Cannabis/Medical Marijuana essays

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2 Pages 806 Words
Cannabis which is also known as marijuana is a drug that some individuals use for medical reasons or just for enjoyment. Marijuana is often a mix of dried green, brown, or gray crumbled parts from the marijuana plant. Marijuana can be used in many different ways such as mixing it in food and eating it, using vaporizers, brewing it as...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaHuman BrainMarijuana
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3 Pages 1392 Words
The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial topic in the United States for many years, regardless of the other surrounding countries who have legalized it. As of today, all states, except 17 of them, have legalized marijuana in at least one way, medical or recreational. Marijuana should be legalized because it would benefit us and provide solutions to many...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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2 Pages 852 Words
Many people say that marijuana is harmful in many ways, including damage to the reproductive system, brain damage, and weakening of the immune system. I believe that research to support anything can be found if one is looking hard enough, but that the fallacy is due to others research seeking facts to support an assumed conclusion. Based on my research...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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4 Pages 1763 Words
Marijuana is one of the most common drugs used on a day-to-day basis in our society. Marijuana is cannabis, it is also often known as weed, herb, pot, grass, and ganja. It is no secret that our society is loving this drug, in fact, people are not ashamed of it. It is now regularly referenced in rap songs, clothing items,...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuanaPerspective
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8 Pages 3759 Words
Addiction, it’s an ugly word, but unfortunately a very common one. It is wifely stated that the first step to overcoming an addiction is to admit that there is a problem. But many who smoke marijuana insist there is no problem. Take “Clay” for example, he smokes marijuana daily but says he’s not addicted. But when Clay doesn’t smoke he...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
like 432
1 Page 629 Words
Studies have shown that marijuana users are more likely to experience symptoms of poor mental health than those who do not. Many have been puzzled by this, as marijuana has become an increasingly accepted treatment for mental disorders throughout Western medical practice. Could there possibly be a causal relationship between marijuana use and one’s emotional decline? If so, what does...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMental Illness
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2 Pages 1091 Words
One of the most controversial, social, and legal issues in the United States today is the legalization of marijuana. Just like with every issue, there are pros and cons that come along with it. I believe that the benefits of legalizing marijuana outweigh the negatives that are associated with it. This paper will focus on some of those benefits, which...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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1 Page 562 Words
According to federal law, marijuana belongs to a category of substances that have a high potential for abuse. The analysis of the studies of different researchers showed that there are two main points of view on the issue of marijuana legalization. Some people believe that marijuana should be legalized, while others are against its legalization. Both points of view are...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
like 268
3 Pages 1150 Words
To Criminalize or Decriminalize Marijuana Marijuana, also known as cannabis is considered one of the most controversial topics of the last two centuries. Cannabis has remained on the banned substance list since the era of prohibition but has garnered support from marijuana users across the globe. According to the National Institute of Health, people have used cannabis for over 3,000...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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3 Pages 1133 Words
Marijuana, we all have an idea of what it is, what it does, and how illegal it is. But did you know there have been absolutely no deaths recorded from the usage of marijuana according to the book, Drugs of Abuse (2017)? Marijuana, according to Medicine Net “is a recreational drug that comes from the hemp plant cannabis sativa. For...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
like 467
2 Pages 759 Words
Abstract: Over the duration of 30 years, the United States has undergone some major changes regarding foreign policy, ensuring domestic tranquility and, more respectively to this topic, the war on drugs. Over the past 15 years, we have seen dramatic shifts in judgment regarding the idea of marijuana reform. While some citizens are comfortable with the idea of legalization, whether...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
like 432
4 Pages 1889 Words
Smoking marijuana has become common since legalization, with public usage commonplace in many places. According to Harvard Health Publishing, Marijuana is legal in 29 states; about 85% of people support legalization, and several million people use it. ('Medical marijuana - Harvard Health,' 2022). It is not a small number. The question is, is Marijuana an addictive substance or not? How...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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3 Pages 1559 Words
In the past few years, marijuana has been a very controversial topic. There are people who absolutely want it legalized and people who are absolutely not for it. Medical marijuana has many benefits. Cannabidiol has been proven to help with many illnesses, disorders, and cancers. Cannabidiol has also been proven to relieve depression and PTSD symptoms. Marijuana can also be...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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3 Pages 1458 Words
The debate over legalization of Cannabis sativa, more commonly known as marijuana, has turned into one of the most raging controversies in American history. The legalization of marijuana is and always will be a very debated topic. Some say the negative short and long term effects of the drug have not been researched enough to make it safe for legal...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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1 Page 467 Words
Drugs are definitely an epidemic in the world. People partake in lots of different types for many different reasons. Some are legal and prescribed by doctors, and others are not. Some drugs can be helpful but are overused, and others have no practical use at all but to get high. Marijuana is one drug that can have both positive and...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuanaPerspective
like 346
2 Pages 901 Words
Introduction The debate surrounding the legalization of cannabis has been a persistent issue within socio-political discourse, evoking myriad opinions from policymakers, medical professionals, and the general public. While some view cannabis as a gateway drug with potential to exacerbate social issues, others argue for its therapeutic benefits and economic potential. This essay advocates for the legalization of cannabis, grounded in...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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6 Pages 2868 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Executive Summary Our team’s purpose in writing this report is to educate others on the topic of Marijuana; specifically the history, the medical and financial benefits, and laws regarding state and federal jurisdiction of the drug. The information used for our research came from reliable sources such as news articles from U.S. News and CNBC, Harvard Medical School Dr. Peter...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
like 168
4 Pages 1898 Words
Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are debilitating injuries affecting a large portion of Canadian society. Motor deficits, a hallmark feature of spinal lesions, can be improved in less severe cases through neuroplasticity in the central nervous system. However, commonly used psychoactive drugs, such as alcohol and cannabis, have been shown to impair cortical neuroplasticity, which may impair recovery in individuals with...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaNeuroplasticity
like 432
2 Pages 878 Words
Introduction The decriminalization and sanctioning of marijuana have emerged as significant policy issues worldwide, reflecting broader shifts in societal attitudes towards this historically contentious substance. While marijuana was once universally condemned and criminalized, an increasing number of countries have begun to re-evaluate their legal frameworks, considering the socio-economic and health-related implications of its prohibition. This essay examines the global trends...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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2 Pages 716 Words
According to Dr. Andre Haughton (2019), the Cannabis Consumers Coalition report created in 2017 stated that more than 50% of consumers support policies of legalizing the use of marijuana (Jamaica Gleaner, 2019). With the legalization of marijuana in the works, many Jamaicans have argued about the potential negative health effects. The legalization will prevent law enforcement from penalizing the public...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationStudy
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4 Pages 1812 Words
OVERVIEW The topic we chose for this term project is “Effects of Legalization of Marijuana on the Canadian Economy”. It is a recent topic of discussion in Canadian news and it is an Important one because Canadian Community has large number of marijuana users who are in favour of this decision while some are against it. Marijuana, also known as...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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2 Pages 1150 Words
Introduction The legalization of marijuana in Canada, marked by the enactment of the Cannabis Act in October 2018, represents a significant shift in the country's approach to drug policy. This legislation, officially known as Bill C-45, was a landmark decision aimed at regulating and controlling the production, distribution, sale, and possession of cannabis across Canada. The move was driven by...
CanadaCannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana Legalization
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3 Pages 1286 Words
We live in a country that allows us to have a lot of freedom such as freedom of speech, freedom to bear arms, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of press, and freedom to petition of the government. We have a lot of rights and I believe we should also give the people the right to consume marijuana for...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
like 395
5 Pages 2397 Words
Introduction Mental disorders refer to conditions in which patients exhibit altered behavior and thought processes, emotional instability and limited social capacity; different illnesses being presented with different combinations of symptoms. Psychotic disorders, of which schizophrenia is the most studied, are considered by the field of psychiatry to be one of the more severe forms of mental illness. (Radhakrishnan, Wilkinson and...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaSchizophrenia
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3 Pages 1419 Words
The Food & Drug Administration (FDA), as part of the federal government, regulates and controls the medicine markets throughout the United States. Consumers are not able to buy whatever they want, unless it is approved and deemed legal and safe by the FDA, regardless of the benefits to consumers’ health. Therefore, social problems happen when markets are not allowed to...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationStudy
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3 Pages 1463 Words
As of this moment, 21 states or territories have either fully or partially legalized cannabis. Uruguay became the first nation to fully, recreationally legalize it in 2013, with numerous states following suit, most notably Canada in autumn 2018. The approach towards cannabis differs greatly from nation to nation, and sometimes even within nations, as in the U.S. and India. While...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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2 Pages 906 Words
According to a new Pew research Center survey, the results stated that every six out of ten Americans, or 62% say the use of marijuana should be legalized (Geiger). Legalizing marijuana would result in the increase in tax revenue, a growth in income and jobs, a rise in investment opportunities, and an overall decrease in federal debt. The debate whether...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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3 Pages 1595 Words
Would you prefer marijuana for medical use? Does your country support or allow marijuana? What diseases can this plant cure? Can this medication be the answer? Marijuana is also known as Cannabis. It is a psychoactive medication from the Cannabis plant. This plant is utilized for therapeutic or recreational purposes. The primary psychoactive piece of cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), one...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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3 Pages 1346 Words
Marijuana has long been known as one of the most popular drug uses. While the pros and cons of utilizing marijuana as a recreational substance remain controversial, it would be more advantageous for not legalizing this drug legal under the law enforcement. To some extent, it could not be denied that legitimatizing marijuana trade is beneficial for taxation purpose. However,...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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4 Pages 1608 Words
The United States as it grows in an alarming fashion seems to always have problems that grow with it. Out of all the problems that grow in this nation, drug consumption is the largest. Marijuana should be legalized for medical purposes, relieving stress, and recreation. Marijuana affects natural mind functions like learning, remembering, or coordination it does not alter other...
Cannabis/Medical MarijuanaMarijuana LegalizationPerspective
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