In today’s fast moving generation, output is of importance. Each human development has been made to improve our ability to deliver results in the most productive manner conceivable. We try to produce maximal output with minimal input. The saying ‘hard work gets ahead’, has become a cliché, but it is true to some extent. However, simply working hard does not ensure success in the long-run. Smart work has become fundamental to guarantee achievement, no individual cares about how you get...
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754 Words
Drunk driving has been proved to be one of the major causes of road accidents consuming thousands of lives. Driving under the influence of alcohol makes many people fail to obey the traffic rules accordingly or even fail to see the road signs at all. The large numbers of deaths resulting from drunk driving indicate the seriousness of the problem to society. However, despite the seriousness of the problem, there exists viable marketing solutions for Roads and Traffic Authority of...
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731 Words
Primary Sources are sources that come straight from the person who has had direct contact with a person or a thing. When gathering facts about history and many other topics, primary sources are vital. Black Power was a movement in the nineteen-sixties and seventies that were supporting rights and political power for African American people but was presumed as violent. What if that was not the case? What if Black Power was not violent at all? Black Power: Expression and...
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Freedom of Speech It helps an individual to attain self-fulfillment. It assists in the discovery of truth. It strengthens the capacity of an individual in participating in decision-making. It provides a mechanism by which it would be possible to establish a reasonable balance between stability and social change. All members of society would be able to form their own beliefs and communicate them freely to others The fundamental principle involved here is the people’s right to know. Freedom of speech...
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774 Words
John Proctor is one of the most significant and vital characters of The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller in 1952 and released in 1953. John Proctor is a farmer in his middle thirties, the sort of important man with a bad temper. Miller does not use the name of the character by chance: his name is a telling-name because he is a very cleanhearted, good and reliable leader. Furthermore, related to his psychology, he is a completely proud and selfish...
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741 Words
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In this essay, ’Flower of Scotland’, ‘Land of Hope and Glory’, ‘A Soldier’s Song’ and ‘Land of my Fathers’ anthems will be object of comparison and analysis. After a deep reflection, will be decided which anthem is more adequate to be a national anthem. ‘Flower of Scotland’ was written by Roy Williamson in honor of the Bannockburn Battle in 1314. This battle occurred in the first stage of the Wars of Scottish Independence, during the 13th and 14th centuries. Against...
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758 Words
Historically, the Indian education system evolved from the ‘Gurukul’ tradition. Students resided together at the home of their teacher to receive education from a guru, which was not based on wealth or personal gain. Over time, certain cities such as Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu, Nagarjunakonda in Andhra Pradesh, etc. evolved as learning hubs, with famous learning centres such as the ancient Nalanda University, Takshashila University, and so on. By the end of the British era, this...
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735 Words
The government's job in the American economy changed drastically from the 1870s through the 1920s due to the rise of big businesses. First, we must examine any events that occurred during this time and the effects it had on the community. The Gilded Age took place during the 19th century and is “ the golden age of technological innovation” (Nygren lecture, “Gilded Age, pt. 1”). Society shifted away from agriculture and towards industrialization, which is something not everyone was prepared...
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745 Words
Introduction The concept of the social contract has been a cornerstone of political philosophy since the Enlightenment, serving as a theoretical foundation for understanding the legitimacy and organization of states. Originally articulated by thinkers such as Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Jean-Jacques Rousseau, social contract theory posits that individuals consent, either explicitly or implicitly, to surrender some of their freedoms and submit to the authority of a ruler or a government in exchange for protection of their remaining rights. In...
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759 Words
Einstein’s theory of special relativity starts out from an observation that the speed of light is always moving at a constant speed of 300,000 km/s. Despite this great discovery, this idea remains unknown to many people because it serves us no purpose for our everyday lives. Every prediction made by relativity that is able to be tested is true(Davidson, 1990). One of them is clocks slow down as they approach the speed of light and run backwards if they exceed...
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765 Words
Motivation Leads to Success In the Cremation of Sam Mcgee, Sam asks his friend to cremate him. This is a very strange challenging request, but his friend, Cap decides to do it anyway. Similarly, in New Dirrections, Annie Johnson is facing disatififaction in her marrige and decides to step off the road and cut a new path. So, she has to take care of her two small boys with very little money, a very challenging decison and task. Likewise, in...
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756 Words
Introduction The origin of man and the development of mankind is a profound subject that has intrigued scholars, scientists, and theologians for centuries. This essay explores the multifaceted perspectives on human origins, blending insights from anthropology, paleontology, and genetics. The scientific consensus places the genesis of modern humans, Homo sapiens, in Africa approximately 200,000 years ago, a theory supported by fossil evidence and genetic studies (Stringer, 2016). However, the evolutionary journey of mankind is complex and interwoven with debates on...
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767 Words
Although the period around World War I and the early 1920s was an era of economic growth due to industrializing, the strong economy did not heal race divisions. As a matter of fact, in some areas, racial conflict was exacerbated as a result of the improving economy such as during the Tulsa Race Riots, where whites were jealous of the prosperity of African Americans. In other areas, due to African American migration, racial tensions increased as a result of cultural...
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736 Words
Introduction In the dynamic and unpredictable landscape of modern commerce, the administration of business risk is an essential component of strategic management. Businesses today face a myriad of risks ranging from financial uncertainties and operational disruptions to strategic misalignments and compliance pitfalls. Effective risk management is not merely about minimizing threats; it is about identifying opportunities and ensuring sustainable growth. This essay critically analyzes the administration of business risk, examining the methodologies and strategies businesses employ to mitigate potential threats...
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747 Words
Rainer Maria Rilke, a British novelist and poet once said, “The only journey is the journey within.” In both “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and Hercules, they both go on a journey to prove themselves and try to find out who they really are. On their journeys they encounter many obstacles which proved their determination and heroism. The romantic elements in the book “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and the movie Hercules comparatively show their journeys, and the...
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758 Words
Have you ever said something you shouldn’t have? In the novel To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the novel tells the story of two young children coming of age, with this being said, the key to maturity is controlling your emotions. Jem showed this throughout the novel as he started to grow up and acted more maturely than when he was younger. The main character, Jean Louise Finch, or mainly referred to as Scout, her older brother Jeremy Finch...
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762 Words
Kids pick up on every little thing, emotions, actions and most importantly words. Kids have no filter when it comes to talking and asking questions so when they come to watch tv should parents be worried about what’s on the channel.Tv censorship has been a long debate over if it’s too censored or not censored enough. Censoring tv has been a debate for awhile with parents arguing that some topics are not kid appropriate and writers arguing that tv should...
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728 Words
Many people in today’s society are consumed by the constant technological advancements; however, these advancements do not always have positive effects. Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury highlights a dystopian society in which technological advancements have caused their society to go downhill. Bradbury’s concern on technology is coming true universally with many being addicted, constantly distracted, and achieving less in school because of technology’s influence. Countless amounts of people are becoming addicted to technology, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and...
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763 Words
Justice has this invisible string that ties itself with mercy and forgiveness. In The Crucible, there are a lot of innocent people who die due to false accusations that don’t receive any justice from the Salem court. They were sentenced to death because of accusations of them being witches and practicing witchcraft. They were killed without having any definite evidence that proves the court’s claims. Justice often quarrels between law and people’s rights. Real justice will not occur if there’s...
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728 Words
Introduction Princess Diana was born on 1st July 1961 in Norfolk. Her name at birth was Diana Frances Spencer. She was the first wife to Prince Charles of Wales and is the mother to Prince William, the second heir in line to the British throne and Prince Harry. During the 1980’s and 1990’s , Princess Diana was referred to as the “People’s Princess as she bonded with civilians in any normal way and brought the royal family closer to the...
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727 Words
Geoffrey Chaucer has been regarded as the predecessor or the pioneer of English novel and drama, because all the novels or dramas that we find in English literature have brought out their ideas from Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales”. All the techniques used in novel and drama today have their foundation drawn from Geoffrey Chaucer’s work. He introduced many aspects and elements of novel and drama in his work which were entirely missing in literature and had...
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766 Words
Every person holds the same general image of what a hero is. That image may change slightly, however, the value of a heroic person in one’s life remains the same whether or not the hero is worthy of their title. For instance, Jason is known by many as an inspirational, and courageous man who saved many lives through his actions whereas in reality he is a pig headed, cowardly, pretentious narcissist who accomplished next to nothing over his long life....
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738 Words
Introduction "No phones in class!" barks Professor Mehta at his journalism students in Delhi University. Five minutes later, he's teaching them how to craft viral reels for news coverage. Such daily ironies pepper India's media classrooms, where centuries-old storytelling traditions collide with viral hashtags. In my visits to journalism schools across Mumbai, Bangalore, and Chennai, I've witnessed this cultural tug-of-war firsthand - ancient Sanskrit texts sharing shelf space with TikTok handbooks, seasoned print journalists wrestling with Instagram analytics. Watching a...
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747 Words
Human has an aptitude to lie and that is one of the most common faults that we all have probably done. I cannot say that I have never lied before, but I cannot also justify that it resulted in any good. There was this time in my high school years when I lied to a friend when she asked me whether her art project is good or not. Despite knowing that something about that project is missing and it is...
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773 Words
Towards the end of the novel Holden compassionately refers to his sister as 'old Phoebe' and it is clear from this affectionate tone he cares about her. Holden is protective of Phoebe's innocence as he sees himself in her from a time not too long ago. As growing up for Holden has required him to recognise the world around him for what it really is and not the artificial way, he believes he was raised (i.e through movies) the constant...
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739 Words
Human Trafficking is an inhumane transnational phenomenon that affects virtually every country within the globe; it constitutes the second major basis for illegal income. Subsequently, it is determined by socio-economic factors that reflects how people interact on a daily basis. According to The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Human Trafficking is conceptualized as “the recruitment…or receipt of persons…by forms of coercion…for the purpose of exploitation” (UNODC, 2006, p. 6). The term is generally comprehended to mean the process...
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762 Words
Within the framework of the month of financial education, organized by the Superintendency of Banks and Financial Institutions (SBIF), and this year also came to La Serena with a meeting for the youngest, the general manager of the Association of Mutual Fund Administrators of Chile, Mónica Cavallini, spoke with El Día newspaper about the importance of saving in the economic life of people. In terms of figures, from the union reveal that the total accounts of the industry are 2,398,653,...
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741 Words
There were many reasons as to why there were many serial killers in the U.S during the 70’s and 80’s. Although their mental health and childhood development plays a big part as to why, for example, when their parents would be abusive for a long period of time or being isolated from scholar or home activities. Another major role that came into play was their daily environment that included the use and abuse of drugs. There were a lot of...
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764 Words
“We all go through a challenge in life because without a challenge there’d be no reason to keep going toward your future” (Twain put #). This statement in Mark Twain’s, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, prepares the readers for the universe they are about to enter, with differences and so much more, while reading this book. This quote inspirational, and true because without any troubles in our lives no one would make any changes. It is human nature to have...
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770 Words
B is for beehives and buzzing and bipolar and bloodlines and Bryant, my mother’s maiden name. My great-grandfather, the beekeeper, died from taking too much from the hands that feed him, from the bees. My great-grandfather, the beekeeper, spent a lifetime bee-keeping to quiet the buzzing in his mind. And although he has since passed, he also passed down this buzzing that infects my mind. It all comes down to structure, intricate structure much like the structure of a beehive...
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745 Words