Introduction Justice and forgiveness are two profound concepts that have intrigued philosophers, theologians, and scholars across cultures and centuries. At first glance, justice and forgiveness may appear to be in stark opposition, with justice representing retribution and fairness, while forgiveness embodies compassion and absolution. However, a deeper exploration reveals a nuanced relationship between these constructs, suggesting that they can coexist...

Introduction Restorative justice is an innovative approach to addressing crime and wrongdoing that focuses on repairing harm and fostering healing rather than merely punishing offenders. As a transformative alternative to the traditional retributive justice system, restorative justice emphasizes accountability, reconciliation, and the empowerment of victims and communities. This essay explores whether justice and forgiveness can coexist within the framework of...

The topic of domestic abuse is a quite antagonistic topic. Police, Campaigners and victims all agree for its immediate stop, but are unable to determine how to do so. A consultation done by the recent government chose to concentrate it efforts on harder convictions, sentences as well as expanding restrictive civil orders. However according to The College of Policing it...

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Introduction Ma’dam/Sir Supervisor, as we prepare for the speech to be held at the National Convention Center, per your request I have prepared information on the subject matter of four alternative perspectives of criminology. According to Siegel (2018), criminology is defined as the scientific study of the nature, extent, cause, and control of criminal behavior. “Drawing conclusions after close reading...

The play “Othello”, written by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy story about a moor (General) “Othello” and his downfall between his newly wedded wife, Desdemona. The story begins in Venice and how Roderigo was gaining his affection for Desdemona. Roderigo is been paying Iago money to help him win Desdemona’s love and affection. Roderigo later found out that Desdemona been...

Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is considered a criminal offense in Nevada and all the other states in United States of America, meaning all DUI and DWI cases are all done in a criminal court. If a person’s alcohol content exceeds a certain limit and is caught driving, he/she can be charged with several serious...

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80-90% of blacks and Latino Americans are put behind bars for a drug bust. A drug bust is to seize of illegal drugs by law enforcement. A drug bust also can wrongfully incriminate people of color including blacks and Latino Americans. By wrongfully incriminating people of color one can lose their homes, jobs, and even children as a result. This...

Throughout time, there have been many different controversial ideas debated throughout different writings. Today, I am discussing the ideas of justice, law and morality as they are discussed within The Tempest by William Shakespeare, Republic by Plato, and Medea by Euripides. These three ideas can all be connected with each other. Justice is not as widely discussed in Medea, but...

To every single country in the world, justice and righteousness among its citizens have become one of the top requirements. Psychologically, human instinct prefers fairness, in another way, people consider being treated equally as an instinctive demand. Therefore, justice during social’s establishment is a manifestation of impartiality as well as an inviolable privilege. To protect justice, societies build up laws...

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In book V of Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, the entire theme of this section is directly dedicated towards the different aspects of justice. It seems odd, considering justice isn’t listed in the virtues that Aristotle underlines, that it gets its own book dedicated toward its importance. Aristotle says that Justice is special in this aspect. Justice is the compilation of all...

Thyestes is considered Seneca's masterpiece and has been described as one amongst the most impactful plays. Thyestes is focused upon a plot encompassed by revenge, indeed mobilizes a fashion the standard connection between tragedy and viciousness, authority and sacrifice. Seneca was renowned as a stoic philosopher, praised for his philosophical works, and for his tragic plays. His writings established one...

The play I have chosen for my Independent Reading Project is Medea written by Euripides. It is an ancient Greek tragedy where Medea takes revenge on Jason by killing their two sons and his new wife for betraying, abandoning, and exiling her. The themes explored in this story are passion, rage, revenge, greatness, and pride. Medea, a granddaughter of Helios,...

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Juvenile Justice is the area of criminal law applicable to persons not old enough to be held responsible for criminal acts. (Wex Legal Dictionary). It is a justice system for criminal offenders under the age of 18. In the United States youth are incarcerated at an increasingly alarming rate, according to the American Civil Liberties Union(ACLU), 60,000 kids are incarcerated...

Introduction Since the end of World War II, global inequalities have been increasing exponentially. The developing nations have been left behind even as most countries across the world are gearing towards sustainable economies (Habermas, 2018). Due to unequal growth, developing countries are still faced with limited resources to participate proportionately in global economic growth (Dorsey, 2005). There are many issues...

The Spanish Tragedy is considered the best revenge play of its time and to this day, critics are analyzing its various aspects like justice, revenge, divinity etc. The most dominant subject matter throughout the play was the idea of judiciary. In this essay, it will be examined how justice played out through the characters of The Spanish tragedy and its...

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The terms justice, sin, and redemption are complex and their definitions mainly contested. What one person may consider just or a sin is not the same as another individual’s definition. Nonetheless, grounding our human pursuit of justice in the understanding of sin and redemption is a critical starting point towards putting to right all that is perceived wrong. It is...

Research has overwhelmingly shown the harmful effects of charging and punishing youth. statistics have proven that young people who are charged are less likely to succeed in school or find stable employment and are more likely to reoffend. Restorative justice is commonly defined as an approach to justice that focuses on addressing the harm caused by crime while holding the...

The number of people in prison at the end of 2017 was 1,486,000 and out of those 436,500, were white. This means that around 75% of all people in prison are races other than white. Racism in America started when the first people came to America and is still happening today after almost 200 years. White people in the past...

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The current criminal justice system often tends to focus on punishing the offender. However, this practice has proved to be destructive and a failure in many cases. The Little Book of Restorative Justice by Howard Zehr is a bestselling novel. Howard Zehr is known worldwide for his work he has done in terms of understanding justice. The Little Book of...

The word justice is associated with many aspects of society today; social justice, criminal justice and environmental justice just to name a few. However, all of these subsections have one thing in common, a societal outlook past individual gratification or concern. All of these groups or movements seek changes within their communities to reach a state of justice from a...

Medea by Euripides is centered around a woman that ends up with a broken heart simply because she loved too hard. Medea, who is the protagonist in the play, gives up everything for Jason, who is her former husband and the man she was deeply in love with. However, her acts of love are only repaid with betrayal by Jason....

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Forgiveness restores relationships, friendships, and families. It is the first step to a process of healing for someone who was holding onto a traumatic situation. There should be restorative justice because it is a powerful and important tool to rehabilitate the offender, victim and community to come together in reconcile without being against one another. The person who was credited...

Abstract The restorative justice system is a traditional way of justice. Despite this, most people have realized the system lately. As such, the retroactive justice system is still at an earlier stage of implementation in the modern world. Various research is being conducted, however, to make the operation successful. A study into the restorative justice system aims at establishing multiple...

Written by Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter primarily centers around the deed of sinning, and the effect it has on those surrounding. Initially, we are presented with Hester Prynne, a young woman who essentially commits the immoral act of adultery. Consequently, those associated with this act of sin ultimately are further consumed by immorality than the sinner herself. Sin in...

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In 2006 the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) released a report that conceptualised restorative justice as “…a way of responding to criminal behaviour by balancing the needs of the community, the victims and the offenders,” (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 2006). The report goes on to further underscore the importance of exercising this form of...

Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb town in the U.S. State of Alabama. The fictional town is home to the Finches. Atticus Finch, a widower, lives with his daughter, Scout Finch, and son, Jem Atticus, during the Great Depression. Racism is a vital hallmark of life in Maycomb. As a prominent lawyer, Atticus understands the issue...

Families expressed the view that the most reparative act the authorities could undertake was to reveal the truth about the disappeared. They were concerned that compensation through reparation payments was designed to divert families from pursuing the “truth about their loved ones” . Therefore, in this specific case, the value of truth and acknowledgement for victims and their families cannot...

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The introduction of artificial intelligence in the judicial systems can aid judges with the necessary resources needed to make their work easier but it will never replace the existence of Judges and their expertise. What is Artificial Intelligence? Artificial Intelligence is an advancing field of Computer Science that enables a machine to respond to its sorroundings independently while performing tasks...

Revenge occurs because of hate which leads to people’s demise. Vengeance is one of the main themes in the play Othello by William Shakespeare. It is a recurring theme throughout the play, and the plot revolves around it. Retribution has been shown many times in Roderigo, in Othello, the play’s main character, and Iago, the main villain. They all have...

Have you ever been treated equal? Have you ever met ethical considerations and fair process? A view of recent research over thirty years ago, demonstrates that justice is the first virtue of social institutions describing the nature of transaction costs and their consequences for institutional governance. This elevates decision-making procedure, provides equity and develops acceptance of rules and decisions that...