Conservation of Forest essays

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4 Pages 1668 Words
Abstract Media has been considered as fourth pillar of democracy, where everyone has right to expression. With its vast reach, mass media is called ' the magic multiplier' which demonstrates its powerful impact. Because mass media is a platform to highlight social, political, cultural, global issues alongside the voices of common people to attract the attention of governing body towards...
Conservation of ForestConversationMediaRole of Media
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3 Pages 1374 Words
The island of Madagascar is located on the east coast of Africa, which is home to a variety of lemurs. Most of us are probably not aware of how we damage their habitat and environment. The primary focus of this research is on the prolemur simus also known as the great bamboo lemur. This lemur has been classified as endangered...
Conservation of ForestConversationMonkey
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2 Pages 890 Words
Biodiversity relates to the degree of abundance and richness of life present in a specific region. This could refer to a distribution of species having distinct characteristics, difference in genetic makeup, or in terms of the presence of varying ecosystems in a certain area (Brown & Cohen, 2019). According to World Health Organization (2020), “People depend on biodiversity in their...
Conservation of ForestConversationInfectious Disease
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3 Pages 1239 Words
Starbucks has become a force to be reckoned with over the years in the coffee industry, providing a name for itself firstly in the United States and soon branching internationally. In this age, it would come across very hard to find someone who has not even heard of the brand Starbucks in their entire life. How is it possible for...
Conservation of ForestConversationStarbucks
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5 Pages 2397 Words
Identification of Dilemma According to Meijaard & Sheil (2012), any business person finds himself or herself in routine arguments. The argument calls for thought decision on the ways to hand the situation. The overall ethical dilemma has confronted George, the manager of the Beech-Nut company, who is in a situation of making a difficult choice for the sake of the...
Conservation of ForestConversationEthical DilemmaEthics
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2 Pages 1075 Words
Introduction Sustainability means to be maintained and a lifestyle where you reduce the earth's natural resources. I have chosen sustainable living because it is good for the environment and society plus it reduces people's usage of resources and encourages them to use natural resources. It's also because I think it's important to have sustained life and society to make things...
Conservation of ForestConversationOverpopulation
like 433
5 Pages 2110 Words
The conceptualization of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is essential for business and in good light with the environment in the modern-day world; due to globalization. The dynamic changes in the global market have an impact on the perception of firms towards society. The present work is an attempt to examine CSR practices of Nestle West Africa and how some of...
Child LabourConservation of ForestConversation
like 392
5 Pages 2476 Words
Abstract Red panda, Ailurus fulgens is unique animal of carnivora family that just has a single species and probably falls under monotypic family. Although they are found from Mugu to Ilam district inside eight different protected areas and one community forest of Nepal, the total population is not known. Their preferred habitat is the bamboo-dominated vegetation of evergreen deciduous forest...
Conservation of ForestConversationRed Panda
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3 Pages 1349 Words
Introduction In the past wolves once roamed the UK and played a vital part in keeping the wild deer populations under control through hunting. However,in the 17th-18th they were hunted to extinction and because of this it has allowed the wild deer populations to skyrocket. With no natural predators the wild deer has thrived and have gotten to the point...
Conservation of ForestConversationWolves
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2 Pages 1027 Words
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Geographical Range and Habitat Red pandas live mostly in Asia in the Eastern Himalayas like: China, Bhutan, Burma and Nepal. Red pandas live in the forest, where there's water, fallen logs, and bamboo. The reason why they need the bamboo is because they mostly make their house out of bamboo, and tree branches. In india red pandas like to live...
Conservation of ForestConversationRed Panda
like 432
6 Pages 2801 Words
Force plants are over the top expensive to construct, however, once they are available effectiveness in changing over fuel to energy is exceptionally high. Most of the time more power is made than is really required because power can't be stored. Power requests shift consistently and arrangement must meet the peak load, which implies the most noteworthy conceivable interest within...
AtomConservation of ForestConversation
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7 Pages 2974 Words
Pollen or nectar are the forms where insect visits flower to obtain food. The plants obtained the service of pollinators in carrying pollen from one flower to another. They feed on nectar from flourish for energy from sugars in nectar and for sodium and other minerals which are vital for their reproduction. In 18th century, butterflies have been studied steadily...
ButterflyConservation of ForestConversation
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2 Pages 855 Words
Introduction Koalas, scientifically known as Phascolarctos cinereus, are emblematic of Australia's unique wildlife. Despite their iconic status, these marsupials face a multitude of threats warranting their inclusion in the endangered species list. Historically, koalas thrived in the eucalyptus forests of eastern and southern Australia. However, a combination of habitat destruction, climate change, and disease has precipitated a severe decline in...
Conservation of ForestConversationKoala
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2 Pages 999 Words
The study of climate change impacts on birds has increasingly been hot topic in recent years. Abundant evidence and proof shows there have been apparent changes in avian population, life history traits, and geographic ranges in react to worldwide environmental change. This paper briefly reviews the impacts of climate change on birds specifically focusing on its distribution, production and conservation...
BirdsConservation of ForestConversation
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3 Pages 1236 Words
We live in the 21st century and yes, we have moved past a lot of barriers like caste, creed, colonialism and many others but still, we have a long way to go before we fully act like we live in the 21st century. What we often forget is that the Earth belongs not only to the humans but also to...
Conservation of ForestConversationTiger
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3 Pages 1538 Words
Extinction happens when a plant or animal species ' last individual dies out. This can occur naturally, likely due to climate change or other factors, or due to human activity such as overhunting or habitat destruction. Marine animals are aquatic mammals that rely for their life on the ocean and other marine ecosystems. Researchers are now using a comprehensive study...
Conservation of ForestConversationDolphin
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1 Page 520 Words
Orange-bellied parrot is a kind of slim ground-feeding parrot with grass-green top and yellowish below. Its prominent is the orange patch on belly, but adult female has slightly smaller orange patch. The taxon name of orange-bellied parrot is Neophema chrysogaster. This species breeds only in south-western Tasmania, Australia between November and March. The nest is in a natural pit or...
Conservation of ForestConversationParrot
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2 Pages 728 Words
The Swift Parrot (Lathamus discolor) native to Tasmania Australia, is the quickest parrot on the planet, however, now being critically endangered is on a fast decline to extinction. According to a ‘Conservation Volunteers Australia’ webpage, there are just approximately 2000 Swift Parrots left in the wild. The Swift Parrot travels across over Bass Strait to the Australian Mainland to collect...
Conservation of ForestConversationParrot
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3 Pages 1385 Words
Water conservation is the careful use and preservation of water supply, and it includes both the quantity and quality of water utilized. Water is an essential asset for the nourishment of all life. The fundamental demand for all activities appropriates local use to the agricultural industry. With the regular expanding weight of the human population, there has been serious tension...
ConservationConservation of ForestWater Conservation
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6 Pages 2853 Words
As population levels and consumption patterns continue to increase the impact on natural resources also increases. Conservation of the natural environment and economic development are slowly being recognized as being on the same side of the coin, rather than representing opposing faces. Development is seen as a way of funding conservation efforts, or as the process through which technology or...
Conservation of ForestConversationSustainability
like 218
4 Pages 1654 Words
Why Deforestation Needs Further Reformation As humans have evolved mechanically, their dependency on trees’ utility has evolved in a parallel manner. While at first, deforestation was simply cutting down a few trees here and there to build small settlements, it has now become a global practice and has grown to a massive scale that is endangering the entire planet. Over...
Conservation of ForestDeforestationEnvironmental Issues
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3 Pages 1330 Words
Reforestation is a climate solution first proposed in the form of an annual planting program by Gordan Sloan in the mid-1900s. While the exact program never took place as replanting trees was largely viewed as uneconomical, the need for reforestation became widely accepted as a necessary implementation during the passing decades. The process gained momentum during the late 1980s due...
Climate ChangeConservation of ForestConversationForest
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4 Pages 2030 Words
Whether you believe in the theory of Creationism, or the theory of Evolution, throughout the course of history, the climate has changed. Even now, the climate continues to change with each passing year. The debate of whether or not climate change rests solely on the shoulders of the human race has continued for decades. I do not contend with the...
Climate ChangeConservation of ForestConversation
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5 Pages 2226 Words
Environmental sustainability refers to the responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and well-being, now and in the future. While religion is defined as an organized collection of belief systems and worldviews that relate humanity to spirituality and sometimes to moral values. The aim of this report is to discuss the role of religion (Christianity...
Conservation of ForestConversationEnvironmental Issues
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4 Pages 1804 Words
The boreal zone, situated within the northern regions of the globe, stretches around 5000 kilometers from Labrador and Newfoundland in the east to Yukon in the west, extending south 1000 kilometers from the edge of the arctic tundra. Estimated to be around 270 million hectares, this boreal region covers more than half of Canada’s land area, sheltering millions of wildlife...
CanadaConservation of ForestConversationForest
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4 Pages 1898 Words
Environment protection is the process to conserve the natural environment by Society which includes individuals, different organizations, and laws and acts. The main purpose of environmental protection firstly does not to interfere with the natural environment, to keep it as it is, and conserve natural resources of water, air, and energy. Moreover, to repair and protect against damages that human...
2 Pages 775 Words
Introduction The intersection of environment and ethics in Indian philosophy presents a rich tapestry of thought that has evolved over millennia. Indian ethics, deeply rooted in religious and philosophical traditions, places significant emphasis on the harmonious coexistence of humans and nature. This perspective is not merely theoretical but has been integrated into the practical lives of Indian communities through various...
3 Pages 1508 Words
Introduction A forest is an area that is covered with trees, plants, and animals. Forests are very important for the survival of animals that support human life. Pakistan is an agricultural country. Pakistan has almost 4.2 million ha of planted trees and agricultural forests. It’s about 4.8% of the total land area. In Pakistan's hilly areas, about 40% forest comprises...
Conservation of ForestConversationForest
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2 Pages 771 Words
Can you imagine living without enough air to breathe? Is it even possible to survive without water in today`s blistering world? How can we survive in our daily life if we don`t have fertile land, forest, plants, and animals that provide us with food? What are we going to do if our natural resources are the main source of needs...
ConservationConservation of ForestNatural Resources
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4 Pages 1976 Words
Introduction Management of natural resources has been confirmed by observing organizations around the world provoke conflicts when scarcity, poor governance, and unfair distribution of amenities constitute its procedures. These conflicts have, in turn, caused heavy impacts on biodiversity and climate change; most of which are negative and irreversible (IUCN, 2021). The climate justice movement seeks to minimize the different forms...
BiodiversityConservationConservation of Forest
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