700 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

5 Paragraph Essay on Westward Expansion

In the United States, the Civil War ended, leading to massive sectional disputes throughout the Reconstruction era, before the golden age took over in the form of rapid industrialization. This included the expansion of industry, such as the construction of railways, and the enactment of Jim Crow legislation, such as poll taxes, grandfather clauses, and literacy tests, during Reconstruction. Following that, the United States underwent a surge in industrialization, with the emergence of monopolies and trusts, a new social hierarchy,...
2 Pages 699 Words

Library Environment Observation Essay

Individuals in different parts of the world have different understandings and attachments to the spaces where they visit for different reasons. This relates to the ethnographic study of the people along with culture. This is essential for observing the space from different points of view (Love 2017). This is because the countries after globalization are becoming more diverse with people from different cultural backgrounds. Here the space is related to the library where the young people mostly visit and this...
2 Pages 725 Words

Essay on How Did Geography Affect Ancient Egypt

The development of ancient societies was a very long and arduous process, often spanning many years until they reached their peak form. However, there are factors such as geography, environment, and relief that may hinder or accelerate a society's development. So what are they? There are many examples of civilizations built by bodies of water such as rivers or lakes due to the large amount of readily available resources to be used such as rich soils for agriculture, trade, or...
2 Pages 720 Words

Dystopia Examples in Real Life: Analysis of 'Handmaid's Tales'

Many people have questioned the importance and production of dystopian novels, along with the overall reality and impact it has on today’s society. However to grasp the true importance of dystopian novels, one must know what the term dystopian means. Most people refer to dystopias as a utopia gone wrong, a utopia is an imagined place or society in which everything is perfect. Dystopia is an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, and fearful lives. In...
2 Pages 712 Words

Essay on 'Caged Bird' by Maya Angelou

In one of Maya Angelou’s books, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, the personal struggles of an African American child and woman are brought to life through poetic works. Angelou’s writing sheds glaring light on themes of feminine power, beauty, and perseverance, raising the African American Woman to a pedestal that demands respect and adoration. Throughout Angelou’s life, she has been oppressed by multiple different factors, including rape and racial bias, but she’s been lucky enough to encounter a...
1 Page 676 Words

Essay on Gonzo Journalism

The Gonzo journalism style, a journalism style that sees the journalist go against the common expectations of objectivity and write himself as a part of the story. The style was popularized by the famous journalist, Hunter S Thompson, who, other than creating the movement, was also known for writing a number of novels, some of which have been adapted onto the big screen. The name Hunter S Thompson evokes the memories of a man who was not afraid to live,...
2 Pages 710 Words

Essay on Why Is Lady Macbeth Guilty

Lady Macbeth is cunning and manipulative. When first introduced to her in the play she is already plotting the murder of the king. Her ambition to be Queen and her power-hungry nature pushes her to manipulate her husband, Macbeth. Lady Macbeth calls her husband’s manhood into question, taunting his lack of courage when he begins having second thoughts on committing murder until he feels that he must kill the king to prove himself as a man. Her viscous nature is...
2 Pages 696 Words

Genetically Modified Food Labelling Essay

 Hungry and want to pour yourself fresh milk into your cereal bowl? What if I told you that that milk probably came from a cow that was injected with RBGH, a type of hormone, that's synthesized from genetically modified bacteria? It’s 2019 and I feel embarrassed to have to inform you that we have the right to know what's in our food. The United States does not mandate labelling of genetically modified foods, which most of us know as GMOs....
2 Pages 695 Words

Hamlet and Ophelia's Madness Essay

Madness. Although to most it seems like a simple mental betrayal, William Shakespeare's use of madness throughout Hamlet creates a sense of not just mind breakdown, but society breakdown. Two main characters give madness in the play, one is a fake, and one is all too real. In order to confuse Claudius, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, chose to act mad. Ophelia, on the other hand, is insane due to multiple factors accumulating, such as isolation, distrust, and grief. Ophelia starts...
2 Pages 715 Words

Chesapeake vs New England Colonies: Compare and Contrast

Introduction The Chesapeake and New England Colonies were two distinct regions established by English settlers in North America during the 17th century. Despite their shared origin, these colonies developed unique characteristics and experienced different social, economic, and political structures. In this essay, we will compare and contrast the differences between the Chesapeake and New England Colonies, focusing on their settlement patterns, economies, religious practices, and social structures. Settlement Patterns The Chesapeake Colonies, including Virginia and Maryland, were primarily established for...
1 Page 695 Words

Essay on Safavid Empire Social Structure

Introduction The Safavid Empire, which reigned over Persia from 1501 to 1736, had a complex social structure that shaped the lives of its inhabitants. Understanding the social hierarchy and organization within the Safavid Empire provides valuable insights into the power dynamics, societal norms, and daily lives of its people. This essay aims to provide an informative overview of the social structure of the Safavid Empire, highlighting the roles of different social groups, their privileges, and their interactions. The Shah and...
2 Pages 720 Words

Realism in Renaissance: Informative Essay

The Renaissance period, spanning from the 14th to the 17th century, witnessed a profound shift in the artistic and intellectual landscape of Europe. It was a time of immense creativity, exploration, and a renewed interest in the human experience. One of the defining characteristics of the Renaissance was the emergence of realism in art, which sought to depict the world with a newfound attention to detail and accuracy. This informative essay explores the concept of realism in the Renaissance, its...
2 Pages 696 Words

Marilyn Monroe Research Essay

Introduction Marilyn Monroe, born Norma Jeane Mortenson, remains one of the most iconic figures in Hollywood history. Her captivating beauty, undeniable talent, and tumultuous personal life have made her a subject of fascination for decades. In this research essay, we will delve into the life and legacy of Marilyn Monroe, exploring her early years, rise to stardom, impact on popular culture, and the tragic circumstances surrounding her untimely death. I. Early Life and Career Marilyn Monroe was born on June...
2 Pages 720 Words

Essay on Similarities between Australia and New Zealand

Before the First World War, Australia and New Zealand were not highly regarded of by other countries. Australia was a teenage country, having started independence in 1901. The Australians were known as convicts and were taken to be rule-breaking and liberalistic, breaking rules and the such. It was only after the First World War that Australia was regarded as just as hard-working as any other country. Things for New Zealand were even worse before the First World War. They had...
2 Pages 710 Words

The Nuances of Shopping Addiction

Introduction Shopping addiction, also known as compulsive buying disorder (CBD), represents a growing concern in contemporary society as consumerism becomes increasingly prevalent. This behavioral addiction is characterized by an overwhelming urge to shop, leading individuals to make excessive purchases despite potential negative consequences. The rise of online shopping platforms has further exacerbated this issue, enabling constant access to shopping opportunities. Understanding shopping addiction requires a multifaceted approach, examining psychological, social, and economic factors that contribute to this behavior. This essay...
2 Pages 706 Words

Essay on Censorship of Books: Pros and Cons

The issue of banning books has been a highly debated topic since the 1800s. Librarians, schools, and parents frequently question whether some books are appropriate for young audiences. Publishers have a hard time identifying who their target audience is, the kids themselves or the Adult Gatekeepers. While some people think it is in the best interest of children to protect them from “inappropriate” books, others believe that banning books marginalizes children. Paul Ringel discusses how banning books negatively affects the...
2 Pages 706 Words

Essay on How Does Judaism Characterize Human Nature

There are three monotheistic beliefs: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These three faiths worship a specific god. Monotheism emerged from Egypt in the 14th century BCE (1353-1336 BC), and the worship of a single god proved to be exceedingly unpopular with the priestly schooling, as well as, most likely, the local population. During this period, the worship of deities was very particular to given cities and temples. We all know Judaism is the world's oldest monotheistic religion, dating back almost 4,000...
2 Pages 711 Words

The Namesake' Expository Essay

Sunday Adelaja once said, “Names have a great influence on the destiny of the person, who bears the name”. In Jhumpa Lahir’s novel The Namesake, Lahir tells the story of a Bengali man named Gogol who, throughout his life, has experienced an identity crisis. The name given to him at birth was solely supposed to be used as his dark naam (secret pet name) but his love for it in his childhood went on to haunt him throughout his life...
2 Pages 713 Words

Essay on Klipspringer in 'The Great Gatsby'

In The Great Gatsby, jazz music is played throughout the text, adding energy and life to the novel. From Gatsby's extravagantly chaotic parties to the most introspective moments in the book, the jazz style of music seems to weave itself into the text. Like jazz has its exciting ups and mellow downs, the novel seems to follow a similar style, as exciting moments seem to be highlighted uniquely. To add to this effect, the plot structure follows the same pattern,...
2 Pages 714 Words

Essay on Jack and Ralph in 'Lord of the Flies'

Character Analysis Essay Sometimes the greatest conflicts arise when two human beings are comparable to each other in necessary approaches but want very different things. This is the case between Ralph and Jack in the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding, where a group of puerile boys who find themselves alone on a desolate island endeavor to decipher what they are going to do. The characters Ralph and Jack both have very vigorous leadership roles but they differ...
1 Page 677 Words

Alcohol Essay on 'A Farewell to Arms'

The novel A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway is an engrossing tale that shows the reality of love in war. The novel follows the love between Frederic Henry, a lieutenant in World War I, and the English Nurse Catherine Barkley. While Henry is serving in the Italian ambulance service, he becomes wounded and is relocated to the hospital where Catherine tends to him. As Catherine cares for him they swiftly fall in love and Catherine becomes pregnant but soon...
1 Page 678 Words

Convenience of Online Shopping Essay

In today’s world of information and technology internet is becoming the most important thing for anyone as it is going to be “the “medium of the future. Online shopping is when consumers can visit web stores anytime anywhere according to one’s comfort. It all started in 1999-2000 with an online book store amazon.com founded by Jeff Bezos. People can purchase almost anything online, starting with groceries, clothes cell phones, and ringtones for cell phones, everything can be purchased online. There...
2 Pages 690 Words

Essay about Techno Consumerism

We live in a 'throwaway society,' which is a term used to characterize a society driven by materialism. What strategies can be used to address the problem of our 'throwaway society'? The throw-away society is a generalized description of a human social concept strongly influenced by consumerism, whereby the society tends to use items once only, from disposable packaging, and consumer products are not designed for reuse or lifetime use. Politicians in less economically developed countries are under pressure to...
1 Page 677 Words

Animal Farm' Corruption Essay

Upon close observation of humanity, it becomes clear that man is, by nature, barbaric. We can see that he is prone to savagery brought about by instinctual impulses suppressed by the rigid rules and frameworks of civilization. A prime example of this is demonstrated in George Orwell’s 1945 novel, ‘Animal Farm’, an allegorical representation of Joseph Stalin’s downward spiral into a corrupted leadership over the USSR and the consequences of totalitarianism in the Russian Revolution. Similarly, in the 1963 film...
1 Page 679 Words

Essay on Tybalt in 'Romeo and Juliet'

The optimistic tone of Act II, which graces the union between Romeo and Juliet through their marriage, significantly changes at the beginning of Act III due to the fight that breaks out between the families of Capulet and Montague. These few lines dramatically shift the play into a tragedy, a juxtaposition from what it was before, a romantic comedy. The previous night, which embodied peace and love is overshadowed by the great violence and scorching temper that ultimately results in...
2 Pages 713 Words

Essay on Postpartum Blues Vs Depression

Introduction Post-partum depression is commonly known to be one of the main difficulties with maternity and childbirth (Jones, 2017). Many women commonly do not realize they suffer from this debilitating illness and can often go months even years without seeking treatment. This illness can be viewed with extreme variations, ranging from ‘baby blues’ to psychosis (Degner, 2017). Understanding the different symptoms and the severity of each symptom plays an important role in recognizing and treating each woman and in turn...
2 Pages 723 Words

Virtual Reality Reflective Essay

Virtual reality is a computer simulation tool that is becoming used more and more prevalently in today’s society. Virtual reality was first released as a device used primarily for gaming and fun, but now virtual reality is being put into use for businesses and also schools. The definition of virtual reality is the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment,...
2 Pages 694 Words

Essay on Effects of Social Media Addiction

Social media are not entirely good, there are so many threats caused by it. As time goes on, more and more people become dependent on the internet. They use the internet as the main means of their social interactions such as chatting with friends, documenting their lives, playing online games, or visiting online dating sites to meet new people. Indeed, some people argue that the Internet is the best way to meet new friends, especially if you are the type...
2 Pages 685 Words

Academic Discourse Community Essay

Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Academic discourse is the dialogue and the way of communicating in the classroom. Both articles come to ask the same question, “Has academic discourse changed and whether or not new discourse is improved?” Academic discourse has changed over time because the 21st century has evolved from before. Communication in the classroom has decreased. Everything is mostly done on the computer. In the past, technology was not used...
2 Pages 684 Words

Essay on Ophelia Suicide

Hamlet has many common themes but one theme that is highlighted throughout this play and most Shakespearean tragedies is death. From the opening scene, we are guided into a world obsessed with death and its influence. From King Hamlet to Ophelia, all the way to a fencing match gone wrong, the appearance of death is always evident in the minds and lives of the characters. King Hamlet dies when poisoned by his brother, Claudius. Polonius dies by being stabbed by...
2 Pages 710 Words
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