Community essays

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Essay topics
4 Pages 1636 Words
What is political discourse exactly? Such a broad and vague question has been approached by many theorists in the area of discourse who have each delivered their own results, but none of which have given just one precise definition. Most critics focus on the relationship between the written text and another field, such as politics, culture, racism, etc. Hence, as...
6 Pages 2590 Words
Introduction Language is the most primeval of persuasion devices. Through an indirect manipulation of language, proficient speakers have authentically been able to influence the perceptions, thoughts, purposes and agitation of the public, to the extent of causing people to accept false statements as true proclamations or even to support policies contradictory with their interests. Leaders have to plan, organize, lead...
5 Pages 2253 Words
In her book The Uses of Heritage, Laurajane Smith argues that an ‘Authorised Heritage Discourse’ or AHD exists, which prioritises national frames of reference over those of local communities. This essay will attempt to evaluate whether this is indeed the case, examining in turn the impact of local heritage practices, the idea of the AHD, and the way in which...
6 Pages 2741 Words
Introduction Social work is pegged on attending to the human condition i.e. making sure that everyone is whole mentally and physically so that they can co-exist with the people around them. The result or the intended result of such efforts in social work is a community and a society at large, which is complete to living in harmony. For all...
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4 Pages 1646 Words
Health Care Discuss what is meant by advocacy and how the communication strategies used in your chosen scenario either support or present a barrier to the concept of advocacy being utilized. ‘Critically review a range of communication strategies that can enable the development of therapeutic relationships This assignment will discuss the concept of advocacy and its importance and relevance to...
3 Pages 1229 Words
Conformity is an area of psychology classified under social behaviour. It focuses on social influence within a group involving altering behaviour or beliefs in order to fit in with others. There are three types of conformity proposed by Kelman (1958), including compliance, identification and internalization. Compliance refers to conforming in a group setting, adopting various behaviours and opinions of other...
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5 Pages 2473 Words
Introduction Traditionally, France has always shown a controversial relationship with its minorities. Although the French revolution was based on the three principles of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, the constitution of France interprets the meaning of equality as an exclusion of minority rights (Gilbert, J. & Keane, D. Equality versus fraternity, (2016). Didier Fassin, a French anthropologist and sociologist, conducted a...
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3 Pages 1243 Words
A career is something I would love to do even when I’m having a bad day, it is something I want to feel passionate about which gives my life meaning. Mental health is something I feel passionate about, which is why I want to become a licensed clinical social worker. Clinical social workers normally work in a hospital setting and...
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4 Pages 1949 Words
Post-conflict development is imperative to rebuild violence-ravaged states, but the degree of success in post-conflict reconstruction programs varies widely, with some efforts leading to further state insecurity and greater conflicts. Development is not as simple as a linear process, and what works in one state could be detrimental to another. For the purpose of this essay, post-conflict development will be...
5 Pages 2320 Words
The three generations of human rights framework Human rights are a powerful ideal that are easily endorsed today by people from many different cultural and moral backgrounds (Ife, 2012). The term ‘human rights’ is relatively new and was only initially used after the second world war (Weston, 1984). Prior to the 1940s there were no movements, no non-governmental organisations (NGOs)...
2 Pages 858 Words
On the off chance that individuals are lifted from poverty, can they adequately and productively battle obesity? The U.S. is one of the wealthiest countries on the planet and in the same manner has high obesity rates; 33% of the populace has obesity in addition to another third that is overweight. The issue is anticipated to decline; rising childhood obesity...
CommunityJunk FoodObesity
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2 Pages 788 Words
Introduction Verbal abuse, often overshadowed by its physical counterpart, wields a dangerous, pervasive influence that permeates both individual lives and communities at large. Defined as a form of emotional abuse characterized by the use of harsh or derogatory language, verbal abuse can lead to significant psychological damage. It undermines the victim's self-esteem and disrupts the harmony of community interactions. According...
CommunityVerbal Abuse
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2 Pages 817 Words
Introduction Chinese migration to Australia is a topic of considerable historical and contemporary significance, reflecting broader trends in global migration patterns. Since the mid-19th century, Chinese immigrants have played a pivotal role in shaping Australian society, economy, and culture. However, the journey and settlement experiences of these migrants are marred by multifaceted challenges that range from policy restrictions to socio-cultural...
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2 Pages 1000 Words
Introduction Pollution can be defined as the introduction of contaminants into the environment which can cause environmental imbalances, instability and harm to living organisms. There are many forms of pollution. These include air, water, and noise pollution among others (Lalitkhungar, n.d, P.1). The individuals or organizations that cause pollution are referred to as polluters. My task here is to discuss...
3 Pages 1574 Words
The importance of health care to the society is as a result of illnesses, accidents and emergencies which demands medical interventions to diagnose, manage or treat the diseases. The National Health Service (NHS) is the provider of healthcare in England through the services of healthcare professionals in various capacities. For example, doctors, nurses, midwifery, occupational therapy, social work, paramedics, youth...
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5 Pages 2420 Words
Introduction The Traverse Area District Library (TADL), a network of community libraries, is a district library funded by a dedicated countywide millage. TADL was established by an agreement between the City of Traverse City and Grand Traverse County and then ratified by a vote of residents throughout Grand Traverse County. Within the district, there are six public library facilities supported...
3 Pages 1224 Words
Human trafficking has been recognized as one of the most expansive and challenging human rights issues affecting the entire community and worldwide. It involves the recruitment, movement, and exploitation of a person. There are many different types of human trafficking, but the most known ones are sex trafficking, forced labor, and forced child labor. Despite the fact that human trafficking...
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4 Pages 2057 Words
Introduction to Conformity in the American Education System Albert Einstein once stated, “Education is what remains only after one has forgotten what one has been learned in school.” Growing up, school has always been seen as the start to the great adventure of life. Parents send their students to school with the best intentions that year after year, their children...
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5 Pages 2204 Words
Introduction Social work advocacy aims to influence policies, practices and laws that affect all people in a specific class or group (Dalrymple & Boylan, 2013). This is a comprehensive analysis paper for creating a proposal for a social advocacy action plan to authorize grants for training and support services for families and caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s disease or a...
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2 Pages 1080 Words
Human trafficking within South America is strongly pervasive and detrimental to the community and political system. 80% of the reported victims are women, from there, 51% are adults and 31% are girls under the age of eighteen. Girls are more vulnerable than boys concerning sex trafficking, and most of the victims are from South America. “Peru is the third country...
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4 Pages 1957 Words
The current practice of racial profiling has been used significantly all around the world for centuries, demonstrating the need for control and monitoring to prevent and incite change. Gathering facts, statistics, and stories from the local news will further explain why racial profiling needs to be put to an end. Some issues that have occurred as a result of racial...
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2 Pages 979 Words
Corporate citizenship is the new social identity supposing an important role in a firm’s life in the U.S. and Europe today. It is not enough for companies to generate a profit. U.S. and European citizens expect them to generate a profit and conduct themselves in an ethical and socially responsible manner. The ethical guidelines help organizations facilitate this expectation, which...
7 Pages 3062 Words
Abstract Among Social Institutions marriage and family are important institutions. They form the basis of society. From time immemorial, marriage is considered to be sacrament, permanent, indissoluble in Hindu mythology while in religions such as Muslims, Parsis, Christians etc marriage is nothing but is a special civil contract. With changing dimensions of society the definition of marriage has also changed...
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3 Pages 1173 Words
Birthright Citizenship refers to the law that resulted from the fourteenth amendment to the US constitution that took place around 148 years ago. This declares all the children who are born on US soil as legal US citizens. This right is often referred as jus soli, meaning the right of soil. According to the Fourteenth amendment to US constitution and...
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7 Pages 3064 Words
When compared to women, men engage in more harmful behaviours such as excessive drinking, substance abuse, and participating in unsafe sexual activities (Courtenay, 2011). Although researchers suggest multiple causes underlying these differences, such as biology and access to healthcare, a significant number of studies indicate gender role socialization, which results in most men conforming to typical masculine norms (Liu &...
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4 Pages 1882 Words
Introduction Language is an important means of communication. Human beings tend to express their feelings using their words and expressions which are an intermediate for the understanding between the speaker and the listener. In addition to that, the use of speech serves as a tool to communicate feelings, thoughts and ideology, especially in political and social contexts. South Africa’s Prime...
2 Pages 771 Words
Blind conformity is irrational and may even hurt others. As we have seen in the movie “ The Hunt,” Lucas is a teacher who never turns down a child’s needs. Therefore, the kindergarten children all like him pretty much. Lucas often helped one of a little girl named Clara, and Clara grew to like him. Then, Clara made little heart-shaped...
4 Pages 2026 Words
In this essay I will be evaluating co-production in relation to their strengths and limitations. I will explain how this concept promotes relationship-based and person centred in relation to social work practice. Social workers will also empower individuals and let people be independent and self-determined, living the lives they want and having control. Social workers will follow the guide of...
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2 Pages 853 Words
Group work is an essential component of Social Work due to its nature of being a multi-disciplinary practice and using groupwork methods of intervention (Maclean, 2015). Having taken part in a group assignment on the book The Lightless Sky, I have discovered how group work impacts on my personal and professional development as a Social Worker, through contributing to my...
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2 Pages 855 Words
In the future I see myself working as a children’s social worker because it is very rewarding career which can help individuals or society as a whole, undoubtedly it is very stressful job with a massive workload, very time consuming and has incredibly unsociable hours, it is not one of those nine to five jobs. Fortunately, I am that kind...
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