Communication essays

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Communication in the Nurse-Client Relationship

1 Page 646 Words
Hospitalization can occur frequently in older adults and can result in changes to their regular routine to following hospital protocol – meals being given at set times, scheduled medications, or perhaps being put on precautions they were previously not on. This change in routine can cause clients to feel less in control of their lifestyle, thus it is pertinent to...

The Influence of Dominant Nonverbal Communication

2 Pages 871 Words
Introduction Nonverbal communication constitutes a significant portion of human interaction, often conveying more than words can express. Dominant nonverbal communication refers to the use of body language, facial expressions, gestures, and other nonverbal cues to assert control or project confidence in social interactions. This essay explores the various facets of dominant nonverbal communication, its role in interpersonal dynamics, and its...

Malcolm X: The Ballot or the Bullet

2 Pages 723 Words
On April 3rd, 1964 Malcolm X, a household name during the civil rights movement, delivered his speech in Cleveland, Ohio in order to discuss one important issue: the American values of democracy and freedom are not inclusive to African-American citizens. In his speech, Malcolm wanted to persuade fellow African-Americans to become more engaged politically and be more vocal. In the...

Nietzsche's Analysis on Truth and Lies

2 Pages 754 Words
In Nietzsche’s (1873) work “On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense”, Nietzsche explores the prominence of lies in our truths and in our lives when emancipated from any moral judgements. The argument proceeds through an argument constructing how humanity both hypocritically and willingly surrounds itself in deceptions and the deception of truth. Nietzsche begins by emphasizing the insignificance of...

The Correlation of Obesity and Economy

4 Pages 1993 Words
Arguably there are a number of social issues affecting contemporary society. Some of these issues, though personal, likely affect the entire population in the long run. Obesity is one of these issues. Obesity is becoming more prevalent with each passing day and this qualifies it to a health issue (Premmel, et al., 2017). Obesity is explained as a physical condition,...

Sales, Marketing And Promotion

5 Pages 2440 Words
First, we shall concentrate on traditional marketing and then we will get into digital marketing and promotion. But for successful marketing to occur, companies must be internally organized around common goals and objectives. Marketing efforts follow the four P's of marketing; product, price, place and promotion. The product consists of the actual goods produced for customers as well as packaging...

Identification of Loci Linked to Over-Eating in Golden Retrievers

4 Pages 1818 Words
Introduction In 2016, the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention conducted a clinical survey that found that an estimated 53.9% of dogs and 58.9% of cats were determined to be clinically overweight or obese by their veterinarian (APOP, 2016). Obesity is defined as an excess accumulation of body fat that results in impairment of health of bodily functions. Overweight and obese...

Advertising In Marketing And Rape Culture

3 Pages 1243 Words
Marketing is an activity that is created to plan products and services, make decisions on price and distribution strategies and communicate persuasive messages to target groups identified. Communication is the process of creating a sense of oneness or commonality between the sender and receiver. In the context of marketing, communication focusses more on the outcome than the process. Marketing communications...

Humanity VS Animals

3 Pages 1177 Words
Could our love for animals slaughter them? Is it conceivable to state our eagerness and selfishness could influence their physical and mental health. Humanity often overlooks that animals have emotions similar to us humans. Humans and Animals have evolved together for quite some time. Wherever people are found around the world, there is a high assurance that various animals are...

Analysis of Fallacies and Rhetorical Strategies in Antigone

3 Pages 1442 Words
Identifying logical fallacies and rhetorical techniques in a work is essential to understand its argument and overall persuasiveness. In Sophocles' tragedy Antigone, he emphasizes a higher power that transcends the laws of human civilization. In the tragedy, sisters Antigone and Ismene argue over the proper burial for their brother Polyneices. Creon, the new king, wants to punish Polyneices for his...

Reframing Architecture: Heritage Modernization & New Identity

6 Pages 2839 Words
Introduction ‘What is architecture’? This question concludes many different answers. Architecture can be defined as both the process and product of planning, designing, and constructing buildings or any other structures. It is a very broad and humanistic field that is at the same time technical and artistic. It requires a certain sensibility to arts, aesthetics and social understanding. In order...

The Impact of Facebook on Modern Communication

2 Pages 784 Words
Modern communication has radically changed over the last 50 years, from sending each other letters, simple telephone calls or even meeting face to face and talking over a cup of coffee. As the human race grows we have learned to adapt and create new methods of communication. One example of this is Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg. Founded in February...

The Ethics of Deceptive Protection

2 Pages 1049 Words
Introduction Lying has been a subject of moral debate for centuries, with questions about its justification surfacing in various contexts. While traditionally perceived as morally wrong, lying can sometimes serve as a protective mechanism. This raises the question: can lying be justified as a protection? Throughout history, individuals and groups have resorted to deception to safeguard their interests or the...

The Complexity of Deception: Lying as a Double-Edged Sword

2 Pages 1024 Words
Introduction Lying, a pervasive element of human interaction, is often described as a double-edged sword due to its capacity to both protect and harm. On one hand, lies can serve as tools for self-preservation or social harmony, such as when a white lie spares someone's feelings. On the other hand, deceit can lead to a breakdown in trust and a...

Technology's Impact on Memory in Modern Society

3 Pages 1558 Words
Ray Bradburry creates a society that is run by a government that manipulates its people by providing them with a happy and simple life. Instead, of allowing their own people to think independently, the government tells its society how to shape their lives. In order to keep control, the executives controlling the town, enforce their own mindset through the brutal...

The Morality Behind Each Vote

2 Pages 995 Words
Since grade ten Civics, most Ontarian students are challenged with the moral implications of political choices, and possibly given some direction towards specific political views. It was taught that every vote counts, literally meaning each vote is counted once. In reality, each vote is actually quite insignificant. The final result of the election is determined based on what everyone votes...

The Truth Hurts, But So Does Lying

2 Pages 741 Words
From telling a friend that their dish is delicious, to falsely blaming absences on a busy schedule, lying has always been a natural response during uncomfortable situations. In “Learning to Lie” by Po Bronson and “Is Lying Bad for Us?” by Richard Gunderman, the authors delve into some of the reasons behind lying and how lying impacts people. Both articles...

E-commerce Advertising Strategy Ideas

1 Page 649 Words
Every significant internet search engine is now additional cautious using what websites they are ranking large, because actually the consumers have become way savvier with the type of data they expect to be accessible online. The customers in these days are verifying the data that can be obtained more often than before and have reached instances very suspicious with things...

Neurobiology Of Lying/Deception

2 Pages 730 Words
Since time immemorial efforts have been made to devise methods of detecting falsehoods. For the sake of justice and security it is essential that one identifies liars. Personally I have been fascinated with the field of forensic psychology and understand the potential benefits of knowing how to detect a liar. Visualizing how the brain lies using functional MRI is a...

Is Lying Always Wrong?

1 Page 420 Words
Lying, in general, seems to be a somewhat functioning part of society. Whether we deem that moral or not, is determined by our own view of morality. To those who are honest, of course it would be “wrong” to lie, but what about those who lie all the time? Since “liars” see it as a norm, is it possible that...

Brave New World: Aldous Huxley’s Message

2 Pages 779 Words
In the novel Brave New World society is very organized and stable, however, this comes at a cost. The author of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley, is sending a message to the future through Brave New World, which is that the advanced stability and organization of society comes at a cost. This cost is culture from the past, individual freedoms,...

Benefits of Codes of Ethics for Social Marketing

3 Pages 1176 Words
Introduction This paper examines the need for the use of code of ethics for social marketing and their specific benefits. Andreasen (2001) stated that whilst the use of ethics was important in all areas, it was particularly relevant in social marketing because of the sensitivity of various issues that were addressed by social marketers. Substantial discussion has thus occurred in...

The Link Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder And Domestic Abuse

6 Pages 2816 Words
'Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love... violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers' - Martin Luther King Jr (1964) The life of every domestic abuse survivor is somewhat altered due to the aftermath of such a harrowing experience. When exiting from an abusive relationship, it is...

Programming And Advertising In Media Organizations

6 Pages 2869 Words
ABSTRACT When it comes to media advertising and programming, there are basic factors to consider. These factors include; target audience, time of airing, gender, age and most importantly the adverts to run during the breaks and sponsors of a show. Most media organizations rarely bother with programming. Most shows in our televisions and radio stations have been running for almost...

The Harmful World Of Advertising And Marketing

3 Pages 1271 Words
In a world where money is king, advertising has become the seller’s best friend. But has it become the buyer’s worst enemy? Some studies suggest that we are exposed to as many as twenty thousand adverts per day. Some of these are subliminal, and most people won’t pay attention to more than one percent of all the ads that they...

Should Firms Care About Ethics

4 Pages 1895 Words
Stakeholders use consumerism as a push for social change, based on the concept that companies make decisions according to consumer demands (Newholm, 2000). Consumer demand is constrained by the massive influence large companies create via their advertising and branding. On the other hand, it has been argued that consumer power may be used to ensure companies are accountable to society,...

Morality and Its Role in Global Affairs

2 Pages 986 Words
Introduction In the intricate web of international politics, the role of morality is both fundamental and contentious. As nation-states navigate a landscape marked by diverse interests and power dynamics, the moral compass guiding their actions often comes into question. Theories of international relations, such as realism and liberalism, diverge in their treatment of morality, with the former focusing on power...

How Can Unethical Advertising Affects Consumers And Businesses?

3 Pages 1319 Words
Over the years, advertising has never failed to draw public attention. With the development of technology, advertising has become one of the most integral parts to improve the sales of businesses. Performing an effective advertising is important for businesses to create brand equity, maintain the brand loyalty and achive success (Keller & Kotler, 2016). It is true that advertising is...

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