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How to Take Care of Trees? Essay

1 Page 444 Words
Some trees can stand the test of time, like Methuselah, the pine that has lived through thousands of California summers. Then, of course, there are the trees that hold a special place in our hearts. We can enjoy them for most of our lives–if we take care of them. That’s why Rachel, a Davey blog reader from Utah, asked, “We...

Infection of Rubber Trees Caused by South America Leaf Blight

2 Pages 1104 Words
Rubber tree or rubber plant, Hevea brasiliensis is belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae. It has soft wood, high, branching limbs and a large area of bark. These trees are generally found in low-altitude moist forests, wetlands, riparian zones, forest gaps, and disturbed areas which located in rainforests in the Amazon region of South America. It is the most beneficial, useful...

Epistemology of Falling Trees and Sound

2 Pages 1112 Words
Introduction The question about whether a tree falling in the forest makes a sound when there is no one to hear it is a philosophical puzzle, which has elicited unending debates in various circles. As Livingston argues, humans need coherent answers to archetypal patterns (12), and thus the answer to this question could be “yes” or “no” depending on how...

The Sound of the Trees, and the Noise of the People

1 Page 558 Words
Robert Frost was a prolific American poet born on March 26, 1874, in San Francisco. Although he holds the absolute record for the number of Pulitzer Prizes for Poetry awarded to a single person, Frost struggled to find any recognition in his early years. In fact, he had to work at a farm for some time just to support his...

City Trees and Climate Change: Act Green and Get Healthy Essay

4 Pages 1641 Words
Introduction Nowadays, rapid climate change occurs due to active urbanization, as the growth of cities contributes to the urban heat-island effect (Gill et al., 2007). City trees play a critical role in ameliorating the heat-island effect and in removing particulate matter (PM) from the air (Gill et al., 2007). Consequently, increasing the number of city trees in spatial design could...

The Pisonia Tree Lures and Murders Birds for No Good Reason

1 Page 497 Words
Let’s start with where the Pisonia tree is found. It is an indigenous tree species indigenous to the tropical waters of the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. When talking about a cruel and a savage plant, the Pisonia just fits the bill. But, how does this thing happen and the tree claim the lives of many birds? Experts studying the...

Importance of Trees Essay

1 Page 580 Words
Trees are very important, valuable and necessary to our existence as they have furnished us with two important life essentials; food and oxygen. Apart from basically keeping us alive, there are many other little and big benefits we get from trees. So, trees are vital resources for the survival of all living beings. Therefore, Governments world over and many Organizations...

Essay of Trees our Best Friends

1 Page 417 Words
It is correctly said that “when you plant a tree, you plant a life”. Trees are one of the greatest blessings for humans from mother earth. The most important thing one must remember is that trees do not need us, rather we need them. Apart from the countless benefits they have, trees our certainly our best friends. They are the...

Reaction to Rebecca Skloot's Novel 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

3 Pages 1398 Words
My first reaction to this book was outrage. What an extremely disgraceful way for medical professionals to treat a human being. Henrietta’s story raises questions about ethics, race, and informed consent. John Hopkins University Hospital should be ashamed of themselves! There is an element of time frame that could be used to account for a practice that was status quo...

Science vs Religion in 'The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks'

4 Pages 1658 Words
Religion and science are two mutually incompatible subjects with unattackable opinions. The conflict between the two ideas have been debated for many years and continues on today. These two subjects are expansive on their ideas where faith and fact come into play when persuading someone to believe. Religion and science are two controversies that are displayed in ‘The Immortal Life...

The Herpes Simplex Virus Type II

2 Pages 795 Words
Introduction The Type II Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-2) remains a significant public health challenge due to its high prevalence and its association with genital herpes. Affecting millions globally, HSV-2 is a lifelong condition characterized by episodic outbreaks and asymptomatic shedding. This essay examines the virology, transmission dynamics, and public health implications of HSV-2. By understanding these factors, we aim to...

Animal Cell Culture: Types, Advantages, Applications

2 Pages 694 Words
Introduction: Animal cell culture is the culturing of animal cells, i.e. maintenance and propagation, in a suitable nutrient media, in vitro. Cell culture refers to growing and cultivating the cells artificially. Generally, the artificial environment consists of the following things: A vessel with a medium containing all the essential nutrients, that is, carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Growth factors...

Establishing an Animal Cell Culture Lab at LPU

2 Pages 927 Words
Introduction The establishment of an animal cell culture lab at Lovely Professional University (LPU) is a significant step toward enhancing the institution's research capabilities and academic offerings. Animal cell culture technology, which involves the growth of animal cells under controlled conditions outside their natural environment, is pivotal for various biological research and industrial applications. It provides a platform for studying...

Comparative Analysis of Polysaccharide Production by Dairy Bacteria

2 Pages 977 Words
The diverse microbial flora found in dairy cow milk contributes to beneficial effects to human health. A group of microorganisms known as Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) are most commonly found and used in fermented dairy products. These bacterial strains embrace the idea of good nutrition by assisting with health maintenance, aiding in the prevention, control and treatment of many diseases....

Comparative Analysis of Plant and Animal Cells

2 Pages 940 Words
Introduction Plant and animal cells, though both eukaryotic, exhibit remarkable differences that are key to their functions and roles within their respective organisms. Understanding these differences not only enhances our grasp of biological processes but also aids advancements in biotechnology and medicine. Plant cells typically contain structures like chloroplasts, cell walls, and large central vacuoles, which are absent in animal...

The Impact of Henrietta Lacks' Legacy

2 Pages 929 Words
Introduction "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot is a compelling narrative that intertwines the biography of a woman whose cells have been pivotal in numerous scientific breakthroughs and the ethical quandaries surrounding medical research. The book presents Henrietta Lacks, an African American woman whose cancer cells, known as HeLa cells, were taken without her knowledge in 1951...

Analysis of HeLa Cells Discovery & Informed Consent in Henrietta Lacks

4 Pages 1970 Words
Human biospecimens have been imperative in scientific and medical advances. Their continued widespread availability for research will be vital to realizing the goals of medicinal accuracy. Once tissue is removed from patients, they were used for diagnostic purposes, and later discarded. The research, very seldomly, resulted in the tissue becoming valuable to the medical community; yet, record of them were...

Cancer Research through Animal Cell Manipulation

2 Pages 919 Words
Introduction The manipulation of animal cells has emerged as a pivotal strategy in cancer research, offering unprecedented insights into tumorigenesis and potential therapeutic interventions. In recent years, significant advancements in biotechnology have facilitated the controlled alteration of cellular pathways, enabling researchers to mimic and study complex cancerous processes in vitro. Techniques such as CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing, RNA interference, and the...

The Role of Osmosis in Potato Cells: Sucrose Assimilation

2 Pages 926 Words
Introduction The process of osmosis plays a pivotal role in the physiological and biochemical mechanisms of plant cells, particularly in how they interact with their surrounding environment. Among the various experiments conducted to understand osmosis, the immersion of potato cells in varying concentrations of sucrose solutions serves as a classic example. This essay delves into the intricacies of osmosis in...

Microbes And Alzheimer’s Disease

1 Page 650 Words
Currently scientist and doctors are working together to build a bridge between the potential connection that is associated with microbes and Alzheimer’s disease. At this moment, there is no cure for this irreversible, progressive brain disorder. This disorder slowly destroys the memory’s ability to retain and remember information as well as thinking skills, and eventually as it progresses it affects...

Sexual Deviance: Death, Bioethics, and Utility

3 Pages 1325 Words
Morality and sin, these two terms are associated with the term Sexual Deviance which is the act of being deviant from the norms and standards of the society in terms of what they believed is right in terms of sexual activities. Many speculations exist because of different perspectives towards this issue. As stated in the work of J. H. Gagnon...

How Coronavirus (Covid-19) Affects the Society

2 Pages 761 Words
COVID-19 causes fear and anxiety to people around the world, its affecting people’s lives, for example, their work, school, and their social interactions. Panic will only cause more damage and it can make people make rash decisions that could be harmful at such a time, people should be aware and alert but they also should avoid panic. The effects of...

Revolutionizing Healthcare: Nanotechnology in Biomedical Applications

2 Pages 959 Words
Introduction In recent years, nanotechnology has emerged as a transformative force in biomedical sciences, offering unprecedented opportunities for innovation in diagnostics, therapeutics, and regenerative medicine. Defined as the manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale, nanotechnology enables the development of materials and devices with enhanced properties and functionalities. This essay explores the profound impact that nanotechnology has...

The Important Solution to the Coronavirus Pandemic

2 Pages 862 Words
With the fear of the second wave of coronavirus infections in China emanating from imported cases and rumours that local transmissions might still be ongoing, it's becoming crystal clear that there is no end to this battle with the unseen enemy which is running into four months now. Lockdowns, testings, quarantine, self-isolation, social distancing, and medical treatment have proved to...

Coronavirus: Why are We Afraid?

2 Pages 791 Words
The coronavirus epidemic is present on all continents. A collective fear sets in and changes our relationship with one another. Since December 2019, the new coronavirus has infected over 180,000 people for 7,000 deaths. This global virus is changing our relationships and our behavior. Why and how does this phenomenon transform our way of thinking? In the recent period, there...

Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science

2 Pages 908 Words
Abstract This report includes a definition of ethics and morality. I combined them and how can it be embodied in biomedical engineering. Then I will give 2 examples --Biomedical Imaging and Neural Engineering, Which contain the main challenges they face in ethics. Introduction What is ethics? The term ethics comes from the Greek ethos, meaning “custom.” It means human relations...

General Overview Of Influenza As An Infectious Virus

4 Pages 1908 Words
Influenza has become an annual epidemic, increasing in volatility, which can greatly affect the fragile and vulnerable, particularly the elderly. Within healthcare settings, such as aged-care facilities, outbreaks can be greatly detrimental to the health and wellbeing of the residents, impacting greatly on their ability to partake in their activities of daily living (ADL). This essay will discuss influenza, infection...

The Use Of Genetic Therapy To Treat Cancer

4 Pages 2000 Words
Introduction Cancer is the second leading cause of death globally after cardiovascular diseases, and is responsible for an estimated 9.6 million deaths in 2018. Globally, about 1 in 6 deaths is due to cancer. (WHO website). Cancer is a genetic disease which is a result of changes in an organism genetic material such as DNA leading to uncontrollable growth of...

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