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Cell Reproduction: Mitosis And Meiosis

2 Pages 1064 Words
Cell Reproduction Cell reproduction is an important of human physiology. In this case, an expectant woman is presenting with a cut that is slow to heal. In human beings, there are two distinct types of cell reproduction processes responsible for cell division, meiosis and mitosis. Mitosis is a continuous process that goes in in somatic cells responsible for tissue growth,...
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The Aspects Of Animal Biotechnology

2 Pages 1038 Words
Animal biotechnology has developed quickly over the past 2 decades. Animal biotechnology is a part of biotechnology in which molecular biology is utilized genetically engineer animals so as to improve their suitability for pharmaceutical, farming or industrial applications. Animal biotechnology has been utilized to deliver genetically modified animals that combine helpful proteins, have improved development rates or are resistance to...

Plant population and geometry optimization for resource management

4 Pages 1955 Words
Abstract Optimization of the plant population is one of the most important aspect for better growth and development of the crops. Optimum population of the plants is required to utilize all the growth factors viz. nutrients, water, light and space. If space is not properly utilized then there can be the more weed infestation which highly affects the crop production....

Plant Health Detection

3 Pages 1548 Words
ABSTRACT Agriculture is a key source of livelihood. Indian agriculture consist of many crops and according to survey nearly 80% of population is depended on agriculture. Most of Indian farmers are doing manual cultivation. Farmers are not aware about what kind of crops might grow on their land. Plants are affected by heterogeneous diseases that will affect the production of...
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An Effective Way To Get Rid Of The Bacteria On Your Computer Keyboard

2 Pages 870 Words
Bacteria are thought to be the initial occupants of planet earth. They first appeared some 4 billion years ago, when the earth was void and just an empty wasteland. Bacteria are everywhere, from our stomachs, to the food we eat, to our toilet seats. And while a large percentage of them are necessary for life to exist, yet another percentage...
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Inoculation Of Plant-Growth Promoting Bacteria

2 Pages 780 Words
Plants are affected by various factors including abiotic and biotic stresses in nature. Due to the recent climate changes, crop production has seriously dropped. One of the many abiotic factors that contributes to this issue is osmotic shock or osmotic stress in plants, which results from salinity, drought, and low temperature (Upadhyaya et al., 2013). Osmotic adjustment plays a significant...

Mitosis In The Roots Of Garlic

2 Pages 776 Words
Background Information Mitosis is a process that takes place in the nucleus of a dividing cell, involves typically a series of steps consisting of prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase, and results in the formation of two new nuclei each having the same number of chromosomes as the parent nucleus. Mitosis consists of four phases: prophase,metaphase,anaphase and telophase. To plant garlic...
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Impact of Potassium on Botanical Development

2 Pages 779 Words
Introduction Potassium, an essential macronutrient, plays a crucial role in plant growth and development. It is a vital component of plant nutrition, influencing various physiological processes such as enzyme activation, photosynthesis, osmoregulation, and stress resistance. The significance of potassium in agriculture cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts crop yield and quality. According to Marschner (2012), potassium is the third...
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Importance Of Plant Breeding In Agriculture OF Pakistan

3 Pages 1351 Words
Pant breeding Plant breeding in a simple language is genetic improvement of plants for the best economic productivity. It could also be defined in terms of art and science of changing and improving the hereditary of plants. History Plant breeding was practiced first when people learned to look for superior plants to harvest for seed, thus selection became the earliest...
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The Secrets Of Viruses & Bacteria: Evolution To Epidemic

3 Pages 1399 Words
The transformative history of infections speaks to an interesting, though cloudy, theme for virologists and cell scientists. Due to the extraordinary assorted variety among infections, researcher have battled with how to characterize these elements and how to relate them to the traditional tree of life. They may speak to hereditary components that picked up the capacity to move between cells....

Methods Of Detecting Cell Proliferation

4 Pages 1629 Words
The cells in the cell cycle need to be assessed in order to ensure the prognosis of the disease. It serves as an important hallmark to differentiate between healthy state and disease condition. The cell cycle, or cell-division cycle, is the series of events that take place in a cell leading to its division and duplication of its DNA (DNA...

Plant-Based Food: Is It Truly Worth The Hype?

4 Pages 1935 Words
Plant-based food. Definitely unheard of amongst foodies, the growing demand for it has taken the food industry by storm. According to the Plant Based Foods Association, plant-based food saw a retail growth of 11% in 2019, compared to other retail foods who had a minor 2% on average (Simon). Not forgetting the increasing number of companies that are hopping on...
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Effectiveness of Effective Microorganisms on Chicken Manure Composting

4 Pages 2008 Words
ABSTRACT New technology in organic waste management converts poultry manure into high-quality biofertilizer using effective microorganisms (EM). The high price of currently used imported EM limits compost production. Without treatment, the application of untreated manure in agriculture will contribute to fly problem. Therefore, it is necessary to find locally available, cheap and effective EM alternatives. This study aims to determine...

The Effect Of Different Carbonated Liquids On The Rate Of Photosynthesis

3 Pages 1537 Words
ABSTRACT The problem that was researched and studied, was how to increase the rate of photosynthesis. This topic is important because photosynthesis is one of the most important processes regarding all life on Earth. By increasing the rate of photosynthesis, the process will be able to generate more energy at a faster pace. The procedure used to study this conflict...

Ecology Of Medicinal Plant

2 Pages 1084 Words
When a child in the developed world feels sick, usually her/his parents take the child to visit a doctor. The doctor then prescribes a medicine of some sort, and the family leaves the hospital with a soon to be healthy child. The advanced medicines such as pills, syrups, inhalants, eg., have progressed human society to fight diseases and illnesses. The...

Impact of Temp & Concentration on Membrane Diffusion

4 Pages 1705 Words
Introduction Biology may be a scientific study of life within which we examine the essential components to living things and their key habits to survival. to grasp this process, we first have a look at the organism’s cell. The cell was discovered and derived because the basic unit of life by British scientist, scientist. From his study, he concocted the...

Plant Disease Detection with Deep Learning & CNN

3 Pages 1554 Words
ABSTRACT Deep learning methods are greatly admired in the research field of agriculture. The fundamental basic key aspect of agriculture is soil for crop growing.Here we identify plant disease and provide remedies that can be used as a defence mechanism against the disease. The database obtained from the Internet is properly segregated and the different plant species are identified and...

The Classification Of Plant Seedling

5 Pages 2491 Words
Abstract Plant seedling classification is crucial for biodiversity conservation. Based on analysis of CNN, we propose a system to classify plant seedlings with minimum classification error. By machine learning algorithm, convolutional neural network have been applied to different datasets. We used training set and test set of images of plant seedlings at various stages of grown. The dataset comprises 12...

Mechanisms of Pathogen Transmission

2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Pathogenic microorganisms, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, are agents that can cause disease in humans and other organisms. Understanding how these pathogens are transmitted is crucial for public health initiatives and for formulating effective prevention and control strategies. Transmission can occur through various pathways, including direct contact, airborne particles, and vectors such as insects. Each mode of...

Plant Disease Classification with Neural Networks

4 Pages 1703 Words
ABSTRACT The plant disease diagnosis is restricted by person’s visual capabilities as it is microscopic in nature. Due to optical nature of plant monitoring task, computer visualization methods are adopted in plant disease recognition. The aim is to detect the symptoms of the disease occurred in leaves in an accurate way. Once the captured image is pre-processed, the various properties...

The Hidden Threat: Foodborne Pathogens in Sandwiches

2 Pages 719 Words
Introduction In recent years, the consumption of ready-to-eat (RTE) sandwiches has seen a significant rise due to their convenience and accessibility. However, this convenience may come at a cost to public health. Food poisoning bacteria in RTE sandwiches pose a serious threat, potentially leading to severe health complications. The prevalence of foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli...
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Significance And Sources Of Protein

4 Pages 2061 Words
Protein is an important nutrient. Aside from its many benefits, it can also help you shed that stubborn weight you have been trying to lose for months, and make you feel full for longer hours. However, it is essential to control the intake of protein as too much of it can cause more harm than good. There are many sumptuous...
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Mantle Cell Lymphoma: An Epidemiological Review Of Hong Kong Patients

6 Pages 2603 Words
Introduction Mantle cell lymphoma, previously known as diffuse small cleaved cell lymphoma and centrocytic lymphoma , is a low-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma. It is a mature B cell neoplasm, consisting of mature B cells which have exited the bone marrow. Traditionally, MCL is known to be a very aggressive NHL despite its low-grade nature, and is considered to be incurable with...

A Review On Microbiology Of Biogasification

5 Pages 2432 Words
Abstract The biodegradation of natural matter to create methane and carbon dioxide requires the intuitive of assorted populaces of microscopic organisms. The parts of each of these living beings within the handle and how they connected with each other is caught on as it were in a simple way. This paper depicts the examination of the microbial biology of the...

Stem Cell Therapy For Cerebral Palsy

1 Page 627 Words
In his brilliant and award-winning, yet slightly disturbing and controversial novel “Stuck in Neutral”, Terry Trueman narrates the fictional story of Shawn McDaniel, a fourteen-year-old boy with Cerebral Palsy. Shawn, self-portrayed as happy and more intelligent than most, is robbed of his ability to control his muscles, suffers from frequent seizures, and is viewed by others as retarded. This leaves...

Novel Control Of Cell Migration In Cancer

3 Pages 1400 Words
Popeye domain-containing (POPDC) proteins are effector proteins that bind to cAMP to create a second messenger response that can influence the behaviour of cancer cells (Amunjela & Tucker, 2016). There are three different genes POPDC1, POPDC2 and POPDC3 that encode these proteins, however only POPDC1 and POPDC3 have been related to cancer cell behaviour. POPDC1 and POPDC3 are organised in...

Microbial Synergy and Human Health

2 Pages 1036 Words
Introduction Microorganisms, though invisible to the naked eye, play a crucial role in the ecosystem and have a profound impact on human life. These ubiquitous entities, which include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and protozoa, have co-evolved with humans, establishing intricate relationships that range from symbiotic to pathogenic. The human microbiome, a complex community of microorganisms residing primarily in the gut, influences...

Cell Therapy For The Treatment Of Cardiovascular Diseases

6 Pages 2508 Words
Summary Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death worldwide with myocardial infarction being the frontrunner for morbidity and mortality. Although medical and surgical treatments currently can significantly improve patient outcomes there exists no treatment that can generate new cardiac tissue or reverse the damage caused by cardiovascular disease. With new research being available that challenges the idea that myocytes...

Microbes And Their Interaction With Humans

4 Pages 2033 Words
Microorganisms are very tiny organisms that has a great impact in life activities. These microorganisms have been a subject of research and more of microbial functions are yet to be discovered. The aim of this essay is to explore the classification, structure and functions of microorganisms, Microbial growth with growth curves and factors that affects microbial survival and lastly, the...

The Motility Of Cells

1 Page 653 Words
Bacteria is an example of a unicellular prokaryote. Several bacteria move by turning the flagellum (Kojima, 2015). Several movable bacteria move in fluid or on a firm exterior utilising their flagellum. The flagellum has a spiral shape and expands from the cell body. The flagellum’s turning movement causes the bacterial cell to swim. The rotary motor located in the inner...

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