The Workplace In Brazil

Social inequality happens when people are treated differently than others because of their social or physical characteristics. There are many causes of social inequality, like one’s religion, race, sexual orientation and gender, which can lead to various social imbalances. The situation where men receive higher income than women is called the wage gap, which is a social inequality that is rooted in patriarchal society. This essay will discuss the nature of the wage gap in Brazil, its historical and modern...
2 Pages 685 Words

Gender Roles And Psychoanalysis In Big Little Lies

In this essay I will analyze gender roles and psychoanalysis in the Big Little Lies series based on Liane Moriarty's novel with the same name. The action takes place in a small town where the life of the three women are presented: Madeline Mackenzie, Celeste Wright and Jane Chapman. The base of the serial is a crime for which the three friends are investigated. The story is an interesting and a mysterious one. In the following lines I will analyze...
2 Pages 716 Words

The Peculiarities Of Pueblo Indians Culture

The level of development of agriculture among the Pueblo Indians is immeasurably higher than that of their predecessors. They constructed extensive irrigation systems, which were of great importance in this rather arid region. The main agricultural crop was still the same corn (they grew more than ten of its varieties), in addition, pumpkins, red peppers, lettuce, beans, and also tobacco were grown. The fields were cultivated with a wooden hoe. Along with this, the Pueblo Indians tamed dogs and raised...
1 Page 684 Words

Gig Economy And Uber

The forceful loads of neoliberal economies have obliged organizations to return obligations to legally binding laborers and subcontractors. The climb information development stages have in a general sense enlivened this example over past decade. 'Sharing economy' associations have such no matter how you look at it allocation of neoliberalism's mechanical relations that another moniker—'the Gig Economy'— has prospered. Disregarding the way that financial specialists and purchasers have benefitted, common laborers occupations have been squeezed at the same time. This paper...
1 Page 699 Words

Cyberbullying Tarnishes The Mental Health Of The Youth

Everyone in the 21st century is addicted to the internet and technology. At first, we could not even imagine we would be able to talk to a person mile away but how we communicate with family and friends in a whole other country sitting at home as if they are sitting right in front of us. The Internet gave the world tremendous opportunities and possibilities but on the other hand, it also gave us new dangers. In today’s world, the...
2 Pages 710 Words

Psychological Factors Influence Pain Perception

Introduction Psychological factors influence pain perception, factors as coping, social support, personality, and control. Pain became understood as a perception instead of a sensation as a result of observations like the difference in treatment effectiveness between acute and chronic pain, the positive or negative meaning of the pain experience and the phantom limb theory. These observations created the bases for the gate control theory of pain (GCT) which on the early 20th century adds psychological factors to previous models that...
1 Page 686 Words

Drugs and Alcohol Essay

Introduction Alcohol and drug abuse is one of the biggest problems in our country. It is not only personal problem that dramatically affects the individuals’ lives, but is a major problem that affects society as whole. “Alcohol and drug abuse”, these phrases we see daily on newspaper and television. But what do they mean or what we understand by it? Most of us don’t really view drug or alcohol use a problem, if that includes our friends having few beers...
1 Page 693 Words

Religion Identity Of Latino, Asian And European American

An analysis of the Longitudinal Immigrant Student Adaptation (LISA) survey of Asian-, Caribbean-, and Latino-American immigrant youth in the Boston area, done by Suárez-Orozco, Singh, Abo-Zena, Du, and Roeser (2011), have shown that religious affiliation and participation are high in almost all immigrant families, with the partial exception of recent Chinese immigrants. Through their work, it was demonstrated that religious involvement resulted in mostly positive effects (i.e. increased religious identity, enhanced social support, more positive peer networks, a better sense...
2 Pages 706 Words

The Features That Make The Novel The Old Man And The Sea Classic

The novel is considered a classic through the use of themes, one of which is pride. The story takes an ambivalent attitude to pride. Santiago knows that he is a good fisherman. For example, when Manolin tells Santiago, 'The best fisherman is you,” at the start of the story, he disagrees. Instead Santiago takes pride of being exactly what he is a fisherman and a man. Through the use of interior monologue Hemingway wants us to feel what Santiago is...
2 Pages 711 Words

Brain Development And Cognitive Learning

Cognitive development is the process of the mind developing, which enables us to reason, know and understand. We also learn how to problem-solve, form our imagination and develop creative skills. Our concentration becomes stronger and we begin to remember things and retain those memories as our cognitive development strengthens, which occurs as we age. Just as early as one month, a baby’s cognitive development is already beginning. Touch, sound, taste, smell and sight are the key areas in which a...
2 Pages 717 Words
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