Cause and Effect essays

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Social Issues

Tokyo's Urbanization and Its Consequences

2 Pages 777 Words
Tokyo is the capital city of Japan and the one of world’s most heavily populated megalopolis. It is also one of the 47 prefectures of Japan, composed of 23 central town halls and several cities, villages and towns west of the city center. Today, Tokyo is one of the most sustainable and advanced cities in the planet with all the...

Net Neutrality: Purpose and Potential Consequences

1 Page 585 Words
While using the Internet, one can encounter that some sites have a slower loading speed as compared to others. In most cases, this can be attributed to Internet restrictions. Net neutrality is, therefore, a principle that states governments and Internet providers should eliminate all restrictions on consumers’ access to networks participating in the Internet. Net neutrality is aimed at eliminating...

Motivations and Consequences of Fear in North Korea

2 Pages 1077 Words
North Koreans, from childhood, are indoctrinated to idolize their leaders and to never doubt the system in which they live. This manipulation and brainwashing stems from insecurity and fear residing in the souls of North Korea’s dictators, making them believe that complete control is a necessity for their rule. They believe that for the government to maintain control, it must...

The Financial Crisis: An Essay on Its Causes and Consequences

1 Page 517 Words
A financial crisis is a situation when businesses and consumers are unable to pay their debts, asset prices depreciate, and financial institutions go through a shortage of liquidity. There are several types of crises, including stock market crash, financial bubble or a currency crisis (Dabla-Norris et al., 2015). All these crises have similar causes, and the consequences are much more...

The Consequences of Plagiarism and Cheating Can be Dire

1 Page 435 Words
What is academic honesty? Is it switching around a few words from another source and claiming it your own? Can it be sharing assignment answers when a fellow student needs help? Some people even think that it is okay to leave uncited sources if they are not obligated to by a teacher or a co-worker. None of these definitions suit...

Cause and Effect of Poverty on Society Essay

2 Pages 970 Words
Theories of Poverty and the Impact of Poverty on Society Theorists have derived to explain the detriment and causations of poverty since Victorian Britain created workhouses to take advantage of the poor. Living conditions of the poor mean that they had higher levels of sickness, and mortality rates amongst the poor were far higher. Poverty is defined as not having...

Cause and Effect Essay on Pollution

5 Pages 2430 Words
Introduction Water pollution is a sustainability issue that has been present for decades (Schwarzenbach, R. P. et al. 2010). It is important to understand more about this issue as it has both direct and indirect impacts on human health (Vallance, S., Perkins, H. C. and Dixon, J. E. 2011). For example, people drink freshwater, feed on seafood that is caught...

Cause and Effect Essay on Global Warming

8 Pages 4187 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Global Warming Essay 1 (100 words) Global warming refers to the long-term increase in Earth's average temperature due to human activities, primarily the emission of greenhouse gases. This phenomenon poses severe threats to our planet and ecosystems. Rising temperatures lead to melting ice caps, sea-level rise, and extreme weather events like hurricanes and droughts. It also disrupts ecosystems, affecting biodiversity...

Psychological Consequences of Cheating Among Students

1 Page 608 Words
According to the website,, they have collected data about students saying, “I want to get the grade, not the education”. The website replies to this common thought saying that even though the pressure of the school grading system can be stressful, and that pressure can lead up the thought of cheating, there is still a way to ace the...

The Psychological Consequences of Trapping Young Boys on an Island

5 Pages 2465 Words
William Golding’s Lord of the Flies follows the narrative of an airplane crashing into an uncharted, uninhabited island, of which the impact quashes the lives of all adults on board and leaves behind a young group of English boys to fend for their survival. Ralph and Piggy are the first two characters to interact, and per Piggy’s input, Ralph blows...

Causes and Effects of Tornadoes

3 Pages 1299 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction The weather is a strange thing. One day it can be cold and rainy; the next day, it’s perfectly warm and sunny for sandals and bikinis on the beach. Humans have managed to develop products that enable them to handle many kinds of weather. For example, when it rains, an umbrella comes along way. When it’s overly hot, a...

Domestic Politics as the Main Cause of the Cuban Revolution

1 Page 569 Words
In the 19th century, other Spanish colonies in the Americas fought for independence, but Cuba's independence movements failed; this was due to the many Spanish royalists that came to Cuba, adding a strong pro-Spanish sentiment to the island. The USA was really interested in buying Cuba in the 19th century, therefore, they increased sugar and transportation investments. In 1898, the...

Key Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

2 Pages 886 Words
The Industrial Revolution was an era that ranged from the 18th century through the 19th. During this process, machines and new contraptions began to emerge, the idea of future modernization and inventiveness was beginning to enter its prime stage. Industrialization affected the globe with its arising pragmatic ideas. It enhanced several aspects such as the restructuring of societies, money, resources,...

Rich People in Gilded Age: Social Consequences

2 Pages 1030 Words
From the readings, we are taken through the different opinions on the characterizations of rich people and the social consequences of their wealth by three well-known contributors during this time. Henry Lloyd, Andrew Carnegie, and Henry George all had very contrasting point of views on this particular topic. Through these readings, we are taught the distinct belief that each of...

Nursing Home Understaffing in the US: Causes, Consequences, and Coping

5 Pages 2311 Words
Understaffing in nursing homes has increasingly become an issue in the United States with over 90% of nursing homes reporting shortages in staff. This is an issue that effects the patients, families, staff, and the nursing homes as a whole. This creates further health concerns for those involved. Labor costs are often attributed to this issue despite research showing it...

Impact of Economic and Environmental Crises in the 1930s

2 Pages 1078 Words
Introduction The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl were two concurrent crises in the 1930s that profoundly affected the socio-economic fabric of the United States. The Great Depression, a severe worldwide economic downturn, began in the late 1920s and lasted through the 1930s, causing widespread unemployment, poverty, and economic stagnation. Simultaneously, the Dust Bowl, a series of devastating dust storms,...

The Key Facts and Consequences of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

3 Pages 1186 Words
The morning of September 11, 2001, was and still is, a tragedy, not only for all Americans but for the whole world. First, the Al-Qaeda members hijacked four commercial airliners, then, the four aircraft were used in suicide attacks that were carried out on important buildings (one of the attacks was unsuccessful) in the USA. One of the planes hit...

Student Loan Debt and Its Diverse Future Consequences

2 Pages 1048 Words
In modern-day society, a post-secondary degree is needed to compete for a well-paying job in the labour market. Higher education is viewed as a necessary long term financial investment to better oneself in their career, however, in reality, it is often a financial risk for students. Student loan debt is an unfortunate norm for many students who choose to pursue...

Federalism as the Cause of Conflicts in Ethiopia

3 Pages 1557 Words
Ethiopia is renowned as Africa’s earliest independent nation that being the case Ethiopia is still amongst the poorest nations in the continent. In history Emperor Tewodros was the forerunner in bringing modernization and politics by uniting the Ethiopian people under ordered governance. Soon after Emperor Menelik also continued in the path set out for him in consolidating the imperial rule,...

Huntington's Disease: Analysis of Causes and Consequences

3 Pages 1207 Words
Huntington's disease is an inherited brain disorder that is caused when specific cells in the brain die. This leads to loss of cognitive function, loss of walking, eating and swallowing and eventually death. Symptoms typically start between 30-50-year old Huntington's disease is extremely rare and affects one in every 10,000 people. Huntington’s disease is caused by a mutation of the...

The Positive and Negative Consequences of Coronavirus (COVID-19)

5 Pages 2079 Words
Abstract COVID-19 is an ailment triggered by a new coronavirus; this illness is known as 2019-nCoV and linked to the same family of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome. This disease has started in China on 31 December 2019 and then permeated globally. This paper is going to look at four aspects resulting from COVID-19 pandemic. The first one is the economic...

Why Obesity is a Growing Cause in the U.S.

1 Page 559 Words
Obesity is currently a major issue in the United States due to social media, technology, and everyday life, which needs to be controlled because it can eventually lead from minor to major health issues. Obesity is the condition if being overweight; a condition characterized by excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. “Obesity has become a serious health...

Obesity: Causes, Implications, and Solutions

3 Pages 1285 Words
Introduction Obesity represents a significant public health challenge worldwide, characterized by an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. According to the World Health Organization, the global prevalence of obesity has nearly tripled since 1975, with over 650 million adults classified as obese in 2016. As an intricate health condition, obesity is influenced by a myriad of factors...

The Consequences Of Racial Profiling In The USA

3 Pages 1177 Words
The United States it is said to be the land of opportunity where everyone has a right to succeed and be equal, but is it actually true? Racial Profiling has been a problem since the beginning of time, and it is still continuing especially throughout the United States. Racial Profiling is known as different groups of races that are being...

Cause and Effects of Sleep Deprivation in High School Students

2 Pages 928 Words
A student-athlete who is involved in student council and prom committee. A grade-A theatre nerd who would rather spend their free time watching musicals then go to a football game. At first glance, you wouldn’t expect these two students to have much in common, but upon further inspection you could make out the drained expression on their faces and the...

The Prerequisites, Reasons And Consequences For Enron Scandal

10 Pages 4628 Words
Overview Energy corporation Enron was one of the largest players in corporate America. The company grew at a rapid state and was highly favoured by analysts and investors. Although Enron’s forecasts and financial reports for the late 1990s and early 2000s guaranteed stakeholders of continuous growth, this was not the case and it eventually played out to be the biggest...

The World is Overpopulated: Causes And Consequences

8 Pages 3468 Words
Introduction “Whether we accept it or not, this will likely be the century that determines what the optimal human population is for our planet. It will come about in one of two ways: Either we decide to manage our own numbers, to avoid a collision of every line on civilization's graph - or nature will do it for us, in...

Academic Dishonesty: Cause And Effect Of Plagiarism

2 Pages 1018 Words
Mr. Walsh senator of Montana committee plagiarism in his master thesis in 2007.”an examination of final paper required for Mr. Walsh’s master’s degree from the United States Army War College indicates the senator appropriated at least a quarter of his thesis on American Middle East policy from other authors' work with no attribution” (Martine,2014). Plagiarism is an immoral act that...

Cause Of Dinosaurs Dying

1 Page 515 Words
Dinosaurs ruled the land, the ocean, and the sky for about 165 million years. Rex Tyrannosaurus hunts its prey with 50 to 60 banana-sized teeth. The 55-foot dragon from nose to tail frightened the ocean and ate everything they could catch. But 66 million years ago, the world's climate changed dramatically. Suddenly, the earth became colder and darker. All dinosaurs-except...
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