Christology essays
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Introduction What we know of Mark is that it was the first written gospel. This gospel really established the life of Jesus story. It actually develops a narrative from Jesus early career, all the way through to the main points of his life and culminate in his death and its actually sets the tone for the other three gospel. It...

Abstract This paper will compare and contrast two different theologians by discussing how these two theologians do their theology and how they have contributed to the better understanding of Christology. This essay will make a critical assessment of the theologians, Jurgen Moltmann and Nicholas Thomas Wright who have been active in the 20th and 21st century. To better understand the...

Introduction The researcher presented critique and weakness of Nestorian concept on Christology. The emphasis of Nestorius suggested the independence of the two separate persons of Jesus Christ, which are his humanity and divinity. Nestorius emphasizes on distinction between the two natures as person in act, one nature one at a time. This creates a complication because Jesus Christ is one...