800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Compare and Contrast Essay: Renting Vs. Buying a Home

There’s been a long debate about which is better: is it better to rent or own an accommodation? Many of us have faced this hurdle in our lives or will soon, so the topic I’m going to discuss in this essay is what the benefits are about renting and buying, as well as the cons. I will also provide some facts and issues. To be clear about where I stand in this debate, I am pro-rent, and I will explain...
2 Pages 803 Words

Theme of Selfless Help to Others in an Episode of 'Friends''

Earlier this semester, I took an accelerated course called ‘Introduction to Sociology’ where I learned about the structure and function of human society. Similarly, psychology studies the mind and the behaviors that are associated to our brains. Noticeably, based on their similar objectives of study, there is set to be some overlap of ideas. The main overlap that I have identified from taking this class is the understanding about helping others. A few days ago, I came across an episode...
2 Pages 797 Words

Critical Essay on Effects of Social Media on Relationships

Since the invention of the Internet and with the great developments of science and technology and information technology, human beings have entered information era. Under such a background, social media, as emerging ways of communication, which can be seen on this planet. From WeChat, QQ in China to VK in Russia and Twitter in Western countries, no one on this planet can be excluded from the effect caused by social media, let alone their relationships. Social media, as it is...
2 Pages 791 Words

Reflections on Destiny and Whether It Really Cannot Be Changed

‘Oedipus the King’ an Athenian tragedy written by Sophocles in the 5th century. It reflects the Greek culture perspective during the 5th century, which was based on the idea that destiny was written by God and no can change it. Oedipus tried to change his destiny. He used his intelligence to solve the riddle of the Sphinx, and as a result became the king of Thebes. He was known for his braveness in helping and saving his people. Unfortunately, he...
2 Pages 819 Words

Positive Impact of Social Media on Our Culture: Analytical Essay

Nowadays, a lot of young adults are utilizing social media such as Facebook, Snapchat, Tumblr, Instagram, and many more. Social media is one of the reasons for many of the world’s problems and solutions. In this essay, I will be exploring the positive and negative effects of social media on young adults. By definition, social media means websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking. Many social media users are addicted...
2 Pages 825 Words

Dr Seuss’ Impact on Society: Analytical Essay

Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on March 2, 1904, in Springfield, Massachusetts. The town was booming, with several large manufacturing companies and thriving inhabitants of German immigrants. Ted’s grandfather and father owned a successful brewery and the future Dr. Seuss grew up in the midst of a bustling, prosperous extended household. A baby throughout World Struggle I, Ted acquired a way of patriotism that might stay with him his complete life. As a Scout, he labored to promote U.S. Struggle...
2 Pages 809 Words

Professional Athletes Salaries: Pros and Cons Essay

As a child, I often imagined myself as a professional soccer player, traveling the world, and making millions off sponsorships. It is hard to imagine any zeros on your paycheck and living a lavish lifestyle for playing the sport you love. Most of us can’t even fathom how much 150 million dollars as an annual salary actually is. Some will criticize that athletes who play golf, basketball, or baseball for a living make millions of dollars, while respected professionals like...
2 Pages 796 Words

Do Professional Athletes Get Paid Too Much: Pros and Cons Essay

The conversation surrounding the issue of whether to pay college athletes has taken time. In recent years, soaring revenues from these athletes have intensified drawing the attention of the National Collegiate Athletics Association (NCAA). Arguments claim that these college athletes are indeed students and athletics is merely part of their extracurricular. However, these critics blame the idea of paying college athletes on the basis that such action would not help college sports but would prove a logistical nightmare hurting the...
2 Pages 813 Words

How Did The Steel Plow Impact Society: Critical Essay

This essay will argue that John Deere was a very successful man in the farming industry. John Deere was born. He invented the first steel plow ever. John Deere designed his first steel plow for Midwestern farmers as a 33-year-old blacksmith. Deere began the first-ever commercially successful steel plow. Closely, it parallels the settlement and development of the Midwestern United States. When Deere was younger before he created the steel plow he was anything but successful. As he started to...
2 Pages 785 Words

Theories of Prosocial Behavior

Prosocial behavior occurs when people act to benefit others rather than themselves. So basically, prosocial conduct is described as acting in a way that benefits others or society as a whole. Prosocial behavior may come in many aspects, like helping others in need, comforting, sharing personal resources, and cooperating with others to achieve some common goals. Feeling empathy and concern for others and behaving in a way to help others are the behaviors that can be describe under prosocial. The...
2 Pages 824 Words

The One Who Inspired Me to Become a Surgeon

Everyone has either someone or something that impacts their life at one point or another. I personally have had someone impact my life for the better. Actually, I met this person about six months ago and yes, it is a short amount of time for someone to make such a huge impact on my life. But it is not about how much time it has been or how well I know them, it is about what they have done that...
2 Pages 790 Words

Mesopotamia and Its Greatest Influence on Modern Civilization

Mesopotamia, the world's biggest civilization, was the first to dwell in one location. They built numerous components of civilization and did not rely just on hunting animals and gathering plants for food since they knew how to produce and thus could store food for the winter. This enabled them to begin developing products and ideas to make their lives a bit easier. Since Mesopotamia's innovations and significant successes enabled succeeding generations to extend and utilize these accomplishments to make their...
2 Pages 816 Words

The Darkness within Eminem

Music allows artists to convey their trauma, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and emotions through not just words, but through rhyme, symbolism, rhythm and beat. The result is two songs instead of one: the explicit and the implicit. An example of this is seen in Marshall Bruce Mathers III, professionally known as Eminem, with a history of being completely transparent and raw in his music. He exposes issues in his tempestuous upbringing, characterized by abuse and poverty. A trait that distinguishes Eminem...
2 Pages 781 Words

Inclusive Education for 21st Century: Persuasive Speech

Imagine yourself in the middle of the war having no armor and weapons to protect yourself. Your state of being while you imagine yourself in that situation will be our state if we are not fully armored with skills and knowledge in facing the challenges that 21st century brought to us. In a real war proper weapons must be used, but what proper weapons are we going to use in the challenges we are facing right now in 21st century?...
2 Pages 798 Words

Significance of Religious Tolerance

In a world where religious animosity and distrust among people of different faiths is one of the leading causes of conflict and human suffering, it is paramount that society foster and encourage understanding and respect for various religious beliefs. Education of foreign cultures and the world’s religions will facilitate the end of racial and religious prejudice and discrimination, while achieving respect and understanding. According to Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations and an experienced diplomat, “Education gives us the...
2 Pages 811 Words

Riding Roller Coasters as One of My Greatest Joys

AH! There were people screaming everywhere, in the front and back of the Screaming Dragon. Our roller coaster ride commenced and the ear-piercing screams of the riders could be heard. When we reached the peak of the Screaming Dragon, I shut my eyes and refused to look down as I rode a roller coaster for the first time. At that moment I realized that riding a roller coaster was one of my greatest joys, which was on the side of...
2 Pages 776 Words

Review of Ann duCille's 'Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie'

Ann duCille, a popular author known for her works on race and popular culture, in her article ‘Dyes and Dolls: Multicultural Barbie and the Merchandising of Difference’ speaks about Barbie, a doll with which many users identify their personal experiences with. The questions asked by duCille are eye-opening and revitalize new responses and answers among readers. Lack of a Barbie doll that looked like duCille in her schooling years before the conceptualization of a black Barbie in 1980, solicited mixed...
2 Pages 785 Words

Reflections on What Made the Film 'The Shining' Iconic

‘The Shining’ is a 1980 psychological horror film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick. The film is based on Stephen King's 1977 novel of the same name and stars Jack Nicholson, Shelley Duvall, Scatman Crothers, and Danny Lloyd. 40 years since the initial release of ‘The Shining’ in 1980, it’s still a part of mainstream culture, but what exactly happened behind the scenes that made this film into the phenomena that it is today? During the French New Wave, a...
2 Pages 792 Words

Processes and Structures of Sight and Touch Special Senses

There are five main special senses in the human body These include sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. These senses can provide us with vital information that is needed to tell us about our external environment. These special senses, involving neurons, have structures which are located at their dendrites, which are specialized and are also sensitive to pressure, chemicals, and light. This essay will explore two of these senses sight and touch providing an overview of the structures and processes...
2 Pages 817 Words

My Baalbeck, the City That Taught Me to Appreciate Nature

I have beautiful memories from my childhood walking through the mountains near my house and exploring the huge temple that was surrounded by the oak and poplar trees and laid down lots of leaves to walk in. Through walking at the leaves and watching the artifact that God created to us, I found myself that I was connected to the amazing nature that made me feel lucky to grow up with freedom to explore the natural environment around me and...
2 Pages 788 Words

Mongolia's Expansive Role in Global History

Introduction Mongolia, a landlocked nation nestled between Russia and China, has played a pivotal role in shaping world history, particularly during the medieval period. Its vast steppes and rugged terrain have witnessed the rise and fall of empires, most notably the Mongol Empire, which under the leadership of Genghis Khan, became the largest contiguous empire in history. While modern-day Mongolia is often overshadowed by its powerful neighbors, its historical significance remains undeniable. The Mongol Empire's influence extended across Eurasia, facilitating...
2 Pages 814 Words

Glucose Metabolism in Cancer

To promote their fast multiplication and expansion across the body, cancer cells change their metabolism. Cancer cells prefer to utilize aldohexose for aerobic metabolism rather than delivering it through the organic process glycolysis pathway. Glycolysis produces ATP and pyruvate from glucose. The ribose 5-phosphate and NADPH are then generated in the mitochondria or incorporated into the tricarboxylic acid cycle through the pentose phosphate pathway. The Warburg Effect The Warburg effect is a hallmark of cancer that refers to the preference...
2 Pages 791 Words

Global Food Production in Corn

Global food production is a key component of global well-being and growth that is steadily adapting to provide for new demands. Corn is one of the world’s most valued grains, based on its immense production volume - with 1,011,068,000 metric tons being produced this year. Ideally, corn is grown in a climate that provides warm temperatures and rich soil, both of which are commonly found in the grassland biome, which is very present in the crop’s leading producer, the United...
2 Pages 801 Words

Everything We Need to Know about Ginger

The kitchen is a place where many spices and flowers join to form delicious meals throughout the day. It is where food is obtained and where creativity occurs. Throughout history, ginger has been an important aspect in our daily lives, but we have not noticed it. It has been a very popular plant ever since farmers first originated it in an island of Southeast Asia with the transportation of it to Hawaii. Yet, most people do not know anything about...
2 Pages 810 Words

Essay on Religious Conflicts in Today's World

“Rivers, ponds, lakes, and streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths” (Muhammad Ali). Religion is a strong foundation of beliefs and worships that many people practice globally. Through religion, many people are drawn closer by sharing a common idea, which is very diverse in several regions. However, through such diversity in religion, conflicts arrive through disputed sacred lands. Religious conflicts bring rise to high amounts of...
2 Pages 801 Words

Education under Joseph Stalin's Rule

In current day Australia, our education system allows students to choose the subjects that they want to study, ultimately deciding their future. Now, imagine not being given the choice as to what to study and being forced into learning certain subjects. Whilst we can simply stop imagining to escape this situation, this wasn’t just an imagination for the Soviet youth; it was a harsh reality. Under Stalin, even the education that they received was dictated by the government, and they...
2 Pages 811 Words

Does Religion Contribute to Conflict: Argumentative Essay

I was born and raised in Africa, and at a very young age, I was exposed to conflict and civil war. My country had religious war in the first half of the 16th century, as I was told and read about it. Prophet Muhamad was born and raised in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, he was the leader and founder of the Islamic religion. When the Prophet Muhamad’s followers were persecuted by local authorities in the Middle East, they took refuge in...
2 Pages 819 Words

Body Vibes as an Example of Pseudoscience

Pseudoscience tries to imitate real science, but lacks the rigor and accepted standards of the practice. It can be dangerous and unethical; therefore, it is critical individuals are aware of the numerous characteristics and red flags that can alert consumers to whether a product may be based upon pseudoscience or genuine science. The website advertising Body Vibes demonstrates many pseudoscience features including a reliance on authority, lack of empirical evidence, claiming to treat a vast array of problems through natural...
2 Pages 779 Words

Why We Crave Horror Movies by Stephen King: Analytical Essay

If there is a narrative genre on which a lot of preconceived ideas weigh, that is terror. Many people think that both terrifying literature and cinema are not art or, in the best case, it is not important, and that nothing good and even respectable can come from there; that the authors of this genre only set the goal of frightening readers and giving championship scares to the public of their films, something childish or trivial in short. And there...
2 Pages 793 Words

What Caused the Civil War: DBQ Essay

The Civil War was a turning point in American history. It was a time when the most powerful country in the world hung in balance. The Civil War was an all-out battle between the 23 Northern (Union) states and the 11 Southern (Confederate) states. Many actions took place to cause the Civil War. From the abolitionist Movement that started in 1750 and ended in 1865 and the slave Fredrick Douglass that cried the tortures of slavery. The election of the...
2 Pages 803 Words
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