Communication essays

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Ariana Grande's Interview on Jimmy Fallon: Analysis of Polite Speech

9 Pages 4178 Words
Abstract This research aimed to find out types and function of inserts used by Ariana Grande of the interview in the Jimmy Fallon talk show. This research was qualitative research. The subjects consisted of a famous singer Ariana Grande. The data were inserts used by the Ariana Grande interview in Jimmy Fallon talk show from the transcript of 6 minutes...

Cognitive Development and Moral Reasoning: Literature Review

5 Pages 2465 Words
There are many reasons why a student can demonstrate their understanding to core related content. External factors in a child life, such as reading or exposure to technology can expand the student’s prior knowledge to assist them in learning core-related material. As well as internal factors, such as the student’s mental capability of understanding content. These are a few explanations...

UKM Students' Awareness of Recreational Noise

8 Pages 3647 Words
Abstract Objective: The goal of this study was to explore the awareness, knowledge and habits of UKM students towards recreational noise-induced hearing loss (RNIHL). Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed through online survey and a Malay version of Knowledge, Awareness, and Behaviors (KAB) questionnaire was given to the health science and non-health science undergraduate UKM students. Two-way ANOVA was conducted...

Communication in Maintaining Healthy Marriage: A Critical Analysis

2 Pages 814 Words
Prompt one states that Lahiri’s subject is not loved failure but the opportunity that an artful spouse, like an artful writer, can make a failure of that. I agree with that statement because people's opinions on love and marriage can be altered just from one person's wrongdoing. The short story of “Sexy” exhibits this the best by explaining an affair...

Rhetorical strategies in Tapscott & Lee's articles

3 Pages 1380 Words
The financial crisis of 2008 bred a new technology. Blockchain technology was born from a desperate attempt to try and alleviate trust from big banks and government after they failed to protect people’s money when the market crashed. Hundreds of millions of dollars lost, families broken, and lives destroyed. When blockchain was invented in 2009 naturally at first, barely anyone...

JFK Steel Speech Rhetorical Analysis

3 Pages 1350 Words
Reviewed double_ok
In 1962, the United States was emerging from a recession and the biggest steel organizations raised its costs by 3.5%. Kenndey, alongside numerous different Americans, was irritated encompassing the choice to raise steel costs. While Kenndey addresses the choice he utilizes numerous instances of rhetorical strategies such as cause-and-effect and comparing and contrasting, to represent his disappointment and irritation with...

Closing the ELL Vocabulary Gap through Collaboration and Inquiry

4 Pages 1804 Words
Abstract The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not collaboration through inquiry-based learning can help ELLs increase vocabulary and literacy skills in order to close the reading achievement gap. A mixed methods design was used with triangulation, using a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews to determine the themes in the qualitative data and frequencies and percentages were used...

Analyzing Theoretical Approaches to Genres in Discourse

5 Pages 2297 Words
Contemporary Genre Theories (ESP, New Rhetoric, SFL) The term comes from the French (and originally Latin) word for ‘kind’ or ‘class’ and appeared in rhetoric, literary theory, media theory, and more recently in linguistics as referring to a distinctive type of ‘text’. Different approaches applied in order to form a basis for defining genres. Vandenberg provides the following definitions of...

Effect and Consequences of Drunk Driving: Analytical Essay

4 Pages 1704 Words
Introduction to the Tragedy of Drunk Driving There are red and blue lights flashing on every caution tape in sight. The traffic is gradually moving, as everybody gazes at the two crushed up vehicles. There's glass and broken bits of the vehicle everywhere throughout the street to uncover a guiltless body brimming with blood. Families racing to keep an eye...

Cybersecurity and Networking Discourse Community: Analytical Essay

6 Pages 2917 Words
Patil states: “The term discourse community identifies a group of people with common interests and goals in life, share a language that helps them discuss and attain these interests and goals” (Patil). This is what Patil said about discourse communities and this is what it means. Discourse communities are people with similar goals and these people tend to bond together...

Analyzing Black Lives Matter with Swales' Criteria

2 Pages 885 Words
When learning about a discourse community, I found out that it is a group of people who share the same values and goals. They have their way of communicating about these goals. The reason this is important is because, without communication, these communities would not be able to relay information to each other. This would lead to them not being...

Performance Management Practice in British Airways: Literature Review

5 Pages 2432 Words
Introduction This main purpose of this literature review will be based on four crucial parts regarding performance management practice in British Airways. The first part will discuss the methods of performance management, which will contain both the advantages and limitations whereas the second part will include a brief description of the British Airways and how the company used the methods...

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in Letter from Cherokee Chief John Ross

3 Pages 1371 Words
Imagine a situation where you were subjected to unpleasant terms or conditions that you never agreed to in the first place. Nonetheless, you must go through the said situations since an individual claiming to be a representative of yours accented to it, thereby making it a binding agreement. Now, imagine not giving up the power to be represented to the...

Rogerian Argument: Locavore Synthesis Essay

1 Page 669 Words
Introduction: Significantly over the past years, locavorism has become a growing shift across the country; people tend to be complacent and continue to buy products not acknowledging what impacts it could have on the atmosphere or to themselves. Interpreted by someone who is dedicated to consuming food that is produced or developed within their local area to abstain from eating...

General Overview and Analysis of Soccer Discourse Community

3 Pages 1461 Words
As John Swales’ once said in his excerpt “The Concept of Discourse Community,” “a discourse community is a group of people involved in and communicating about a particular topic, issue, or in a particular field”(Swales). Within these societies, they form their own type of subgroup, of people with similar goals who work toward said objective. I encountered a discourse community...

Intertextuality in Discourse Communities

2 Pages 977 Words
Introduction The concept of intertextuality, which refers to the relationship between texts and how they influence each other, plays a crucial role in understanding discourse communities. The article, "Intertextuality and the Discourse Community," explores these intricate relationships by examining how texts within a community contribute to shared knowledge and collective identity. This essay critically reviews the article, highlighting its strengths,...

Rhetorical Strategies in Rifkin's A Change of Heart about Animals

2 Pages 748 Words
Journalist, Jeremy Rifkin in his newspaper article “A Change of Heart about Animals,” published in Los Angeles Times (2003) addresses the topic of animal science and argues that animals are similar to humans in multiple aspects as in emotional, somewhat mental, and behavioral. Jeremy Rifkin supports his claim by presenting multiple animal studies conducted at different research institutions. Questioning old...

Analysis of Discourse Community: Reflections on My Group

4 Pages 1866 Words
Suits and Ties Studying the habits of human beings, theorists have proposed different ways in which humans interact with one another. Humans associate with people through similar passions, interests, backgrounds, or beliefs. I currently want to pursue a career as a financial analyst. A financial analyst is someone that helps prevent financial risks for large enterprises and companies. So in...

Analysis of Rhetorical Strategies in Music Videos from Past and Present

3 Pages 1173 Words
Genre is defined as typical rhetorical ways of responding to a situation that repeatedly occurs within a scene. To help better understand that a scene is a place in which communication happens among groups of people with some shared objectives. Lastly, a situation are various rhetorical interactions happening within a scene, involving participants, subject, setting, and purposes. To further analyze...

Cognitive Dissonance: Free Choice Paradigm Analysis

4 Pages 1953 Words
What is cognitive dissonance? Cognitive dissonance, coined by Festinger (1957) refers to an unpleasant psychological state in which an individual's beliefs and knowledge do not align with their actions. Cognition refers to people's ideas and knowledge about the external world, their immediate environment, and aspects about themselves which include attitudes, emotions, behaviours and beliefs. Persons seek to reduce unpleasant states...

Critical Analysis: Black Lives Matter Organization & Discourse Community

3 Pages 1222 Words
A discourse community is a group of people who share a set of goals, which are basic values and assumptions, and ways of communicating about those goals. The ability to communicate is very important to a discourse community. It is important because without communication the community would not be able to convey information to each other, and they wouldn’t have...

The Lost Decade: Factors and Consequences of Dust Bowl

5 Pages 2176 Words
The Lost Decade The Stock Market crash is the most substantial economic crisis of its time. Beginning in 1929, all flourishing technological advances, financial security, and emotional well being were halted. Many people lost their careers; as a result, their self-worth promptly diminished. It would take around a decade for the nation to get back on its feet. Four years...

Parenting Groups as Discourse Community: Case Study

2 Pages 808 Words
In this day and age technology is the way of life. Everyone is always on their phone and never pays attention to the outside world. Even thought that is a major change in society, technology does have its perks. I have read an article by John Swales about discourse communities, and since then I never realized how many different communities...

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