Conversation essays

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3 Pages 1246 Words
Global decline of large old trees from anthropogenic alteration has gained considerable interest globally and could resulted in losses of numerous wildlife species. In recent decades, about 10-40% of the global species are facing critical threat of extinction. Some believe that sixth mass extinction event is perhaps in progress. Ross et al. 20183 described anthropogenic-related habitat loss as the biggest...
1 Page 662 Words
Susan Bradford is a Hoonah student passionate about protecting her home in the Tongass through education and action on invasive species. As a 2021 Hoonah Alaskan Youth Stewards (AYS) crew member, Susan was taught how to safely remove invasive Oxeye Daisies from infected areas around town. Later in the season Susan and her fellow crew were invited to Tidelines Institute...
5 Pages 2276 Words
In 1972, The Wild Life (Protection) Act (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Act’) came into force, keeping in mind the objective of preventing the destruction of rich diversity of animal life which is a direct consequence of human activities which include commercial and non commercial acts like excessive hunting, collection of firewood, deforestation for various reasons. All these acts collectively...
2 Pages 849 Words
Introduction Fascism and totalitarianism are two political ideologies that have profoundly influenced the course of history, shaping societies with their authoritarian governance structures. While both ideologies are often intertwined in public discourse, they possess distinct characteristics that merit detailed examination. Fascism is typically characterized by dictatorial power, extreme nationalism, and suppression of opposition, often with a racial or cultural superiority...
ConversationSocial Security
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8 Pages 3634 Words
Global warming is an undisputed international problem. The discourse surrounding this issue has attracted disparate opinions from lawmakers, investors, and the public among others. One of the ideas and approaches that have been adopted is iron fertilization. Iron fertilization is a form of geoengineering, which involves the intentional introduction of the micronutrient iron into certain areas of the ocean with...
2 Pages 918 Words
Egypt is the most popular country -in the basin- agriculturally and industrially. The Nile River in Egypt provides a significant source of drinking water to the community and has important fishery values. Anthropogenic Activity including, agricultural runoff, industrial and municipal wastes, potentially affected the Nile River water quality. According to (Agricultural Policy Reform Program, 2002) the flow rate of the...
ConversationNile River
like 253
4 Pages 1766 Words
With nearly 70% of the world covered in water, only about 2.5% is drinkable, causing some countries to have limited or no access to fresh water. One of these countries suffering from a water crisis is Jakarta, Indonesia. Having more than 10 million people living in Jakarta, there is not enough fresh water available to drink and use for everyday...
ConversationWater Conservation
like 369
2 Pages 980 Words
Essay on Biodiversity: Biodiversity is the presence of different species of plants and animals on the earth, which means it’s crucial that we take care of these precious creatures and preserve their habitats so they can thrive in today’s world. This Essay on Biodiversity on the importance of biodiversity will teach you about the vital role biodiversity plays in our...
3 Pages 1231 Words
rotecting forests and restoring wetlands are some of the actions companies and governments are taking to make up for biodiversity lost as a result of their development activities. These measurable conservation actions - designed to compensate for unavoidable impacts, on top of prevention and mitigation measures already implemented - are known as biodiversity offsets. The goal of offsets is to...
3 Pages 1189 Words
Green technology, also known as Environmetal technology or Clean technology, is the application of one or more of environmental science, green chemistry, environment monitoring and electronic devices to monitor, model and conserve the natural environment and resources, and to curb the negative impacts of human involvement. It uses the National R&D (Research & Developement) projects to minimise the effects of...
2 Pages 886 Words
Social responsibility regarding the environment is one of the crucial areas in today’s corporate social responsibility. In order to sustain in this competitive world most of the industrial and corporate houses globally are incorporating the concept of environmental element in their business operations. These industrial houses are clear in their perspective that along with the quality in their businesses they...
2 Pages 866 Words
Zoos are meant for the rehabilitation of animals, but is it possible that it actually hurts those beautiful, strong living beings? Ultimately, it depends on the specific case in question. For cases like Willie the gorilla in ‘The Zoos Go Wild’, and the macaws in ‘Our Beautiful Macaws and Why They Need Enrichment’ the zoo specifically made an environment that...
3 Pages 1293 Words
Theodore Roosevelt once stated, “I recognize the right and duty of this generation to develop and use the natural resources of our land; but I do not recognize the right to waste them, or to rob, by wasteful use, for the generations that come after us”. This quote by one of our nation’s former presidents, exemplifies the view many citizens...
like 432
7 Pages 3067 Words
Jacques Derrida came to prominence in the late 1960s and early 1970s with the publication of Of Grammatology, Writing and Difference and Margins of Philosophy. Derrida’s name is inextricably linked with the term ‘deconstruction‘. Largely because of this, or rather because of some interpretations of what deconstruction is, he must be counted as one of the most controversial of contemporary...
ConversationJacques Derrida
like 432
5 Pages 2118 Words
Abstract Coral reef depletion is not a new phenomenon as coral reefs in most parts of the world have gone through substantial alterations in their history. As early southeast the 1870s, coral reef mortality existed in many places although the trend of depletion has Southeast increased in recent years. Natural disturbances such as hydrographic disturbances, unusual drops of sea levels,...
1 Page 568 Words
The trees in the rainforest biomes have developed several adaptations to enable them to survive the conditions in the area. The rain forests receive an average of between 50 and 260 inches of rainfall annually (Denslow, 1987). This means that the plants in that area will need to adapt in order to ensure that they shed water in an efficient...
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4 Pages 1623 Words
Introduction The ecological system of Florida contains several distinct life forms with rarest species as compared to other ecosystems. Florida’s geographical location and longitudinal range makes it situated in a manner that almost all parts of South Florida have a tropical climate and the central and northern parts of Florida’s State is humid subtropical containing the Florida’s species with varying...
9 Pages 3906 Words
Jack London was a prolific writer; over the period from 1899 until his death in 1916, he wrote 50 books and over 1,000 articles. Though he was made most famous by his stories of the Klondike, he wrote on subjects ranging from boxing to romance, from survival in the Arctic to labour strife in Australia. He led a harsh, erratic...
ConversationJack London
like 433
7 Pages 3224 Words
On October 28th, 2020, Donald Trump and his cabinet enacted legislation to allow logging in Alaska’s Tongass National Forest. According to those within the Trump administration, and Alaska’s state representatives, such logging was necessary in order to buoy a drowning timber industry and create jobs. On the other hand, according to scientists like Dominick DellaSala, “We need those rainforests to...
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2 Pages 879 Words
Clean water has a big effect on society just as big as an effect that sun and food have to living creatures. The idea of providing access to clean water hasn’t been solved because we don’t have the equipment to fix the problem. They will have the equipment within ten years because that is around the time robots will be...
ConversationWater Conservation
like 289
3 Pages 1339 Words
SA long journey starts with a single step. What started four years ago as a journey to prosperity has achieved its mark? How did it go that fast? It appears to me like it was just yesterday when the high school journey was starting. You’ve had to wake up at six in the morning. You are now upperclassmen willing and...
Air PollutionConversation
like 432
2 Pages 921 Words
'We would consider it cruel to confine a dog permanently in a kennel. Yet we visit zoos where hundreds of wild animals are kept permanently in the equivalent of a kennel.' Virginia McKenna. The existence of zoos goes back many years, but people are beginning to express concern for the welfare of the animals within the zoo. This is due...
like 405
3 Pages 1319 Words
In Aldo Leopold’s piece, “The Land Ethic” it creates an effective rhetorical analysis with its moral responsibility to the natural world. The idea of a land ethic is simply caring about the community, the land and restoring the relationship between them. Leopold states, “An ethic to supplement and guide the economic relation to land presupposes the mental image of the...
1 Page 657 Words
General Electric Company is a mega-company that seeks to expand its business and gain a larger share of the market. The issues of global warming due to the emission of carbon dioxide threaten the company’s lucrative business of selling steam engines that use coals and petroleum products because environmentalists advised the United States government to limit carbon dioxide emission (Kennedy,...
2 Pages 863 Words
Introduction Most of you here have been to zoos before, whether as a fun family trip or with your school as an educational experience, but have you ever considered how the animals you stare at for a minute or so before moving on are treated? Have you ever thought about how constrained they are, stuck in an enclosure with space...
2 Pages 916 Words
In the U.S., fossil fuels produce up to 80% of all energy that we consume. Our current level of dependence on fossil fuels puts us on track for a rapid depletion of these finite materials. Meaning, if we’re not careful, we will run out of our precious, non-renewable resources. That means no more oil, natural gas, and even coal. Burning...
Alternative EnergyConversation
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4 Pages 2007 Words
Pollution is the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects (Oxford Dictionary). My essay will cover the main causes of pollution in Kenya, specifically air pollution, water pollution and soil pollution. These causes will be sourced from governmental research as well as independent academic research. It will then review how effective...
4 Pages 1723 Words
A 75-year-old recycling business and its current standing. Environmental Impact of Automobile/Car Recycling. Focusing on two geographic areas: Flushing and Jamaica. Also, looking at the broader aspect of recycling and what happens to the materials as soon as it leaves the auto recycling facility. What happens to vehicles when they are at their full potential? How and where are they...
1 Page 638 Words
Carter calls for the protection of the Arctic Refuge in his foreword to “Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: Seasons of Life and Land, A Photographic Journey.” Carter creates a case for the protection of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in order to convince his audience. Jimmy Carter tries to reassure his audience of his position by using pathos, and logos, as...
2 Pages 956 Words
Reviewed double_ok
Between Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal and Woodrow Wilson’s New Freedom domestic programs, Roosevelt contained more regions of reform than Wilson. Roosevelt was also more progressive than Wilson. They both contributed significantly to a period of national reform that made the government in Washington a bigger center of power. The United States neared the end of the nineteenth century as a...

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