What kind of world will our children live in? This question has never been more worrying. And for good reason, the air we breathe has never been more polluted. A certain awareness is being born and we must act quickly. The aim of this report will be to present viable solutions for air purification in urban areas. Emphasis will be placed on 2 distinct solutions which will aim to become part of urban development. At the end of this study,...
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769 Words
This report is all about how God made the moon and how the moon contributes to making the earth habitable for us, Just imagine if we didn't have a moon well there would be no light at night that's for sure. Anyway let's get started on some reasons on how the moon helps the earth be our home. In this report, I will tell you the three main reasons on how and what the moon does to make the earth...
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744 Words
In Orson Scott Card’s book Ender’s Game, genocide is addressed. Even though it was written in 1985 the topic of genocide still hold significance to this day. In the United States and Sudan genocide can either be seen currently or in their history. Though the genocide in these countries might look different from the genocide in the book it is still the same issue. The discrimination and destruction of a people group remains a human rights issue that few know...
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753 Words
How do you prefer a glass of water: lukewarm or nicely chilled? An internist and a nutrition expert explain the advantages and disadvantages of the temperature of the drinking water for digestion, circulation, pain perception and calories burned. Especially in summer on hot days you long for a sip of cold water to cool off. But that is not particularly useful, because the cold drink has to be brought up to temperature by the organism, which makes you sweat all...
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751 Words
Democracy is a system of government. All qualified individuals or members in the country have the opportunity to vote directly on the issues or to send someone to choose to make these decisions on their behalf. This is a government structure, where the government comes from the people, not from the army or the country. Although this is an option generally associated with the United States, the Declaration of Independence has no record of this term. America's founding fathers were...
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771 Words
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Our planet is covered by more than 10 billion acres of forests, which is approximately 30% of its total surface coverage. Now, about 15 million acres of those forests are being cut down per year so there is room for infrastructure and human assimilation. The Pros of Deforestation For one, our population is growing and it is expected that our Planet Earth will house around 10 billion people by 2035, around a third more of our current population. These 3...
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764 Words
The future economy is creeping up and it is evident that technical innovation is the main engine of aggregate economic growth, providing advanced living standards in the long term and boosting per capita income and consumption. The future of innovation, will cause a change in the nature of work, demolishing some professions within the labour market whilst creating new ones. Furthermore, many jobs and business industries will be affected as the value of certain new skills and new business opportunities...
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748 Words
Martin Luther King Jr. once said, 'A riot is the language of the unheard. And what is America failing to hear?' When you hear someone say 'black lives matter,' what is the first thing you think about? Some might argue that all lives matter, not only those of black people. Others might argue that it is something they have been fighting for and will continue to do so until there is change. There have been countless protests around the world...
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771 Words
Marxism is a political theory that was introduced to the world in 1848, through the publication of ‘The Communist Manifesto’. Marxism-Leninism, in contrast, is a strand of Marxism that was developed by Vladimir Lenin, who sought to adapt early twentieth century Russia to those until-then theoretical ideas of Marx and Engels. Discussed below will be a brief summary of what I feel are the most prominent differences between the two strands of thought. Before I begin, it is important to...
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746 Words
Is India really becoming intolerant? To discuss this topic, I first want to explain the meaning of the word ‘intolerant’. It means not to tolerate the views, behavior and beliefs that differ from your own one’s. Intolerance arrives when one person’s thoughts do not match with the other’s one or when things don't go the way you want them to be. Looking at the topic, I will try to see whether India is really becoming intolerant, or it’s just the...
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739 Words
Why I want to live in Japan? This question makes me smile because Japan has been my dream since childhood! Living and working there would be an amazing chance to grow as a person and become a better teacher. I've thought a lot about this decision, and there are three big reasons why I really want to build my life in Japan: I want to teach and help kids learn, experience the Japanese way of life that I've always loved,...
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745 Words
I first heard about Girls State through my cousin who attended California Boys State, but I did not really learn about it until a good friend, who actually attended Texas Girls State last year, talked about the amazing experience she had in the 7 days she spent in Seguin. What intrigues me most is the opportunity to have a hands-on experience while learning how our state government operates. She talked about how this experience affects how she carries herself and...
2 Pages
759 Words
Throughout history, a plethora of battles have been fought in hopes of gaining one thing, - liberty. Whether it was the French Revolution or America's Civil War, the goal of the oppressed was to gain freedom. These individuals sacrificed their time, money, and lives for a cause that they truly believed in. Even though these individuals were all working towards the possession of liberty, the liberty they were all vying for meant something different to each of them. The circumstances...
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732 Words
Hospitality industry is a service-based industry that relies heavily on servicing people who has leisure time and disposable income. Units from management team to servers that are involved play an important role during the whole service operation. Hospitality industry often demand employees with abilities such as effective problem-solving skill, great communication technique, strong commitment, and the ability to work as a team member in order to provide excellent services and unforgettable experiences to customers. In recent research conducted by British...
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749 Words
Can the country survive and continue to run by itself? Japan was a country which is ruled by a number of emperors and they did not allow Japanese people to leave the country and do not allow any foreigner to enter in Japan. Sakoku means closed country and Sakoku policy was in use for many decades in Japan. While Sakoku, Japan’s long period of isolation from 1639 to 1853, kept it closed off from much of the world, one upshot...
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752 Words
Bill Gates once said, “I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other”. What he meant by the quote is that he believes that any tool that can be used to improve communication between humans greatly affects the process of how people can learn and therefore improve because of one another. One of these tools is technology and its progression. Technology has become an important element...
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738 Words
In any software development life cycle the penetration testing phase plays an important role. Penetration testing is an approach which tests the security of a web application by making a conscious attempt to compromise the security of the application. It helps in preparing for any possible malicious attacks or avoid the potential breach of data at the hands of an attacker. Securing the framework does not guarantee application security as web applications are prone to vulnerabilities that cannot be fully...
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762 Words
Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty who brought peace during the warfare between the Warring States of China, uniting China for the first time. The Qin Dynasty endorsed a system of Legalism which was basically a belief that all human beings are inherently selfish, and people are required to follow the stringent laws and be punished accordingly. The Qin Dynasty was indeed the shortest in all of dynasties in China, lasting only about fifteen years,...
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750 Words
Many organizations are benefiting from us. They are promoting a lot of unhealthy food at a very low price, taking benefit from it by having us to agree with a ridiculous idea that it’s good for us to purchase these unhealthy products. Big Food Brands like Anheuser Busch, Nestlé, and PepsiCo are responsible for using this tactic manipulating people of America to buy extra of their products. With so many of these unhealthy options at an alarmingly low fee, they...
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749 Words
I had taken two introductory economics courses prior taking the ECON 310 course this semester, and I had learned a lot about the different markets including monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competitive markets. However, I always had trouble understanding the difference between them and it has always been very confusing to me until I got the opportunity to further learn them in this course. So, I decided to explore it in more details in this essay. In a monopolistic competitive market,...
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757 Words
Do you know which area in the world has the most expensive housing? Hong Kong, a special administrative region of the People's Republic of China. One of the big trading hubs in the world, with the busiest cargo airport and is well known for its port. Unfortunately, although Hong Kong has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world, but there is a terrible severe income inequality. Hong Kong is the fourth highest population density country and dependencies...
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770 Words
The famous activist and leader in the Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King Jr., once said: “We are not makers of history. We are made by history”. I completely agree with this idea because the truth is that not only did events in history define our society and the ways we think and live, they also shape the political culture of our nation. In the same way, when the New Deal came out from 1933 to 1936, it transformed the...
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740 Words
Freedom is the right and privilege to do what you want and aspire what you want. Freedom can shape people in a positive or negative way. Liberty is the condition of being free inside from restrictions by authority on one's views of position and behavior. Freedom has to do with certain situations in which you have to deal with. As you get older, you gain more and more freedom and liberty. The more and more freedom someone gets, the more...
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750 Words
We can all agree that it’s nice to have a little break from our daily routines. I still remember the road trip my family and I took to Lake of the Ozarks and Rogers, Arkansas. It was a two-day vacation we took in 2017. Some days earlier, my dad got back from work with some exciting news! “Pack your bags for tomorrow. We’re going on a road trip”. I was thrilled, but I thought my dad was just joking around....
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767 Words
A cashless society is a society in which purchases of goods or services are made by credit card or electronic funds transferal rather than with cash or checks. The economic concept of a cashless society appeared as early as the 17th century, but it was presented as a check at that time. Then it slowly evolved to credit card and debit card, and then into today's e-wallet (LightNet, 2018). Today, a cashless society has become a controversial hot topic when...
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727 Words
Internet technology and video games have become addictive to so many children. Many kids have become victims of Internet predators and others have become video game addicts, which leaves them with no time to interact with other children and this has resulted in increased cases of loneliness and depression among children. The most common electronic devices used by children include: video games, smartphones, television, computers, tablets, Internet, social networks, chatting services, calculators and much more. Many researchers have studied that...
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735 Words
Aptly described by WHO as an ‘escalating global epidemic’ (WHO, 2002), the burden of obesity on communities is self-evident: an estimated 3 million deaths and 2 trillion dollars in medical costs (Dobbs et al., 2014). To address the challenge member nations have introduced tax policies to regulate people’s nutrition. The phraseology ‘junk food’ is attributed to sugar sweetened beverages and energy dense processed foods and may apply to foods of higher than needed caloric value (Donald et al., 2015). The...
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734 Words
Kyoko Mori, who was born in Japan in 1957, lived in an abused home with her father and stepmother after her mom passed away because of suicide. She later moved to the U.S. in 1977 and she went to a school in America. Japan turned out to be western undergraduates who have begun protesting in the late 1970s. She was a speaker at Harvard University and she also joined a creative writing faculty at George Mason University. She is also...
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738 Words
My holiday trip to remember I ever had was 9 years ago, with my husband for our honeymoon. We went to a small island called Langkawi, off the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia. It was the furthest away I had ever travelled, and I remember feeling so excited to be going on an adventure for 14 days of pure paradise. When we finally arrived in Langkawi, after 18 long hours of travelling, it blew me away by how incredible it...
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760 Words
In the 3000 BC, the first people settled in Cecropia, which is now known as the capital of Greece, Athens. People settled in Athens due to many reasons one of them being the location. Athens was also located in a high spot which benefited them in all their wars. The location benefited them as during the time (3000 BC) they were still going through the neolithic age which meant more wars and having the high ground made it easier to...
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752 Words