Analytical Essay Examples

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Social Issues

Hip-Hop's Impact on Gun Violence in US

6 Pages 2729 Words
Background To The Study Gun violence is a extensive issue not only in the United States but around the world. The gun violence epidemic has been on the rise for the last decade. In the United States, gun laws are not heavily enforced in numerous states making it easy to get your hands on a gun. The Hip Hop community...

Analytical Essay on Ethical Issues of Violence in Video Games

4 Pages 1901 Words
Abstract This paper aims to explore video game controversy, its significance and how it ethically impacts people. The ethical issues of violence in video games, as well as gaming addiction will be evaluated and determined if they are ethical issues or not. Influence of video game controversy in other countries will be discussed as well. Video Game Controversy 1. Introduction...

Impacts of Industrial Revolution: Positives and Negatives

3 Pages 1364 Words
Revolution, reformation of an existing constitution, has taken place throughout mankind's’ history and varies enormously in terms of strategies, durations and beliefs. One of the revolutions that created major modifications in human history is Industrial Revolution. Industrial revolution is the progression to new manufacturing processes. During the revolution, production of the necessities of life, such as- foods, clothings, shelter, fuels,...

Negative impact of environment in Silent Spring

6 Pages 2724 Words
Introduction “There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature- the assurance that dawn comes after night and spring after winter” - Rachel Carson Nature remains as the beginning of the world. It is believed that God created nature first and then human beings to preserve and enjoy its ambiance. Human’s duty to preserve nature have been started...

Gun Violence in the US: A Complex Analysis

3 Pages 1434 Words
Intro to the issue: This case study will focus on the issue of gun violence in the US and its complicated nature. The presentation will analyze how human rights play a part in an issue that seems to be less complicated than it is. This is an issue of security on a national level, that ties into the Peace and...

Highway Safety and Change in Speed Limits: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1464 Words
In this twenty-first century and modern society, the number accident and crashes have been biggest concern due to the increase in transportation system and changes in speed limits. Speed limits have been implemented in the US since 1861 and it has resulted in minimizing accidents so far. But, as like all, they need to be updated whenever required and this...

Issues of Freedom of Speech in Canada: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 789 Words
Freedom of speech, our right to say what we please without the fear of being censored or persecuted, one of the most essential conditions of any free society. Protected by laws, constitutions, and in Canada by our Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the freedom of speech is considered an integral concept of modern liberal democracies. As the years have progressed...

Analytical Essay on Critics of Black Lives Matter Movement

2 Pages 1051 Words
#BlackLivesMatter is a movement that fights for the freedom and justice of black people in a world where these basic rights weren’t afforded to all. This movement was in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer, George Zimmerman. It’s an ideological and political movement in a world where Black lives are systematically and intentionally targeted - a declaration of...

Analytical Essay on Current Status of Cognitive Psychology

3 Pages 1468 Words
Cognitive psychology is a young branch of psychology which involves the study of mental processes: every other process that goes inside brain including attention, perception, language, memory, problem solving, decision making, creative thinking and thought processes. It looks at how one acquire information one received and how treatment of this information lead to one’s responses, that is in simple word...

Market Information System and Marketing Research Systems

3 Pages 1505 Words
Market Information systems MIS is an Info method which helps in providing the management of an group with Info which is used by management for decision making. A management info method (MIS) is a subset of the overall internal controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technology, and procedures by management accountants to solving business problems such...

Difference between Hard Work and Intelligence: Analytical Essay

1 Page 590 Words
Introduction When simply defined, intelligence refers to the ability of a human being to apply knowledge to the everyday workings of life. Whereas hard work refers to, in simple terms, a great deal of endurance or effort. However, hard work is a term that is truly applicable to everyone, because it is not inborn. Hard work can be developed unlike...

Analysis of Heroic Characteristics in Beowulf and Other Texts

7 Pages 3313 Words
Literature is a timeless source of entertainment no matter when it was written. The reader can gain insight on the values and culture from even a thousand years ago. Readers can gather a valuable understanding about how literature reflects the evolution of a hero-like character throughout different periods in history. Throughout the Middle Ages, a hero is shown through physical...

Concept of Post-Traumatic Distress Syndrome in Slaughterhouse-Five

7 Pages 3125 Words
As a soldier in World War II, the author Kurt Vonnegut experienced the bombing of Dresden, Germany, in 1945, while being held in that city as a POW. This one experience seemed to affect Vonnegut significantly during his entire life, as he would return to this topic, writing about it on more than one occasion. His most direct account of...

Analysis of Black Lives Matter: Background and Purpose

3 Pages 1283 Words
Since the beginning of time people have been exercising their social media skills without even being aware of it. Referencing, telling stories, creating an identity for themselves and simply sharing information are all things that eventually escalated into the social media platforms we all know and love today. The first social media site ever created was called Six Degrees, it...

Politics in Education: Analysis of The American Education System

3 Pages 1350 Words
Politics in Education The American Education System has always had a close relationship with politics. Over time, this relationship has become increasingly complicated as the education system relies more on a government that does not consistently fulfill its needs. In this essay, three different aspects of the education system in America will be evaluated. The Every Student Succeeds Act, the...

Basics of Mills' Sociological Imagination: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1611 Words
Mills sociological imagination requires each of us to combine our personal experiences with historical context and social factors, rather than just focusing on our own personal experiences. I have a special personal experience, that is, I have experienced a whole decade of exam-oriented education in China, among which the process of preparing for the college entrance examination had the greatest...

Definition and Essence of Behaviorism: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 850 Words
Behaviorism is a psychological school of thought most prominent during the early 20th century up until the late 20th century. The paradigm as a whole defined psychology as the study of behavior rather than the study of consciousness which was once assumed as central to the field. Behaviorism can be defined as “the theory that human and animal behavior can...

Cognitive Psychology in How Doctors Think

2 Pages 909 Words
In the engaging and well put together book, Jerome Groopman, the author of How Doctors Think (2008), explores the mind behind of the physician’s mind. The explicit purpose of How doctors think is to give laypeople an understanding of the medical mind so that they can participate more actively in clinical conversations and improve the care that they receive. In...

Main Consequences and Results of American Revolution: Analytical Essay

2 Pages 1027 Words
The American Revolution was an integral turning point in American history. Before to the Revolution, women didn’t play significant roles in American society, there was little to no national unification, and the government, for the most part, was in an infantile stage. However, the American Revolution transformed the roles of women in society, encouraged patriotism and unification, and acted as...

Causes and Origin of the First Industrial Revolution: Analytical Essay

1 Page 671 Words
Appearing on the world manufacturing scene with a bang and a puff of black smoke, the Industrial Revolution marked a pivotal moment in global history. Though the idea was initially scorned by some, such as Indian nationalist and spiritual leader Mahatma Gandhi, who preferred the small-scale handicraft of earlier centuries, the concept soon took hold. Before long, industrialization spread from...

Marketing Research: Definition, Objectives and Types

5 Pages 2125 Words
Introduction The subject of marketing research is the result of consumer oriented marketing. Today, it has become necessary to study systematically the different aspects relating to marketing process with regard to fulfilling the expectations and needs of the consumer by the right thing (product), at the right time and at the right place. In the simple words, marketing research is...

Gun Violence As a Continuous Nationwide Problem: Analytical Essay

3 Pages 1582 Words
Gun control laws have been enforced in the United States for several years. Gun violence is becoming a continuous nationwide problem. The United States has the highest rate of gun deaths in the world. Japan and Australia are among the few countries who have the least gun violence due to the strict laws of prohibiting citizens from owning firearms. There...

Gandhi’s Philosophy of Education: Analytical Essay

7 Pages 3001 Words
Abstract Gandhiji’s philosophy of education was not the upshot of any study of modern or ancient educational movements in India or elsewhere. This educational theory is original, new and epoch making. It evolved out of his wide and long experiences of the political, social and economic life of his country. In Gandhian scheme of education, knowledge must be related to...

Camus's Absurdity in Sisyphus: An Analysis

3 Pages 1179 Words
According to Albert Camus, the Absurd is man’s impossible search for meaning in life arising from our desire to understand the world and our existence but never being able to. Camus expands upon this idea by stating that the only response to the absurdity of life is Revolt and not suicide. In this essay, I argue in support of Camus’...

Vital Role of Mercy Otis Warren in American Revolution

2 Pages 703 Words
Between the 1650s and the 1770s, the American colonies enjoyed an excellent economic period leading to excellent living standards but lacked freedom and liberty. With the imposition of Parliamentary taxes and more control of the British to the American colonies, politically inspired movements began to form within the colonies to oppose the British and fight for freedom. There were several...

Costco on Financial Management & Markets

6 Pages 2564 Words
Introduction Costco is among largest wholesale Corporations in the world right after Walmart. It has 760 warehouses, which make it largest wholesale club operator. What make them even larger is the fact that they have wide variety of merchandise and services. Some services include Food Service, Optical, Travel, Auto Program, Photo, even Online Shopping, which makes Costco extremely convenient place...

US Mass Shootings & Video Game Violence

6 Pages 2948 Words
Introduction to the Mass Shooting Dilemma in America Americans are far too used to hearing on the news that a mass shooting has occurred. Regardless of where it takes place, Americans find themselves in the same frustrating position of having to yet again ask, “what can we do to stop this?” It is a question that many countries have addressed...

Sociological Imagination & Sensitivities

3 Pages 1514 Words
People are social creatures and our interactions with other people play a critical part of our lives that, unfortunately, impedes on our individual sense of uniquity. This phenomenon can be described as the advertent and inadvertent influence of social structures that limit our agency. Social structures being the relationships that bring various parts of society closer together (Crossman & Scherer,...

How did the Great Depression lead to WW2

4 Pages 1724 Words
Unsurprisingly, at the end of the Second World War, the Allied powers started planning a new order of international finance and trade at the Bretton Wood Conference. Indeed, such plans reflected the Allied powers’ common understanding that the war in Europe and Asia had economic, ideological, and political causes. The major powers which responded to the Great Depression of the...
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