Argumentative essays

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Social Issues

Why Study Philosophy: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 692 Words
Philosophy is the study of the founder’s mental nature of knowledge and reality. This short essay will be focusing on the meaning of philosophy for us today and it will also outline the different ways how philosophy can help us as humans to face reality as it is like a tool to enhance our knowledge about things we do not...

Reducing Gap: Rich vs Poor Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2154 Words
Before I start my essay, I would like to introduce some abbreviations and special proper noun that appears in my essay. The first one is OECD. OECD is the abbreviation of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. It is an intergovernmental economic organization with 36 member countries, promoting economic growth and world trade. The second one is the Gini...

Should the Dropout Age Be Raised to 18 Years: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2397 Words
Over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States each year. 21 states and the District of Columbia have passed mandatory laws that allow students to stay in school even when they have passed the age of 16. However, the USA has passed a compulsory law that requires that all children attend school at least from...

Should Tablets Replace Textbooks in K-12 Schools: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 1039 Words
With each passing year, school systems strive to become the best/top school in their district by developing new ways to help further educate young minds and improve overall testing scores. To achieve their goals, some schools have cut down on recess and increased classroom proactivity. Other schools just simply took out basic electives such as home EC and workshops and...

Private Schools Should Be Banned for Equality of Opportunity

2 Pages 736 Words
John Rawls’ idea of fair equality of opportunity is that an individual receives an equal and fair chance at success based on their talent and not social class. Citizens with the same talents and eagerness to use them have the same educational and career opportunities, regardless of whether they were born wealthy or in a different class. The theory is...

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Be a Surgeon

3 Pages 1190 Words
“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost” (Erol Ozan). Many people do not know what life will bring or what path they should go until that opportunity arrives. Life is a pretty strange thing; it's beautiful, yet not in every case is simple, it has issues, and the challenge lies in confronting them with mental fortitude. Every one...

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Be a Dental Hygienist

2 Pages 1097 Words
Recently, I have had an increasing interest in dental hygiene. The reason behind my choice could be influenced by the history of my family, in which dental care was the least of their concerns. This caused them to face an overall impact on their health later on in their life. On the other hand, I have always been taking care...

Free Education Should Be a Right, Not a Privilege: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 675 Words
The first thing that comes to mind when the word ‘privileged’ is mentioned, you normally would think of an advantage that individuals have that others do not. An example of privileged is the money to afford an expensive education. In this case, education should not be considered a privilege nor should it be earned. Free education may not be a...

Churches Should Pay Taxes: Separation of Church and State Principle

3 Pages 1237 Words
When America declared independence from Great Britain, the Founding Fathers made it clear that they never wanted any American citizen to experience the tyranny that they felt again. One way they planned to do this was the separation of church and state. Under this theory, the government would not support any one religion, which would promote religious freedom in the...

Argumentative Essay on Why I Want to Be a Chef

2 Pages 1042 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions a person has to make because it will influence the rest of your life. I chose to become a chef for a number of reasons but mainly to push myself to be better. My greatest strength and worst weakness is my pursuit of perfection. As I progressed through culinary arts,...

Birthright Citizenship and the 14th Amendment: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1368 Words
Five million children are living in the U.S. today. Children of every race, every ethnicity, every religion, every kind of identification. But of the five million children in the U.S., only about 4.1 million have U.S. citizenship at birth. 100,000 holding a green card, while the remaining 900,000 are themselves unauthorized. But they all are brought into the world the...

The Importance of Being Creative for a Teacher

2 Pages 724 Words
Without creativity to boost our lives and capture our attention, life would be completely uneventful. In their article, authors Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman state, “All around us are matters of national and international importance that are crying out for creative solutions, from saving the Gulf of Mexico to bringing peace to Afghanistan to delivering health care”. This applies to...

Is Psychological Hedonism Morally Good: Argumentative Essay

5 Pages 2494 Words
Hedonism comes from the Greek word ‘hedone’ which means ‘for pleasure’. It is also a way of life that is characterized by openness to a pleasurable experience for satisfaction, contentment, and happiness. There are also cases in which hedonism can be rejected on moral grounds and is said to be detrimental to long-term happiness. There are various opinions about the...

Argumentative Essay on Social Media and Vaccines

6 Pages 2588 Words
The disease is a simple handshake. Contagious viruses spread throughout the nations like wildfire. When a new sickness turns into an epidemic, panic spreads rampant and many may wonder if there exists a cure for protection. The answer to that question lies in vaccines. Vaccines are a collection of the inactive form of a disease that, once injected into the...

The Glass Castle': Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 893 Words
Jeanette Walls’ memoir, The Glass Castle, recounts the unconventional chronicles of Jeanette’s unusual childhood marked by tenacious poverty and a chaotic lifestyle embodied at the hands of her dysfunctional parents and their errant manner of living. Exceptional attention to Jeanette’s story arises as although her parents were observed as irresponsible, remiss, and inattentive, they did cope to instill their children's...

History of Sexual Harassment: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1507 Words
In trying to understand sexual harassment one first has to learn where it derived from and what the roots of sexual harassment are. Sexism nowadays has a prevailing importance in many people’s lives. But what exactly does sexism mean? As sexism, one can understand discrimination based on someone’s gender or sex. Sexism can affect anyone no matter their age, nationality,...

Argumentative Essay on Religion and Sexual Harassment

3 Pages 1398 Words
The #MeToo was started in 2006 by Taraba Burke and her main objective was to spread the message of survivors (MacKinnon). In 2017, this movement was again raised by actress Alysa Milano when she tweets a message about harassment. After that people shared their bad experiences and stories about sexual harassment and abuse. Individuals from different fields share their experiences...

Is Google an Ethical Company: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 924 Words
Introduction Businesses are facing challenges to conform to professional rules including professional conduct, accountability, fairness, and professional integrity. Through observation, it has been reported that companies conforming to rightful ethical practicing are decreasing significantly. Companies are nowadays bypassing transparency and accountability and start focusing on maximizing the shareholders' return by trying to optimize profits at whatever cost attached to the...

Is Google a Monopoly: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 925 Words
Google, a corporate titan that has existed for approximately 20 years ago, possesses a massive power that sways large parts of the United States economy and society, ranging from political issues to personal shopping habits, from the stock market to the manufacturing of small businesses. With Google’s enormous size and dominance over the users’ database and economies of scale, some...

Why Is the First Amendment the Most Important: Argumentative Essay

2 Pages 1027 Words
While on the tour of Wall Street, we were able to see many important historical sites. The sights reflected the roots of New York and how it came to be. We were able to see where many important historical events happened in New Amsterdam and how life was. One of the more important sights we saw was Federal Hall. Being...

Are Students Protected by the First Amendment: Argumentative Essay

4 Pages 1797 Words
In this era, the youth are both encouraged and feel more inclined to participate in politics than ever before. The internet, as well as public areas such as colleges and universities, all provide a space for self-expression. However, the media and youth have also taken it upon themselves to deem what is politically correct, leading to mass self-censorship amongst those...

Mocha Uson Blog: Facebook Fake News Debate

5 Pages 2459 Words
Abstract The essay discusses the pervasiveness of fake news on Facebook as well as the role of the Mocha Uson Blog. The author discussed how Facebook fake news is viewed in both the international and Philippine setting and the perceptions of netizens therewith. The essay also showed the biography and career of Mocha Uson, and how Mocha Uson Blog affected...

Stop Child Abuse: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 670 Words
Nowadays, we often heard news on child abuse. Newspaper, television, radios, and many other media platform remind us daily about child abuse. Even our own beloved country, Malaysia is now happened to have a lot of child abuse reports. Sometimes it happens between the victims’ families. These cases scared us the most because we trusted our own family more than...

Thesis Statement on Capital Punishment: Argumentative Essay

3 Pages 1342 Words
If Australians are caught and found guilty of smuggling illegal drugs into another country that has the death penalty as the standard punishment for such a crime, then it is not morally right that they are sentenced according to that country’s laws. To prove this statement, I am going to focus on two ethical theories. Retributivism is an ethical theory...

Argumentative Essay about Bipolar Disorder: Is Lithium a Salvation

5 Pages 2184 Words
Is Lithium a Salvation for Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mental illness that causes extreme fluctuation in mood. One day, a patient may be manic, full of energy, then depressed to the point that the patient won’t leave their bed for days. These symptoms, extreme and unpredictable in nature, require constant medication and supervision. The main drug used...

Replacing Articles of Confederation with Constitution

1 Page 510 Words
The Articles of Confederation was an agreement made between the colonies and was also the first framework of government for the United States. This was used from 1781 to 1788 but was later replaced by the Constitution (518). Many people like James Madison and Alexander Hamilton believed Americans were wasting the independence they were given and that the country would...

Was the American Revolution Successful: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 403 Words
“The American Revolution was a beginning, not a consummation” - Woodrow Wilson. The American Revolution was revolutionary by definition because it was successful regarding political, economic, women's rights and freedom for African Americans. In fact, despite all of the obvious costs and excesses brought throughout this historical event, it also brought numerous benefits not just for citizens living in the...

LGBT Argumentative Essay

1 Page 668 Words
Various movements toward civil rights for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community have begun around the world as early as 1969 during the Stonewall Riots. More and more recently, we as a global community have seen acceptance of LGBT culture with gay marriage legalized in all 50 U.S. states in 2015, which sparked other countries, such as India,...

‘The Veldt’ Argumentative Essay

1 Page 590 Words
Introduction Ray Bradbury's short story, "The Veldt," presents a cautionary tale about the dangers of uncontrolled technological advancement and its potential impact on humanity. The story depicts a future where a virtual reality nursery takes control over the lives of its inhabitants, leading to disastrous consequences. This essay argues that "The Veldt" serves as a strong argument against unregulated technology...

The Cost of Survival: Argumentative Essay

1 Page 536 Words
Introduction Survival is a primal instinct embedded in the human psyche. Throughout history, individuals and societies have faced challenging circumstances that forced them to make difficult choices to ensure their survival. However, these choices often come at a cost, raising profound ethical dilemmas. This essay will argue that while survival is a fundamental human right, the cost of survival must...
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