Conversation essays

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4 Pages 2029 Words
EAWEEDS are marketed as “functional foods” or “nutraceuticals” due to their highly biochemical ingredients, and they are vital as food supplement in order to relinquish physiological condition and resist diseases. In the present study, the biochemical compositions of the seaweeds Caulerpa racemose, Digenea simplex, Sargassum polycystum and Cystoseria myrica were studied. The total protein, carbohydrate, lipid, fatty acids, amino acid,...
2 Pages 1130 Words
Background Botswana is inhabited by approximately 130,451 wild African savannah elephants (Loxodonta africana) (Chase et al., 2016) playing significant role in the country's ecology and wildlife tourism industry (Lamarque et al, 2009; DWNP 2012). However, the range of these elephants have increased significantly in Botswana as they roam around for water; hence they are breaching the protected areas and coming...
2 Pages 872 Words
INTRODUCTION With the continuous growth of urban population, urbanisation is a universal phenomenon all over the world. Therefore, human beings are taking this as a serious problem and trying to find greener and more liveable cities. Landscape architects are responsible for public spaces with attractions and functions such as parks, gardens and playgrounds. We designed and planned the locations of...
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4 Pages 1668 Words
Within the 2015 film, The Martian, the main protagonist is able to grow food sources on Mars when he is left after complications in a NASA mission. The capability of sustainable plant growth, to the quality seen on Earth, is questionable. This is where the question, ‘Are the parameters of Mars suitable for sustainable plant growth and survival?’ was asked....
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3 Pages 1376 Words
Introduction All around the globe, there are a large number of gardens for instance, in North America community garden ranges from the victory garden areas to street beautification planters. Additionally, in many places around Europe, there are various places which have ``allotment gardens`` whereby there are a dozen of plots each of which measure hundreds of square meters and are...
4 Pages 1561 Words
In a bid to aid globalisation, the Australian Government established liberal trade policy agreements with low wage economies. However, according to a manufacturing report released in 2018 by the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, it suggests liberal trade policies are hampering the growth of Australia's manufacturing industry instead of fueling economic growth. Australia’s manufacturing industry contributes 6% to the...
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2 Pages 909 Words
INTRODUCTION In the 21st Century, Slavery, even though formally abolished, is now at levels that exceed the prevalence of it in recent centuries, as this issue has become less obvious. Human Trafficking is the contemporary version of the traditional forms of slavery, continuing to be exercised on a global scale, despite the implementation of both international legislation, along with domestic...
4 Pages 1763 Words
The higher the temperature the faster the particles move. This is because of the kinetic energy, the more kinetic energy there is, the greater the chance is for a collision that results in a reaction. More energetic particles have a higher chance of “COLLIDING SUCCESSFULLY because they will collide more often thus increasing the number of successful collisions PER SECOND,...
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4 Pages 1702 Words
Abstract The exploitation of shark species to satisfy the high market demand is now becoming a worldwide concern since the numbers for many species of these apex predators are now declining at an alarming rate. Shark DNA extracted from shark samples collected from the Australian fisheries management, amplified and used for identification. Although there are different methods of identifying a...
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6 Pages 2609 Words
The ability of science to operate effectively within society is de- pendant on a number of factors. Science is totally reliant on the law for its regulation and control, while the boundaries in which science can operate are governed by legal constraints. These boundaries are strongly influenced by society which dictates acceptable levels of morals and ethics in which science...
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2 Pages 840 Words
Introduction Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have emerged as a transformative tool in the realm of civil engineering, offering unparalleled capabilities in spatial data management and analysis. The integration of GIS technology in civil engineering projects has revolutionized how professionals design, analyze, and manage infrastructure. By enabling the visualization of complex geographical data, GIS facilitates better decision-making, leading to more efficient...
Civil EngineeringConversation
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2 Pages 944 Words
Introduction Museums serve as vital custodians of cultural heritage and play an instrumental role in the educational and social landscape of societies. They are institutions that gather, preserve, and exhibit artifacts of historical, artistic, or scientific importance. In recent years, the role of museums has expanded beyond mere preservation to become interactive, educational hubs that engage diverse audiences. This evolution...
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3 Pages 1495 Words
There are many jobs that shape the world around us, and one of those jobs is that of a design architect. Design Architecture may seem like a time consuming, boring, and tiresome job, but it is very far from that. Design Architects are very creative individuals who design everything from our homes to our favorite places, therefore all design architects...
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3 Pages 1583 Words
A Liberal Arts education can be dated as far back to the Greece and Roman Empire. It was a course of study for citizens free from slavery. During those times to be awarded a liberal arts education about civic duties and developed them as human beings in the study of grammar, rhetoric, and logic (Liberal Arts College Review, n.d.). The...
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3 Pages 1215 Words
Environmental awareness Environmental awareness means being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies, conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others. Environmental awareness is to understand the fragility of our environment and the importance of its...
3 Pages 1284 Words
Life is a beautiful Journey. You think you have it all figured out and have a plan. You think you have figured out your destination and the road that leads there. You are excited and feel like you know which direction you are heading in, but then suddenly the path changes, the signs change, the wind blows the other way....
Catcher in The RyeConversation
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7 Pages 3014 Words
By developing of Machiavelli’s political theory and ideas based on the government in a philosophic way that influenced the important names such as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, John Locke, and Immanuel Kant, Thomas Hobbes, being among the founders of modern political philosophy, emphasized the importance of the social contract and the state of human nature in his well-known work called Leviathan in...
2 Pages 1106 Words
Introduction Urbanization can be defined as drift of population from rural and agricultural land to urban and non-agricultural sectors (Gollin et al 2002; Michaels et al 2012). The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2018), has reported that world’s urban population has accelerated from 751 million in 1950 to 4.2 billion in 2018 and will reach to 6.4 billion...
6 Pages 2737 Words
INTRODUCTION Early childhood education is for children from the years three to six. Around this field, we can get toward know the importance of early childhood education to family as well as society by studying the objectives that early programs have meant for a child. First of all, information is consisting of fact’s concepts, ideas, vocabulary and services is a...
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7 Pages 3011 Words
Introduction The term “propaganda” comes from Latin. Propaganda is always biased. It is a way of distributing information or conveying a message where the message is designed in such a way to make people feel in a certain way. It is a particular kind of communication strategy that circulates specific needs and desires. It is basically how you show something...
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4 Pages 1737 Words
Nike is a multinational company that produces Nike offer the products in footwear products like running, Training, Basketball, Soccer, Casualshoes, Skateboarding, Tennis, Volleyball, apparel for sports activities for dance and yoga, sports equipment like baseball bats and weights also technology accessories including heart-rate monitors and altitude wrist compasses under the brand of Nike which attracts people. The founder of the...
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6 Pages 2823 Words
Introduction to Cognitive Theories in 'Matilda' Matilda follows the young Matilda Wormwood on the journey that is her life. Matilda is not like other children; she has a gift of telekinesis. Almost all of the adults in Matilda’s life have been cruel and crude toward her. Miss Honey is the ray of life that shines on Matilda’s life. Matilda will...
Cognitive DevelopmentConversation
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4 Pages 1728 Words
The Theory of Cognitive Development The cognitive development theory represents a concept that was developed by Jean Piaget to try and understand the retention ability in children (Bjorklund and Causey, 2017). Besides, the theory is mainly based on the fact that children acquire knowledge as they manipulate the biosphere around them. According to Lind (2017), the cognitive development theory does...
Cognitive DevelopmentConversation
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6 Pages 2758 Words
Throughout the twentieth and twenty-first century, world population increased exponentially in accordance to immigration, technological advances that improved quality of life as well as elongated lifespans, and exponential growth in food production productivity. These factors have created persistent population growth even as mortality and fertility rates decrease. In the United States alone, through demographic transition, there has been ascending growth...
4 Pages 1715 Words
“Sir, of all the tiresome emotive words coined by this generation “gentrification” must rank among the worst. By its implication of class ridden envy, peculiar I believe to this country and perhaps a symptom of our current malaise, fears of “gentrification” threaten plans for the rehabilitation of many derelict areas of “listed” housing in London.” As cited in the book...
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2 Pages 798 Words
Introduction The early years of a child's life are critical for the development of social skills and moral understanding. As children interact with their environment, they acquire the essential abilities to communicate, empathize, and make ethical decisions. The interplay between social skills and moral development is profound, as children learn not only how to interact with others but also how...
5 Pages 2263 Words
Introduction Early Childhood development is a vital process that begins from birth to five years of age. Areas of early childhood development such as cognitive, emotional, physical, social and fine motor skills provide essential developmental benefits to young children, in all future aspects of their lives. The aim of the observation report is to attain a practical understanding of early...
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3 Pages 1271 Words
In the article “A Room with a Viewpoint: Using Social Norms to Motivate Environmental Conservation in Hotels”, published by Harvard Business Review, Goldstein, Cialdini and Griskevicius conducted two field studies to explore the effectiveness of different strategies to convince hotel guests in the US to behave more environmentally conscious. The studies were executed by equipping hotel bathrooms with messages asking...
ConversationSocial Norms
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5 Pages 2186 Words
It is the land that breaths by its vivid pattern of culture, customs, traditions, and ancestral practices. This vividness resulted in the formation of a nation that has a strong history of evolution and architectural advancement. India is a diverse country with thousands of listed Historic Sites, preserved and maintained by various organizations, but in the last few decades, the...
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2 Pages 781 Words
Starbucks is an American coffee company that started in 1971 in Seattle, Washington by three partners that got to know each other through the University of San Francisco, who are Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They were all influenced to sell high-quality coffee beans and equipment by a contractor called Alfred Peet who taught them his way to...
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