750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Ethics in the 21st Century

Ethics are the accaptable principles and virtues that are needed to conduct a process diligently. According to KD Clouser (1974), medical ethics doesn’t have its own unique methods or principles rather medical ethics is the enterprise of understanding the specialized facts and relationship of the medical world, to apply more precisely the familiar moral rules of everyday life. Factors that promote medical ethics in the 21st century According to M. Parker, T. Hope (2000), Social factor promotes medical ethics in...
2 Pages 751 Words

Motivation And Human Resources

Human body is a complex machine that exists in nature, carrying out so many different processes simultaneously that it becomes quite impossible to fathom the rarest of the rare possibility that such a thing could exist in reality. One of the greatest and most important feature of this system is to keep the body alive. To do this, our mind has found very creative ways to motivate us to keep doing things which are essential for us, though in present...
2 Pages 770 Words

The Complexity Of Social Norms In Pride And Prejudice By Jane Austen

The conflict of deviation from society’s traditional norms proves exceedingly controversial, especially in nineteenth-century England, a setting in which social and behavioral norms dictate the lives of individuals. However, author Jane Austen tackles this conflict by conveying the impact of individuals’ surroundings on their personal and social development in her novel, Pride and Prejudice. The lives of the Bennet family are highly dependent on their environmental standards since, from the very start of the novel, the conflict of Mrs. Bennet...
2 Pages 755 Words

Main Themes In The Book Fahrenheit 451

The theme of Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is how technology changes the world for the worse. In this society books are banned and people rely on technology for everything. This book shows the importance of knowledge and being able to think on your own. Technology has a big impact good and bad, in Fahrenheit 451 and in daily lives today. One way technology has changed society for the worse is people interacted with other people less and less. For...
2 Pages 759 Words

Nietzsche's Analysis on Truth and Lies

In Nietzsche’s (1873) work “On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense”, Nietzsche explores the prominence of lies in our truths and in our lives when emancipated from any moral judgements. The argument proceeds through an argument constructing how humanity both hypocritically and willingly surrounds itself in deceptions and the deception of truth. Nietzsche begins by emphasizing the insignificance of our cognition and logic in the grand scheme of humanity’s existence. Our perspective of moral values and intelligence is insignificant...
2 Pages 754 Words

Humanism and Urban Planning

The development of humanism has had arguably the greatest contributor to modern urban city development. Humanism established itself over a two-hundred-year period as a response to several monumental moments in human history, post modernity. Humanism can be sub-divided into the Humanist, Enlightenment and Capitalist phase respectively. These three phases developed separately yet interact incessantly. However, these phases do not necessarily work in tandem in a successful manner. It is important to understand and acknowledge transition periods and geomorphic particulars when...
2 Pages 729 Words

The Gothic Elements In Poe’s Short Stories And Poems

As we know, most Gothic novels are mysterious and horrible tales which intend to chill our spine and curdle our blood, and they are always characterized by Gothic elements such as gloomy setting and supernatural beings or monsters. Above all, the two short stories which I read are “The Black Cat” and “The Tell-Tale Heart”. 'The Black Cat' is one of Edgar Allan Poe's most remarkable short stories. The story centers around a black cat and the subsequent deterioration of...
2 Pages 742 Words

Did the Nation Achieve the Goals That Douglass and Lincoln Desired

Douglass is the one who ended the slavery in united states of America and Abraham Lincoln had a big role in slavery because he helped them free slavery and he was the 16th president of united states he maintained the union during the civil war and speaking on Nation they probably achieved their goal because the one of the most important debate on slavery was done so there is no more slavery in America and constitution helped them to be...
2 Pages 761 Words

William Shakespeare as the Feminist

William Shakespeare’s plays have had an astounding impact on literature not only during his time, but for the many generations to come. Today, Shakespeare’s writing is known all across the world and has left its impact on movies, theatre, literature, and even the english language itself. Before Shakespeare, theatre was a pleasure that only the well educated and wealthy could partake in, so theatre was not something that the general public would be able to take part in or relate...
2 Pages 728 Words

How Does Shakespeare Present Woman In Macbeth?

William Shakespeare´s Macbeth is a tragedy about the lust for power and how one man is driven mad with ambition, based on the real 11th century Scottish King Mac Bethad mac Findláich, known in English as Macbeth, who was born around 1005. Even though there are only 6 female characters in Macbeth, they are each presented in various ways throughout the play and have crucial roles. William Shakespeare presents woman through the character of Lady Macbeth as evil and cruel....
2 Pages 773 Words

History of Malcolm X and his Activity

Malcolm X, a man who stands against the regular and normal civil rights act. He was an activist who fought for people of color. In the US, people of color were restricted and isolated by the Jim Crow Laws which was created to enforce segregation of dark-skinned race from white people.The dark-skinned race did not have the same or nearly close rights as the caucasians this generation (age). However, he was born Malcolm Little on May 19/1925 in Omaha city...
2 Pages 738 Words

Suicide In The Family: Causes And Effects

CAUSES Suicidal thoughts can come about for many reasons, some of them internal and others external. One of the reason a person results to taking their own life would be feelings of worthlessness. This is one of the most common ones, as it comes from within and takes a lot of effort to stop feeling this way. Many people feel as though the world would be a better place without them and therefore result in taking their own lives. Other...
2 Pages 761 Words

Differentiation Strategy of Samsung Company

In battle, use the Direct Force to engage the enemy, and the Indirect Force to win. The statement explained that the in battle, we can divide the forces into two methods of attacks, the direct and indirect. In all fighting, the direct strategy is applicable for joining battle, but indirect strategy will be needed in order to secure victory. In business, direct forces might be similar to the quality of company’s services or products. However, the indirect forces could be...
2 Pages 751 Words

The Effects Of Domestic Violence On The Mental Health

Introduction Domestic violence has become a major problem across the entire world. The problem affects anybody from any status, class, culture, and religion, but the most affected members of society are children and women. For those involved, domestic violence is physically and emotionally threatening. To understand this problem, several meetings have to be conducted so that the victims can be assisted and alleviate the issues associated with this problem. One of the components of domestic violence is abuse, which results...
2 Pages 744 Words

Domestic And Family Violence Pitch

It is one of the world’s most prevalent violations against human rights, and one that affects millions of families in Australia. I am not talking about gun violence or random assaults, but a crime that literally happens behind closed doors. Violence against women and children is a crime against the most basic values of humanity, yet it remains taboo issue in our society. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen of Cineplex. I am honored to represent Save the Children here to...
2 Pages 744 Words

The Features of Hamlet Psychological State

The information gathered from an introductory interview lays the foundation where the analysis can begin. This patient is a 30-year-old Caucasian male. Currently has no labelled relationship and without children. Admitted by King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and close relation by the name of Polonius. The subject’s biological father died less than six months ago. Two months after his death, the mother of the patient married the brother of her past husband. Auditory and visual hallucinations along with feelings of vengeance...
2 Pages 747 Words

Homeschooling for Maximum Effectiveness

Introduction Homeschooling has emerged as a popular educational alternative, offering a personalized approach to learning that contrasts significantly with traditional schooling. With flexibility at its core, homeschooling allows for a tailored curriculum that meets the specific needs of each child. However, to make homeschooling the most effective opportunity for a child's education, it requires careful planning and strategic implementation. This essay explores the critical pointers necessary to optimize homeschooling, emphasizing the importance of structured routines, resource availability, and socialization opportunities....
2 Pages 746 Words

Crime through Vulnerability and Compassion

Introduction Crime, a pervasive element of human societies, necessitates a multifaceted exploration that encompasses not only legal and punitive dimensions but also the human elements of vulnerability and compassion. As societies develop, the complexity of criminal activities often reflects underlying social, economic, and psychological vulnerabilities. Addressing these vulnerabilities with compassion can lead to more effective crime prevention and rehabilitation strategies. The interplay between crime, vulnerability, and compassion presents a paradigm where understanding and empathy could complement justice, potentially transforming the...
2 Pages 752 Words

Obesity: A Complex Health Challenge

Introduction Obesity has emerged as one of the most pressing health challenges of the 21st century, inciting debates on whether it poses a significant threat to global health or if it is merely a condition that can be managed with lifestyle changes. Defined by an excess accumulation of body fat, obesity is linked to numerous health complications, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and certain types of cancer (World Health Organization, 2021). The prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, affecting...
2 Pages 771 Words

The Perception Of War In The Things They Carried

In America, media outlets have a huge responsibility to inform the people. This is extremely important in society and can influence how people think. Media outlets need to create an accurate portrayal of the world around us people. This only furthers the need to be transparent and actuarate. However, everyone has a bias and a narrative. The media and politicians alike often tell lies to further their narrative. They use emotional stories that could be plausible to create truth through...
2 Pages 774 Words

Artificial Intelligence: Risk Or Good For Humanity?

In this modern era, we are living in the world that full of machines and depend on it in every field of our life. Even the routine that we do inside the house also requires technology. Technology is inevitable in our life and some of them had been implied their own ‘mind’ known as artificial intelligence (AI). AI is a computer system that had been program to react like a human being. Our daily equipment such as handphone, cameras and...
2 Pages 775 Words

Montag’s Journey Into Becoming Progressive In Fahrenheit 451

In dystopian stories, characters, who are scarce in ego, are ignorant about the society which surrounds them. In Fahrenheit 451, a fiction book written by Ray Bradbury, the protagonist, Guy Montag experiences challenges in this cataclysmic society which resulted in character transformation. Over the course of the text, Montag changes from being conservative to progressive by meeting a mentor, Clarisse, who made him question his happiness. As Bradbury opens the chapter of the story, he illustrates Montag as a character...
2 Pages 758 Words

Immigration Of International Students To Canada

The number of intеrnationаl studеnts pursuing еducаtiоn in cоuntries with advancеd еconomiеs hаs bееn rising raрidly оver recеnt dеcadеs. Internаtionаl studеnts arе oftеn regardеd as аn impоrtant grоup оf yоung and wеll-educatеd individuаls frоm whiсh to sеlect pеrmanent rеsidеnts. People change their place of living because they seek to have better life. As an international student, I know that especially teenagers are not afraid to leave their countries and start new life in Canada. Thus, due to bad education system...
1 Page 727 Words

Intelligence And Resilience

Intelligence and resilience are great tools to define and allocate a person’s strength. Many types of assessments were produced to assess personal identity and explore various aspects of intelligence. It also will help to clearly show the limitation of self and open a window to discover yourself more and find the correct path to train the skills about intelligence and resilience to reach self-actualized. I have done six different categories of personal assessment and each one of them is examining...
2 Pages 755 Words

Alcoholism in the United States, France and Canada

There are differences in the prevalence of alcoholism all over the world. Although I will be discussing the differences between the United States, France and Canada. Alcoholism is a humongous problem in all three states. Also, there are different ways how people cope with alcoholism. Plus, the rates have increased over the years of alcoholism. The way the brain is generated alcohol can very much cause brain injuries. The damage on the brain can change a person’s life. Also, affecting...
2 Pages 728 Words

Schizophrenia in Long-Term Care

Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disorder that often causes individuals to lose sense of reality. Symptoms normally start to show around 16-30 years of age. (CDC, 2015) Symptoms show up in three different ways; positive, negative and cognitive. Positive symptoms are visual or auditory hallucinations or delusions. Negative symptoms are monotone voice, withdrawal of everyday activities and difficulty performing those activities. Cognitive symptoms would be having difficulty understand everyday problems or having difficulty with memory. Schizophrenia is a risk factor...
2 Pages 750 Words

Changing Society Values In Myanmar: Discrimination To Love

Introduction In last week of June 2019 at Yangon, Myanmar, a Liberian of Myanmar Imperial College (MIC), named, Kyaw Zin Win, did suicide after being bullied on his sexual orientation by coworkers. Before committing suicide by taking overdose of sleeping pills, he posted his reason on social media “I was afraid to do this, but I am afraid of people more”. It becomes alarms to Myanmar society and addressing the impacts of discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation. Myanmar...
2 Pages 752 Words

Do Violent Video Games Foster Aggression or Offer Catharsis?

Introduction The debate over whether violent video games contribute to increased aggression or serve as a form of catharsis has persisted for decades. With the rise of immersive gaming, this issue has gained even more prominence. Violent video games, characterized by their intense and graphic content, often depict scenarios of combat, crime, and conflict. Proponents argue that these games are a benign outlet for aggression, allowing players to release pent-up emotions in a controlled environment. Critics, however, maintain that such...
2 Pages 772 Words

Theme Of Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

Discrimination is the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, there are various situations concerning discrimination. In the 1930s many people across the nation had extreme prejudices against people of color. [The various forms of discrimination in To Kill a Mockingbird include racism, social class heirarchy, and sexism.] In To Kill a Mockingbird, there are very clear prejudices against people...
2 Pages 756 Words

Marijuana: to Ban or to Legalize?

There is no denying that there are many debates globally about marijuana. By now, you should already have some knowledge about this common plant that people are always talking about. There is arguably no industry that is growing at a faster and more consistent pace than legal marijuana in the U.S. In the Marijuana Business Daily's latest report, 'Marijuana Business Factbook 2017,' predicts legal sales growth in the U.S. of 30% this year, 45% in 2018, and 300% as a...
2 Pages 764 Words
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