Buddhism essays

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Karma: Causes And Effects

4 Pages 1975 Words
“It is an individual’s accumulation of good or evil karma and also his dominating character traits, good or evil, which affect the karmic result.” Karma is the law of moral causation. The theory of karma is a fundamental doctrine in Buddhism. This belief was prevalent in India before the advent of the Buddha. Nevertheless, it was the Buddha who explained...

Cross-culture Understanding Santhara: Fasting Until Die

3 Pages 1162 Words
India is a country in South Asia, which is rich for its culture and spirituality. This country is in the second position with the most population in the world. The density of India makes a lot of diversity that arises in society, especially Indian culture. The existing culture is strongly influenced by the existence of religion. Nevertheless, that could happen...

Formulation Of Sattvik Model: From Ancient Roots To Modern Perspective

6 Pages 2520 Words
Abstract According to the Vedas, all material fundamentals are inculcated with the modes of nature or gunas- sattava, rajas, and tamas. Understanding the guna mode of an individual is the key to behavioral analysis. Different individuals may have different intensities of sattava, rajas and tamas gunas. As defined by Lord Krishna in 14th chapter of Bhagwat Geeta Sattva is the...

A Postcolonial Reading Of The Buddha In The Attic

7 Pages 3401 Words
Abstract This study looks at Julie Otsuka’s renowned novel, The Buddha in the Attic (2011), in the light of its representation of the mental and psychological colonization of Japanese emigrants in America. It draws upon Homi K. Bhabha’s notions of “unhomeliness”, “ambivalence” and “mimicry”. A close scrutinizing of the novel reveals Otsuka’s grave concern ̶ as a Japanese-American herself ̶...
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The Buddha: The True Healer of Suffering

2 Pages 945 Words
Introduction The concept of healing suffering is a profound aspect of human existence, often associated with divine intervention or supernatural forces. However, within the Buddhist philosophy, the notion of healing transcends divine attributes and rests within the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddha, not a deity but an enlightened being, provides a pragmatic approach to addressing and alleviating suffering through...
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Gender Roles In Mrs Dalloway And Buddha Of Suburbia

6 Pages 2973 Words
In both novels, the author’s present the way in which society’s expectations of men and women can be detrimental to a person if these expectations are not defied. Both Kureishi and Woolf explore how women are oppressed by society, and how opposing this oppression is crucial in order to progress as a society. Both novels are also concerned with the...

Historic Japanese Notions Of Shinto And Zen In Buddhism

6 Pages 2944 Words
INTRODUCTION This research paper focusses primarily on the theme of ‘Critical Regionalism’, a significant architectural movement. I will discuss and outline the main themes involved in critical regionalism and analyse ‘The Water Temple’ by Tadao Ando located in Hompukuji, Japan. I will evaluate the success of this building in restoring traditional Japanese architecture by using contemporary styles and materials, focussing...

The Attraction Of Penglipuran Village

6 Pages 2818 Words
ABSTRACT Penglipuran Village is located about 6 kilometers from Bangli City, and 1 kilometer from Kubu Village, Penglipuran is one of the quietest, cleanest and most peaceful villages in the entire country, and one of the three cleanest overall in the world. Untouched by modernization. The reason the author chose to research Penglipuran village tourism is to inform the reader...
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Ancient Greek Religion, Hinduism And Jainism

4 Pages 1740 Words
In many different religions, the soul is considered to be “the incorporeal essence of a living being”. It is considered the spiritual 'breath' that gives life to the living organism. Since the soul is such an essential aspect across various religions, this group felt it was important to map the fate of the soul. In Hinduism, Jainism and Ancient Greek...

The Karma And Its 12 Laws

2 Pages 891 Words
'Is there a maxim that should be the basis for all actions in the course of life? Surely it is the maxim of compassion: Do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself. ' Confucius Karma is the judge of our actions, it is the unseen energy that derives from our behavior that brings with...

The Role Of Karma In Buddhism

4 Pages 2165 Words
Buddhism is a philosophy and rĐľligion composĐľd of practical tĐľachings, such as mĐľditation for ĐľxamplĐľ, which aims to inducĐľ a transformation within thĐľ practitionĐľr. It promotĐľs thĐľ dĐľvĐľlopmĐľnt of wisdom, consciousnĐľss, and goodnĐľss to rĐľach a statĐľ of ĐľnlightĐľnmĐľnt. WĐľ havĐľ lĐľarnĐľd in class that Karma is causĐľd by intĐľntional actions pĐľrform by individuals not accidĐľntal actions. In Karma ĐľxistĐľncĐľ...

The Meaning And Understanding Of Zen Buddhism

1 Page 364 Words
Zen Buddhism, a blend of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and Taoism, initially started in China. The essence of Zen is attempting to comprehend the significance of life without being misdirected by intelligent idea or language. It requires an extraordinary order which brings about complete suddenness and extreme opportunity. This regular suddenness ought not be mistaken for lack of caution. The core...

Zen Buddhism And Enlightenment

3 Pages 1558 Words
The thirteenth century Japanese Zen master, Dogen Zenji, had the advantage of looking back at eighteen centuries of the development of Buddhist though and practice. Dogen was well informed of earlier Chinese Zen developments, and his writings and teachings show that he was on intimidate terms with the great Zen teachers of the Chinese lineage. One area of Dogen’s teachings...

Equalizing the Buddha of Oakland and Sarnath

6 Pages 2670 Words
In the mid-2000s, the city of Oakland built a traffic median at the corner of 11th avenue and 19th street in an attempt to cease people cutting through the neighborhood to avoid traffic on the main roads. Oakland being Oakland, this meant that the median was promptly treated as an unofficial dumping ground for trash and furniture and whatever else...

The Meaning And Interpretation Of Karma

3 Pages 1530 Words
The saying 'what goes around, comes around,' is the first thing that enters my mind when karma's mentioned. By definition, karma is an action; good or bad, fate, or destined. Karma might be used to explain the meaning of why certain things occur; e.g., I good luck or bad luck, that may be attributed to my karma. Most conventional religions...

The Similarities And Differences Of Socrates And Diogenes

3 Pages 1220 Words
The iconic philosophical works of Zen Master Dogen by Yuho Yokoi and The Apology of Socrates by Plato are known for focusing on how to create and follow the path towards gaining true self-knowledge. Each of these philosophers is widely known for emphasizing the significance of true self-knowledge through similarities like self-realization and how to devote attention to each of...

The Aspects Of Zen Buddhism In The Poem Song Of The Grass-Roof Hermitage

3 Pages 1514 Words
In the current capitalist social climate, happiness is controlled and fueled by greed. Happiness merely becomes a myth with the lack of material possessions. Without physical possessions to curb desire, one can easily fall into material lust. The desire and consumption of material goods, in turn, becomes fundamental human nature. In his poem, “Song of the Grass-Roof Hermitage”, Zen Buddhist...

The Concept Of Sustainable Architecture

6 Pages 2657 Words
ABSTRACT This paper aims to present the rules and principles of Vastu Shastra; the concept of Sustainable Architecture, which has been laid down by ancient sages for the designing and planning of a residential space in Indian context. The article begins with an attempt to understand the importance of sustainable planning in today’s life by listing down the environmental issue...
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The Role Of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha In Buddhism

1 Page 670 Words
Siddharta Guatama, or “The Buddha”, went through a rough and painful life until he reached his goal “enlightenment”. He grew up with his father (his mother died shortly after Buddha was born) and his father wanted him to become the next king. Once Buddha found out everything was connected and everything had a consequence, he went and explored the earth...
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Borobudur: A Temple By The People, For The People

4 Pages 1950 Words
Located at Magelang Regency, Central Java in Indonesia, stands the Borobudur, a Mahayana Buddhist temple built between AD750 and 850. It is widely considered as one of the world’s seven wonders and also the largest Buddhist monumental temple complex in the world. Yet, the most intriguing aspect of this temple is not only its size but what this temple can...
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Attitudes Towards Homosexuality And Dalai Lama

4 Pages 1701 Words
Many turn to their faith for guidance when it comes to sexual relationships, and Buddhists are no exception. A Buddhists ultimate aim is to escape suffering, and they believe that sex, homosexual or otherwise, should be approached with the Right Intention (BBC Bitesize 2020). A Buddhists perspective of Homosexuality is very flexible. Buddhism is considered incredibly diverse (more so than...

Buddha And The History Of Buddhism

4 Pages 1792 Words
A lot of the myths and other stories are based on the history of Buddhism. The start of Buddhism dates back to 580 BC, when Buddha Siddhartha Gautama was born in the Lumbini, Southern Nepal. When Siddhartha was only a few days old, it is said that a holy man prophesied over the newborn prince. It was foretold that Siddhartha...
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Jesus And Buddha Shake Hands

3 Pages 1202 Words
Both the Christian religion and the Buddhist faith are based on the principles of love. If Buddha and Jesus were to meet I believe they would not try and convert each other but rather shake hands and smile. The parallels between the two faiths are impressive. In this essay I will outline the two faiths with their similarities and differences....

Dalai Lama And Good Buddhist Life

1 Page 544 Words
A good Buddhist life Buddhism is the fourth-largest religion with more than 500 million followers across the globe they teach a concept of enlightenment and try to seek a deeper understanding of the meaning of life and our natural world. According to Buddhist teacher Phakchok Rinpoche “someone who regards themselves as a Buddhist should make offerings upward and practice generosity...

The CIA's Role in Tibet

2 Pages 868 Words
Introduction The involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Tibet during the mid-20th century remains a contentious topic in international relations and ethics. As Tibet grappled with its political identity and sovereignty amidst Chinese occupation, the CIA provided covert support aimed at undermining Chinese influence and supporting Tibetan autonomy. This involvement was a component of the broader Cold War...

Methods And Teachings Of Zen Buddhism

1 Page 594 Words
It all begins with letting go of distracting thoughts and emotions and create space for the world to become part of the mind, body, and soul. Enlightenment is achieved through meditation and realization which is the basis of Zen. To fully comprehend the practice of Zen Buddhism one needs to experience the process and not intellectualize the methods and teachings....

Buddha Vs. Confucius

4 Pages 1884 Words
Buddha and Confucius’s ideas reshaped the mindsets of the world and added new scopes to universal concepts of ethics, justice and humanity. Write a well-developed argumentative essay of four to five paragraphs on either Buddha or Confucius and any other Western philosopher of your own choice. Kindly state whether you are pro or con any of the philosophers illustrating the...

Dalai Lama And True Meaning Of Happiness

3 Pages 1362 Words
What is happiness? This is often a question many of us ponder on and can’t seem to wrap our head around it. There are multiple ways of defining happiness but one way of describing it would be; the state of accomplishment that encourages us to gravitate towards higher thinking, ambitions, nonsecular values and most significantly what the true purpose of...

The Peculiarities Of Buddha Art

4 Pages 1961 Words
During the life of Buddha Shakyamuni and for many centuries after his departure to parinirvana to the north-west of India, there was a country called Gandhara. At the beginning of our era, Kanishka, the most famous ruler of the Kushan empire, ascended the throne in Gandhar. The years of his reign brought the country a real flowering of crafts and...
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The Teachings Of Buddha

3 Pages 1353 Words
The Buddha realized that nothing was really permanent. He asked himself, what this life is. The Buddha taught his message to his father, wife and son in this way. He did not attach any importance to religious rituals. He tried to find out why the mind is distracted. He carried forward the spirit of tolerance and tolerance in this mission....
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