Accounting essays

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Taxation: Liabilities and TDS Dynamics

2 Pages 1014 Words
Introduction Taxation is a fundamental component of modern economies, serving as a primary source of government revenue. It encompasses a wide spectrum of levies, broadly categorized into direct and indirect taxes. Direct taxation is applied directly on individuals and entities, such as income tax, where the burden cannot be shifted. Conversely, indirect taxes, like value-added tax (VAT), are levied on...
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The Variety Of Accounting Career Paths

3 Pages 1239 Words
Students who have chosen to major in accounting may or may not have an idea of what they’d like to do, but the career options before them are numerous and worthy of breaking down. These post-graduation careers vary in the type of work that’ll be required and the sort of environment that accompanies them. The careers may have different qualifications...
Accounting Career Choice
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Audit Quality Crisis And Solutions

5 Pages 2112 Words
Introduction Developments in auditing have always been driven by corporate scandals (Economist, 2018). Huge scandals such as Enron and WorldCom, that left the world without confidence for the audit sector, led the FRC to tighten regulations. Most recently, the collapse of Carillion and BHS and the almost failure of Patisserie Valerie have come to light. The FRC along with other...
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Audit Theory Evaluation In Audit Industry

5 Pages 2079 Words
This essay will critically discuss and evaluate auditing theory in relation to the audit industry by paying particular attention to Flint’s postulate; “the essential distinguishing characteristics of audit are the independence of its status and its freedom from investigatory and reporting constraints” . Primarily this essay will investigate how this postulate is linked to the agency theory alongside the lending...
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Civic Duty Taxes

1 Page 630 Words
Taxes help the government operate and work out and really make the economy thrive. Taxes usually increase over the years and some citizens do not abide by the law of this civic duty. Taxes can be hard to pay but it’s a big price of having to do civic duties if you’re in the United States. Taxes help with most...
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Critical Refection And Self-Awareness & Action Plan

3 Pages 1521 Words
Executive Summary The main purpose of this report is to gather own personal skills, which can help to evaluate what has been learnt and plan how to develop more or improve them. Methods including analyse experiences before and during university to identify skill areas which relate to personal and professional development. Different people have their preferred learning style, which understands...

Audit: Definition, Importance And Objectives

2 Pages 1178 Words
Abstract We will talk about the definition of Audit and then will continue with it’s importance and objectives and then go to main research title which is “The Different Types Of Audit” and speak about everyone of them in details. the objectives of the audit can be categorized into (primary objectives, and subsidiary objectives). And there are many importance of...
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Types, Examples And Organisation Of Responsibility Centers

2 Pages 1070 Words
INTRODUCTION There are two types of accounting and these are Managerial Accounting and Financial Accounting. Distinguishing these quickly, managerial accounting deals with activities within the company while as Financial accounting deals much with external information of an organization. Managerial accounting is what this assay will be discussing and mainly to do with management control systems. In management control systems, the...

Knowledge Audit Review: Background And Approach

5 Pages 2220 Words
INTRODUCTION TO KNOWLEDGE AUDIT Currently all the organisations are adapting to knowledge management system and knowledge audit methodologies for the effective usage of knowledge in the growth of organisation. It also helps in effective decision making at the time of need. A knowledge audit is a process which is used for identifying and accessing the knowledge. Along with this, its...
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Audit Expectations Gap

4 Pages 1804 Words
Introduction and breakdown of the theory Even though there are differences in the definition of the audit expectation gap, one can argue that the universal understanding of the expectation gap is that there are differences in what a user expects auditors to be responsible for in their work in terms of scope and performance and what auditors themselves believe their...
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The Peculiarities Of Auditor Profession

5 Pages 2476 Words
Auditing as a profession is fundamental all around the world to many different stakeholders. It is a profession that also allows accountability to be taken on the true reflection of financial statements. Solicitors in the legal profession carry out work on behalf of the client whereas the auditor works to provide an independent opinion of the client's financial statements. A...
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The Problem Of Pink Tax

2 Pages 806 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Shampoo, conditioner, razor cartridges, razors, lotion, deodorant, body wash, shaving cream, shirts, pants, underwear, as well as hundreds of items more that women have to pay extra for. Gender-based price discrimination affects almost 50% of the world’s population. Also known as the pink tax, gender-based price discrimination refers to when one sex is charged an unexpected cost in comparison to...

Taxation: Types and Significance

2 Pages 970 Words
Introduction Taxation represents a critical mechanism through which governments finance their operations and provide essential services to the populace. The concept of taxation has evolved significantly over time, reflecting the changing economic landscapes and societal needs. Taxes are essentially compulsory financial charges imposed on individuals, businesses, and other entities by government authorities. Their primary purpose is to generate revenue to...
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The Use Of Information Technology In Accounting

3 Pages 1258 Words
Importance of The Study This research derives its significance from the significant of the topic which is researches are still conducted on challenges on aspects affecting the adoption of IT needs more depth and diversity, and we are interested through this study to pay part of this gap in addition to the integration of technology Information needs to be informed...
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IFRS Adoption in EU, Australia & Worldwide

4 Pages 1691 Words
The adoption of IFRS in both developed and developing countries in European Union, Australia and the rest of the world is deemed as the most significant regulatory change in the recent past. It is due to its common language which has encouraged more than 130 countries to adopt it as a standard for preparing and disclosing their financial and non-financial...
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Financial Accounting And Reporting Policies: Impacts And Consequences

4 Pages 1762 Words
Executive Summary This report undertakes analysing the effects of the changes in retail industry on the operations of Shopping Centres Australia Property Group (SCP). This report sheds light on the requirements of AASB 140 related to the investment properties. The discussion on management flexibility is another major aim of the report. Analysis shows that these changes in retail industry have...
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Sales Tax On Newspaper In India

3 Pages 1417 Words
Introduction We all have a slight idea about sales tax. Whenever we purchase an item, the amout to be paid in the bill is higher than the price tag mentioned on the product. This additional amount of money that we pay while purchasing any goods is sales tax. Sales tax can be defined as an indirect tax which is charged...
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The Benefits Of Outsource Accounting

2 Pages 967 Words
Why try to complete all the tasks on your own when you can receive additional help from others? It can be a hassle when everything is done on your own. Fortunately, there is a solution to that problem. In accounting, some companies have outsourced accounting tasks to other countries. In an article in Forbes magazine, Joe Mullich describes how companies...
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Cloud Accounting Software: Types And Methods

4 Pages 1785 Words
Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to see whether the firm would be better off switching to cloud accounting software instead of staying with the traditional accounting methods. It includes a comparison of both cloud and traditional software and various cloud options. Different research was done to find out which accounting software was the better of the two....
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Tax Avoidance Law And Its Effects

4 Pages 1855 Words
Introduction A multitude of Multinational Companies (MNCs) across the global economy use ambiguities or loopholes in global tax laws in order to reach a desired outcome, often in the best interest of maximising shareholder and/or private corporate value through paying less tax (Contractor, 2016). HM Revenue and Customs (2016) states that such tax avoidance is often comprised of contrived, artificial...
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Strategies For The Improvement Of Property Tax Collection In Tanzania

3 Pages 1568 Words
Executive summary This study will focus on investigating and identifying the relationship between strategies and property tax collection in Tanzania. Specifically, it aims at examining the strategies for the improvement of property tax collection in government, identifying the major challenges confronting property tax collection, and suggests possible measures to overcome those challenges to increase revenue collection from the property owners....
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Tax System And Its Principles

4 Pages 1856 Words
Taxes are generally perceived as a burden by most ordinary citizens and legislators however it is through taxation that the government can raise revenue to fund provision of many public goods and services and distributing wealth. “Taxes are what we pay for a civilised society”, wrote Oliver Wendell Holmes. Broadly, the purposes of taxation are vast including funding for physical...
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