Analytical Essay on Customer Service in Tesco and JD Sports

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When a corporation gives assistance and advice to people who purchase or use products or services from the corporate it's called customer service. But customer service is when the customer's complete experience from once they enter the business or maybe once they visit the website to the after-sale service. top quality customer service means keeping customers happy and providing services that they didn't even know that they'd have preferred. Customer service involves intensifying customer has to satisfy or fulfill them.

Tesco could be a multinational grocery business. this implies that it serves 12 countries across Asia and Europe with its market leader within the Uk. There are many useful areas within Tesco for example marketing, finance, production, Human Resources, customer service, and administration. However, for this assignment, I will be able to only concentrate on the subsequent. Tesco has different customer service roles these including:

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  • Checkout operator- provides transactions for goods and services
  • Receptionist- deals with customer complaints and problems
  • Contact center workers- helps customer's residence on time and help load the goods
  • Customer assistant- helps customers shop around the store by helping them by giving them information if they require assistance to get what they need.
  • Customer delivery driver- delivers goods to the customer's residence in time and helps load the items.

The National Health Service, which is known as the NHS, is a not-for-profit organization in the Uk that offers health services. As in many other businesses this business has different roles for its customer distribution.

  • Ambulance service team- enables the hospital to provide assistance to people who are far from the facilities.
  • Receptionist- provides guide and advice to customers that require help
  • Doctors and nurses- help people to deal with their problems and illnesses

Customer service

Different businesses approach customer service in numerous ways. A business's customer service plays a large part in whether customers will come or not. If your customer service isn't up to scratch, then that will show in whether people arrange to return to your business or not. for example, if they weren't happy with their purchase but were pleased with the way it had been treated. Then they're quite likely visiting come. it'd have just been a faulty product but if things were addressed well then, they need to come and buy from them again. Normally people tend to look at online reviews before purchasing something online. this can be actually because people tend to seem at other people's experiences before trying the company business themselves. However, the matter is people tend to place writing bad reviews and not good ones. This doesn't help because people who have had an honest experience wouldn't share with people what it absolutely was like.

A few businesses manage customer service better compared to other businesses. as example, some offer their cash back or gift vouchers. In any case, some don't actually give some thought to customer service. this could affect the business since if the customer service isn't up to plain this may affect who returns to buy again or have anything to do and do with the business. An example is TUI they

An example is TUI they'd awful reviews from a pair of people. they'd said that the hotel package was advertised differently online than after that they had arrived there. It wasn't nearly as good face-to-face because it had been advertised. This now implies that individuals are visiting deliberately before booking with them since this can be occurring on multiple occasions.

Five ways Tesco has strengthened its position

Skills and knowledge needed by staff

In both businesses, the staff will need a set of skills that might be needed in their various roles. However, they will all need communication skills because in order to provide their service and help assist customers on a daily basis, the employees will also need to be able to adequately communicate with the customer to resolve any problems they might be facing. A skill that is usually found in customer service is teamwork. Being able to work in a team can be essential in different situations and to be successful during customer service deliveries. Another skill that every customer service assistant will need is being able to learn and remember the product they are selling. Knowing everything about the product being provided to customers will enable the employees to help the customer get a clear understanding of the product being provided to them. This will enable the employees to help the customer fully understand the functionality and the benefits they will be getting from the product they are purchasing. A manager, on the other hand will have to have good organizational skills as they are responsible to organise their department in the business. Also, they will have to have delegation skills as they will need to distribute tasks to the different members in the organization to get the job done at a quicker pace.

Importance of teamwork and co-operation

Providing good customer service can't be done by one person it requires teamwork. If a customer was to come into the store or institute to complain about a certain aspect of the product service, then it may be necessary to communicate with another member of the team or team leader to provide the solution to the problem this will be providing excellent customer service. Assistance between team members is critical and that can be the difference between excellent customer service and poor customer service. Collaboration between departments is essential when a receptionist in a need to direct customers or even visitors from different businesses. It's essential between businesses when a customer returns a faulty product or has a problem with a product and this means that the business will have to contact the manufacturer to report the problem and help give an idea to fix the situation.

Importance of following organizational rules and procedures

Organizational procedures are instructions that are given to employees to protect consistent standards. They help the reliable customer service in seven ways:

It benefits the business by helping the business meet or exceeds customer service offered by competitors. For example, businesses selling the same product may compete on price. However, many aims to offer a better service. If buyers know that they will get excellent customer service every time they go to a particular business, it gives the business a competitive advantage that they can use to get more profits.

Finally, if the organizational policy is based on the company mission or vision statements these are the main purpose of the business and may define the brand for customers.

This is important for all staff to follow the correct procedures because they are there as a guide to ensure the business' success especially when it comes to customer service. This might include dealing with a refund. Processing a refund may require a supervisor's approval. Finally, it may also include treating customers equally which is actually a legal requirement.

Different types of customers and their needs

A customer is someone who has every right to ask the employee to provide a service as part of their job. Basically, businesses have two different types of customers at work- internal customers and external customers. The definition of internal customers is all colleagues who need assistance to accomplish their duty to their own customers. These include managers, colleagues, and in their own little teams or other departments, supervisors, and other staff. If External customers don't like your product or service, they can take their business elsewhere.

Internal customers

External customers

  • Work in the same organisation
  • They can choose to go to other competitors if they are unhappy with the service or product
  • They might need assistance to deal with their own external customers effectively
  • They are not part of the business
  • Rely on colleagues for prompt partnership
  • They may contact the business with an enquiry
  • They might need information on customers or orders other colleagues have dealt with in the past.
  • They may complain if they are unhappy with the product or service provided
  • An example of internal and external customers in the NHS

Internal customers

External customers

  • Receptionist
  • The public
  • Doctors and nurses
  • The public
  • Examples of internal and external customers in Tesco
  • Internal customers
  • External customers
  • Receptionist
  • Individuals (in-store customers)
  • Market research team
  • Suppliers

Both external and internal customers will have specific needs and different expectations from businesses. Internal customers will need and will expect training to be available for them when they join the business as it will let them know their roles and help the business to operate smoothly. However internal customers will expect a salary for the work they do for the business. An advantage of this is that it can be used as a motivating factor for the employees to put effort when working. However, external customers will expect to be served once they get into the store of business and they will also expect to have value for money which is the balance between the quality of the profit and the price of the product.

The strategy to build a good connection with their customers by providing them with excellent customer service. Good customer service usually leads customers to purchase again from the business.

P2: Examine ways that customer service in a selected business can meet the expectations and satisfaction of customers and adhere to relevant current legalization and regulations

The business JD sports make sure that they meet customer expectations by following the customer service policy they follow. It's greeted, ask listen and greets them. For example, when a customer goes into the store a member of staff would usually go over and greet them. This will make the customer feel welcomed and appreciated. It will also make the customer feel comfortable to go over to a member of staff and ask any questions that they may have or ask for any help. If a member of staff has gotten the signal that a customer would like help and they are serving a customer they should try and listen to see what the customer is asking. For example, if a customer asks for a pair of shoes of a certain size the staff member should listen well and not forget and not get the wrong size because this can trigger a customer into feeling angry and frustrated. It's important that JD's staff members listen to the customers very well.

JD make sure that they meet customer service by offering other options of alternatives when they cannot provide exactly what the customer wants. An example is if the customer wanted to buy a particular shoe size and it's out of stock. We would then go on to recommend a different shoe colour in which their shoe size is available or we will recommend a similar shoe that is in stock. Finally, if there was only one pair left on display then we can offer to order the shoe to them with a £1 next-day delivery charge so that the customer can get a fresh pair.

JD sports ensures customer satisfaction in a few different ways. One of the ways that this is shown is by asking you if you are satisfied with the customer service. Usually, they ask you when you have finished shopping and are actually purchasing your items at the counter. Another way of ensuring that the customers are satisfied is by allowing the customer to try on the products. This will let the customer be satisfied with the clothes their buying ensuring they'll not have to return to the store to get a refund on the products.

JD sports are required to observe the 2010 equality act. This talks about how it is unethical and unlawful for people at work to single out people because of their race, religious beliefs, sexuality, age, disabilities, and gender. This could ruin JD's reputation if this act is broken by a member of the stands while serving a customer. For example, if a staff member is serving a customer and discriminated against them because they see a woman wearing a Burqa. The woman can take further actions against JD which then could end up with JD receiving a fine. They could also be exposed to the public about the customer that was treated unfairly. This could ruin JD's reputation and other women who wear Burqas may feel uncomfortable about going into the store again.

JD can improve their customer service by allowing customers to reserve items that they have in stock. An example is customers can check the stock online and they can reserve the shoes that they want and collect them in-store. The customer can then come and collect the items they want within 24 hours otherwise the items will be put back for someone else to purchase.

How JD keeps its customers satisfied-

  1. JD keeps customers happy by making sure that the store is up to high standards Making sure that it's clean and hygienic. This is good for customers as they are buying clean new clothes. Customers will feel comfortable knowing that the clothes are kept in a clean environment.
  2. JD keep customers satisfied by offering a wide range of products for all ages and genders. They sell designer brands such as Armani and Nike for men, women, juniors and Kids they also sell sportswear.
  3. JD keeps customers happy by responding to customers' complaints as quick as possible. This is good since then they will think that you are taking their complaint seriously and you care about the issue.
  4. Distance selling regulations and consumer contracts regulations
  5. JD have to follow the distance selling regulations and consumer regulations and consumer regulations for the assurance of the customer. This legislation will only be used when somebody is buying an item from a long distance whether on a mobile device or computer.

D1: Evaluate the importance for a selected business of providing excellent customer service and adhering to relevant current legislation and regulations.

Retail shops like JD, have a high expectations from their customers thanks to their large presence within the retail industry. this suggests that customers also will have high expectations from their customer service. the most thing that customers expect from customer service is an exclusive one to at least one Customer service. they require in-person customer service that they wouldn't be able to get online. this can let customers get service that they desire and is privileged to them and not hypothesized to everyone. this may make the shoppers feel as if they're being heard. within the current society, customers expect staff working with customer service to be kind to their customers. However, customers can get frustrated if their expectations aren't met to their standards.

JD sports provide high-quality customer service online and in-store. once you enter to at least one of its 696 stores JD provides wonderful customer service. they need staff walking to create sure you discover everything you were trying to find and to answer any questions. If you can not find what you're trying to find during your visit then they're going to try their certain to support you and facilitate you during your visit. JD use the acronym GOALS which individual letters symbolize greet, observe, ask, listen and serve. They greet their customers using this acronym because JD believes that customers feel welcome to the shop. the explanation that they observe others and walk around is because the staff at JD believes that each one customer are different, and a few might have more assistance than others. So, the staff members should observe to determine when it's sort of a customer is in need of help. they're trained to be able to read the customer's signals that show they have help. the rationale why the staff ask is because customers can become frustrated when there isn't much service available. JD think that it's critical to let the customer know that staff have an interest in their shopping experience, this fashion customers are more satisfied. The logic behind this can be JD believes that it helps the customers feel valued. Then in spite of everything of this JD's staff must serve. this may benefit the customer into feeling satisfied and possibly promote others to the business. it's vital for JD to follow these steps future whiles providing customer service this is often because it ends up in success for the business.

However, JD can improve their customer service in many various ways. they'll try this by letting people order products to the stores rather than the customer's home or a post office. for instance, in some instances customers will come to the shop and what they want to do on the shoes. However, if you get them delivered to a customer's home and they don't fit then they need to travel through the effort of sending it back. But if they order shoes to the shop then they will try them on and if they don't fit then the customer can just return them to the shop which might be way more convenient to the customer. this is able to make the customer feel as If the shop operates in making the shoppers feel happy and prioritized rather than the opposite way round. they will also improve their customer service by requesting for patrons to relinquish reviews. Then they'll improve their customer service in a way that customers prefer. it's vital that they follow customer service legislation because it will make the customer acquainted with the shop's policies and the way it operates. this can be good because it will reduce the quantity of confusion and frustration among customers. for instance, one policy that JD has currently when serving shoes is that when the customer tried on the shoe, they're only allowed to undertake on one shoe at a time. this is often in order that the customer doesn't try and wear both shoes with great care that they'll try to run away with the shoes without purchasing them. This sometimes makes the customer frustrated because one JD is abiding by one policy and therefore the other isn't. last it's important that each JD stores follow the identical policy so customers don't get frustrated.

Customer service is critical for JD since it's the key to assembling a relationship with customers and keeping customers coming got the shop. they have to stay customers happy because if they don't then they wouldn't come meaning that JD are losing money. this can lead into JD reaching their goals in making profits for the corporate to grow. Good customer service will make people come to the shop more often as they're treated well and with respect, this may allow JD to achieve targets and increase profits. However, if they are treated badly then they're less likely to come back into the shop and shop. this may then decrease store profits and therefore the reputation of the corporate.

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Analytical Essay on Customer Service in Tesco and JD Sports. (2022, December 27). Edubirdie. Retrieved March 4, 2025, from
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