Homeostasis relies on the capability of the human body to discover and resist all changes. Homeostasis is the ability to maintain a relatively stable internal state that persists despite changes in the world outside (Lanese.N, 2019). All living things from seeds to animals to human, must adjust to their inside condition to handle energy and eventually exist. If your body temperature or blood pressure descends, for example, your organ systems may fight to do their work and finally breaks down. In further explanation, Lanese (2019) says that humans confided on homeostasis to hold their core temperature float around 98.6 degrees, which means human bodies can maintain correct action. When superheat, thermos sensor inside the skin and brain noise an alert begins linkage response that instructs the body to sweat and blush. In case, when people exercise, your flesh raise heat production, approach body temperature higher. Likewise, when people have a bowl of dessert, the blood dextrose climb. Your respiratory rate during exercise increases to make sure you are getting enough oxygen as your muscles, lungs, and heart all work together to move your body (Bjerke.V.A). Physical training assists maintain people health by build-up people flesh and heart beat quicker. Bjerke (2019) explained that this task in relation with a raised heart rate to draw out the blood and the liberate of the motivating hormone. During exercise, your heart rate increases to maintain a state of balance, known as homeostasis (Lights.V 2019). When heart rate is raised, oxygen is supplied quicker inside body. While heart rate increases, blood is adopting away from tissues and oxygen supply to the lungs. According to Lights (2019), your cardiovascular system retain homeostasis between the supply of oxygen and nutrients and the resection of cellular consumption by raising your heart rate. However, it is hypothesized that the heart rate and breathing rate will be increased by exercise, and the experiment has been performed to discover the results.
- Timer
- Excel result sheet
Participants were split into team involve one person in each group. Each participant statistics their breathing rate and heart rate per minute while resting. This result was mentioned for a second time after an interaction of three minutes and the inventions were noted in an Excel result sheet. Furthermore, each participant exercised for two minutes then breathing rate and heart rate were count soon after the exercise. Afterwards a break stage of eight to ten minutes permits them to normalize the breathing rate and heart rate, all participants starts the second round of exercise for two minutes. As early as the participator completed the exercise, the measurements of breathing rate and heart rate were assumed once again. All these results were going into the Excel results sheet and the mean of each participator’s breathing rate and heart rate were counted to show the mean whole resting and after exercise.
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Graph 1: Breathing Rate
Kelly had a higher breathing rate after exercise than the breathing rate while resting.
Graph 2: Heart Rate
After exercise, Kelly had a higher heart rate than the heart rate while resting.
Kelly had 11 resting breaths per minute which was considered abnormal. From this bit is evident that the normal respiration rate for an adult while resting is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. On the other hand, Kelly had 71.5 beats per minute in heart rate while resting which is considered normal. From this part is found that a normal resting heart rate for an adult is between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Compared to people breathing rate and heart rate after two minutes of exercise, everyone would increase breathing rate and heart rate to make sure that more oxygen is absorbed into the blood, and more carbon dioxide is removed from it. Kelly increased 7.5 beats in heart rate and 18 breaths in breathing rate which is considered normal.
From the experiment, students would affect some mistakes while counting their breathing rate and heart rate. For example, after two minutes of exercise students could not count both of breathing rate and heart rate in the same time which means students might not get the correct results at last.
- Lanese.N, 2019, What is homeostasis, LiveScience, retrieved Apr 10 2020, <>
- Bjerke. V.A, 2019, Why Does Your Breathing Rate Increase During Exercise, LIVESTRONG.COM, retrieved Apr 10 2020, <>
- Lights. V, 2019, Increased Heart Rate During Exercise & Maintaining Homeostasis, LIVESTRONG.COM, retrieved Apr 10 2020, <>