Conservation of Forest essays

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3 Pages 1267 Words
Forest certification is a mechanism by which an independent organization issues a written assurance that a product, service or process meets specific requirements (Auld, Gulbrandsen, & McDermott, 2008). This may be followed by issuance of a symbol on products from certified companies, to easily identify them in the market. The idea of forest certification is aimed at rewarding foresters who...
Conservation of ForestConversation
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5 Pages 2413 Words
The Dust Bowl Question One - What is a drought? A natural hazard is a natural phenomenon that commonly have a negative effect on flora and fauna or the environment. These consist of earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, cyclones, hurricanes and more. Natural hazards occur in all biomes in different ways, and at different times. We must always be prepared for these...
Conservation of ForestConversationDust Bowl
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5 Pages 2164 Words
What is sustainable development? Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Moreover, sustainable development is a program for changing the process of economic development so that it ensures a basic quality of life for all people and at the same time protects the ecosystems...
5 Pages 2237 Words
The current assignment report is to highlight wildlife and cultural heritage visits in Ranthambore National Park and Bharatpur Bird Sanctuary. Some time ago known as Bharatpur Fledgling Haven, Keoladeo Ghana National Park is situated in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. It is a man-made wetland made in the mid-eighteenth century. During the 1850s, the territory remained as a waterfowl chasing ground for the...
Conservation of ForestConversationTrip
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4 Pages 1625 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Abstract Endangered means to be under threat or near extinction. When a species or an animal is endangered, it means that they are disappearing fast or a very small population, is not large enough to survive. The IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) has compiled a Red List. This red list is a guide to...
Conservation of ForestConversationEndangered Species
like 189
5 Pages 2229 Words
1. Introduction Pollution is when a harmful substance is introduced to the environment causing damage to living beings. Pollution can be found in many aspects of life such as marine, air, and soil pollution; with air pollution posing a great health risk to humans (Kampa and Castanas, 2007). Air pollution has numerous causes and effects. According to Kampa and Castanas...
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3 Pages 1406 Words
Everything in the universe is connected for good or bad. The human race has had a huge impact on the world for the better but more likely for the worse. The biodiversity decline we see today is a worrying sign of the adverse effects humans have had on the planet. The 2020 United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity report states...
BiodiversityConservation of ForestConversation
like 432
5 Pages 2434 Words
Preventing Global Warming: A Potentially Mist Opportunity It’s finally Christmas and you’re hyped to surprise your friends and family at home after so many years. You can’t stop imagining all the fun that’s in store for you this week and the looks on their faces when you show up on their doorstep ready for a billion hugs and kisses. As...
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1 Page 638 Words
Carter calls for the protection of the Arctic Refuge in his foreword to “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, A Photographic Journey.” Carter creates a case for the protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to convince his audience. Jimmy Carter tries to reassure his audience of his position by using pathos, and logos, as...
Conservation of ForestConversationJimmy Carter
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3 Pages 1391 Words
Australia is among the world's largest coal exporters (Engelfried, 2018), and Adani is one of the biggest coal mining companies. Coal mining is an activity that brings a significant source of income into the Australian economy; however, there are many environmental impacts associated with it. The operations of Adani mine in Townsville is of significant concern to residents because it...
Coal MiningConservation of ForestConversation
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4 Pages 1850 Words
Conservation biology is nothing but management of species, their habitat, how to protect the species. Human-species interaction, etc. Yes, it is true that the future of conservation is not more national parks. Basically, this deals with the matters of land sharing and land sparing. Land sparing is setting aside of land for the purpose of conservation (national parks) from agricultural...
ConservationConservation of ForestNational Parks
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5 Pages 2081 Words
Case Study The majestic African Elephant is faced with the fight of its life, threatened by poachers all over Africa. Through non-governmental organizations and the support from local communities, there is still hope for the African Elephant to thrive. “My fascination with and love for elephants began when I first encountered a herd. I was on foot in the forests...
Conservation of ForestConversationPoaching
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2 Pages 1090 Words
Wildlife conservation is a tale as old as time. Who knows, maybe if there had been conservationists 65 million years ago, we would still have dinosaurs roaming the earth today. While the fact that animals go extinct is not old news, do people really understand why wildlife is so important? What steps need to be taken to preserve wildlife? How...
Conservation of ForestConversationWildlife Conservation
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7 Pages 3044 Words
Abstract Water conservation and drought issues are inevitable in some resorts. The primary reason refers to the fact that demand for fresh water increases with the growth of population and urbanization while supply decreases. The tourism industry is closely connected with water issues due to several reasons. First, most resorts are situated near large rivers and sources of fresh water....
ConservationConservation of ForestWater Conservation
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6 Pages 2617 Words
Despite continuous efforts and advancements in recent years, animal conservation translocation remains to have a variable degree of success, in terms of projects that have run without complications and death of the animals. By comparing articles and reports of translocations alongside the five domains model of animal welfare, it can easily be demonstrated that wild animal transport and the release...
Animal WelfareConservationConservation of Forest
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3 Pages 1246 Words
Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. In recent decades, about 10-40% of the global species are facing critical threat of extinction. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. 20183 described anthropogenic-related habitat loss as the biggest...
Conservation of ForestConversationWildlife Conservation
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2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Most of you here have been to zoos before, whether as a fun family trip or with your school as an educational experience, but have you ever considered how the animals you stare at for a minute or so before moving on are treated? Have you ever thought about how constrained they are, stuck in an enclosure with space...
Conservation of ForestConversationResearchZoos
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4 Pages 1690 Words
A zoo is a place where animals live in captivity and are put on display for people to view. The word “zoo” is short for “zoological park.” Zoos contain wide varieties of animals that are native to all parts of the Earth. Though people have kept wild animals for thousands of years, those collections have not always resembled modern zoos....
AnimalsConservation of ForestConversationZoos
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4 Pages 1735 Words
The most successful metropolis in the history of the world has 39 million residents, 50% more people than any other urban area. It is the safest big city on the planet, and with a two trillion dollars GDP, its economy is larger than all but eight entire countries. This is Tokyo, Earth’s model megacity. Our story begins 561 years ago...
Conservation of ForestConversationTokyo
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3 Pages 1570 Words
In the Tourism Review 2018, tour and activity operators were asked to consider implementing sustainable initiatives in their own tour company. A sustain majority 91.3% of participants inserted yes. In the tourism industry eco-friendly tourism is becoming one of the largest, a key element in the understanding the tourism industry is to recognize and deal with the change in the...
Conservation of ForestConversationEcotourismTourism
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3 Pages 1152 Words
In modern era, tourism becomes a trend for individuals. Tourism is the act of visiting new places with religious and historical importance for recreation. Travelling helps people to interact with others, and gives the chance to expand knowledge and build strong overseas relations. Recently, there have been large number of persons who love visiting. Foreign investment is mostly done by...
6 Pages 2652 Words
Policy briefs are an essential tool utilized by policymakers to consolidate and condense vast amounts of information into an easily digestible form such that lawmakers may learn more about the issues on which they are legislating prior to drafting legislation and/or voting. As such, it is important to note that this policy brief is less a brief and more an...
Conservation of ForestConversationEndangered Species
like 325
2 Pages 961 Words
Imagine if we could produce crops that do not require any pesticides, grow quicker than normal, and are produced with vital nutrients not previously found in them. This isn’t fantasy, as we already do all of the above through GMOs. According to the World Health Organization, GMOs or genetically modified organisms, are defined as organisms, such as plants, in which...
Conservation of ForestConversationGenetic ModificationGMO
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7 Pages 3099 Words
PESTLE analysis is key for any business looking to enter a new market or even improving business in the market they are currently in. PESTLE is a strategic analysis tool to understand the rise or fall of the market and whether to advance or retreat in the current market. PESTLE is also known as PEST, both of these acronyms have...
Conservation of ForestConversationCosta Rica
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1 Page 575 Words
Costa Rica can provide insight into how, despite the common practice, it is possible to have sustainable practices that do not harm the environment and still experience economic growth. The focus of this essay will be on tourism as it is Costa Rica’s main source of income and because tourism itself accounts for around 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions...
Conservation of ForestConversationCosta RicaSustainability
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3 Pages 1467 Words
Noted Irish playwright and political activist George Bernard Shaw once said: “The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of inhumanity. But each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me” (Shaw). The main threat to animal extinction...
AnimalsConservation of ForestConversationExtinction
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2 Pages 1041 Words
Abstract The Amur tiger (Tigris altaicia) and the cougar (puma concolor) both belong to the Felidae family. While they belong to the same family, they have very different histories. The amur tiger is always on the brink of extinction and facing multiple threats to its population. While the cougar has only recently seen its population decrease. The amur tiger is...
Conservation of ForestConversationEndangered Species
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2 Pages 1027 Words
In completion of this case study, I got the help and guidance of some respected persons, who deserve my deepest gratitude. I have completed my case study on Ganga Pollution. I have worked with full dedication and studied the case thoroughly and searched for ideas for solutions myself. I studied causes of pollution, problems arisen, future outcomes, steps taken by...
Conservation of ForestConversationPollutionResearchWater
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3 Pages 1512 Words
Background extinctions are a naturally occuring (and important) development within the economy of nature. There are a number of reasons for a species’ population to come to an end organically. A lack of genetic diversity following a vicariance event makes them vulnerable as they may not be able to evolve in accordance to the changing environments around them. An influx...
Conservation of ForestConversationExtinction
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4 Pages 1926 Words
Humans have contributed to a higher rate of species extinction today for several reasons. Those reasons include housing limitations, overfishing, worsening climate change, pollution, and increasing the number of invasive species worldwide (Gramling, 2019). Humans have transformed 75 percent of land on Earth into urban areas, leaving the rest for all species. Over time wetlands were lost and so did...
ConservationConservation of ForestEndangered Species
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