900 Word Essay Examples

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Social Issues

The Concept Of Truth In The Play The Glass Menagerie

Before entering a discussion concerning truth, one must first establish the definition of truth. For this, I offer the definition simply as reality. For example, we can prove that the existence of gravity is a truth using experiments, observations, and calculations. Truth is synonymous to reality. It can be proven through logical deduction, and should be predictable, or at the least traceable. Any deviation from this is a deviation further from the truth. Furthermore, total truth is unattainable. Since our...
2 Pages 942 Words

How San We Reduce Injuries Related To Phlebotomy

Phlebotomy is an invasive field that is used for the collection of blood used for testing or donation. This is done by an insertion of a needle to a vein which may be dangerous in the hands of phlebotomist without proper training. Because safety is a priority of many phlebotomist, we’re seeking ways that we can enhance safety for both the medical worker and the patient when drawing out this bodily fluid from the patient. To minimize the risk of...
2 Pages 900 Words

The Role Of Media In Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas focuses on the racism that black communities face in modern America. Throughout the novel, Thomas highlights the impact of the media, particularly how it influences society, elevates racism and creates bonds between characters. In The Hate U Give the media strongly influences society and encourages racism. One of the forms of media used is music, during a Garden Height’s riot following the grand jury’s conclusion that officer one-fifteen is innocent the N.W.As ‘F*ck...
2 Pages 884 Words

Thomas Paine's Role In American Independence

During the colonization period, the American society was going through a hard and difficult time living under British rules. Many colonies were afraid to speak their minds and follow what they believed as right. However, Thomas Paine rose his voice to invigorate Americans to get rid of the British government and conquer their independence. Paine seems to be a knowledgeable and experienced author according to the following source, “Paine established himself as an editor and writer for Pennsylvania Magazine” (Anne)....
2 Pages 930 Words

Themes Of Racism And Prejudice In The Short Story Desiree's Baby

Who we are and how we identify ourselves is an important part in human society. People look towards the people and belongings around them to define themselves in life. For example, being an orphan can make a person feel empty and abandoned, unfulfilled as a person. As people get older, they get married and have children, giving them an additional form of identity. The marriage between Desiree Valmonde and Armand Aubigny is an example of how prejudice became the destruction...
2 Pages 914 Words

The Duality of Mind: Descartes’ Perspective in Meditations

Introduction René Descartes, a pivotal figure in Western philosophy, established a groundbreaking framework for understanding the mind-body relationship in his seminal work, Meditations on First Philosophy. His conceptualization of the mind as distinct from the body laid the foundation for modern dualism. Descartes proposed that the mind is a non-physical, thinking entity, separate from the corporeal body. This radical assertion challenged the prevailing scholastic-Aristotelian view that saw the mind as a function of the physical body. Through methodical skepticism, Descartes...
2 Pages 909 Words

Ethnocentrism: Definition, Examples And Effects

Within culture there are two ways to look at other culture something called ethnocentrism and other cultural relativism. Ethnocentrism refers to judging another ethnic cultural group or individuals by the values and standards of one’s own culture. William Graham Sumner first encountered this term in his book entitled Folkways. Ethnocentric individuals judge other groups concerned with their language, customs, behaviour and religion. These four things are the basement of judging a group of people or individuals in this current world....
2 Pages 922 Words

Cloning: Pros And Cons

What is cloning? There are 3 main types of cloning (Genetics Generation, n.d), Reproductive, Gene and therapeutic cloning. Gene cloning is when a copy of DNA is inserted into a vector which is then able to be copied by the host, therapeutic cloning is when stem cells are cloned to treat disease and for research and Reproductive cloning which is the creation of an animal identical to the donor and the one most referred to when talking about cloning which...
2 Pages 917 Words

Customer Service Team Dynamics

Introduction In today's competitive business landscape, the management of customer service teams is pivotal to organizational success. Customer service serves as the frontline of a company's interaction with its clients, influencing perceptions and customer loyalty. Effective team management in this area not only enhances customer satisfaction but also drives revenue growth and brand reputation. This essay explores the complexities of managing customer service teams, emphasizing the importance of leadership, communication, and technology integration. Through the examination of real-life cases and...
2 Pages 949 Words

Gay Dating Dynamics in Contemporary Society

Introduction In the contemporary era, the landscape of dating has evolved significantly, particularly for the LGBTQ+ community. The rise of digital platforms, increased societal acceptance, and ongoing challenges create a unique environment for gay dating. This essay delves into the complexities of gay dating in the modern world, examining the interplay between technology, social norms, and personal experiences. As gay individuals navigate their relationships, they face both opportunities and obstacles that are distinct from those encountered by their heterosexual counterparts....
2 Pages 919 Words

The Inequalities In The Access Of High Quality Biomedical Equipment

Biomedical engineering technologists should consider the improvement of health care access in developing countries. Biomedical technologists have a professional responsibility of ensuring that health care facilities in developing countries access high-quality medical equipment. These professionals can achieve this by supporting repair and maintenance of the broken medical equipment in the hospitals and support developing counties in acquiring high-quality refurbished medical equipment for their hospitals (Henkels, 2017, February). Effective professional practice will involve assisting the hospitals in obtaining, finance, and support...
2 Pages 877 Words

Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck: Progression Of Destruction

In Of Mice and Men, there are several plot events that lead to the destruction of people or things. Steinbeck uses this conflict or rising and falling action, to help tell the bigger story of George and Lennie and life as a migrant farmworker in the 1930s and 1940s. Through these plot events, the theme of destruction is also revealed. The Impact of the Great Depression on American Farmers Steinbeck sets Of Mice and Men during Depression-era America. Economic and...
2 Pages 913 Words

Diverse Cultural Expressions in Japan

Introduction Japanese culture is a rich tapestry woven from the threads of literature, art, sport, and cuisine, each playing a vital role in shaping the country's unique identity. Rooted in centuries of tradition, these cultural elements have evolved through time, adapting to modern influences while retaining their distinct characteristics. Literature in Japan, for instance, has transitioned from the classical works of the Heian period to contemporary novels that capture the complexities of modern life. Similarly, Japanese art, renowned for its...
2 Pages 913 Words

Mindfulness: A Basic Human Ability

The brain is the most powerful organ in the body. It gives us the ability to feel the emotion and to critically reason, classifying mankind as the most intelligent species on the planet. We know its potential but it has been scientifically proven that we only use about 10% of our brain at any given time revealing a large gap in the potential and power that we could be taking advantage of. Although there is not a sure way to...
2 Pages 944 Words

The Role Of Women In Wayuu And Ainu Subcultures

When talking about subcultures, reference is made to a small group of people who have relationships with others, with whom they share symbols, ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and they have common practices and a similar appearance. In the same way, they become located in specific places where they develop and they survive, how they prepare their food and do crafts, also they wear the same clothes. The above serves to understand the meaning of a subculture and allows a relationship to...
2 Pages 931 Words

Realism Characteristics In Desiree's Baby

Realism was a vast literary movement characteristic of mid-nineteenth century, as an antiromantic reaction which emphasizes the relationship between art and reality. The indispensable tool of the artist's art is careful observation of reality and it is true and objective reflection in written work. “Désirée’s baby” by Kate Chopin is a story with many characteristics of realism work. The story is set in Louisiana, it has no fictional characters and no divine intervention, showing us the society class of that...
2 Pages 939 Words

Rhetoric and Persuasion in Julius Caesar by Shakespeare

In The Tragedy of Julius Caesar written by William Shakespeare, there are two speeches relating to the same topic of which are both presented to the people of Rome following Caesar’s assassination. The play is deeply concerned with the idea of rhetoric, or persuasion. Cassius convinces Marcus Brutus that Caesar has to die, setting the story in motion. The resolution of the plot is set by Anthony's speech to the plebeians. Shakespeare sees rhetoric as collectively, the foremost powerful force...
2 Pages 912 Words

Symbolism In The Book To Kill A Mockingbird

Throughout Harper Lee’s Novel To Kill a Mockingbird there is extensive symbolism throughout. Some subtle and others obvious. The most preeminent symbol is undoubtably the mockingbird itself. A symbol of courage, innocence and adulthood. These are illustrated throughout the characters Atticus Finch, Boo Radley and Tom Robinson. Atticus Finch demonstrates courage when he chooses to defend Tom Robinson in a legal case that no one else would even consider taking, a seemingly unwinnable fight. The opposite of courage in their...
2 Pages 884 Words

Malaria Control in Australia

Introduction Malaria, a life-threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted through the bites of infected Anopheles mosquitoes, is a significant global health concern. Although Australia is not endemic to malaria, the risk of transmission persists due to international travel and proximity to malaria-prone regions, such as Southeast Asia and the Pacific Islands. This essay explores the multifaceted approaches to malaria prevention in Australia, examining the strategic measures implemented by public health authorities to safeguard the population. The nation’s malaria control...
2 Pages 932 Words

The Theories Of Adolescence Development

Introduction Development from childhood to adulthood is a complex process. Adolescence often causes individuals to question their liberation and individuality. Developmental changes such as physical, cognitive, emotional and so on that adolescents’ experience prepare them to integrate with their peers and experiment with their new-found knowledge. The drastic alteration between concrete to abstract thinking makes this period of time chaotic and can often lead to anxiety, excessive risk taking and prejudice (Dumontheil, 2014). Youth developmental theories such as Tajfel’s social...
2 Pages 926 Words

Ambition and Guilt: Driving Forces in Macbeth

Introduction William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" is a profound exploration of the human psyche, delving into the complexities of ambition and guilt. These themes are intricately interwoven into the fabric of the narrative, driving the protagonist's descent into tyranny and madness. Ambition propels Macbeth to commit regicide, setting off a chain of events that lead to his ultimate downfall. Meanwhile, guilt gnaws at his conscience, manifesting as hallucinations and paranoia, which further destabilize his rule. This essay examines how ambition and guilt...
2 Pages 909 Words

Samsung and Its Story Of Achieving Success Through Innovation

Samsung, the brand which doesn’t require an introduction in the modern era has started its journey from making cheap electronic gadgets (calculator, black &white T.V) in the early ’90s.However, today it’s the leading manufacturer for the mad finishing models in the television industry. You name it and they have it, in other words, they made a drastic change in the industry not only in the Television sector but also in the majority of the home appliances. In addition, the South...
2 Pages 932 Words

Factory Farming One Of The Worst Crimes In History

A considerable number of the United States population are unaware of the misdeeds that take place within the meat industry. Some believe the pictures depicting a traditional family farm on the packages of meat products are legit. Others fall under the impression that meat advertised as “free of GMOs” or “grass-fed” makes it is safe to eat. Actually, the truth could not be further away from all these things, which are just diversions to sell. The meat industry uses money...
2 Pages 943 Words

Current Perspectives On The Ethics Of Surrogacy

Surrogacy, or what many would call “womb renting”, is an increasingly apparent practice where women lend their bodies to undergo pregnancy and give birth to a baby (The Center for Bioethics and Culture Network, 2017). This bodily service is usually rendered with a monetary fee. It has since then become a complex issue plagued with several controversial issues on the ethical nature of the practice. Surrogates act as gestational carriers by carrying a pregnancy to delivery after having been implanted...
2 Pages 931 Words

The Ways To Overcome Substance Abuse

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (WHO) substance abuse can be defined as the harmful or hazardous use of psychoactive substances. This definition of substance abuse not only includes the use of illegal drugs but also the dangerous use of drugs that are legal for example alcohol, tobacco, the detrimental use of prescribed medicines by exceeding the recommended prescribed dose and the illegal use of legal drugs such as drinking and driving or smoking cigarettes in a no-smoking area....
2 Pages 949 Words

The Image Of Antonio As The Protagonist In Merchant Of Venice

The Merchant of Venice, a 16th century play penned by William Shakespeare, opens with Antonio, a Venetian merchant, sunk in gloom. When he finds himself unable to trace the roots of his seemingly endless melancholy, his friends attribute it to his ships at sea. Bassanio, Lorenzo and Gratiano arrive shortly after. Bassanio, who is in pursuit of a wealthy heiress from Belmont named Portia, asks Antonio for a loan in order to court her. By virtue of all his investments...
2 Pages 904 Words

The Relationship Between Men And Women In The Iliad

“If it is true that brilliant Achilles is risen beside their ships, then the worse for him if he tries it, since I for my part will not run from him out of the sorrowful battle, but rather stand fast, to see if he wins the great glory, or if I can win it” says Hektor in Homer’s in The Iliad. Pride is spread out in the entire story of the Iliad which is caused by male warriors and the...
2 Pages 901 Words

Fatal Marriages In Middlemarch By George Eliot

Marriage - the act of uniting two beings under vows that uphold morals to honor, love, and cherish for as long as both partners shall live - is undoubtedly one of the oldest traditions known to human existence. There may not be an era as exceptionally pro-marriage as the Victorian period, as it was the societal norm to dictate marriage as the ultimate goal. However, the expectations of marriage seemed to perplex more free-thinking Victorians like the author George Eliot....
2 Pages 892 Words

Subcultures In Cyberspace

The way people organize, govern and create meaning in their lives is associated with social patterns that link to other cultures. This describes the study of sociocultural anthropology. This brief essay will examine: Egao, cyberpunk, queer and ethnic cyber-subcultures and relate them to sociocultural anthropology. This field of study as several concerns from the environment to health issues, however, the main in terms of cyber-subcultures deals with social change. Social change can be described as any event that causes a...
2 Pages 883 Words

Oryx And Crake By Margaret Atwood: The Topic Of Biotechnology

Imagine waking up, alone, in a world that completely changed overnight. This is exactly the position that Snowman, the main character in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, is in. In Atwood’s novel, the topic of biotechnology and the costly effects of it are explored in great detail. Biotechnology is “the exploitation of biological processes for industrial and other purposes, especially the genetic manipulation of microorganisms for the production of antibiotics, hormones, etc.” In Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake, biotechnology is...
2 Pages 888 Words
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