College Students essays

63 samples in this category

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5 Pages 2329 Words
Introduction Nolan Burch’s night started out similar to any other college students. He went to a pledge event for the fraternity he was rushing at West Virginia University, Kappa Sigma. He hung out and partied with his future brothers, presumably having a good time. The night then quickly turned sour. Burch and the other pledges were then blindfolded, brought to...
CollegeCollege StudentsStudent Life
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2 Pages 821 Words
While college football and basketball make billions of dollars every year, none of it goes to the people who generate this money – the players. Added on to their regular schoolwork, hard enough for many students, players must dedicate their life to the sport. This raises one of the most discussed question in college sports – should student athletes be...
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2 Pages 844 Words
Introduction The debate over whether NCAA student-athletes should be paid has escalated over the past decades, attracting significant attention from academics, policymakers, and the general public. Traditionally, college athletics have been viewed as amateur sports, with student-athletes receiving scholarships as their principal reward. However, as the commercialization of college sports has intensified, generating billions of dollars annually, the call for...
AthletesCollege StudentsStudent Life
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4 Pages 1681 Words
No rules, no homework, no curriculum: is this an ideal learning environment or a detrimental one? Students often find school boring or unnecessary, especially when learning about topics that don’t interest them. When students are taught subjects which they enjoy, they’re more engaged, and more eager to learn. In order for students to receive the rich benefits of true learning,...
College StudentsControlStudent Life
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3 Pages 1261 Words
Due to the subjective nature of the topic, there will be a plethora of student perspectives towards human rights. Each individuals life experience will shift and alter how they determine their attitudes towards the subject as will the research methodology used. Human rights are ever-present within society and can be presented in many different ways. Social work is one field...
College StudentsStudent Life
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1 Page 466 Words
Procrastinating is delaying, postponing, and deferring. It is the bane of every student’s existence. Student’s know what they should be doing; they just don’t want to do it. It easy to put off undesirable assignment until the very last minute. However, it is of immense important for students to take some steps to avoid maintaining and sustaining this attitude, as...
College StudentsProcrastinationStudent Life
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1 Page 519 Words
During my first semester as a freshman college student, I took General Ed classes like the rest of the students, and as a part of it, I had to take General Biology, which I hated. General Biology did not have a mandatory attendance policy, so I ended up skipping most of the classes because I was familiar with the topics...
College EducationCollege Students
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4 Pages 1747 Words
In our society today, the use of technology is seen nearly everywhere and as years go on this technology continues to develop farther. Just when you think something cannot possibly be made more useful, that is when something new is developed. The advances that technology has made over the years is astounding and let’s face it, it has made life...
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3 Pages 1280 Words
Note-taking is the act of writing down or generally recording key points of information. It is a significant piece of the research process. Notes taken during class lectures or discussions may fill in as a study tool, but taking notes does not mean jotting and scribbling down words leisurely. Note-taking abilities are an important device to have and utilize with...
College StudentsStudy Skills
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3 Pages 1527 Words
Student loan debt. You’ve probably heard this term at least once. It affects everyone, whether it be now or later on in life. During the 20th century, around the end of World War II, the federal government recognized the wasted brain power due to the lack of higher education for the majority of society except a few wealthy white people....
College StudentsStudent Loan Debt
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1 Page 609 Words
College is brought out to be the only way to success and to become someone important. Students go to college to increase their earnings and have career options. However, not every student manages to successfully graduate. Dropout rates rise. According to the website Think Impact, forty percent of students drop out every year. There are many reasons why a student...
College StudentsDropping Out of College
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2 Pages 508 Words
500+ Words Essay on My Self In this essay about myself, I portray myself as an individual deeply committed to growth and self-improvement. Fueled by a tireless passion for learning and an ambition to impact my surroundings positively, I am continuously exploring new horizons. My strong communication and problem-solving skills are integral to my ability to effectively collaborate with others...
College Students
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2 Pages 811 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Introduction As a first generation college student, I understand the importance of hard work and dedication. I am the first in my family to attend college, and I'm proud to be blazing the trail for future generations. My parents have encouraged me to take this opportunity to create a better future for myself and to set an example for my...
CollegeCollege Students
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5 Pages 2281 Words
Introduction to Cellphone Usage in Schools Technologies of Information and Communication have produced important changes in almost all aspects of modern life, and education, of course, is also under pressure to take advantage of innovative resources and to prepare talent with technological capabilities for the future. It implies the introduction of changes in the learning environment and methods of teaching...
Cell PhonesCollege Students
like 434
1 Page 727 Words
The number of intеrnationаl studеnts pursuing еducаtiоn in cоuntries with advancеd еconomiеs hаs bееn rising raрidly оver recеnt dеcadеs. Internаtionаl studеnts arе oftеn regardеd as аn impоrtant grоup оf yоung and wеll-educatеd individuаls frоm whiсh to sеlect pеrmanent rеsidеnts. People change their place of living because they seek to have better life. As an international student, I know that especially...
College Students
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2 Pages 985 Words
Credit card, small plastic card including a means of identification such as a signature or picture, authorizes the person named on it to charge goods or services to an account for which the cardholder is billed is periodically. Using credit card is really beneficial because you have the opportunity to effectively control your payments which is one of the best...
College StudentsCredit Card
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3 Pages 1543 Words
Students all around the world have told their stories of how their college years were either great and party filled, or class and homework filled. One thing the students all seemed to have in common was that depression and anxiety was always something hanging over their shoulders. Student have spoken on how if they weren’t stressing about that night’s homework...
College LifeCollege StudentsDepression
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4 Pages 1745 Words
1. Introduction The dramatic increase in the use of social networking sites has attracted much attention in the recent years because of the growing popularity among people, especially university students. Undoubtedly, the remarkable growth of the internet has greatly enhanced communication and interactions among people without time and geographical constraints. Such an effective communication tool has led to a higher...
College StudentsSocial Networking
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6 Pages 2836 Words
Description and Background to the Problem This chapter will provide an overview of previous observations and interactions that I had encountered when teaching a group of grade two students ranging from ages 7 to 8 years old at an urban school. This chapter will introduce the problem that prevailed consistently for the majority of the class when students were given...
College StudentsResearchStudy Skills
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4 Pages 1901 Words
The Sample Size Effect is a very complicated subject to introduce into the field of psychology. The sample size effect is usually spoken of in the context of statistics. Usually meaning the number of participants, with this the larger the sample size the more likely you are to get accurate or precise results than if you have a small number....
College StudentsIvy League
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3 Pages 1190 Words
Background With an enrollment of over 13,000 students in 23 schools, Pulaski County is one of the largest districts in the state of Arkansas. Pulaski County Special School School District (PCSSD) is committed to providing each student with an excellent education. Our district’s diversity committee reviewed the district’s mission, vision and core beliefs. The committee reviewed Aspire test score data,...
Achievement GapCollege Students
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4 Pages 1844 Words
There are growing numbers of cases involving mental health issues. An alarming 60% to 80% of students who needs psychological services do not seek professional help (Eisenberg, Hunt, & Speer, 2012; Lipson et al., 2015). Thanks to news outlet and social media, more people are getting aware of the mental health problems one may encounter. Along with that, there are...
College Students
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5 Pages 2337 Words
In 2012, symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder were recorded by 2.4 million Canadians (Statistic Canada, 2015). Stress is present in most individuals’ daily lives, and it can have negative effects on one’s life if ignored. This paper focuses on Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) in college students and its effects on behaviour. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is defined as “a clinical anxiety...
AnxietyAnxiety DisorderCollege Students
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2 Pages 1079 Words
Introduction Embarking on the journey of law school is a transformative experience, characterized by rigorous academic challenges, intellectual growth, and the cultivation of a professional identity. The life of a law student is often romanticized in popular media, depicting a world of high-stakes courtroom drama and eloquent debates. However, the reality encompasses a diverse range of experiences that shape the...
College Students
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3 Pages 1566 Words
Executive Summary Focused students are presumed to employ successful habits in their studying practices, which are believed to dictate their success in terms of academic excellence. It has become imperative that scholars review some of these habits and try to link them with student behaviour to determine whether the habits are compelling enough. There has been a need to examine...
College StudentsHabitsStudent Life
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3 Pages 1375 Words
Many people wonder how a 2.5 or lower GPA student athlete gets a full scholarship to college, while a 4.0 GPA student struggles to pay their tuition. Are all student athletes have a 2.5? Student athletes does not always have a 2.5 or lower but when they do have a low GPA they still manage to get a full scholarship...
AthletesCollege StudentsStudent Life
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2 Pages 824 Words
Just the college 231 NCAA Division in basketball makes over $9.15 billion during their financial year, and none of the income goes to the hard working athletes that make it possible. College athletes that dedicate their time, effort, sweat, and money just to get recognized for a spot on a college sport team, gets barely any recognition, no money, nor...
AthletesCollegeCollege Students
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2 Pages 987 Words
Introduction In the realm of higher education, academic failure during a semester is a multifaceted issue that continues to perplex educators and administrators worldwide. While the pursuit of academic excellence is a primary objective for students, a considerable number of them encounter unforeseen obstacles that impede their academic progress. These impediments often culminate in semester failure, which can have profound...
College EducationCollege StudentsFailure
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1 Page 484 Words
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.' — Paulo Coelho -. Student failure: is a process where a student slides farther and further behind his colleagues, and progressively goes away from the educational system. So what result from failure on a student? The final consequence of unsuccessful academic life is dropping...
College StudentsFailureStudent Life
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5 Pages 2259 Words
ABSTRACT Introduction: The term “drugs” include prescription and non-prescription medicines, including complementary healthcare products. Rational use of drugs, as per directions will result in safer and better outcome for the patients. Rational use of drug requires the patient receive medications appropriate to their clinical needs. The concept of rational use of drug is new to the younger generations. It is...
AttitudeCollege StudentsDrugs
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