750 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Marriage Equality Should Be Legalized Around The World

Marriage equality is still not legalized or widely accepted by multiple nations because they think it violates their tradition and is against nature when marriage is a civil and emotional bond between two individuals and a promise to make each other happy while staying together regardless of their genders. However, another school of thought is that it should be legal, it promotes a sense of equality, freedom, acceptance, and security among non-binary people. Many people in this world are still...
2 Pages 768 Words

Big Impact Of Boo Radley In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

In all novels, the major characters are usually the most important and focused on, but in Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the minor characters appear more important than usual. Mr. Arthur Radley, also known as Boo, was consistently brought up and throughout the novel. He seemed to develop a relationship with different characters, help portray themes, and contribute to the action during parts of the novel. Because of all the talk about Boo, some can perceive him as a...
2 Pages 754 Words

OSHA: Seaworld Of Florida Case

Dawn Brancheau was a trainer for SeaWorld and was tragically killed in 2010 by a killer whale. The case of SeaWorld of Florida v. Perez is about the legal problems that were required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). The plaintiff had evidence of a violation under the General Duty Clause of the OSHA act. In this case study, I will discuss how the claims were true under the OSHA Act, and how OSHA makes it mandatory for...
2 Pages 757 Words

The Things They Carried By Tim O’Brien: Character Analysis

Tim O’Brien does an incredible job of blurring the lines of what is true and what is fiction in “The Things They Carried”. The story provides a personal view into the minds of soldiers and tells us the emotional and psychological costs of war. For the 17 Soldiers portrayed in the story, the physical pain was very minimal weight to carry compared to the emotional scars that they will carry throughout their entire life. It was those feelings that were...
2 Pages 751 Words

Camus And Sartre's Views On Existentialism

Existentialism is a way of thinking about finding oneself and the significance of life through choice, decision, and moral obligation. The belief is that individuals are looking to discover who and what they really are throughout their life as they settle on decisions depending on their encounters, beliefs, and viewpoints. Individual decisions become extraordinary without the need for a target type of truth. An existentialist accepts that an individual ought to be compelled to pick and be dependable without the...
2 Pages 764 Words

Benefits And Detriment Of Milk Towards Health In Bones

Introduction Breast milk is the first beverage drank by an infant, hence he or she obtains many nutrients as well as antibodies given by the maternal side. Other benefits such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, leukemia et cetera health jeopardies being lowered are offered (National Health Service, 2018). Infants will be fed cow’s milk gradually as time passes, which is essential for bone health and growth due to calcium, carbohydrates, as well as protein (BabyCenter, 2016). Cow’s milk is still consumed...
2 Pages 770 Words

Polygamy In Canadian Legal System And Society

Marriage is a very important social institution because life arises from it. Consequently, the government of Canada has a keen interest in protecting marriages to ensure stable population growth and sustainability. Canada has been largely a monogamous nation until immigrants started flocking in from other parts of the world that entertain different forms of marriages. Instances of a marrying more than one person have increased over the last few decades making America’s marital institution highly questionable. Despite strong legal battles...
2 Pages 760 Words

Internet Privacy Issues Users Must Care About

The Internet has become a great tool that is used almost by every person in the world. It changed the way how people live. With surfing the web, people share data about themselves. Many people are unaware of the information that websites collect about them. On the other hand, other people who are concerned about their privacy and know what many websites do with their data are limiting their use of the Internet, abstaining from purchasing products online. It can...
2 Pages 750 Words

Ways To Increase Listening Skills

Based on Toastmasters, a boundless measure of courses, workshops, and preparations we see that are accessible, are built around “talking”, particularly open talking, is very attractive and looked for after aptitude. Open talking is viewed as a fundamental capacity for individuals who want to propel their vocation in business and governmental issues. Yet, considering all the commotion concerning the significance of talking, listening is practically disregarded. It very well may be contended that listening is just as significant as talking....
2 Pages 730 Words

Ethical Issue Of Deception

Deception is a highly debatable ethical issue in the Psychology. There have been studies that display deception in experiments as objectionable. As well as studies that display it as a necessity for a desired set of results. However, despite opinions deception is still very popular in psychological research. Even though, the practice has frequently been criticised (Baumrind, 1985, cited in Epley & Huff, 1998), and the concerns regarding its impact on how psychology is viewed by the public (Kelman, 1967,...
2 Pages 730 Words

Truth in Beautiful Boy & The Sapphires: Forms & Techniques

Truth. It is the real facts about a situation, event, or person or the quality of being true, as described by the Cambridge Dictionary. But really this may not be one hundred per cent accurate as one person may have their own truth and experience that is different to the next person and same with the next and so on. We all have different perspectives. A quote told by Marcus Aurelius says “Everything we hear is an opinion, not a...
2 Pages 753 Words

The Advantages Of Museum Applications

Introduction The world is over taken by a digital age. Everywhere you go you see adults, teenagers and children walking around with their eye on a screen instead of the world around them. Even in museums, displaying our creative history, children only pay attention to their smartphones. But can we blame them? Looking at a still image on the wall or battling spaceships with a tiny screen in your hands, that’s an easy choice for a child. So, how are...
2 Pages 734 Words

It Is Not A Joke: The Normalization Of Rape Culture

Rape is a very sensitive topic that has a lot of meaning behind it. The definition of rape online is “ unlawful sexual activity and usually, sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.” (Merriam-Webster). Unfortunately, the only people who are aware of rape are those whose loved ones...
2 Pages 745 Words

Letter From Birmingham Jail By Martin Luther King Jr

In the United States, as a country of immigration, the issue of racial discrimination has always existed in society. Martin Luther King as an important leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement, wrote the letter to respond to Alabama clergymen why he led the movement. In this letter, he used rhetorical elements to demonstrate his thesis, that the government and most white people treat Black people unfairly, so he wanted demonstrations to get more rights and fairness for black people....
2 Pages 774 Words

Freud's Psychological Criticism Of Novel Heart Of Darkness

What is psychological literary criticism? What is Freud's Theories and how to apply in the novel Heart of Darkness? The psychological criticism: An approach to literary criticism that interprets writings, authors and readers through a psychological lens. Focus on expressing the subconscious at work, looking at psychology in the narration itself as well as in the author. It was founded in the late nineteenth century until the early twentieth century by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is a psychological theory and treatment...
2 Pages 727 Words

Prejudice Against Immigrants: Race, Gender, and Language

Introduction Immigration is a multifaceted phenomenon that significantly shapes the demographic and cultural landscapes of nations. However, immigrants often encounter a spectrum of prejudices that manifest through race, gender, social class, and language barriers. These prejudices not only hinder their integration but also perpetuate systemic inequalities. According to the International Organization for Migration, there were approximately 281 million international migrants worldwide in 2020, reflecting the global scale of migration and the critical need to address the biases they face (International...
2 Pages 767 Words

The Concept Of Animalistic Instinct In All Quiet On The Western Front

Erich Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front describes the young German soldier Paul BĂ€umer’s experiences in World War I, from his training to his death in battle. However, rather than show us how Paul grows as an individual, developing his own ideas and value system, the novel instead shows how Paul—along with his fellow soldiers—survives the war by doing precisely the opposite. The horrors of battle force the soldiers to develop animalistic instincts and a pack-like bond. There is...
2 Pages 731 Words

The Controversial Idea Of Gay Parents

When you think of parents, what do you think? The conventional idea in today’s society is that parents should include a man and woman relationship (or more commonly known, heterosexual marriage). But what people refuse to acknowledge is that there is an observable rise in the amount of gay parents across the globe. I have presented facts and figures to prove so. According to an article by ‘LIFELONG ADOPTIONS’; “The number of same-sex couples who have adopted children has more...
2 Pages 754 Words

Workplace Procrastination And Its Relation To Time Pressure

Procrastination is considered a business killer that had gone unnoticed until recently. Procrastination is defined as the deliberate act to postpone needlessly the necessary work that one aims to achieve regardless of expectedly negative consequences (Steel, 2007). Procrastination can take various forms from cleaning desks to using the Internet for non-related work. These seemingly harmless behaviors are found to cover a quarter of most employees’ working days and costing employers around 10,000 per employee annually (D’Abate & Eddy, 2007). Therefore,...
2 Pages 740 Words

Freedom Of Expression In Malaysia

Freedom of Expression does exist in Malaysia. ‘Freedom of Speech, Assembly and Association’ is recorded under Article 10(1) of the Federal Constitution, in Part II. According to Article 10 Clause (1) in the Federal Constitution, “(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression; (b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms; (c) all citizens have the right to form associations”. With this, it is only right to say that the people do...
2 Pages 760 Words

Violence in Male and Female Relationships in A Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespeare's comedy, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, is widely regarded as nothing more than a romantic tale of light drama. Although the play is beautiful and funny, there's also a clear trace of dark themes and violence, a twisted underside that's distinct from its loving themes. Midsummer may conclude with a series of happy weddings, but along the way, it clearly shows how male to female relationships are portrayed to show a large amount of violence, throughout Shakespearian times. At some...
2 Pages 764 Words

Should Factory Farming Be Banned?

All auto mobiles, planes and factories combined are no match to raising farm animals for food when it comes to greenhouse gas emissions. As demand for meat has grown the animal agriculture has gobbled up more and more of water, energy, crops and land. For the last decade, vast expanses of native environment have been cleared to grow crops to feed the farm animals in factory farms. It is estimated on average they feed 6kg of plant protein to get...
2 Pages 745 Words

Corporal Punishment As A Kind Of Physical Child Abuse

There has been a lot of talks about if Corporal Punishment is getting out of hand and if it’s wrong or not 70% of Americans believe this is right and the other 30% think it’s wrong. But in reality, it’s causing kids many emotional, social and academic problems and it shouldn’t be legal. Using physical discipline is wrong and parents shouldn’t ever do it. For example, “The NAPNA issued a statement noting that the children who experience frequent corporal punishment...
2 Pages 741 Words

Effects Of Social Media On Daily Life

Effects of Social Media Social media are computer-based applications enhancing the creation and sharing of content via virtual societies and networks. Slightly over a decade, social media have evolved from a mere entertainment platform to the sophisticated integrator of what daily life demands. Social media has quickly integrated itself into politics, religion, offices, family life, and elsewhere. It continues to evolve at whirlwind speed, making it complicated to plan for the next decade. Since social media is ever-evolving and becoming...
2 Pages 758 Words

Southwest Airlines: Strategic Planning And Management

This case analysis explains how Southwest Airlines Company culture and intellectual assets adapt, changes and grows as the environment of the airline industry changes. Southwest Airlines Co. was established on March 15, 1967, by Herb Kelleher. The company was originally named Air Southwest Co. but was changed in 1971. According to the Southwest Airline Co website their culture purpose and vision is to provide a friendly, reliable and low-cost travel while becoming the World’s most loved, flown and profitable airline....
2 Pages 757 Words

Gender Bias in The Other Wes Moore

Introduction Sexism, an ingrained societal issue, manifests in various forms across literature, serving as a reflection of the culture and times in which a narrative unfolds. "The Other Wes Moore," a non-fiction book by Wes Moore, explores themes of destiny, identity, and choices through the parallel lives of two men with the same name. While the book primarily focuses on race, socioeconomic status, and the impact of environment on personal development, it inadvertently highlights instances of gender bias. This essay...
2 Pages 771 Words

Every Woman Should Have Ability To Have A Safe Abortion

Abortion always has been and probably always will be a heated and heavily debated topic. Arguments coming from religious views and beliefs to rights and safety concerns, there have been tremendous amounts of debating surrounding abortion. Abortion has been evident since ancient times and many different methods were attempted. Some being; herbal remedies, using sharp implements, and abdominal pressure. Records of abortion have been dated back to over 4,000 years ago. Abortions back in ancient times were generally looked down...
2 Pages 748 Words

Frankenstein By Mary Shelley: An Archetype Of Gothic Fiction

Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein explores the main protagonist scientist Victor Frankenstein who creates a monster from the limbs of the dead but abandons his hideous creation which causes The Creature to seek revenge. Frankenstein reflects key conventions of Gothic fiction by appealing intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually to the readers. These key conventions of Gothic fiction are conveyed through a fascination with death, excessive emotions, and transgression. Mary Shelley utilizes the Gothic convention of fascination with death to drive the plot...
2 Pages 743 Words

Struggle for Rights & Freedoms: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders

Introduction In the 1950’s there was strong criticism by many people of how America and South Africa treated their black people even though slavery had been abolished in 1865. In numerous countries black people still could not vote, own land or run businesses. In 1873 Slavery was outlawed in Australia. Prior to this, Aboriginal babies were taken out of Aboriginal communities away from their families and the Aboriginals were unable to save them as they had no rights, this was...
2 Pages 736 Words

The Main Ideas Of The Book Between The World And Me

Between the World and Me gave insight into the mind of Ta-Nehisi Coates, where he discussed in-depth, his perception of race throughout history. This book was written to his son, Samori, to inform him about his African American history, and lifestyle. It gave him the ins and outs, and the dos and don'ts of his race. Ta-Nehisi Coates delivered his son life long lessons on how to treat himself and protect himself. This books ultimate goal was to dive deep...
2 Pages 762 Words
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