750 Word Essay Examples

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Critical Analysis The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver

Novels can oftentimes be said to be defined by the characters within it. The Poisonwood Bible follows the growth and development of each member of the Price family as they adjust to their new life here. One of the middle daughters, Leah experiences many changes throughout her time in the Congo. Throughout her experiences in the Congo, Leah’s perspective on her devotion to her father and religion changes through her exposure to the new environment and the people she meets,...
2 Pages 736 Words

Imperial China's Underground: Terracotta Army & Qin Shi Huang

The Underground World of Early Imperial China with English Writing Requirements The first emperor in China was Qin Shi Huang who was the first king of Qin. Qin Shi Huang is believed to have had remarkable leadership skills and a superb mastery of the arts of war. He is also known as an anti-intellectual king but also remains precious data that we can see how people live in ancient China. Typically, tomb of Qin Shi Huang is one of the...
2 Pages 767 Words

Conflict: England vs Boer Republics in Transvaal

The first major conflict between England and the 2 Boer republics of Transvaal (African Republic) and Orange Free State in Southern Africa that is marked on an international scale, most frequently referred to as the Boer War, commenced on 11th October 1899 and terminated on 31st May 1902. Lasting a total of 2 years, 7 months, 2 weeks and 6 days. This war from 121 years ago is also often called many names such as the Second Anglo-Boer War, South...
2 Pages 773 Words

Portrayal of Henry V by Shakespeare: Discursive Essay

Shakespeare describes Henry V as a wise and loyal king. Henry V changed from a wild youth to a very mature king who gained recognition from society. He was intelligent, thoughtful, and carried out his duties with enormous efficiency. His invasion plans for France were so strategic and this aspect explains his sense of responsibility. His strong speech inspired confidence and courage in the army and which went a long way to enable them to win the battle. He had...
2 Pages 759 Words

Relevance of War and Peace for Modern Reader: Opinion Essay

‘War and Peace ‘ by Leo Tolstoy has earned a standing along of the foremost illustrious, nonetheless most intimidating, books at intervals the fashionable library. the primary reason for its terrible name is as a result of the book is overflow thousand pages in most written editions. Yet, in spite of the actual fact that it is so difficult, it's maintained a inheritance of being a masterpiece and is beloved by many who browse it. ‘War and Peace ‘ could...
2 Pages 731 Words

Antony and Cleopatra: Senses and Emotions Analysis

As seen in the first few sentences Shakespeare displays how shocked and confused Cleopatra is that the love of her life and the warrior and protector of so many has been defeated. It could be said that she feels that for this to happen the world must be changed, and for the worst as ‘young boys and girls are equal to men’ which in those times age came with experience and you had to earn your place. There is a...
2 Pages 743 Words

Comparing "Black+White=Black" and "The Long Ranger and Tonto"

The Making of “The Other” Have you ever felt like a lone wolf, endlessly walking through your life in a society that doesn’t feel like home? That’s how it feels to be “the other”, and you are not alone. In “Black+White…equals black” by Lawrence Hill and “The Long Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven” by Sherman Alexie, characters also undergo being “the other” in their life due to internal and external factors. Firstly, they experience being “the other” through their...
2 Pages 775 Words

Analysis of Acemoglu and Why Nations Fail to Evaluate Necessity to Donate

Peter Singer in his paper Famine, Affluence and Mortality believe that people of higher wealth should be morally obligated to donate more to humanitarian causes than what is considered normal in western cultures. It’s Singers premice that if it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening, without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance we ought to do it. Singer makes some good points throughout his paper such as the drowning child example, where if you’re not...
2 Pages 748 Words

The Three Theban Plays by Sophocles: Critical Analysis of Odes

With Power Comes Responsibility In the greek mythology play, The Three Theban Plays, Sophocles entails the story of Antigone, a daughter who rebels against Creon and his rules of the city in order to bring justice and glory to her brother. But through this journey, King Creon’s character develops from a cold hearted figure of authority, to a humbled and remorseful king. He finally stands down under the Gods and their power, that soon, the entirety of Thebes comes to...
2 Pages 732 Words

Descriptive Essay: General Overview of Kathak Dance

On the 2nd of November, I went to see the live performance of Diwali Dance Party at the Town Hall in Flushing Queens. The event lasted for four hours and showcased the Indian traditional dances, music, clothing, and food. There were also workshops at the event, that included: Kathak dancing, Bhangra dance, open floor dance, and information hubs. Other sessions included: cooking demonstrations, Indian traditional Henna painting, jewelry workshops, Indian fashions on display, games, and Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Flushing Town...
2 Pages 775 Words

Punjabi Culture through Public Art Engagement

Introduction Public art serves as a dynamic conduit for cultural engagement, offering communities a platform to celebrate, critique, and reflect upon shared identities. In the context of Punjabi culture, public art has emerged as a potent medium for expressing rich traditions, vibrant histories, and evolving social narratives. This essay examines the role of public art in engaging communities with Punjabi culture, highlighting its significance in fostering cultural appreciation and dialogue. By incorporating traditional motifs and contemporary expressions, public art not...
2 Pages 757 Words

Transformative Learning Experiences in Australia

Introduction Australia, known for its diverse culture, innovative educational systems, and unique landscapes, offers an exceptional environment for transformational learning. Through my academic journey in this vibrant country, I encountered a myriad of experiences that have not only enhanced my intellectual capabilities but also transformed my worldview. Transformational learning, as defined by Jack Mezirow, involves experiencing a deep, structural shift in basic premises of thought, feelings, and actions. This form of learning is not just about acquiring new skills or...
2 Pages 767 Words

What Is Patriotism Essay

All of us are proud of what race we came from and all of us love our own country no matter what happens. Now in our essay, we will talk about patriotism and how we can say that one person s a patriot. First, we are defining patriotism as love for own country or homeland. It means one person who's having patriotism by heart is working hard and honestly doing something for his own country, like sacrificing himself or his...
2 Pages 728 Words

Impact of Ned Kelly on Colonial Australia: Analytical Essay

Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader, convicted police murderer, and the face of the Colonial Australian Identity. This ‘identity’ being the ‘bushman’ identity- also known as the ‘noble bushman’. Edward 'Ned' Kelly (December 1854 – 11 November 1880) held this infamous repertoire. Kelly is synonymous with the ‘Colonial Australian’ identity due to many reasons such as; his outlandish method of pushing his beliefs, the way he carried himself, and Ned’s profound and enduring effect on Australian Society. Ned Kelly pushed his...
2 Pages 746 Words

Mental Health As an Issue in Asian American Culture: Analytical Essay

The core of this article is identifying the mental health needs of people based on their nationality. In general, when people are going through tough times or stressful events, most people tend to reach out for help with people they trust and feel cared for, usually family or friends. Studies recently made, showed that Asian Americans do not usually tend to seek or reach out for help, compared to European Americans. Having mentioned this, we can identify some of the...
2 Pages 771 Words

Essay on Suicide Bombing: Employment of Female Suicide Bombers

An example of this is Andaleeb Takatkeh’s video testimony which was aired in mostly all Arabic satellite television channels, right before her suicide bombing. In her testimony she wore a black-and-white checked kuffiyeh around her arms, along with a white headscarf. The kuffiyeh had an illustration of the Al-Aqsa Mosque (figure 1). She also read from a pre-written paper; 'I've chosen to say with my body what Arab leaders have failed to say.... My body is a barrel of gunpowder...
2 Pages 772 Words

Bondage and Slavery in Zora Neale Hurston's 'Sweat'

'Sweat' written by Zora Neale Hurston bears an undertone of bondage and slavery against the black. In this story, Delia, who is a middle-aged black woman who washes clothes for the white people to take care of her husband Sykes, who abuses her mentally and physically. Sykes is unemployed, and therefore, he depends on Delia's provision, yet he cheats; he is arrogant, abusive, and continuously abuse Delia, who is forced to endure all these suffering in their marriage. Delia pleads...
2 Pages 732 Words

American Foreign Policy 1890 to 1920

The Progressive movement was a turn-of-the-century political movement interested in furthering social and political reform, curbing political corruption caused by political machines, and limiting the political influence of large corporations. Although many Progressives saw U.S. power in a foreign arena as an opportunity to enact the Progressive domestic agenda overseas, and to improve foreign societies, others were concerned about the adverse effects of U.S. interventions and colonialism. The Progressive movement began with a domestic agenda. Progressives were interested in establishing...
2 Pages 739 Words

Does Democracy Affect Population Health? Essay

The rise of democracy over the globe raises the question of how effective democratic regimes are in maintaining the welfare of its citizens. Many well established democracies have high rates of positive population health, however, it is unclear whether the two factors are causally connected. My research question is: does democracy have an effect on population health? The dependent variable is population health and the independent variable is the level of democracy. To measure the relationship, I will be looking...
2 Pages 762 Words

Advantages of Studying in a University Abroad

Going to a different country for university studies is getting more common all over the world and definitely, it has a lot of benefits for a student. However, why is it necessary to change your country for university and why should students make such a choice? Is it worth of leaving your family at home and go to a foreign country? It has been a topic of debates for a long time and even there are studies for this issue....
2 Pages 730 Words

Ethics in Life and Business

We can think of ethics as the principles that guide our behavior toward making the best choices that contribute to the common good of all. Ethics is what guides us to tell the truth, keep our promises, or help someone in need. There is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes. Ethics guides us to make the world a better place...
2 Pages 763 Words

Does Recycling Really Make a Difference Argumentative? Essay

Recycling is very important as it helps us in reducing landfills, conserving energy, raw materials and of course saving money. Items like paper, aluminium, food, glass can cause environmental problems if not recycled. This thought must have occurred in your mind while looking at a blue bin marked with the recycle symbol ‘“does it really make a difference?” If you think that your rubbish is insignificant and it makes no difference whether you recycle it or not, then you could...
2 Pages 756 Words

The Problem of Plastic Pollution in Marine Environment

The issues of marine environment have always become a hot topic among the marine people. Ocean, seas, estuaries, coastal, mangrove forest and all other major water bodies environment is considered as marine environment and have their important towards other life. So, whenever problems occur at these environments can be an issue as it will affect the ecosystem in the marine environment and thus affect the whole marine community. Across the globe, plastic pollution had become the hot crisis that was...
2 Pages 768 Words

The Seafarer': Themes in the Poem

ALIENATION AND LONELINESS The first part of the poem is an elegy. It is generally portraying longings and sorrow for the past. The main theme of an elegy is longing. “The Seafarer” thrusts the readers into a world of exile, loneliness, and hardships. The speaker describes the feeling of alienation in terms of suffering and physical privation. For instance, the speaker says that “My feet were cast / In icy bands, bound with frost, / With frozen chains, and hardship...
2 Pages 759 Words

Drug Dependency Management

Introduction The management of drug dependence has evolved from punitive measures to more compassionate approaches, with harm reduction techniques taking center stage. Harm reduction is a pragmatic set of strategies aimed at minimizing the negative health, social, and legal impacts associated with drug use, without necessarily requiring cessation. This approach recognizes the complex nature of addiction, encompassing biological, psychological, and social dimensions. As an evidence-based practice, harm reduction acknowledges that while abstinence may be ideal, it is not always feasible,...
2 Pages 747 Words

The Importance of Respect for Others

700+ Words Respect Essay We live in a world that is filled with conflict, dislike and negative criticism. In this, we believe that we are open-minded toward individuals who see the world uniquely. But that may not be the case always. Expressing yourself can be done in different ways and the way you choose is really important. You can either say things in a negative way and push down people or express your views with respect. It is essential for...
2 Pages 773 Words

What Hurricane Sandy is? Essay

It all started with a low-pressure wave in the tropical part of the North Atlantic on October 19. However, it quickly strengthened as it moved northward and grew into a tropical depression near Nicaragua in the Caribbean Sea (Gibbens, 2019). On October 24, 80 mile-per-hour winds caused landfall in Jamaica. The next day, they rose to 110 miles per hour, passing over Cuba (Rafferty, 2021). Traveling northward, Sandy lowered its intensity near the Bahamas. Yet, it grew into a hurricane...
2 Pages 767 Words

In Defense of Democratic Socialism

I stand on the left side of the political spectrum so I am attracted to a more liberal political philosophy, whereby the primary emphasis was placed on limiting governmental involvement in all aspects of society. However, as I have gotten to know the world more, I have started to see that state intervention is necessary in order to steer society in the direction of equality. Over the last several years, I have started to reject classical and conservative ideas, because...
2 Pages 731 Words

Analysis of Biography and Literary Works of Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson was born on the 14th of December, in 1916, in San Francisco, California. She was a bright daughter of Leslie Jackson and Geraldine. Her parents were conservative country-club people, who raised their children in luxuries. Shirley’s childhood world was ruined by her vapid mother who was disappointed by her daughter as Shirley was accidentally conceived. Her mother went through a failed abortion. Thus, her life was ostensibly rebellious against her cruel and emotionless mother, who favored her brother...
2 Pages 747 Words

The Role of Protests in Enhancing Democratic Health

Introduction Protesting is often viewed as a litmus test for the health of a democracy. It serves as a crucial mechanism for citizens to express dissent, demand accountability, and foster societal change. In democratic societies, government institutions are expected to be responsive to the needs and concerns of their citizens. Protests provide a platform for marginalized voices to be heard and can catalyze legislative and social reforms. This essay explores the role of protests in maintaining and strengthening democratic frameworks....
2 Pages 737 Words
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