American Laws essays

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Reflections on Whether America Should Repeal the Second Amendment

6 Pages 2750 Words
Few topics provide more polarising opinions and heated debates than the topic of gun control in the USA. Established in December 1791, the Second Amendment states: 'A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed'. For most of the republics relatively brief...

The Declaration of Independence and Reimagining the Role of Women

2 Pages 905 Words
The ideals of the Declaration of Independence were established in 1776 which was all for equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but were not entirely evident when it came to the re-imagining of a women’s role. Abigail Adams had been unable to convince John Adams and congress to grant women more rights as they were about to shape...

Fulfillment of the Preamble of the United States Constitution

2 Pages 749 Words
The Articles of Confederation were an adequate beginning to how we create a union, and establishing order within our country. This Confederation style of government helped our nation persevere through the Revolutionary War and give hope to those coming out of the “Mad” King George’s ruling. However, soon after, it would need to be altered as it quickly lost its...

Impact of Glorious Revolution on US Colonial Development

3 Pages 1164 Words
One spark can set a forest ablaze. One knocked-over domino piece can cause the rest in the row to fall. One royal couple’s succession of the throne of England in 1688 and their reign helped influence Americans’ desire for rights, liberty, and self-governance. These ideas and principles that emerged from the Glorious Revolution had a big influence on the Revolutionary...

The Enlightenment and Revolutions in America, France, Haiti

3 Pages 1444 Words
During the 18th and 19th centuries, certain nations and colonies located in the Atlantic desired to upheave the current governmental and pecuniary mandate of the administrations in control, they wanted to institute a fresh direction, founded on the philosophies of the Enlightenment - exclusively pursuing to establish order that desired to create government based on social compact, separation of power,...

Freedom of Speech Controversy

3 Pages 1586 Words
The debate between our country trying to protect our freedom of speech and when it goes too far and crosses the line into hate speech, is not a new debate. However, it seems more recently that the debate has been more heated as we have seen a more divisive and polarized nation. It has even gone as far as some...

Freedom of Speech Under the First Amendment

2 Pages 955 Words
Introduction Freedom of speech, enshrined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, is a cornerstone of American democracy. It represents not only a legal protection but also a cultural value that underpins public discourse and democratic engagement. The First Amendment provides, "Congress shall make no law... abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press," establishing a fundamental...

Chief Justice Research Paper: Analysis of Thurgood Marshall

6 Pages 2791 Words
Chief Justice Research Paper (Warren Court 1953-1969) Introduction: The Warren Court led by Chief Justice Earl Warren was effective after the passing of Fred M. Vinson the former Chief Justice. Chief Justice During the Warren Court Era, the court handled several landmark cases that would transform area of laws in racial segregation, criminal procedures, and free speech to name a...

Growth of America: Impact of Thurgood Marshall

5 Pages 2519 Words
Growth of America The United States is a very controversial country. The things it's done in the past and present continue to make people think about where it is headed. In the three periods, 1851-1900, 1901-1930, and 1961-1990, the United States could have been the most controversial country. But, they are open to growth and continue to be today. The...

Analytical Essay on Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights

4 Pages 1826 Words
Introduction The revolutionary process that was developed in North America (on the Atlantic Ocean coast) towards the second half of the 18th century was led by the inhabitants of the 13 English colonies, in response to the political and economic measures imposed by Jorge III , king of England. After various rejection actions by the English government, the settlers, led...

Issues of the Bill of Rights in Australia: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 559 Words
Are we really young and free? Our national anthem says so. There is no doubt that we are in fact a young nation. However, are we really free? Human rights are often taken for granted in first world countries such as Australia. What most Australians are unaware of is that, there is no single legally binding piece of legislation which...

The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR): Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1596 Words
The Environmental Bill of Rights Project The Environmental Bill of Rights (EBR) is one of the most significant environmental laws of our time that protect and conserve the environment. The EBR recognizes that while the government has the primary responsibility for protecting, conserving and restoring the natural environment, the people of any country has the right to participate in government...

Case Study of George Stinney Based on the Bill of Rights

2 Pages 922 Words
Watching George’ case in this video, I feel sad for what happened to him. It is unfair for him to be charged with murder and be sentenced to death. And the result is heavily against the federal constitution and the judiciary of USA. In the federal constitution, the first amendment of Bill of rights decided that individual has their right...

Implementation of Title IX into Colleges: Analysis and History of Policies

5 Pages 2491 Words
Intro College is a place where students go to learn. However, for years many other things that are rarely publicized have come along with this experience. College is as much a place for big parties, binge drinking and sexual assault as it is for learning. Approximately 1 in 4 college women are sexually assaulted before they graduate, which is 7%...

Analytical Essay on The Sixteenth Amendment

2 Pages 772 Words
The Sixteenth Amendment, as understood in the 21st century, has fueled our government economically since its ratification in 1913. The idea of income taxes wasn’t new or revolutionary, the concept had been drafted and used to finance the country’s Civil War to later be repealed in 1872. The idea had been passed around, rejected, and accepted since then. The main...

Arguments For and Against the Second Amendment: Critical Analysis

1 Page 469 Words
The government positively affects my life by allowing U.S citizens including me, to possess weapons such as various types of firearms. Allowing U.S Citizens to carry firearms has been in effect since 1791, this ratification to the bill of rights keeps citizens protected and safe in their own homes. This ratification is called the 2nd amendment, the 2nd amendment allows...

Analyzing the US Bill of Rights and Constitution Amendments

3 Pages 1437 Words
The political philosophy of the Constitution has gone through a roller coaster of development and change. It has introduced a better central government however because the government was so strong the Bill of rights was implemented to secure individual rights the people. Many factors have contributed to the development of the Constitution after its ratification and adoption of the Bill...

First African American Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall

2 Pages 1058 Words
What defines an influential leader, is it a person who can rally the masses to fight for a cause in face of adversity or is someone who others inspire to be. Throughout history there have been many leaders who have made an impact on this world. From Alexander the Great to George Washington, every culture has those who have made...

Gun Control in the USA and Second Amendment: Critical Analysis

3 Pages 1505 Words
If we compare gun laws in the U.S. with other countries, we see that in the U.S. it's not that hard to get a gun and carry it around in public. The government is not allowed to completely regulate guns because of the 2nd Amendment. However, the right is not unlimited. The U.S. Supreme Court has upheld some firearms restrictions,...

Arguments For and Against A Bill of Rights for Animals

1 Page 526 Words
Human beings have been around for a rather short period of time; only about 300-200,000 years when compared to animals who have been around for much longer; approx. 500 million years (‘History of Life on Earth’ Smithsonian). Although the difference in years, animals and humans are similar but we as humans have rights, so why not animals? All animals should...

Bill of Rights: Civil Liberty vs Civil Rights

3 Pages 1178 Words
What is the difference between a civil liberty and a civil right? What are two different amendments related to civil liberties? Briefly explain each and provide examples/ cases that speak to each. Civil Rights – They include how an individual is treated regarding certain rights, and have a protective aspect of the rights. In the US, people may not be...

Role of the Eighth Amendment and the Bill of Rights

2 Pages 748 Words
How much do you really know about the Bill of Rights? Well the Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. These amendments guarantee civil rights and liberties to every individual: the freedom of speech, right to bear arms, rule of due process of law and many more. For example, The Eighth Amendment states: “Excessive...

Right to Bear Arms Essay

4 Pages 1724 Words
Why is the Right to Bear Arms Important Essay Imagine someone is sitting in his living room one day after work, with his feet kicked up and an ice cold sweet tea in his hand. Then all of a sudden, he hears the noise of a creaky front door opening. He runs to his bedroom and reaches into the closet...

Importance of Second Amendment: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1208 Words
Although the 2nd Amendment is only 27 words in its entirety, it has been the focus of controversy many times in the last 223 years. In 1791 when the second amendment was added to the bill of rights America did not have a well put together army. They relied on the civilians to pretty much be the protection if someone...

Should Freedom Be Given or Demanded

1 Page 618 Words
From the beginning of time, many have craved the ability to freely express themselves. Although freedom of speech is a complicated concept, we should not identify it as a challenge. Nonetheless, we should seek to understand it. Freedom of speech is essential for society. A society without freedom of speech, is a society without progression. When citizens are able to...

The Eighth Amendment Referendum: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1064 Words
The referendum to abolish the Eighth Amendment in The Republic of Ireland has been a long-awaited step in the right direction for a more liberalised society in Ireland. After legalising equal marriage for all genders and sexualities; it only seemed fitting that the Irish government would allow the populace to take part in a referendum to drop the Eighth Amendment....

Transgender Issues and Violation of Title IX Policy: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1939 Words
Transgender issues are a topic at the forefront in today’s society. A divisive matter arising from the trangendered, is whether transgender individuals should be allowed to participate in athletics as the gender they identify with, or if they should participate in athletics as their natural-born identity. There are many stakeholders involved, the athletes competing as their natural- born gender, the...

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