Urbanization process has been relatively rapid in some less developed regions since 1950, such as sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern and Western Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Among all, Eastern Asia region had experienced the most striking urbanization increase, especially during the last 20 years (“The Speed of Urbanization”, 2018). In the next three decades, it is estimated that Asia will contribute over 60 percent of the increase in the world’s urban population, with an expected total urban population over 2.6...
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786 Words
Tale as old as time, true as it can be barely even friends, then somebody bends unexpectedly, is the infamous beginning of the opening song that introduces the classic love story of Beauty and the Beast. Beauty and the Beast is a tale about a young woman held captive by a beast in his castle after taking her father’s place and later becomes his one true love. To the viewers of the 1991 film, many saw Beauty and the Beast...
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Mark Twain, originally Samuel Clemens, was a very interesting and influential writer who changed modern literature in many ways. He wrote several books relating back to his own childhood and experiences. An extremely popular book written by him was The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which is about a boy learning difficult life lessons and battling many different challenges which ultimately teaches about the issues of racism and the lack of education in Twain’s day. Mark Twain had a very fascinating...
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813 Words
Most recently the virtue theory has resurfaced because of contemporary theorists criticizing principle based theories such as Utilitarianism and Kantian ethics (230). According to the text Ethical Choices, “Virtue theory is an objective theory and the fact that it can have “multiple right choices” sets it apart from all principle based theories” (226). Aristotle, a famous Greek philosopher believed that as humans, we constantly seek happiness and he believed that we become what we do habitually. Therefore, Aristotle conceptualized two...
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796 Words
In the short stories “Superman and Me,” by Sherman Alexie and “Love Letters,” by Megan Foss, the similar symbol of survival in the forms of reading and writing is shared. Characters with little to no proper experience in reading and writing find that to be their lifeline in a world pitted against them. Though set back by skills, characters from both stories learn to use the power of reading and writing to better themselves and change the image that was...
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792 Words
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Starbucks is an American coffee company that started in 1971 in Seattle, Washington by three partners that got to know each other through the University of San Francisco, who are Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They were all influenced to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment by a contractor called Alfred Peet who taught them his way to do a delicious coffee. Starbucks is an Italian-styled coffeehouse chain that sells one of the best coffees worldwide, they have...
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781 Words
Systematic racism in America hurts people of color worldwide, especially young black kids and teenagers. Our system is set for African Americans to fail. Standards are doubled, rules are broken, and stereotypes are made. Young African Americans have higher standards compared to young Caucasians. During school, blacks are expected to participate in learning white history and be proud of our country and patriotic. Meanwhile during black history month students not of color grace past the history without any acknowledgment of...
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795 Words
Hermann’s Hesse’s novel Siddhartha and The Guide by R.K. Narayan both portray protagonists or rather main characters who somehow grow and go through a transformation throughout their story. When we first meet Siddhartha, he is a respected member of the Brahman caste, however, he becomes a Samana, and goes on a journey with the goal of becoming enlightened. Raja on the other hand, is a con artist who’s in the merchant or working class in India. Although he is a...
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799 Words
Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without thunder and lightning”. This quote summarizes Frederick Douglass’s trials and tribulations throughout his life. Frederick Douglass impacted American Literature tremendously throughout his life with powerful writings and speeches. He’d change many views of slavery throughout America about slavery in the 1800s. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass’s life didn’t start like many other popular authors. His most popular work, The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass,...
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811 Words
The Issue A gang is a group of criminals that takes control of a specific area and engage in either individually or collectively, in illegal, and possibly violent behavior. Gangs are involved in homicides, drug trafficking, robbery/theft for the purpose of making money. Similar to the Italian mobsters they are a group that try to take control of the city by making people intimidated by them. This matter has been happening for many decades in numerous different parts all over...
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801 Words
Maus by Art Spiegelman is a graphic novel about a son listening to his father's experience during the holocaust. The story is a very serious subject, so drawing real looking humans can make people not want to read the book. This is why Spiegelman uses anthropomorphism. If a reader sees an animal, it won't look as bad and as serious as if it was a drawing a person. The anthropomorphism is also good because the animals symbolize how cats hunt...
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798 Words
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was a beloved figure of freedom and a controversial figure during the rise of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s and 60’s. Claybourne Carson, editor of 'The Autobiography of Martin Luther King Jr' had accumulated hundreds of documents, and audio recordings to create this autobiography that allows the reader to get into the deepest insight of King’s thoughts and the role he portrayed to help America overcome the racial bigotry. The Civil Rights Movement...
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778 Words
Introduction Racial profiling remains a contentious issue that continues to spark debate and discord in societies worldwide. Defined as the discriminatory practice of targeting individuals for suspicion of crime based on their race, ethnicity, or national origin, racial profiling is often justified by law enforcement agencies as a necessary tool for crime prevention. However, its implications reach far beyond security measures, encroaching on the realms of civil liberties and human rights. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, racial profiling...
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815 Words
Oscar Wilde once said, “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” Lies are an easy way out but as a result, lead to harder problems. The truth for some people is never simple and is fabricated. Truth gets passed down through people and over time it fades. There is always another side to truth. In the play, The Importance Of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde Jack Worthing appears like a gentleman who loves Gwendolen, but he shows countless times...
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823 Words
Introduction Legal consciousness refers to the way individuals perceive and engage with the law, encompassing their beliefs, attitudes, and experiences. In the context of the LGBT community, legal consciousness is a critical lens through which the struggles for equality, recognition, and protection can be understood. As the legal landscape has evolved, so too has the awareness and understanding of legal rights among LGBT individuals. This transformation is not only evident in progressive legislation but also in the everyday experiences and...
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823 Words
In a world where there are many struggles and challenges that people experiences, feelings of hopelessness and sadness normally occur but if these feelings occur for a long period of time and affect one’s way of living, it becomes an illness known as depression. We’ve been facing a major trial in our life to make us strong and depend on the decisions we’re making. With that, a lot are suffering from depression where darkness is the only thing you see....
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798 Words
Mrs. Loisel isn't the brightest person and can be seen as selfish, which signifies her only thinking for and about herself. The title of the short-story is 'The Necklace' and written by Guy De Maupassant. To give a brief overview, the Loisels aren't very wealthy, in fact they struggle financially. Mrs. Loisel day-dreamed about having riches they couldn't afford, and when she was invited to a party, she wanted to be the most beautiful and the most radiant. She asked...
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788 Words
Physical development Physical development contributes a major part in overall adolescent development. During this development there are many different milestones adolescents will reach which can greatly impact (them). All adolescents develop differently and accordingly to their own body’s timetable which can be a source of discomfort and difficulty that can lead to self-consciousness regarding personal maturity (American Addiction Centers, 2015). One of the first physical milestone changes for both boys and girls alike is a growth spurt. For girls this...
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817 Words
In the nineteenth century the United States had transformed from a largely rural, agricultural society to an urban, industrial one, this change was driven by the emergence of the corporate business model. Some factors that created and environment that the corporate industry could thrive in was; labor surplus, favorable legal climate, and social Darwinism. These things are what drove the growth of big business in America in the nineteenth century. The constant growth in each of these topics are important...
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807 Words
Homelessnes in the modern day world is a serious problem. In Australia, roughly 120,000 people are homeless every single night and this number is constantly increasing. It is because of this that society should turn to catholic social teaching so that we can provide the conditions that allow people to obtain what is fair and Just. It is by looking at and using the principles of catholic social teaching that we are able to enable people to obtain what is...
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781 Words
The Realism period (late 1800s-early 1900s) was a shift in expression which turned to focus on the everyday, middle class life. Rejecting the trend of the Romantic period, Realism modernized the everyday classing between wealth, power, social class, and more. The Industrial Revolution was directly involved in the social and economic changes, distinguishing the working class from the wealthy. This led to a gap between the rich and the poor-the middle class-that many artists wanted to explore. Writers wanted their...
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784 Words
Introduction Organizational behavior is a significant aspect that shapes the dynamics within workplaces globally, with Canada being no exception. This field of study examines how individuals and groups interact within an organization, thereby influencing its overall functioning and effectiveness. In Canada, the diverse cultural landscape, progressive labor laws, and evolving economic conditions play a pivotal role in shaping organizational behaviors. Understanding these dynamics is crucial for Canadian businesses aiming to foster a work environment that boosts productivity, engagement, and innovation....
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814 Words
In literature, it is very common that the hero faces victory or defeat. In Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, Oedipus experiences defeat due to a tragic flaw and not his fate. The fate he was worried he would fulfill, being the murderer of his father and husband of his mother. The prophecy ended up being fulfilled either way but that was not the reason for his downfall. His downfall was due to the pride and self-confidence he had. His pride was...
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819 Words
Although many people believe that police brutality is possibly warranted and justified, it’s often linked to racism, and prejudice. Some consider police brutality to be only towards black people, because four out five people shot by police were black. Causing movements to begin one for black people and police. Showing that there is A common belief against police officers across America is that they harass and discriminate against black people, and but are fair and kind to white people. A...
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788 Words
“Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus” states a popular book written by a relationship counselor John Gray. After studying Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in class I found appropriate to read the book to consolidate obtained knowledge. The author discusses common problems occurred because of communication differences between the two sexes. He explains that to prevent conflicts and tension, understanding the distinction is important. However, in attempts to show the differences, the book mainly focuses on verbal communication and...
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809 Words
Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare follows the journey to kingship by Macbeth, a scottish nobleman and knight turned Thane of Cowdor. Macbeth himself is loyal and a great companion however, his foreshadowed downfall and impending doom is influenced by the corruption of power, the relationship between cruelty and masculinity as well the heavy impact of an overall violent and unstable world,all of which they proclaim Macbeth as a future king. The idea of a violent and unstable world...
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788 Words
Robert browning was an English poet that wrote many poems which were known for their irony, characterisation and historical settings. Robert Browning’s illustrates distinctive ideas through his characters of the dangers of socially acceptable behaviours of the Victorian era. He depicts his characters as psychotic, self-centred, yet madly in love to express the morals towards the obsession he portrays as love. The Laboratory and My last Duchess display a variety of these themes, they also have their own distinctive ideas....
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810 Words
Dr. Temple Grandin once said that; “the most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need, they’ll make their own boxes.” Mark Haddon’s, Curious incident of the dog in the nighttime explores prevalent topics among today’s teen society. A fictional story in essence, narrated by the protagonist; a fifteen-year-old boy with Autism spectrum disorder, who certainly doesn’t fit into any average box of any kind. The Curious incident novel...
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824 Words
In the fashion industry, models are constantly being put in the spotlight. So being thin is part of their job this can lead to serious health issues. Not just in models, but also in the women and men that see the models all over the media. Fashion is all over the world, but there's one place that almost all of the famous designers come from. Europe is known for starting fashion trends that others quickly follow. Models in France do...
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802 Words
Introduction Procrastination, the act of delaying or postponing tasks, is a pervasive phenomenon that has provoked considerable debate in both academic and popular discourse. Characterized by the voluntary delay of an intended course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay, procrastination is often viewed negatively, associated with poor performance, stress, and missed opportunities. However, emerging research suggests that procrastination can also have positive aspects, fostering creativity and providing necessary breaks for cognitive processing. This essay delves...
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