800 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Problem of Communication in the Film 'The Social Network'

Through the film ‘The Social Network’, many organizational behavioral problems can be identified, such as leadership problems, lack of communication among top management, and some unethical behaviors (hacking, stealing ideas, betrayal, and disloyalty). For this essay, I decided to choose the problem of communication as the main problem because it was one of the vital factors in running a successful business as well as in a relationship. In ‘The Social Network’, even though ‘TheFacebook’ (early name) received hit from the...
2 Pages 820 Words

Power of Optimism: Persuasive Speech

We, unfortunately, live in a world where devastating issues affect the lives of others on a daily basis. Those issues include world hunger, poverty, crime, unemployment, inequality, violence, and diseases. Some countries or areas are affected more by these issues than others. Mexico, for instance, has a poverty rate of 42% while American has one of 12.3%. Suppose that most of these major world problems were fixed, would one continue having an optimistic mindset or would that not be necessary...
2 Pages 789 Words

Reevaluating the Future of Genetically Modified Organisms

Introduction The advent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) has marked a significant milestone in agricultural biotechnology, offering potential solutions to global food security challenges. However, the necessity to reassess and modify current GMO practices is increasingly evident. This essay examines the compelling need to change GMOs, considering the complex interplay between technological advancements, ecological concerns, and socio-economic implications. While GMOs have contributed to enhanced crop yields and resistance to pests, they also raise questions about environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and ethical...
2 Pages 800 Words

Narrator's Insanity in Poe's 'The Tell-Tale Heart'

The story The Tell-Tale Heart written by Edgar Allen Poe, can be best summarized as a piece of gothic literature in which introduces the idea of a man going insane. In the beginning, it was only a mere obsession with an ‘evil eye’. The obsession itself, however, led to the murder of the man with the said ‘evil eye’. In short, this story is a clear representation of a transition into insanity. Given the details and plot development, it is clear...
2 Pages 779 Words

Movie Review on 'Citizen Kane'

‘Citizen Kane’ begins with a three-minute stretch of dark and foggy silence with a low song before its disruptive by the word ‘Rosebud’ said by Charles Kane, played and directed by Orson Welles. The movie opens with a life-changing picture of a far off, haze covered castle on a slope. It's an exemplary gothic shot and goes far towards building up the state of mind of ‘Citizen Kane’. We rapidly discover that this spot, called Xanadu, is the residence Charles...
2 Pages 794 Words

Main Sociological Themes of the Movie ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest’

‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest’ follows the story of Randle Patrick McMurphy, a criminal that was sent to a mental ward due to his antics. He assumed that moving there would have been far easier than the prison he was at, but he was wrong; as the person who was in charge of the ward, Nurse Ratched was no pushover and thus a power struggle began between the two and was one of the main plot points the story...
2 Pages 806 Words

Importance of Staying Optimistic

Whether all of the world’s problems are solved is irrelevant because the only way all of them could be solved is if humans no longer inhabited the Earth. By our very existence, we create problems for the world. We pollute oceans and air, create waste, use the Earth’s resources, and manipulate the environment for our own benefit. Therefore, problems exist because we do. It is key to stay optimistic even when you have no worries in the world because it...
2 Pages 785 Words

Importance of Ethics in Engineering

As an engineer, there are a variety of products you could be designing or manufacturing. Above all, though, an engineer’s job is focused around safety- safety of those making the product, as well as those using it. Depending on the type of engineering you are doing, the work can and will look different from say, a design engineer for a medical device vs. a civil engineer making a bridge. However, engineering ethics will be executed in both of these hypothetical...
2 Pages 787 Words

Founding Fathers' Faith in God and the Declaration of Independence

It is evident that all of mankind has been deceived into the pleasures of sin, and it is critical to keep in mind that the Founding Fathers were imperfect. However, what set their ideology apart from that of other establishments at the time was their belief in God. Though it is not clear they were all completely devout in their faith, it is overtly obvious they acknowledge God’s existence and instituted America’s most influential founding documents. Contract Theory Thomas Jefferson...
2 Pages 809 Words

Tensions in 'The Merchant of Venice' and 'Schindler’s List'

Tensions are created as the culmination of the audience’s sympathy and desire for the individual’s welfare and survival against the visual testimonies of anti-Semitic abuse and atrocity. William Shakespeare’s play, ‘The Merchant of Venice’, and Steven Spielberg’s film, ‘Schindler’s List’, depict the tensions inciting the human experience of change and connection through the insights accentuated by the aspects of moral ambiguities within vice and virtue, subversions of expectations and the establishment of the individual. The screenplay of ‘Schindler’s List’ establishes...
2 Pages 777 Words

Irony in 'Sweat' and 'A Rose for Emily'

In the short story ‘Sweat’ by Zora Neale Hurston, the main character Delia is a hardworking woman who does tremendous manual labor as a washerwoman for white folks. Delia has been in an abusive marriage with her husband Sykes for fifteen years, and he enjoys treating her the way that he does. Sykes doesn’t like that Delia works for white people. Sykes decides to play a trick on Delia by using her fear of snakes. He decides to get a...
2 Pages 814 Words

Side Effects of Rice Importation

Rice imports are the number of metric tons pertaining to rice products entering a country's borders in a given year. Rice has been a major food for us. Here in our country, there are a lot of convenience food chains that offer ‘unli rice’ to people who love to eat rice. We export rice to other countries to continue the flow of dollar in our country and be able to have connections to other countries to supply our needs. I...
2 Pages 800 Words

Should Australia Continue to Grow Rice? Essay

My essay is about whether or not rice plantations should continue in Australia. Many people see the rice plantations as an economic benefit but rice plantations also take up a lot of water which may be needed in other agriculture. Other farming businesses have had to close down because of the limited availability of water with the majority of the water taken up by rice plantations. In Australia, rice was first harvested and sold in 1914 near Swan Hill, Victoria....
2 Pages 776 Words

Review of Philharmonic Orchestra's Concert

The concert was held on 13 October at the Victoria Concert Hall and it is the second instalment of the Sibelius Complete Cycle, the first instalment was performed back in 2008. The concert started off with Sibelius’s ‘Symphony No.4 in A minor, Op.63’, which was composed in 1911. When the performance ended, there was a ‘puzzled silence’, the audience and I were hesitant to clap as we were unsure if the piece has ended. The symphony is known to be...
2 Pages 801 Words

Review of the Movie ‘The Last Samurai’

The movie ‘The Last Samurai’ was useful to an extent for the education about the modernization of Japan. This movie is based on a historical event that unfolded in the modernization of Japan. ‘The Last Samurai’ is a 2003 American drama action movie co-produced and directed by Edward Zwick. It is set in 1876 in Japan, which at the time wasn’t modernized and there several different problems between the samurai. The movie ‘The Last Samurai’ shows some factual and nonfactual...
2 Pages 781 Words

Analyzing Societal Themes in Spike Lee's Masterpiece

Introduction Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing" (1989) is a seminal film that explores the complex dynamics of race relations and social justice in America. Set in the Bedford-Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn on the hottest day of the year, the film portrays a microcosm of societal tension that resonates beyond its immediate setting. Through its incisive narrative and vivid characters, Lee's film serves as both a cultural artifact and a timeless commentary on racial conflict. This essay aims to critically...
2 Pages 820 Words

Personal Philosophy of Parent Education

It is my responsibility, as a professional working in the field of early childhood education, to build a positive, respectful relationship with the families of the children I serve. It is my goal to create a healthy partnership with each family member so that they feel listened to, valued, and respected. I want every parent to feel that I am approachable and available to speak with them any time they have concerns or issues they would like to discuss. Families...
2 Pages 792 Words

Mentally Ill People and How We Can Help Them

Mental illness is your level of psychological well-being which affects how you think, feel and act that range from not too serious to very serious. Examples of mental illnesses is depression, a mood disorder causing you to feel extremely sad or lose interest in everyday and schizophrenia, causing the person to have a decreased ability to understand reality. They are caused by a combination of genetic, environmental and psychological factors such as child abuse, feelings of low self-esteem or a...
2 Pages 786 Words

Mental Illness in the 19th Century

Mental illness affects a big portion of the US population. The National Alliance on Mental Illness claimed that roughly one in five American citizens experience mental illness at some point during their lives, which is almost 20 percent of the total population (NAMI, 1). With such data available, it is no surprise that the approach toward mental health has changed recently as it is estimated that almost 90 percent of Americans value physical and mental health equally (Ansari, 1). However,...
2 Pages 803 Words

Limited Media Perception of Beauty and Its Influence on Female Population

Every day we are bombarded with mass media on ideal feminine beauty. From female models on the cover of Vogue to female contestants on the latest reality TV series, women are presented with a limited perception of what people consider to be beautiful. Rather than simply agreeing with the media, we need to consider that these feminine beauty standards are unattainable. Do you find yourself guilty of this? Social media comparison refers to an individual’s inclination to compare themselves to...
2 Pages 782 Words

Is Optimism Key to Achieving Your Dreams?

Many young people are told to set goals for the following year, usually around the time of New Year’s Eve, or the beginning of a new school year. They are beseeched to try and reach for the sky and told that all their dreams are not impossible, but may be improbable and that they only have to work hard enough to claim for themselves the rewards of success. Moreover, they may claim that optimism is the defining factor between one...
2 Pages 778 Words

Is Genetically Modified Food Harmful or Healthy? Argumentative Essay

Genetically modified food in some communities is still mistakenly considered as too risky technology. For instance, an anti-GMO group called the Non-GMO Project maintains that there still are not enough trustworthy studies, this type of food can be avoided and GM does not have any pros at all. And, it is easy to understand this statement because many people do not like when natural processes have interfered with anything unknown, and they're doubtful about that direction. So, what is so...
2 Pages 813 Words

Eating Junk Food: Cause and Effect Relation

Eating habits have changed greatly over time as the world develops. Unlike in the past when most people ate healthy food prepared at home, today more and more individuals are eating junk food such as French fries, cheeseburgers, pizza, and milkshake among others. Whereas the dark side of such fast foods is a widely known fact, the popularity of the delicacies seems to be growing by the day. Under such a background, it is worth investigating the causes and effects...
2 Pages 820 Words

Dehumanization in Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

In ‘Night’, Elie Wiesel provides his story about his experience in the Holocaust to show, the theme of how horrible people were treated in the Holocaust and how they were dehumanized. The book centers around a young Jewish boy named Elie. In the book Elie tells his experience of what he faced throughout the Holocaust. He talks about the problems and hardships he faced throughout his life when he was in the concentration camp. When Elie was in the camp,...
2 Pages 798 Words

Definition Essay on Love

All of us have experienced love already. But on defining the term ‘love’ we have our own different perspective to discuss with. Love is something complicated, hard to explain and more complex to understand. It is something magical that could be the source of your happiness and could be also the source of your pain. So how can we really define what is love? And based on our experiences is there such thing as true love? We could say that...
2 Pages 822 Words

Batman's Moral Philosophy in the Movie ‘The Dark Knight’

I intend to discuss moral philosophy in the movie, ‘The Dark Knight’. I intend to discuss Batman’s moral position. I agree with his moral position. The comic book character Batman is a representative of justice, as the hero lives to do what is right. The comic book character Batman is a delegate of equity, as the legend lives to make the right decision. All through the numerous experiences that have been delivered, Batman needs to discover approaches to accomplish his...
2 Pages 784 Words

Analysis of the Star Market Website: Essay

In this modern world, where everything is becoming handy and full of technology, for any business, it's software and an online tool to reach that company or business that is web sites is one of the most important factors for a business to be success. The purpose of this report is to determine the utility of the Star Market website. By deep research of the web design, layout, attractiveness, it was a spot that the website needs some changes. It...
2 Pages 796 Words

Changes in Career Development Theory Over Time

Career development theories really began in the early 1900’s, with Parson’s (1909) development of the trait and factor approach becoming the basis of career counseling. Parson believed that by studying people and having an understanding of the various characteristics of different occupations, people could be matched with an occupation. The relationship between self-knowledge and work knowledge, were key elements in career choice. As the 20th century progressed, major world events were taking place that affected the world of work. Two...
2 Pages 813 Words

Marxist Analysis of the Film 'V for Vendetta'

Set in dystopian London ‘V for Vendetta’ directed by James McTeigue, tells the story of the mysterious ‘V’ and his mission to begin a revolution to overthrow the government due to how it oppressed him and the citizens of London. With the help of his ally, Evey, they become successful in toppling the government. With the topics, this film covers and how the story plays out, the best literary theory to analyze it with is Marxist theory as they both...
2 Pages 782 Words

‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens: Book Review

“A Marsh is not a swamp, a marsh is a space of light where grass grows in water…Then within the marsh, here and there, true, swamp…Swamp water is still dark, having swallowed the light in its muddy throat. …the swamp is quiet” (1969, page 11, Prologue). ‘Where the Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens is all about resilience and survival, but also isolation. This book is set in North Carolina and jumps to multiple points in time to tell the story...
2 Pages 803 Words
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