Abortion Argumentative Essay: Evidence and Ethics

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Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Research Method s
  3. Evidence Against Abortion
  4. Social Im pact
  5. Health Risks
  6. Future Risks
  7. Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Arguments
  8. Personal Circumstances and Ethics
  9. Arguments in Support of Abortion
  10. Social Effects of Abortion Restrictions
  11. Exceptions for Abortion
  12. Effective Abortion Argumentative Essay
  13. Abortion Conclusion


Over time, research findings show that ambivalence is evident when a woman decides on keeping the child; however, abortion becomes a choice when there are fears about adverse effects that might occur to a woman (Kirkman, Rowe, Hardiman, Mallett, & Rosenthal, 2009). Abortion can be defined as a voluntary termination of the life of a fetus by terminating a pregnancy. In the recent past, there has been a serious debate about abortion, and various opinions have been debated about whether abortion is right or wrong. Most scientists have been seen to argue in support of abortion, whereas most religious groups and some human rights activists have been quoted seriously condemning the practice. Each group gave its argument and reasoning, which seemed to be genuine. However, even after studying the cases and thinking of those who support abortion, people still cannot recommend and firmly stand against it. Some organizations have also laid down a maximum age after which the fetus should not be aborted, while others insist on it for reasons related to the mother's health (BBC, 2014). After studying numerous cases and evidence, this research demonstrates why abortion raises serious ethical concerns and should be strictly limited. The effects of abortion cannot be underestimated. Based on medical research and documented cases, this abortion argumentative essay shows that abortion has severe consequences for both individuals and society and should only be considered in extreme circumstances. There are, however, some extraordinary occasions where abortion can be carried out, but it should only be done by an experienced medical officer to avoid the physical and biological effects and risks of abortion to the mother. The argumentative essay aims to evaluate and shed light on the impact and consequences of abortion.

Research Methods

According to scientific standards, writing this abortion argumentative essay required extensive research from reliable medical sources. The evidence presented here comes from documented medical studies, scientific journals, and official health organizations. Most of these sources show actual cases and recorded data about abortion effects. This research included looking at medical records, scientific findings, and documented experiences of women who had abortions. Using such reliable sources helps prove the arguments with real facts instead of just opinions.

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The research process revealed that many claims about abortion come from unreliable sources. Some websites and social media posts share false information without any scientific proof. This shows why using trusted medical sources is very important. For example, when looking at the health risks of abortion, this research only used data from actual medical records and official health studies. The evidence about psychological effects comes from documented cases in medical journals. Each argument in this essay is supported by real scientific findings, not just personal beliefs or unproven claims.

According to medical research and documented cases, there are strong scientific reasons why abortion should be strictly limited. The evidence from actual cases shows serious consequences that cannot be ignored.

Evidence Against Abortion

There is a lot of evidence that shows the wrongness of abortion. Abortion involves the killing or termination of life. According to most religious articles and beliefs, life begins at conception. The moment fusion occurs, life starts, and it means that the fetus is a living creature, and its presence should be respected. According to most of the constitutions of different states in the world, killing is illegal. This makes me wonder how abortion is legalized in these same states where killing is unlawful. It shows some discrimination in the definition of murder. A fetus is a very innocent being who cannot defend himself or herself and, hence, should not be killed; therefore, this shows that abortion is wrong.

To prove that the fetus is a living creature, it is essential also to note that scientifically, every fetus has a unique genetic code that can be determined by the test of their DNA; hence, they are a unique individual. Abortion can also be viewed as a way of terminating the life of an individual who could have had a future similar to ours; hence, it should be strongly condemned. According to science, a fetus is in a position to feel pain at the age of 18 weeks after conception. This means abortion after this age is a way of infringing pain on this innocent creature. According to the constitution of most of the world states, it is illegal to cause pain to any individual intentionally; hence, judging that abortion is right, yet it is an intentional way of causing pain leaves me with the question of the justice of this fetus. It can be concluded that abortion is killing, and allowing abortion to be carried out is similar to encouraging killing, which in turn reduces the respect of people, and this may, in turn, lead to increased cases of genocides and murder as people do not take life seriously. Beyond the direct impact on human life, abortion also has broader implications for society's moral fabric.

Social Impact

The act of abortion was initially meant to empower women to free them from unwanted childbearing and housework that come with having a child and also to assist them in achieving an equal place with men in the workforce (The Life Resources Charitable Trust, 2011). However, allowing and legalizing abortion is a way of encouraging social immorality. Morality is a principle concerning distinguishing between right and wrong things or differentiating between good and bad. It is clear and accurate to say that abortion is an immoral act. Abortion is a way of terminating the life of an innocent creature. Once abortion has been legalized, any woman will be in a position to carry out any number of abortions as they wish. This means that even young girls will be at liberty to commit immoral acts since the consequences will be easy to deal with. This will also increase the spread of diseases since most youths will engage in unprotected sex without fear. As of now, most young people use protection to avoid unplanned pregnancies compared to protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Legalizing abortion will also lead to irresponsibility in society as no one will account for their immoral acts. While the social consequences are significant, the direct impact on women's health cannot be ignored.

Health Risks

Abortion has been proven scientifically to be a significant cause of psychological damage. Most people believe from religious teachings and feel, as well as the instructions on morals, that abortion is not right even when their states legalize them. Once they go ahead and perform the act, it causes them depression. No one can defeat their conscience on such an issue as killing; hence, the chances of getting depressed are very high. According to scientific research, it has been proven that depression caused by abortion can extend up to five years after the abortion. Scientific research has also confirmed that those women who abort are at a very high risk of committing suicide. Research has proven that for every 100,000 women who indulge in abortion cases, 34 percent of them end up in depression, and another 11 percent commit suicide within the first two years of the act (Sedgh, 2015). Depression is one of the leading psychological causes of death in the world. This is an unfortunate finding as many lives are lost, both the life of the mother and fetus. The health risks extend beyond immediate complications, affecting women's reproductive future.

Abortion places the life of the mother at risk of death. It is clear that abortion causes excessive bleeding, which may cause death. This happens when abortion is not professionally done, as is the case in developing countries and also the case in states where abortion is illegal, as the mothers abort in hiding. When abortion is not conducted professionally, some pieces of the fetus may be left inside the womb in their attachment. This is because the uterus cannot squeeze them by itself. This causes excessive bleeding in the mother from the uterus, which can easily cause death. Abortion may also cause tearing up of the uterus, which is a significant contributor to excessive bleeding, which can easily lead to death.

Future Risks

Abortion may also lead to infertility and pose a risk to future pregnancies. Abortion may lead to the destruction of the womb, rendering the involved lady unable to conceive (Gerdts, 2016). However, it is also true that most women get natural conception even after the abortion, but some are unlucky. Abortion sometimes causes infection of the womb, which in turn leads to its inability to hold a fetus, hence rendering the mother infertile. Abortion may lead to a woman getting Pelvic Inflammation Disease (PID). This disease is hazardous to a woman’s fertility as it causes the eggs to implant outside the womb. When one individual gets involved in several abortion cases, these people place themselves at risk of premature births, where the child is born before its time and also causes the miscarriage of subsequent pregnancies. These two cases mainly take place before the 37th week of these subsequent pregnancies (Mahon, 2016). Some women get hazardous experiences during an abortion and end up deciding not to get pregnant in the future. In addition to this, some engage in abortion with no idea of the future consequences of their actions. As a result, when they get to know the future implications of what they did, they fear the unknown and fail to decide not to get pregnant. Despite these serious concerns, some groups continue to advocate for abortion rights.

Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Arguments

When discussing abortion, many people confuse being pro-choice with being pro-abortion. Most people argue about abortion without understanding these different views. Scientists and human rights groups show that some people support the right to choose while being against abortion itself. Other groups actively support abortion and say it is a good solution for unwanted pregnancies. The best medical evidence and case histories indicate that both these positions can result in detrimental outcomes for women's health and for society. Most women getting abortions say they feel coerced or have no other option. Instead of taking sides regarding either position, we should put our efforts into preventing unwanted pregnancies and supporting women through difficult choices. The research shows that better education and support systems reduce abortion rates more effectively than any particular position on this issue.

Personal Circumstances and Ethics

Research shows that women face different situations when dealing with pregnancy. Some women cannot afford to raise a child due to poverty, while others have serious health problems. Medical studies confirm that these personal situations greatly affect both mother and child. However, statistics from health organizations show that most abortions happen not because of serious problems but due to social or economic reasons. Even when women face difficult situations, medical evidence proves that abortion often causes more problems than it solves. Scientists have found that women who get support from family and community are more likely to keep their babies and have better health outcomes. These findings prove that helping women with their personal problems works better than allowing abortion.

Arguments in Support of Abortion

There are those people who argue in support of abortion. They say that life starts at birth, and hence, the fetus is not alive; thus, abortion is different from killing. This argument has been backed up by many scientists stating that a fetus is dependent on the mother for survival; hence, it is not alive. This belief is a contradiction to this discussion.

Other people also believe that not allowing them to abort is an infringement of their rights. They claim that the fetus exists inside their body; hence, they have a right to decide if it remains inside their organization or not. The argument here is, as per human rights, that everyone has a right over their bodies. This was one of the main features of the United States of America’s Supreme Court decision in the case of Roe versus Wade, which ruled that it is against human rights to deny a woman the right to abort (Summit, 2017).

Some people also argue that allowing women to abort at their wish is a way of encouraging gender equality and will positively impact these women, and their full potential will be easily witnessed. The argument behind this point is that it takes nine months to nurse the pregnancy and at least six months to take care of the young kid before weaning. During this period, these ladies have to leave jobs, drop out of school, or move away from their regular daily duties. This puts the male gender in a better position to prosper compared to the female gender; hence, the ladies should be granted the right to abort an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy.

Those ladies and human activists who are arguing with people who support abortion say that each woman should be allowed to give birth to the children they have planned for and those that they are comfortable with bringing up. However, these arguments fail to address the serious medical evidence showing that abortion often leads to severe physical and mental health problems. The right to choose must be balanced against scientific facts about fetal development and the documented risks to women's health. When we look at real cases and medical data, it becomes clear that supporting unrestricted abortion ignores these serious dangers. They claim that some of the men act irresponsibly by impregnating them and leaving them to suffer alone in bringing up these children. This should not be the case, as every woman should be responsible for their actions and should have in mind all these factors before making any such decisions.

Social Effects of Abortion Restrictions

According to scientific research and documented cases, countries with strict abortion laws face severe social consequences. In these countries, women perform abortions in hiding, which leads to many deaths from unprofessional procedures. This happens mainly in developing countries where women cannot access proper medical care. When a woman decides to get an illegal abortion, she puts herself at risk of death from excessive bleeding or infection. According to medical records from these countries, banning abortion leads to more deaths from illegal procedures and medical complications. Research proves that women die more often in countries where abortion is completely banned.

Most research shows that women who are denied abortion end up with serious life problems. They lose jobs because they cannot work during pregnancy, or their families force them to leave school. Some women stay with abusive partners because they have no money to raise the child alone. This creates more social problems as these women often cannot support themselves or their children. Medical studies confirm that such women suffer from poverty and cannot give their children proper care or education.

However, the research also proves that just making abortion legal does not fix everything. Even in countries where abortion is allowed, women still face many difficulties. They still get lower pay at work, and many cannot find good jobs after having children. This shows we need to think about other ways to help women in society. These findings come from actual cases and medical records, which prove that both strict laws and complete freedom for abortion cause problems for society.

Exceptions for Abortion

There are, however, some cases when abortion can be allowed and even encouraged. These cases include instances of rape. Rape is a common phenomenon in some countries, especially developing countries. In a situation where a child has been raped and cannot take care of the child due to her tender age or the pregnancy is dangerous to her, then abortion can be carried out in favor of the child’s life. In another case, in the event that the pregnancy is endangering the life of the mother, abortion is the only way to save the mother. Abortion can be carried out to save the mother as it is better to save the life of the mother than to have both of them die as the mother is the support of the fetus.

Effective Abortion Argumentative Essay

According to research methods and scientific standards, the strength of any argumentative essay depends on evidence. This abortion argumentative essay proves its points using documented medical cases, research findings, and official statistics. Each argument about health risks comes from actual medical records. The evidence about psychological effects uses real documented cases. This shows why using proof is more effective than just stating opinions.

When choosing a topic for such an essay, research shows that specific focus brings better results. For example, instead of just writing about why abortion should be legal or illegal, this essay looks at the actual effects and consequences. Medical studies prove that focusing on specific issues like health risks or social impact makes arguments stronger. The evidence shows that using real cases and documented effects helps readers understand the topic better than general claims.

Most scientific sources recommend looking at both sides of abortion arguments. That entails studying cases in which abortions have been helpful for women and in which they have caused problems. Women's records show that some women needed abortion for health reasons, while others were really harmed by the procedure. Such specific examples in real life make for a stronger essay than one simply expressing private views. Thus, research shows that supporting arguments with evidence from credible and reliable sources creates a stronger argument.

Abortion Conclusion

This abortion argumentative essay has presented substantial evidence showing the serious consequences of abortion - from physical and psychological damage to broader social implications. The arguments for the support of abortion are not strong enough to convince someone to legalize abortion, and every individual in society should take responsibility for their actions. We have seen that abortion leads to severe health problems, depression, and even suicide in many cases. It also affects the ability of women to have children in the future. Some people say abortion is about women's rights, but we cannot ignore that it ends an innocent life. Abortion should only happen in specific cases like rape or when the mother's life is in danger, and only skilled doctors should do it. The evidence is clear - abortion causes more harm than good, and we need to protect both mothers and unborn children.

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Abortion Argumentative Essay: Evidence and Ethics. (2022, September 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-argumentative-essay-thesis/
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Abortion Argumentative Essay: Evidence and Ethics. [online]. Available at: <https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-argumentative-essay-thesis/> [Accessed 4 Mar. 2025].
Abortion Argumentative Essay: Evidence and Ethics [Internet]. Edubirdie. 2022 Sept 27 [cited 2025 Mar 4]. Available from: https://hub.edubirdie.com/examples/abortion-argumentative-essay-thesis/

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