800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Representation of Flawed Justice System in ‘12 Angry Men’

I often wonder what it would be like to live in a world where racism, violence, and injustice don’t exist. A world where everyone, no matter the race, can live in harmony without war, bombings, murder, or any other form of prejudice. I firmly cling to the belief that we are all equal beings. Beings who desire to love and be loved, dream and hope about the future, and want to feel safe and wanted. What if racial integration could...
2 Pages 789 Words

Informative Essay about Procrastination

Defined as unnecessarily delaying tasks that need to be completed, procrastination has been seen as an impediment to academic performance as it decreases the quality of learning while aggravating levels of stress and negatively affecting the lives of students. The contemporary challenge of procrastination and the lack of motivation faced by university students are often understood as wicked problems adversely impacting study habits. According to Jafari, Aghaei, and Khatony (2019), study habits are the most valuable predictor of academic performance,...
2 Pages 777 Words

The Role and Impact of Physician Assistants

Introduction The advent of physician assistants (PAs) in the medical field has significantly transformed healthcare delivery, addressing critical gaps in patient access and quality of care. Originating in the mid-20th century, the PA profession was developed to mitigate the shortage of primary care physicians, especially in underserved areas. Today, PAs are integral to multidisciplinary healthcare teams, enhancing efficiency and broadening the scope of medical services. Their role encompasses a wide spectrum of responsibilities, from conducting physical examinations to assisting in...
2 Pages 778 Words

Management Lessons in ‘12 Angry Men’

1. Enumerate the management lessons learned from 12 Angry men 12 angry men is a courtroom movie. In purpose, it is a crash course in those passages of the constitution that promise defendants a free trial and the presumption of innocence. It has a kind of stark simplicity. In this movie, we could get lessons related to management like without analyzing the problems and facts we should not take a decision. It is a perfect portrayal of how people act...
2 Pages 806 Words

Influence of Religion on Indian Art: Essay on Shiva Nataraja

Unknown Artist, Shiva Nataraja, Art of Asia, India 11th century. Bronze material 34 ½ * 28 ¼ * 9 ¾ in. Dallas Art Museum, Dallas, TX. Formal Analysis The time when I entered the Dallas Museum of art, I was so amazed by their artwork and paintings. It was tough work to choose one subject for my art paper, but there was one sculpture that caught my eye; it was Nataraja of Shiva (11th century) from Ancient Southeastern Art located...
2 Pages 816 Words

Influence of Art and Religion on the Character of Asher Lev by Chaim Potok

In My Name is Asher Lev by Chaim Potok, the main character, Asher, is born a Hasidic Jew with devoted religious parents. Since childhood, he was placed in a difficult situation where he was torn between following his religious views or pursuing his passion for art. Being a Hasidic Jew means abiding by the Torah and adhering to the lifestyle it suggests. Jews are strictly prohibited from drawing figures, yet Asher still became absorbed in the artistic realm. Despite the...
2 Pages 795 Words

Impact of Religion on Art in Ancient Greece

Classical Greece was a period where war and conflict thrived, between the Greeks and the Persians to the Athenians and Spartans. Throughout this time the religious culture in Greece flourished. The Ancient Greeks were fixated on gods and goddesses which shaped their culture including drama, art, and architecture. Art pieces often resembled images of these gods and goddesses. Whilst there were many plays produced entailing the stories of gods and religion were represented in architecture through the designs and locations...
2 Pages 817 Words

Essay on Technology in the Classroom

In our day and age, technology is a predominant feature in our everyday lives so it’s no wonder that technology has made a debut in the classroom. Tablets are replacing our textbooks, and we can research about anything we want on our smartphones. Social media has become the most common place for students to socialize, and how we use technology has completely transformed how we live our lives, but is technology in classrooms all that good? In short, yes and...
2 Pages 799 Words

Essay on Teaching as a Profession

In this 21st century, a teacher should adopt a new approach toward the students so that they are updated with today's tools and technology. When the students utilize everything that is important in today's world then the students will be able to live and prosper in today's economy as well they could be more productive in the future. What am I trying to say is in a teacher's professional journey, he or she will be a guide for the student's...
2 Pages 816 Words

Refining the Craft: My Writing Process

Introduction Writing is an intricate process that requires both creativity and discipline. It is a craft that has been honed over centuries, adapting to different contexts and evolving with technological advancements. My writing process is a reflection of this evolution, integrating both traditional techniques and modern tools to produce coherent and compelling texts. In this essay, I will delve into the various stages of my writing process, highlighting the importance of planning, drafting, and revising. I will also discuss how...
2 Pages 807 Words

Essay on 'The Thing in the Forest' Symbolism

The main theme of the short story “The Thing in the Forest,” by A.S. Byatt is trauma and loss. There are many reasons and examples Byatt show throughout the story. Thought out the main three paragraphs will explain more in detail. Throughout the short story “The Thing in the Forest,” by A.S. Byatt, it all comes together from the author of short emotions about World War II happening. In many stories, it deals with the process of “coming of age,”...
2 Pages 793 Words

Essay on 'A Rose for Emily’ Symbolism

In the story 'A Rose for Emily' major themes include death, isolation, and the decline of the Old South. Of these, death takes the cake, with the skeleton in Emily's bed reflecting the decay and corruption of the Old South. Imprisonment and destruction are two important aspects of the story as well. Meanwhile, the style and techniques throughout the story help to get a comprehensive idea of what old southern towns were like in this era. An example of Southern...
2 Pages 786 Words

Descriptive Essay on Criminal Investigation Process

The criminal investigation process, to a significant extent, balances the rights of victims, suspects, and society. The balance of rights within any criminal matter is paramount to ensuring the vital aspects of fairness, equity, and access are upheld within the contemporary Australian legal system. The procedures with regard to search and seizure, police powers, detention, and interrogation consolidate the notion that the criminal investigation process, to a significant extent, balances the rights of victims, suspects, and society. Protocols and procedures...
2 Pages 793 Words

Cyber Security Statement of Purpose

In 2006, I graduated from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) with a Bachelor`s degree in ElectronicElectrical Engineering. My interest in Cyber security was ignited in my third year at the University when we were introduced to TCPIP networking. In this course module, I learned how to use an Access control list and encrypted passwords to prevent intruders from accessing networks. This was where my curiosity and interest in network security started. For the past 15 years,...
2 Pages 815 Words

Common Digital Security Risks

Over the past few years of the expanding digital landscape, there have been many fears of people losing their personal security, especially their data. With many of our operations already automated and digital, is it possible that using apps can put us in jeopardy, especially when it comes to our finances? Inadequate App Safety Despite what many people think, app security is not often at the top of a business’ list of priorities, This is because many organizations tend to...
2 Pages 820 Words

Analysis of Songs That Relate to the Novel 'Kill a Mockingbird'

In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, Tom Robinson, an innocent bird, is degraded and eventually killed by the court after being falsely accused of hideous crimes. His accuser, Mayella Ewell, is actually the person who is emotionally touched the most by Tom, but her dreadful home life and upbringing by a racist, alcoholic father forces her to accuse Tom falsely. It is Tom’s actions, honesty, and considerateness that make him a symbolic “black mockingbird,” and eventually...
2 Pages 825 Words

The Movie 'The Truman Show' and the Social Issues It Highlights

The movie ‘The Truman Show’ directed by Peter Weir reflects some of the issues within our daily society such as truth, privacy and relationship. These are the values that are important to us both personal and social. They are important as being essential to us. Everyone deserves to know the truth because it helps to strengthen the relationship between each other. Thus, we can build our relationship based on the belief towards each other. In addition, we have own life...
2 Pages 819 Words

Essay on the Largest Solar Power Plant in the Philippines

According to experts, the Philippines has the best conditions to create an ideal 100 percent renewable energy economies most especially because of our tropical weather and massive amount of sunlight. The biggest solar farm facility in the Philippines up to this date is located in Calatagan, Batangas. This facility is so huge that it crosses three towns in Batangas. These are Lian, Calatagan and Balayan towns. Its location is very accessible as it is only a ten-minute drive from Calatagan’s...
2 Pages 791 Words

The Jacksonian Period: The Era of the 'Common Man'.

Before the Jacksonian period, the Era of Good Feelings was a time of rapid American expansion and growth. The cotton gin revived slavery, and the mass adoption of cotton as a cash crop created a wave of Southern expansion, forming states such as Alabama and Tennessee. Republican President Monroe was able to consolidate political power as the rival Federalist party would continue to lose support, never again fielding a real presidential contender. However, this period of a unified America would...
2 Pages 817 Words

Essay on Saint-Claude: The Home of Many Saints

If you drive a few hours north of Geneva into France, you will come across a small town called Saint-Claude. When you start walking through the center of Saint-Claude, taking in the fresh mountain air you will eventually find yourself at a memorial. If your French is good enough you will discover that 75 years ago 302 innocent people were arrested by the Gestapo and taken from this town to Nazi concentration camps. 108 of these people were never to...
2 Pages 792 Words

Representation of Challenges of Future in Andrew Niccol's Movie 'Gattaca'

In this paper I’m going to talk about the way in which challenges for the future are represented in Andrew Niccol’s feature movie, ‘Gattaca’. The film ‘Gattaca’ was written and directed by Andrew Niccol’s. The movie is about genetic discrimination because in the film there two types of genes: ‘valid’ and ‘in-valid’. Throughout the film, the protagonist Vincent was born naturally which labelled him as an ‘in-valid’. The focus of the film is Vincent freemen, he wanted to travel to...
2 Pages 786 Words

Representation of Teenagers in Media

The negative news focused around teenagers drastically outweighs any positive news about teenagers. The media has constantly criticized teenagers for a period of time only to be showing that the teenagers bring a negative impact to the public, but they have not showed anything positive about them at all. As a result of this, this gives the impression that all teenagers behavior negatively. The media plays a major role in society as it tends to represent and show media the...
2 Pages 817 Words

Reflections on the Movie ‘The Truman Show’

‘The Truman Show’, which is regarded as the turning point of Jim Carrey's career, is a movie that has been examined in many respects and opportunities. ‘The Truman Show’, which is often handled by Plato's cave allegory and our constant observance in today's society in other words, securitization, makes the audience laugh with his witty approach to the contemporary world and is equipped with many elements beyond its time. It's the story of a life surrounded by a director's approach...
2 Pages 825 Words

Essay on Public Health Issues in Vietnam

Located in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has become one of the fastest-growing economies and has plans on becoming a developed nation within the next decade. With a population of 96.1 million, Vietnam is a densely populated developing country that has been adjusting since 1986 from the rigors of a centrally planned, urban economy to a more industrial and market-based economy, and it has raised incomes significantly. While the government of Vietnam has made commendable efforts in improving the health of the...
2 Pages 821 Words

Need for Age Limit in Presidential Position

In the United States there is no age limit on running for president however there is a minimum age which is 35. There should be an age limit on running for presidency because as humans get older our bodies begin to weaken. If someone is over the age of sixty, they should not be able to run for president. Between the ages 28 to 55 our body is generally in an optimal state of health. More closely monitoring the ages...
2 Pages 788 Words

My Strengths to Achieve My Vocational Calling

Every student alive in this world must have academic success and vocational calling in college for what they want in life and to know what they want to become when they grow up, not only that but to acknowledge their strengths that can pursue their goals. Academic success from my perspective in college is all about making outstanding grades in all of your classes, volunteering in organizations or clubs that benefits you positively, and making the four years of your...
2 Pages 816 Words

Impact of Magnetic Tape on 'Strawberry Fields Forever' by The Beatles

Big changes in technology bring big changes in the music world. With every new discovery in the technological world, we find a way to improve the quality of our music and the techniques behind it. One of those inventions which paved the way for more complex audio recordings was the magnetic tape recorder. The use of it brought big changes in the radio and the music recording industry. The biggest advantages of this technology were the possibilities of re-recording, combining...
2 Pages 784 Words

Human Exceptionality as the Main Theme of 'Forrest Gump'

‘Forrest Gump’ is an American drama-comedy movie written by Eric Roth and directed by Robert Zemeckis that focuses on the character Tom Hanks, who shares the same name as the movie. The movie rotates on the life history of Tom (Gump), a simple man with a low IQ of 75, short and wears braces on his legs. Despite his disability, his mother sees him through his life and allows him to choose his destiny. She makes him believe that he’s...
2 Pages 805 Words

Why Did Michael Rutledge Write Samuel's Memory?

In establishing a tone both writers do an incredible job, they both understand how to convey their points to their audience and have clear and distinctive styles. Furthermore, I will be contradicting their styles by breaking down their tone, diction, and their purpose as my main topic of this essay. As a brief summary of the better compression of readers ‘Samuel's Memory’ by Michael Rutledge is a short story on the perspective of Samuel as he and his family are...
2 Pages 825 Words

Ghost Story Genre in Works of Arthur Miller

Arthur Miller was a renowned playwright who lived from October 17th, 1915, to February 10th, 2005. His literary career began when he was a student at the University of Michigan. He was the recipient of multiple Tony Awards, a Pulitzer Prize, and the Praemium Imperiale Prize (“Arthur Miller”). Miller was also briefly married to Marilyn Monroe and was furthermore notorious for not “naming names” during the Red Scare, despite the repercussions (“Arthur Miller”). Arthur Miller worked hard to “[combine] social...
2 Pages 824 Words
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