Academic Performance essays

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6 Pages 2666 Words
Abstract Friends play an important role in academic performance as they encourage and discourage academic performance. The purpose of this study aims to seek a relationship between friends and academic performance. Two research questions are raised: 1) Does relationship with friends affect academic performance, and; 2) How does it affect academic performance, why? The data from a questionnaire with 35...
Academic PerformanceFriendship
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1 Page 639 Words
In the society we live in today getting a degree or being educated is essential to go up in the socio-economic hierarchy.This research paper is a study on the effect of people’s personalities on their academic performance. Personality is a set of personal traits that make up a person’s behavioral pattern. Academic performance is how we measure our individual achievements...
Academic PerformanceBig Five Personality Traits
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4 Pages 1790 Words
The relationship of academic well-being and the academic performance of 1st Year Psychology students at Xavier University- Ateneo de Cagayan In a study conducted in 2019 which involved a teacher named Ms. Mahmud Yusr, she stated her perspective regarding the ​student’s well-being and reported it as something which is as important as academic success believing that students who are resilient...
Academic Performance
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5 Pages 2001 Words
Introduction Nowadays stress has become an important subject matter in analysis studies in academic circle as well as in our society. This analysis was conducted to check the impact of stress on students’ academic performance. Tutorial stress among students has long been a subject of analysis study and researchers have recognized completely different necessary stressors that embrace excessive assignments, unhealthy...
Academic PerformanceStress
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3 Pages 1440 Words
Introduction The technological innovations of the 21st century brought with them new ways of communication and interaction. Among students of higher education, social media has escalated from being used for leisurely activities dealing with personal and social life to a major tool monitoring educational achievement. Many wonder about the impact, good or bad, of social media on their academic performance....
Academic PerformanceMedia
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3 Pages 1485 Words
Review of Literature The use of time can be vary depending on the tasks and responsibilities performed (Alay & Kocak, 2013). Moreover, the competitive environment nowadays urged the individuals, particularly students to manage time effectively to achieve desirable outcomes. Time symbolizes perhaps the most important resource of life. Time involves multiple disciplines and is the most precious resource of mankind...
Academic PerformanceTime Management
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4 Pages 1737 Words
Discipline is the key to attain and achieved our goal's in life. We as a future educator's, discipline and academic performance are the core in today's education. While in student's learning, discipline has a ver important role in the life of every individual, by being well-disciplined we can encourage everyone to be disciplined as well. Discipline also helps us to...
Academic PerformanceDiscipline
like 435
2 Pages 1093 Words
As human beings we all have basic needs that have to be met, understanding those needs will help us understand the factors that contribute to the drive to achieve certain goals. Students are preoccupied with many things: classes, work, home life, grades, and health, etc. When students are concerned about certain needs, their behaviors are easily centered on meeting those...
Academic PerformanceLack of SleepStudent
like 342
2 Pages 939 Words
The first factor that affects Booker T. Washington Middle’s academic performance is the incredibly high rate of student poverty. In this school, low-income students represent more than 95% of all the students enrolled. Title 1 program provides additional funding for schools with large concentrations of low-income students to support communities with the highest concentrations of homelessness for students and achieve...
Academic PerformanceChild PovertyTruancy
like 172
3 Pages 1184 Words
Introduction Meditation is a mental training process which yields promising health and educational benefits for both the body and mind. Each time a student participates in meditation, they can narrow their attention to focus on awareness. This creates a healthy sense of perspective which will then slow metabolism and harvest feelings of relaxation. Meditation is an effective skill that boosts...
Academic Performance
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6 Pages 2837 Words
This research report seeks to know the positive and negative effects of Call of Duty to basic education junior high school department. Whether call of duty is bad for student academic performance or not, will also be determined in this study. The experiences of students that this game while studying will be mentioned. An interview for 10 students who plays...
Academic PerformanceDutyHigh School
like 271
3 Pages 1581 Words
Chapter 1 Introduction Technology has been an integral part of our daily lives. People all around the globe rely on gadgets for innumerable necessary reasons, such as communication, research, employment, and etc. As the world is developing, more gadgets are getting introduced, and more dependent people have become on them. Modern cell phones enable users to access a variety of...
Academic PerformanceHigh SchoolTelephone
like 270
5 Pages 2048 Words
Concept of Family and Family Background Family is the most important primary cluster and the smallest social unit of the society. Odo (1990) defined family as a social group of people sharing the same residence and cooperating economically. He added that family institution is usually based on the marriage between one or more couples, with the expectation of having children...
Academic Performance
like 346
2 Pages 822 Words
Introduction The purpose of this study is to gather information about perceived stress undergraduate college students have and how it affects their perceived academic performance. Recognizing causes of stress could help students to mitigate stress and perform better academically. How does the amount of perceived stress on undergraduate college students affect their perceived academic performance? Literature Review Sharmila, (2017) found...
Academic PerformanceStress
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3 Pages 1487 Words
Introduction Sleep is a fundamental physiological process for human survival and health; however, its common deprivation is an increasing area of concern for many students. Studies have demonstrated the significance of sleep for daily cognitive function, as it strengthens the synaptic connections made during the day, storing information for long-term use. However, with constant academic pressures, paired with students’ social...
Academic PerformanceLack of Sleep
like 292
6 Pages 2756 Words
Abstract Adolescence is a transitional period, where an individual transition from a child to an adult. During this period, adolescent teenagers are highly prone to experience peer pressure in them schools. The types of peer pressure individuals face in society today are vastly different when compared to records a few years ago. Peer pressure is a powerful social construct as...
Academic PerformancePeer PressureStudent
like 268
2 Pages 779 Words
Can you imagine being in a situation in which you have no control and have to confront the constant distress to your wellbeing? Well, a shocking number of students in Australia have been reported of being bullied. Bullying by definition “is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to...
Academic PerformanceBullyingStudent
like 432
5 Pages 2420 Words
Introduction Background - Student financial problem Financial problem is a situation where money worries are causing stress. However, college student has been facing financial problem lately and this problem had become a major problem for college student. Financial problem faced by student are known as they do not have enough money for their daily expenses, where money worries is causing...
Academic PerformanceCollege StudentsDebt
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4 Pages 1868 Words
A child’s community is made up of the immediate members, relatives, friends and neighbors. The role of parents in the education of their children is very crucial. Obonyo (2018), defined Parents’ involvement as a combination of commitment and regular participation of parents in school and learning activities. In West Indies Pakistan, Perriel (2015), indicated that the presence of parents in...
Academic PerformanceParents
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2 Pages 738 Words
Introduction AP Seminar, a course offered by the College Board as part of the Advanced Placement Capstone Diploma program, is designed to equip high school students with critical thinking, research, and communication skills. This innovative course diverges from traditional AP courses by emphasizing interdisciplinary inquiry and the development of argumentation skills rather than rote memorization and standardized test preparation. As...
Academic Performance
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7 Pages 3187 Words
Abstract The number of people listening to music has increased over time which brings about the purpose of this study. The aim is to find out the relationship between background music and its effect on the student’s academic performance. Two research questions were constructed to help in carrying out this research: 1) Does background music affect academic performance? and; 2)...
Academic PerformanceClassical MusicResearch
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4 Pages 1747 Words
In our society today, the use of technology is seen nearly everywhere and as years go on this technology continues to develop farther. Just when you think something cannot possibly be made more useful, that is when something new is developed. The advances that technology has made over the years is astounding and let’s face it, it has made life...
Academic PerformanceCollege StudentsMobile Phone
like 437
3 Pages 1268 Words
Junk food is well known as a convenient way to get meals. It is well known that students are the group that contribute mostly to the revenue of fast-food restaurants. Students who live away from home and have a bad habit of life usually consume fast food. Moreover, university students eat this kind of food every day or every meal,...
Academic PerformanceJunk FoodStudent
like 298
2 Pages 836 Words
A school library is a library within a school where students and staff of a public or private school have access to a variety of resources. School libraries store, organize, manage, and preserve information resources that would serve students and school staff. Resources in the library refer to information carriers and information materials that convey substantial and relevant information about...
Academic PerformanceLibraryStudent
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2 Pages 710 Words
Studies in the 20th century have proven that the satisfaction of employees in the office workplace greatly affects their productivity. Similarly, studies in the late 1900s and early 2000s have proven that several classroom factors affect student satisfaction, which also affects their academic performance. These studies proved that factors like temperature, lighting, and air quality have significant impacts on student...
Academic PerformancePublic School
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